[Best friends]

Oleh Hal_21_

11K 409 16

Lisa and Jennie have been best friends since forever. They went through it all together and doesn't matter wh... Lebih Banyak



421 21 3
Oleh Hal_21_

Jennie was home alone getting ready for school.

Normally, Jisoo should be with her, waiting for her and helping her preparing for school,at that hour in the morning, like every morning, but this morning Jisoo had not yet showen up.

Jennie was kind of weirded out by it, but in the end she didn't pay it much attention.

She hadn't slept much the night before. Kai, the boy who had invited her out the day before, had surely tired her.

He took her to a park, slightly far from Seoul, and they walked for a long, long, long time, until it began to get dark, so Kai invited her for dinner. She accepted, and when they finished eating, then they restarted walking again again and again.

Jennie thinks that Kai must have strong legs.

They walked and walked until they reached Jennie's house around eleven in the evening.
Jennie sent off Kai with a kiss on the cheek and soon after, she threw herself into bed.

She didn't mind Kai, he was sporty, sweet and looked like a cool guy.

Sure, he wasn't really funny and he seemed to miss  few neurons at times, but Jennie could work with that.

She was feeling a little bit bad for dumping the three girls at last second, but Lisa didn't care and Jisoo and Chae seemed to be fine with it so...

She was fixing her hair when she heard the doorbell.

'Here they are...'

Jennie went down the stairs and then immediately opened the door, but the sight that greeted her after dazed her.


"Please! Hahahah!... This is so funny!"


The three girls were bursting with laughter while looking at their phones.

Jisoo was literally crying, Rosé was not breathing and Lisa had a HUGE smile on her face, one of those smile that you see on her every six years.

'What the hell?...'

"Hey?... Did I miss something?"

Jennie uncomfortably shifted on her place as she looked at the three historical figures.

The girls, who apparently hadn't even realized she was there, looked at her, or at least tried as one of them was literally about to roll in laughter.

"Hahaha! You have no idea!"

"OH! OH! She sent another one!"

Rosé yelled, shoving the girls who hurriedly looked at her phone to then then burst out laughing soon after, like three problematic madwomen.

"Confused" doesn't rightly describe Jennie's mood right now.

She was more than confused, what the hell was going on?
She had never seen them laugh so much, especially Chaeyoung, who laughed often, but never so hysterically.

She was red in the face, with tears in her eyes, and she was holding herself to the wall for support to keep from falling.

The girl was barely breathing, she was fighting for her life.

But then laughing Jisoo accidentally dropped her phone and Jennie got alarmed.

"Hey! Careful! What the-?... So what the hell is happening to you-"

Jennie picked up the phone but froze when she saw the screen.

It was a group chat.

And the last message was a photo of a dark-haired girl, posing, wearing harsh pink glasses, a glow-in-the-dark green wig, a fake Hitler mustache, and a purple pua necktie.

written below the message there was the text:
I also found these, but I have the doubt if the green wig or the yellow one, what do y'all think?

'What in the world?...'

Jennie didn't understand.

Who was that girl?
She never saw her before...
And what kind of photo was she sending?

She looked at the three girls in front of her, and finally saw them recover.

They were out of breath and all red, as if they just raced in a race.

"Care to explain?"

She said, handing the phone back to Jisoo, showing the chat.

She looked annoyed, no,

she was annoyed.

The most important people in her life were laughing like they never had before, like they never had with her, over texts from a new friend of theirs that she knew absolutely nothing about?

"Oh! Sorry! It's nothing"

Jisoo answered taking the phone again between a few giggles.

"Well, what I've just seen doesn't seem like NOTHING to me."

The brunette retorts, putting her hand on her hip, scrutinizing the three girls from head to toe, especially Lalisa, who had already understood, that new problems would soon come.

"It's just Seulgi"

Lisa answered this time, still giggling too

Jennie death glared at her.


She asked once again, her face that didn't look very happy, as an explanation was needed.

"Yup! Seulgi! She's the funniest girl in this universe!"

Chae answers very excited.

"She's a friend of Lisa, yesterday after you left she came, and we went out together! It was wonderful!"

Jisoo continued happily, as if exposing her new treasure.

Upon hearing her answer Jennie felt her blood boil.

She turned to Lisa who was watching Chae chuckle at the stupid messages from Seulgi with a smile on her face.

'A friend of Lisa?...'

"I didn't know you had other friends..."

She said while looking at her, her tone implying that she was not happy about it.

"Oh... Well ... She's a biology and math partner of mine, and ... Sometimes we would meet at the Arcade together and-"

"Since when?"

"Since the beginning of this year..."

"And I only get to know now it now!?"

Jennie yelled angrily.

Confused and frightened Lisa took a step back.

