Perfect For You

By luckychanmd

81 6 5

NJ Mabini, drummer of Catholic worship band Manalig, can't stand their newest member, violinist Van Esquivel... More

Rock Band
La Vie En Rose
Can't Help Falling


9 1 2
By luckychanmd

NJ put her tray down, which was full of all the different flavors of takoyaki from Luv U Sizz-and of course, pugoyaki. She started eating them all, one after the other, barely pausing to chew.

"You want some?" she said, offering a plate to Van.

He shook his head. "No, thank you," he said.

"What? Afraid to get your new suit stained?" she said with a smirk. He was finally not wearing a turtleneck shirt. He had on a white suit with a midnight blue coat over it, and a matching tie and dress pants. In the heat of May, and in the Saturday evening crowd of NomCom, she was sure he should be baking in it, but there wasn't even any trace of sweat on his skin. She herself dressed a little bit formally than usual, with black slacks and a dark blue sparkly sleeveless top. It was the only thing she had that matched his color, and also would allow her to move freely during their performance.

"Beautiful," he had whispered, the first time he saw her when they met outside his house. She couldn't tell if he meant it, but he was smiling when he said it.

"I never could eat before a performance," he said now. "Because I feel nervous."

He said it so impassively, without any trace of emotion, as always. But there was a small quake in his voice as he spoke, and he kept folding and unfolding his handkerchief.

She reached across the table to pat his hand. "I'm really nervous too," she said. "But it'll be okay."

Beneath her palm, his hand stilled. "It'll be okay," he repeated, almost to himself.

She didn't know why, but she kept her hand over his, for a moment longer. His hand moved, and he took her hand into his palm. He squeezed it, like drawing strength from their contact.

Over at the performance area, Ms. Jenna and her students were setting up the stage. Beside the stage was the thing she and Van had set up an hour earlier, which was now covered with a black cloth she had borrowed from the parish. Mrs. Cruz was seated in a table near the stage. NJ caught her old teacher's eye, who beamed back at her. Mads, Lisa, Galli and Lio were crowding around another table farther back, cheering for them.

At exactly 6 PM, the show started. Ms. Jenna started with an introduction on her summer class and her students, and the recital started with Ms. Jenna's youngest student, a three year old girl and her older sister, who was ten.

Finally, it was their turn. NJ started with her solo first, which thankfully she got through without any major mistakes. Van played his solo next, and when he was playing NJ could swear she saw customers in the NomCom actually stop and stare. During his set, the nearby stalls-Wraps and Roll and Charlie's Turon-suddenly had a lot of customers. She grinned at that. He would be happy to know that he had helped a lot small businesses that day.

When he finished, he stepped up to the microphone. "Good evening, everyone," he said. "I hope you enjoyed our solos. Up next, we will be playing a duet.'s not going to be a violin duet."

There were murmurs among the audience, and Ms. Jenna looked puzzled. NJ only looked at Mrs. Cruz, though, anxious about her reaction, but the old woman's expression still had not changed. She was still smiling placidly, as always.

NJ brought out a case from her bag. She walked over to the covered object they had set up beside the performance area, and pulled away the cloth covering it.

Underneath the cloth was her drum set, the one she used for their performances. She took out her drum sticks, and sat down on the stool behind it.

"It's going to be something different," he said to their audience. "But I hope you all like it." He placed his violin on his chin again.

"Ready, Nar-NJ?"

She nodded. She took a deep breath. She let it out in one big exhale, and started the beat.

When Van talked about the one thing he thought she was meant to keep doing, only one thing came to her mind. She didn't want to say it out loud for many years, because really, it wasn't something that she had studied hard for. She had stumbled into it by accident, because of a video game, of all things, but it was the answer all along.

As she picked up the pace with each beat of the drum, she felt her fears fall away. There was nothing like the feeling of being behind the drums, finding her own rhythm. It was liberating.

She felt like herself, finally, each time.

When he joined in, with his violin rendition of "Perfect", one of their songs in Manalig, she felt like he belonged here in this space, with her.

I will always fall

I will always fail

I will never be


But You

And Your love for me

Will always be


Her beat and his melody were part of the same thing, in complete harmony. She knew she made mistakes, slipped once or twice, but she didn't mind. It was something she loved to keep doing, even if she stumbled, even if she failed.

She looked up from the drums, and smiled at him. And it mattered a lot, too, that there was someone who understood, who was there with her. He always picked up on her pace, and adjusted his own rhythm. It was far better than any violin duet they could have done, because finally, they were both doing what they both loved; different things, yes, but together, it still made sense.

When they finished their song, the audience erupted into applause. NJ realized that it wasn't just the recital audience who was clapping, but several other patrons in NomCom, as well as some of the stall owners. Their band mates joined in the cheering as well, with Mads and Lisa whooping. NJ's eyes roved towards one person, whose opinion mattered to her the most.

Mrs. Cruz had stood up, supported by Ms. Jenna. She was also clapping enthusiastically. But to NJ's surprise, there was a tear rolling down her cheek.

NJ got up from her stool and walked over to Mrs. Cruz.

"I'm sorry it wasn't what you were expecting," NJ said. "And..." She twisted her hands, which were still holding her drumsticks. "I wasn't exactly honest with you, Mrs. Cruz. The truth is, I'm not really playing the violin anymore."

