DATE A LIVE: The Angel of Jus...

De SamWarmond

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In a world of evil, who will stand up to deliver justice and restore the balance? New chapter release every M... Mai multe

Act 1: Nameless Girl
Act 2: Spirits and the AST
Act 3: My Name is Sera Seigi
Act 4: A Lesson in Romance
Act 5: Close Re-encounter
Act 6: Third-Wheeling a Date
Act 7: Let Justice Flow
Act 7.2: Diary Entry
Act 8: Unhappy Rain
Act 9: Behind A Mask
Act 10: Legend's End
Act 11: Icy Winds of Change
Act 12: Mission: Finding Hope!
Act 13: Under One Roof
Act 14: The Spear of Truth
Act 15: Rewriting Fate
Act 16: A Deserved Day Off!
Act 17: Hot Springs of Love
Act 18: The Visitors
Act 19: Dual Coin of Morality
Act 20: No More Games
Act 21: Triple Frenzy
Act 22: Frenzied Nightmare
Act 23: Anything For You
Act 24: The Spirit of Flame (Efreet)
Act 25: Pride & Shame
Act 26: Countdown
Act 27: Breaking From The Chain
Act 28: An Irreplaceable Something
Act 29: The Angel of Justice
Act 30: Farewell, My Guardian Angel

Act 7.1: On the Other Side

293 15 4
De SamWarmond

As Fraxinus came to pick Shido and Tohka up, all Sera could hear was ringing. His vision was blurred, and he saw Origami lay in a small crater.


He slowly regained his senses and crawled next to her.

"Origami?! Are you...?"

She weakly coughed.

"Sera... I'm... Sorry..."

"Come on, I'm getting you out of here. We need to get you a doctor."

"I'm... no different..."

"Stop saying that and fight! You can't just die like this!" said Sera desperately.

He tried to lift her up, but she could barely stand.

"I'm not letting anyone die. Come on."

Before he moved a few steps with her leaning on him, the AST team came down and landed in front of him.

Captain Kusakabe pointed her pistol at him.

"Stop right there! Let her go!"

"She needs medical help! Help her dammit!" shouted Sera.

Kusakabe was surprised by his words and put her pistol down.

"This is Captain Kusakabe, send a helicopter. Injured squad member," said Kusakabe to her radio.

"Put her down! You're under arrest for obstruction of justice and sabotage."

He did as she said and put his hands up. Kusakabe put a binder on his hands and called for another helicopter.

He watched as they loaded Origami and flew off with her, presumably to a special doctor.

The other helicopter arrived, and he was escorted by Kusakabe to a police station.

He was logged and put in a interrogation room. Kusakabe herself was opposite of him.

"Sera Seigi, student at Raizen High. Your parents have been notified of your arrest."

He gulped.

"O-Oh no..."

"Trust me, you have bigger things to worry about. Now, how did you find us?"

"I... followed Origami."

"Why did you follow her?"

"Because I overheard her talking about you people planning to kill my friend."

"Your friend? The Spirit?"

"Yes. You said it yourself, didn't you? They're not evil! Only when you attack them does destruction ensue..."

"Easy for you to say as a civilian. We have a duty. Now, I assume you're linked to this Shido Itsuka as well?"

"He's got nothing to do with what I did. These "crimes" are my own doing."

"Tell me everything about the Spirit."

"Never. All I'll you she is that she's an innocent girl."

"Look what she did to Origami. The destruction she caused. She's not as innocent as she led you to believe."

"That's because...! Never mind. Is Origami okay at least?"

"None of your business. I think we're about done here."

She got up and went to leave the room but stopped at the door. She looked conflicted and looked back.

"...She's okay. As okay as she can be after that."

Sera smiled.

"Thanks. I'm glad."

Kusakabe left and Sera was placed in a temporary cell.

She visited Origami who was resting in a medical bed.

"...Origami. Hey."

"Captain Kusakabe..."

"I'm sorry. We put you in grave danger with our actions. The higher-ups saw everything."

Origami kept silent.

"Origami? What's wrong?"

"Where's Sera? Did you..."

"Sera Seigi? He's under arrest. We're deciding what to do next. Why are you--"

"Please. Let him go. In fact... Can I see him?"

Kusakabe was shocked by her words.

"Let him go?! But he--"

"He did what was right. He tried to stop me... A monster."

"Origami, listen to yourself! You were just following orders. I should have placed an objection as Captain..."

"Please, Ryouko. Please bring Sera here."

Kusakabe was unsure. Doing so would be violating protocol.