'What the hell? '

She thought as she looked at the angry brunette.

"Hey, Jennie calm down, it's nothing, Even if Lisa didn't tell you before it doesn't matter, it's not that big of a deal"

Jisoo intervened feeling that things were going towards the wrong way.

"It "doesn't  matter"!? She meets a new girl I don't even know, they go out together and I don't know anything about it!?"

Jennie shouted even louder, her patience lost somewhere on the street.

"Hey! She's not your girlfriend! You don't have to be aware of everything she does in her life! Leave her alone! She has done nothing wrong!"

Rosé intervened this time, protecting her friend who watched the scene in shock.

Jennie suddenly froze

'She's not your girlfriend! '

Those were the words that echoed non-stop in her head.

She slowly turned her head towards Lalisa, who was looking at her dazed and confused by her behavior.

Looking at her like she was a different person.

'She's right ... She's not my girlfriend ... It's none of my business.'

"Sorry Lisa I.... I don't know what's gotten into me, it's just that.... Sorry I really didn't want to shout at you, and Jisoo too, sorry girls..."

Jennie sincerely apologized, as she stared at the floor, unable to support the confused stare of Lisa and Chaeyoung, and the judgmental gaze of the older one.

"Hey... It's okay..."

Lisa approached her first, wrapping Jennie in her arms, reassuring her that everything is ok.
Jennie immediately returned the squeeze, hugging her tightly, as if scared she could escape from her anytime.

After that she felt another arm on her shoulder, she turned her head slightlyz not wanting to detach herself from her Lisa, and saw Rosé, who was looking at her with a comforting smile.

She hugged her too, and the three hugged together in a peaceful armony.

Jennie saw from Lisa's shoulder Jisoo, who was looking at her with a grimace.
She was scrutinizing her silently, as if trying to understand something.

Jennie's brow furrowed slightly.

'Is she mad because I yelled at her?...'

Jennie thought worried.

Jisoo was the only one older than her in the group, and sometimes, even though she's a complete crackhead, she acts like a real mother, not only towards Lisa and Chae, but towards Jennie as well.

Jisoo felt the responsibility of taking care of the other three, because she's the oldest.

Jennie was so scared that she really pissed her off, it was the last thing she wanted right now.

But Jisoo's silence was quickly broken when she finally spoke.

"It's ok ... Don't worry. You apologized already..."

She gave her a slight smile, trying to reassure her.
And in some way it worked, Jennie realized that Jisoo wasn't angry, but something was still off.

But in the end Jennie let it go and instead focused on the hug that broke away shortly after.

The two younger girls looked at her sympathetically before walking silently to the elevator. Jennie and Jisoo followed them shortly after Jennie picked up her backpack and all four of them entered the moving box.

There was no noise in the elevator.

Only a strange  awkward tension.

Jennie was worried about Lisa, scared that the blonde hadn't completely forgiven her.

Lisa was nervous, like Chae, and tried to avoid Jennie's gaze as she was staring at her.

And Jisoo who was staring at the elevator door in silence, thinking deeply.

To what, no one knows, but it seemed worrying.

She looked worried.

The elevator finally opened, and the four got off, walking towards the school.

Jisoo and Chaeyong walked a little forward while Lisa and Jennie were a little further back.

"Hey... I'm sorry, I really shouldn't have treated you that way"

Jennie broke the silence in a soft whisper, audible only to the girl next to her.

"I told you already... You don't have to apologize anymore, it's okay"

The blonde tried to soothe her, reaching for her hand, and intertwining it with her own.

Thing that Jennie always loved.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes... It's ok... And indeed... Sorry if I didn't tell you about Seulgi before..."

"No, I was wrong, I shouldn't have gotten angry, it's true you don't have to tell me everything you do and all the people you know, those are none of my business"

She said the last part even more softly, in an almost inaudible whisper.

But Lisa heard it perfectly.

"No... you have every right to know, I know how much you care."

Lisa replied, seeking her gaze.

Jennie finally looked into her eyes.

"For real?"

"For real."

Lisa gave her a sweet smile.

The type of smile that Jennie needed to start her day the right way.

That smile, however, reminded Jennie  of the way Lisa had been cracking with laughter earlier, reading the other girl's  texts.

Jennie felt something, like a pain in her chest, but she couldn't decipher what  was that feeling, so she ignored it.

"Before... You seemed really amused by her messages... I bet she's really funny ..."

Jennie told her, looking away and staring at the void once again.

"Yes, she's really a lot of fun, i like her..."

Jennie felt that knot again, stronger this time, and she also felt some tears threatening to come out.

She was about to let go of Lisa's hand when the blonde squeezed it tighter and moved closer to her.

"But I like you more."



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