"I know," Mrs. Cruz said. She added as NJ flinched, "But don't get me wrong, Narcisa, you still play the violin well, just as you had all those years ago. But you didn't have the same light in your eyes as when you were playing the drums earlier. It was so moving to watch." Another tear rolled down her cheek.

"So you're not disappointed?" NJ asked incredulously. "That I'm no longer playing the violin?"

"Of course not, dear," Mrs. Cruz said. She wiped away her tears. "How could I be, when I see this much joy in you when you make music?" She pulled NJ in for a hug. "This is all I ever wanted for my students," she said when she drew away. "I didn't just want to see you still the playing the violin, even though that was what I taught you. I really just wanted to see you continue to make music, and more importantly, that you still find joy in it. And seeing this for you, I feel that I have done my job as your teacher."

"You have, Mrs. Cruz," NJ said. She squeezed the woman's hand. "You taught me what it was really all about. I just needed to be reminded of it." She looked back at Van, who was currently surrounded by Ms. Jenna's students.

Mrs. Cruz nodded, following her gaze. "He seems like a fine young man," the old woman said, grinning, wrinkles all over her face. "I like him." She laughed. "But I'm just your old violin teacher, Narcisa. You need not listen to me."

"Oh, it's okay, Mrs. Cruz," NJ said. "I think I like him too."

She walked over to Van. Ms. Jenna's students were asking him several questions, all talking at the same time. She almost laughed at the slightly bewildered expression on his face. She tapped him on the arm when she reached him. Van turned around to look at her. His face lit up, that full smile on his face again. It no longer surprised her, but every time, it still filled her chest with warmth.

She steered him out of the crowd. "Hey, partner. We did it."

"Yes we did," Van said. "Not that I ever doubted we would."

He moved towards her. She met his gaze, taking in the intensity of his expression, the determined set of his mouth, the curve of his lips. The noise of the crowd seemed to fall away. His right hand reached out, cupping her cheek. "NJ," he whispered, leaning forward, "may I-"

A pair of arms encircled the two of them, and they were enveloped into Mads' bear hug. "That was wonderful, you guys!" she squealed. Their band mates and Ms. Jenna's students surrounded them again, and what followed was a flurry of congratulations and questions from everyone.

Mads bought craft beers for all of them to celebrate, but everyone else had plans for the next day, so their friends didn't stay long. Lio did look like he wanted to stay for more drinks, but Galli, Mads and Lisa hauled him out of their table, reminding him about playing for tomorrow's mass.

NJ and Van were eventually left alone at their table.

"Should we start heading home, as well?" Van asked when everyone else had gone.

"I guess," NJ said. "But...I kinda don't want to go yet."

"Neither do I, actually," he said. "Let's stay for a little while."

"But not here, maybe," NJ said. "That girl is glaring at us." She tilted her head towards a young woman waiting a few feet from the table, holding a tray in her hands. She could certainly commiserate. She stood up. "Let's go."

"Where do you want to go?"

NJ grinned. "Oh, you probably know where."

They went up to the second floor, and NJ walked straight toward the door of Dr. Do's Gin Parlor at the end of the hallway. They were eventually ushered into the speakeasy.

This time, there were plenty of empty stools in front of the counter. But they both headed over to the corner table.

"I just wanted to say," NJ said, "thank you. Thank you for your suggestion. Our performance was a success because of it."

He shook his head. "It was all you. The performance was a success because of you, Narcisa."

She raised her eyebrow at him.

He looked at her, bewildered, then realization dawned. "NJ. Sorry. This takes some getting used to, but I will get the hang of it."

"It's okay," NJ said. She feigned a frown. "Although I think I'll only forgive you for that if you continue what you wanted to do earlier."

The corner of his lips turned up again in slight smirk. "What do you mean?"

She leaned forward, until her face was only inches from his.

"You know what I mean," she said. "Kiss me, Giovanni Esquivel."

He looked, still with that faint smile on his face, and he closed the gap between their lips.

He kissed her the same way he played the violin; like he knew exactly what to do, every movement deliberate. He cupped his right hand over her left cheek, his fingers tracing slow circles on her skin.

Then he suddenly let go. Her eyes flew open. He only looked at her and nodded, once. She stared at him, then after another beat, finally understood.

She reached for him this time, and pulled him into another kiss. This time she set the pace, their lips moving according to her own rhythm, her own beat. He was just happy to let her set the pace.

When she broke away, she grinned at him. His lips were even redder than usual, smeared now with her lipstick.

"I hope you forgive me now?" he asked. He licked his lips with a grin.

"I guess," she said with a shrug. "Those kisses were okay."

"Just okay?" he asked.

"Hmm, yeah."

"I see," he said, his tone deadpan and his expression once again impassive. "Why don't we keep at it, then? Until I get it right. Until it's..." A small smile broke through his expression, "Perfect."

She burst out laughing at that. "I wouldn't expect less of you, Van."

She pulled him in for another kiss. This was one of those things, too. They could fail at this, who knows-but as he did say, there were things that were worth doing, even so.

This was already everything she wanted.

It was perfect.


Note: The stall Wraps & Roll is featured in "Until You" by Ana Tejano. Read that story here:

Thank you so much for reading! Hope you enjoyed NJ and Van's story. I'll eventually be going back to the other members of Manalig, and am currently working on Lio's story for an upcoming anthology of Catholic romance stories. So do watch out for that!

If you want to read more stories by Romance Class, you can find them here:

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