"...Fine. If that's what you want. I'll have him released and brought here. I owe this to you."

"Thank you, Captain... I'll just..."

She dozed off. Kusakabe acted fast and arranged for Sera to be released immediately. He was escorted by herself to Origami.

"Before you enter. Don't do anything rash. Don't hurt her. It's only thanks to her that you're here."

"I won't. Still, I don't understand why she did this."

"You'll find out, I suppose. Go ahead, she's waiting."

He went inside the room, where Origami was already awake. She looked at him when he came in.

"Origami!" said Sera as he came to her bed and kneeled by her.

"Huh? Why do you look happy to see me?"

"Why wouldn't I be? You're okay. You had me scared for a second."

Origami looked away.

"I don't understand... I... killed... Sh-Shido...," uttered Origami.

"No, you didn't! He's alive!"

Origami was caught off guard and looked at him.

"He's alive?! Really?..."

"Yes. It's a miracle, but he's okay. I talked to him a little but ago."

Origami had a conflicted look.

"I'm... happy to hear that. But how can I ever face him again? How can I face you again..."

"I'm here. I must thank you, for getting me out of custody. So... Thanks."

"That was the least I could do. I'm a murderer. I'm the one who should be behind bars. Maybe that Spirit was right, as much as I'd want to deny it..."

"Law is a fickle thing, Origami. Normally you'd be a murderer, but thanks to a miracle you're at most someone who attempted murder, at order too."

"I wanted to do it. I didn't hesitate."

"Yeah, what's happened. But--"

"You said it. Criminals deserve to be punished. I'm... a criminal... right? "

"Origami, it's not my intention to have you rotting behind bars. You can fix this."

"Don't take pity on me. I wouldn't take pity on you."

"Apologize. Make this right. I know you can! That look in your eyes... You're not a monster! And neither is that Spirit. You both did things you didn't want to do."

A tear formed in her eye.

"Why? Why are you doing this..."

"Because it's right. I fight for what I believe in. And you deserve to live."

"The only reason I felt guilt was because I... l-love... Shi... do..."

"I know that's not it. You're repressing your emotions. And if you love him, then make this right. Not by destroying yourself but repairing the broken bridge."

"Do you really think I can do that...? Are you telling the truth?"

"I swear on my life. This is what's right. This is ju--Argh!"

His head began hurting. He clutched it in pain.

"Sera? What's happening?"

He blacked out and fell on her. She didn't know what to do, so she simply pet his head and smiled, which relaxed her. Why? Only she knew. Maybe it was because Sera was one of the few people who ever comforted her like this.

"This isn't so bad..."


Sera had another dream as he blacked out. This time, he saw the Angel of Justice holding a dead boy's body. He closed his eyes.

"You couldn't save him, just as you could never save anyone. We will always win, " said the Demon King of Injustice.

The angel laid the boy's body down and looked at the demon king.

"Maybe... But I will die fighting for the innocent. I'll die fighting monsters like you. And you will die alone. You'll die so others can live."

He giggled.

"Hah! We'll see about that. The only one who will die is you."

He took out his sword and slashed at the angel, who looked back at the boy for one last time. Then he summoned his spear and dodged the demon's attack.

"How is your will not broken?!" yelled the demon king.

The angel had a fire of determination in his eyes.

"Because my will is the will of the people! And their will is to see you banished!"


"For their hope--The hopes of those who have fallen, I'll strike you down in the name of Justice!"

The demon king yelled out on fury and disbelief and charged at the angel.

Being in a state of perfect focus, the angel waited until the perfect moment and slashed at the demon king, landing a glaze on his cheek. He cried out in pain.

"...A fraction of what you've inflicted."

"Imbecile! All this time, I've been conserving my power, but you just can't drop and die!"

He reached out towards the sky, as a second sword dropped. He picked it up and became enveloped in a fiery aura. The angel charged at the demon king, exchanging a few meaningless blows, until the demon locked his spear with his swords.

"Justice... always... crumbles!"

He grabbed the spear and threw it far away. Then, he grabbed the angel by his neck.

"I'll savour your death for eternity!"

He flew up with the angel into the skies and threw him into the air to be left at the mercy of wind. The world faded. Next thing he saw was a spear in a familiar plain. It was the spear that the demon threw after taking it from the angel. A crimson figure stood next to it.

She slowly turned around, but her being was undiscernible. She giggled maniacally and looked dead eyed at Sera.

"Hu-hu... Your time is over stranger before it even began. You will not interfere in my vision! Hahahaha!"

