Dan and Tommy's Story Volume...

By AidenJivin

351 14 4

MATURE CONTENT This book is intended for 18 and older The boys' relationship is growing closer as their summe... More

Club Aut
Coming Out: Dan
Coming Out - Tommy


52 2 0
By AidenJivin


Dan barely slept the few hours he laid under the man that consumed his heart because Tommy overtook his thoughts all night. He reminisced on some of their many childhood capers. There were so many great adventures they had shared, so many memories.

On Tommy's first day in third grade, the new kid in school was so timid. Mr. Hinkle made him introduce himself in front of the whole class. "I, I'm Tommy" he stuttered. Some of the kids snickered at the new kid. Dan befriended him immediately.

Dan smirked at the memory before craning his neck up and planting a soft kiss on the top of a shaggy tangle of brown hair on the top of Tommy's head. This man sleeping on his chest had been his whole world since that day.

Best friends, partners in crime; ding dong ditch at fourteen when they were supposed to be securely sleeping in a tent in Dan's side yard. A little laugh, suppressed in his chest made Tommy's head raise and lower as Dan pictured old man Harold chasing them off the porch and through his yard. They loved tormenting that old man. They were always pulling some kind of shenanigans.

How could he not love Tommy? They were inseparable for as far back as he could remember. He was there for Dan when he was dumped by his first girlfriend, Janet. Guilt started to settle in. How did being there while he broke down over her affect Tommy? Tommy never had a girlfriend that he could remember. Did he know then, or have a clue where they would end up? He second-guessed several events from their past.

Dan meant everything he told Tommy the night before. He loved Tommy so deeply. He thought about the first night at Camp Lady of the Lake, Tommy's wet dream and his reaction the next morning, the teasing, and what happened later.

Tommy was so uncomfortable and all I did was make it harder for him. Dan was embarrassed by his inner dialogue. But Tommy trusted him so completely anyway! He thought, remembering how turned on he was picking on his friend and that Tommy noticed him playing with himself under the water.

The vulnerability Tommy showed when he confessed the subject of that dream didn't seem much at the time but in hindsight, it meant everything to Dan. Tommy's vulnerability and his confidence in his best friend had given Dan the greatest gift.

"You're so amazing baby." Dan softly whispered, lightly brushing his hand across Tommy's back. "I love you!"

Looking at the clock on the nightstand beside their bed, Dan started devising a plan. He slowly wiggled himself out from underneath the man that had caused his sleeplessness and threw on his clothes from last night.

The aroma of coffee aroused Tommy's senses and brought his mind slowly back to consciousness. His brain woke before he ever tried to open his eyes, he chose to lay there soaked in the ambiance of Dan's heartfelt admissions. Tommy didn't know if he had ever felt so happy. But the coffee tempted the morning to happen and he eventually gave in.

Tommy blinked the sleep out of his blurry eyes to see Dan sitting at the desk watching him sleep with a tray of bagels and donuts as well as two cups of coffee. This man! he thought to himself. "Mornin Dan." Where Tommy's first gravely words of the morning.

"Hey baby," Dan replied, "did ya sleep good?" standing up and closing the short distance to the bed.

"Mmmhmm, like a baby!" He confessed smiling. "How about you?"

Dan sat on the edge of the bed and laid his hand on Tommy's stomach, moving it in small circles. "Awesome! Me, not so good." The memories were still all swirling in his mind. "I thought about you all night." Dan finished.

Dan scooted in and laid next to Tommy, pulling him in close. "I brought you coffee and the best continental breakfast free could get." Dan leaned in and dropped a kiss on Tommy's forehead. "Are ya ready for a bagel?"

"Fuck the bagel, I want a donut!" Tommy laughed acting like a three-year-old brat with a sailor's tongue.

Smirking at Tommy's choice, Dan reached over and fetched his lover's donut taking a big bite before surrendering it to Tommy. He kissed Tommy's forehead again, leaving traces of red sticky sugar on his skin before announcing that he had to go.

Tommy pushed out his bottom lip in a raspberry-stained pout as Dan collected the things he needed for his college campus tour. "I'm gonna be here all alone." Tommy whined. "Think of the trouble I could get into?"

"Behave yourself baby." Dan barked faking a stern glare back at Tommy. "I'll be back A.S.A.P".  Before closing the door, he looked back at his beautiful boy still laying in the bed and smiled. "I love you!"

Tommy finished his donut, dreading the boredom he already felt coming on. There were six hours of void to fill in an empty hotel room before he'd get to be with his man again. Sleep was the best answer he could come up with for what to do at the moment.


Locking the car, Dan shut the door and walked towards the building with a sign that read "ADMISSIONS".  At the first window he saw after walking in, Dan told the lady on the other side of the plexiglass barrier that he was there to see Simone. That's a sexy name! he thought to himself as he said it. Simone. He was instructed to have a seat and Simone would be with him shortly.

After waiting several minutes, a tall, thin, olive-skinned girl appeared from around the corner. She seemed to float down the hall with a smooth almost catwalk-type strut. When she saw Dan, she flashed a smile that set her face aglow.

Dan stood as she neared him, her hand extended out in greeting, "I'm Simone, your student ambassador," she stated with an air of confidence "You must be Dan?" She handed him a brightly designed folder filled with flyers and other information.

"Ah, yeah." Dan stuttered, taking her soft hand in his. "That's me!"

Picking up on his nervousness, Simone flashed her pretty smile again and asked, "Shall we?" before she turned.

Dan followed her lead, catching up and walking side by side with her as she told him about herself, her attempt at modeling, and her current path in the nursing program before she got into anything about the college campus or student life on campus. She walked Dan through what she deemed the important parts of the facilities before they took a break for lunch in the cafeteria.

During lunch, small talk was a little awkward. It was pretty obvious that like Dan himself, Simone had a very A-type personality. She was upfront and very outgoing. She talked about the parties she attended, and all the social engagements around in the community. At times Dan thought she might be covertly flirting with him.

Once she had exhausted the topics she felt were important to talk about, she inquired about Dan, his hobbies, and goals. Dan obliged her with where he was from and his extracurricular activities that a college would be interested in. He told her he was there for the sports medicine program and that he wanted to be an athletic trainer. When he finally worked up the courage to tell the stranger that he had a partner, her smile returned, offering a glimmer of comfort to Dan.

"I think that's the first time I've admitted that to someone." Dan stated in his own disbelief. "I've never told anyone before." His heartbeat seemed to be on wide open throttle.

"Really?" Simone asked leaning forward against the table, her hands out in front of her. "So, you're gay?
And you just came out to me?" She seemed over-enthusiastic to Dan.

The pride he originally felt seemed to be overtaken with anxiety. "I dunno, ya know? I never really considered labels. I think I mostly compartmentalize my feelings for him out of self-preservation." Dan admitted thinking about the things he confessed to Tommy, that he wanted to give.

"Why?" The girl asked, trying to pry deeper.

"Scared I guess." Dan responded. "But I'm working on fixing that and I guess you just became my first attempt."

"That's cool. We have a rather large LBTQ+ community here at U of M. I think you'll do great!" Simone offered still grinning ear to ear.

They talked a little while longer while they finished lunch, then Simone completed her tour through the library, and book store and ended in the financial aid building before returning Dan to admissions where she found him.

"Let me see that?" She asked reaching for the folder she had given him in the beginning. She quickly scribbled her name and number on the cover. "If you have any questions, or need anything don't hesitate to call me. I'll meet you back here when classes begin and help you get around."

Dan thanked her for the tour and all of the information she had given him and shook her hand one more time before he left the building and headed back to his boyfriend. There was a little more bounce in his step as he left.


Tommy didn't retract his pouty raspberry-stained lip for several seconds after Dan closed the door. Finishing his donut, he attempted to settle back into the comfort of the hotel bed and pulled the covers over his head. Between the sugar that was already absorbing into his blood and already missing Dan, trying to sleep had proved futile.