She aimed a flintlock at him and shot, just as Sera regained consciousness. He shot up from Origami's chest.


"A-Ah!!" screamed Sera.

"Sorry. Did I do something?" asked Origami with a hint of worry.

Sera looked around himself, relieved to see Origami.

"Am I okay? Phew..."

"What happened? You look spooked."

"I am! I just had a strange dream..."

"I have a lot of those, except they're nightmarish."

Sera realised the plain in his dream was one not too far, it was just outside Tengu City. He knew it was crazy, but decided to go there, just in case it held a meaning.

"I'll go do something, Origami. Are you okay with me leaving?"

She smiled.

"Of course. Thanks for coming here, it means a lot to me. And..."


Origami looked conflicted.

"N-Never mind. I'll... see you tomorrow."

"All right. Goodbye, Origami," said Sera. He left the room.

Kusakabe was waiting outside.

"Hey! You didn't do anything to her, right?"

"O-Of course not! Jeez, what do I look like..."

She relaxed her expression and stopped Sera.

"I know what we did was illogical from your point of view, but you have to understand how the people in charge think. They can't allow something so powerful and destructive to just roam around and live. Think of the South Kanto Sky Disaster five years ago. When Origami... lost her parents."

He thought for a bit and smiled.

"Maybe you can, starting today. Or at the very least... try shooting after talking? You've got the warning systems now, isn't it worth it at least trying?"

"You don't... Almost every human would hate them if they learnt of their existence and what they've done!" replied Kusakabe, fuming.

"I know. But holding on to hate is never going to get us past this. Look at Origami and try to view the Spirits in a more positive light. She didn't cause a spacequake today, did she? And all because her first sight wasn't people threatening her life. Goodbye, Captain."

Sera walked out the building while leaving Kusakabe speechless. After all, she herself thought it absurd to open fire on a peaceful being, holding hands with a boy. She went inside to visit Origami.

Meanwhile, Sera travelled outside Tengu City onto the plain. The sky was cloudy, and the wind was blowing. He walked out and saw someone beside the spear from the dream. He couldn't believe his eyes, was it all real? He took a step closer.

"Stop. Turn. Back." said the figure in a twisted distorted voice. Y/n's head started aching again, but he moved forth.

"You can't save anyone. You only hurt those around you," said a girl's voice. Was he hearing voices inside his head?

"Injustice rules humankind. Don't you see? They would shoot defenceless children without hesitation. Is this who you support and shower with your affection and loving words?"

He almost reached the spear.

"This is not your weapon. Not your fight. Turn back and never return."


"I said... turn BACK!!" screeched the figure.

Sera held onto his head but reached out for the spear.

"Is this what justice is? Doing what you consider just?"

He took the spear in his hand and the figure disappeared, alongside the voices. He looked at the spear.

"No. Justice is fighting for those who can't fight for themselves. Murder is never right. Hurting others is never right. Justice is what got humanity this far. Justice is what's right. And--"

He snapped out of his trance.

"H-Huh?! What the... What just happened? I-I actually took the..."

The spear dissipated into light, as it absorbed itself into Sera's skin.

"E-Eh?! What's happening?"

He frantically twitched, before his skin went back to normal. He stood there in confusion and shock.

"What just happened?! A-Am I going crazy? I-I have to go home..."

He ran back and took a bus back to his neighbourhood. When he reached home, his parents were already waiting for him. They ran up to him and embraced him.

"Oh, Sera... You're here!"

"We thought you weren't going to come back! Oh, don't scare us like that again..."

He realised what they were talking about. He embraced them too.

"I'm sorry, mom and dad. I shouldn't have done what I've done, but now it's all over."

"Done what, son?"

"U-Um... Nothing."

He still didn't want to involve them in anything to do with the Spirits, but he wondered what Kusakabe told his parents. They didn't insist on an answer, as they were just happy to see their son again. Then, they all went inside and had dinner. His parents made him promise not to do something like that again, which he told himself and them that he'd try his best in avoiding so.

As night crept on horizon, Sera looked at his arm.

"Justice... What does it all mean? Who are those two figures I keep seeing? And who was that girl in crimson red? Was everything really just a dream?" wondered Sera.

He decided to leave it for another day and went to sleep. This time, he slept like an angel. He would have to go back to school tomorrow, and he'd see Shido again. And maybe, he would bear witness to not just one apology. No one was untainted by their decisions made until now, but Sera was determined to make everything right.

And with his determination and sense of justice, maybe he had a chance in succeeding. Was Tohka the only Spirit he'd meet? When Sera wakes up, another day will come.

To be continued...

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