After tossing around for a while, he decided TV was the next best option to fill his time. Remote in hand, he flipped past The Price Is Right, one of those TV court shows, and several morning news programs before settling on some Lifetime movie that didn't hold his interest long.

Tommy decided that he had to get out of that little room so he threw on some clothes and walked around the hotel. On the bottom floor, he found the weight room which consisted of an off-brand cable weights machine, an exercise bike, and an elliptical machine. Down the hall, to the left, he found the indoor pool with a small hot tub in the front corner of the room. Making a mental note of each of those, he passed a small room lined with vending machines and the reservations desk before venturing outside.

He walked down the sidewalk a very short distance before he talked himself into being too scared to be out there alone and turned back. The ice cream shop across the street where they had met Rowan was closed so he trekked back to his little cage as he called the hotel room he wished he was currently with Dan in.

By noon, he had exhausted himself of ideas to pass the time so he reached for his laptop and started searching for random things after it took its time booting up. The clock on the taskbar let him know that he still had over two hours of nothing before Dan returned.

He found himself searching Ann Arbor attractions and found an arcade and a sports complex he thought Dan would like. On one of the searches, an ad for local apartments showed up and he found himself delving into a barrage of listings and daydreams.

He perused through dozens of listings looking at hundreds of pictures and discovered that college town apartments were more expensive than they were in little ol' Monroe.

Numbers ran through his head. Nine hundred for an apartment, one fifty for power, a hundred for cable, four hundred for food, most were guesses, but he tabulated what he thought it would cost for him and Dan to get their own place together. As the number got higher and higher, he knew he would need a pretty good-paying job with Dan being a full-time student.

That led his search prowess towards local news paper classifieds and help wanted websites. Tommy discovered that most jobs paid about the same twelve or thirteen dollars an hour. He found a listing labeled ENTRY LEVEL FIFTEEN DOLLARS TO START.

He read through the ad for a full-time assembler, temp to perm, and benefits after being hired. The job description sounded easy enough and the big yellow APPLY HERE button teased and taunted him until he found himself struggling to fill out his first job application.

By the time Dan got back to their shared room, Tommy had worked himself into a frenzy with a scribbled list of what it would cost for them to live in Ann Arbor on a hotel-provided pad of paper, two company names that Tommy had applied to and giddy excitement that nearly exploded when he opened the door.

When Tommy heard the card swipe the lock and the door start to open, he leaped off of the bed, knocking the pad of paper and hotel logo pen to the floor. He raced to the door before Dan was able to fully open it and was ready to wrap himself around his man. "Oh my god I missed you!" He squealed and he squeezed Dan. "How was it?"

"Actually, it was a lot better than I expected." Dan finally got out after Tommy stopped kissing him. "My student ambassador was really cool, the school is so ...fucking... big... my god!" Opening his eyes wide as he drug out the last part of his sentence. "How was your day baby?"

Waving his hands up and down as he spoke, "It was sooo boring!" He told Dan about his struggle getting back to sleep and his walk trying not to lead with his grand plan. When all the details of his morning were over, he told Dan of his idea. "So, I didn't really get into any trouble." He explained proudly.

"Good, I'd hate to have to spank ya!" Dan joked.

"Well, maybe I didn't. I was so bored, I finally got my computer out and was just searching things on the internet." He was taking fast, the excitement completely obvious.

Dan found the paper and pen on the floor next to the bed and bent to pick them up. Tommy grabbed it out of his hand. "Not yet!"

"Tommy? What's up?"

"So, I ended up searching... I want to move up here with you!" Tommy couldn't hold it in anymore. "We should get an apartment. Look!" And he showed Dan his calculations and spewed all of the stuff he had found out as well as the two jobs he had applied for.

"And you said you were" mimicking Tommy's flailing arms, "sooo bored?" Dan said trying to add more drama."Baby this is amazing. I had no idea!"

"I can't stand thinking about you being up here all week and only getting you on the weekends. I think we can do this if I get one of these jobs, or something else. What do you think?" Tommy's pouty lip was back but there was no hiding the enthusiasm in his eyes.

"I love it! I don't know how to do it, but I love it. We'd need a bed and furniture, and..." running out of items to list, "everything. We'd need everything." Dan thought out loud.

"We'll figure it out. I know this is last minute, but we'll figure it out." Tommy hugged Dan, "You really love it? Can we do this?" His body trembled with excitement.

"Yeah, we'll figure it out!" Dan barely got his words out before Tommy's lips were smashed into his making what little breathing he was able to get past the bear hug nearly non-existent.

Their kiss transitioned from that of excitement to more and more passionate as Dan's headspace shifted from school and moving to Aut the night before and his confessions to Tommy after. His arms loosened from around Tommy's back to moving up his back and to his neck and then face.

Dan gently forced Tommy to release the lock on Dan's lips. Looking directly into Tommy's eyes, Dan whispered "I fucking love you baby!" before moving in for a less frantic embrace.

Their lips pressed together again with open mouths allowing each of their tongues to dance across the others. Tommy's hands moved down to remove Dan's shirt and pulled it up over his head before locking back into their kiss.

His hands explored Dan's chest and stomach while Dan kneaded Tommy's ass through his jeans before pulling their bodies tight together. Tommy strained against his man's strong arms to gain access to the growing bulge he felt pushing against his own.

Dan resisted for a short time before loosening his grip to allow Tommy to unbuckle his belt, open the front of his pants and search for his hardness.

Dan's hard cock was warm in Tommy's hand when he gripped his fingers around it and freed it from the cloth cage that confined it. He stroked slow with his right hand, trying to slide Dan's pants down with his left.

Anxious to be naked for Tommy, Dan assisted his lover in disrobing himself. Tommy used his free hand to palm Dan's testicles and gently rolled them in his hand while his other continued to adore the hard flesh in it.

Dan moaned before he pushed Tommy down to his knees, breaking the contact Tommy had with him. Taking the hint, Tommy looked up into Dan's hungry eyes as he descended downward to face Dan's tool.

Tommy started at Dan's base and licked upward to his head still looking into Dan's brown eyes. When he reached the tip, he mouthed "I love you baby" before taking Dan into his mouth inducing moans to pour out of Dan's mouth.

Working Dan deeper and deeper into his mouth and then throat, Tommy planted his lips to Dan's hilt and held himself there, swirling his tongue across Dan's skin before coming up for much-needed air.

Tommy was loving Dan's manhood more selfless than ever, vibrational moans reverberating through his throat each time he took Dan deep until his man couldn't take anymore. Dan pulled Tommy up to his feet and ripped his clothes off in haste, pulling his hard cock out of the precum-stained boxers that held it back.

Dan dropped to his knees in front of Tommy and like a man who had gone too long without eating, Dan devoured Tommy's meat. He moved Tommy in and out through his wet lips several times listening to the whimpers and moans from the man he loved before he stood back to his feet.

Dan turned Tommy around until the back of his neck was exposed for Dan's taking and kissed Tommy's neck, sucking hard as his hand moved around to masturbate Tommy. Kissing a line of wet spots down Tommy's spine, Dan trekked his way to Tommy's ass before pushing him forward into the bed.

Tommy fell face first into the mattress while Dan slid his tongue into Tommy's crack, spreading his cheeks in search of his entrance. Tommy cried out in pleasure when Dan's tongue found his pucker and probed against it.

Flat-tongued, Dan moved from Tommy's taint, up across his hole before flicking the tip of his tongue back down and around the muscle. He pushed his tongue out, Dan breached the rim and pushed in as deep as he could. Tommy wiggled and moaned from the attack.

With his cavity well lubricated, Dan lifted and dribbled a little more saliva into Tommy's crack before standing up and spitting into his own hand and stroking the liquid onto himself. With his still wet finger, Dan pushed the tip against Tommy's ass and pushed it deep inside him, twisting it as he pulled back out.

"Oh god, yes! Fuck me Dan!" Tommy begged, his core was hungry and needed to be filled.

He didn't need to be told again, Dan was already directing the head of his cock against Tommy. He pushed himself into Tommy being careful not to inflict pain as he fell, with his man into the throws of ecstasy.

Tommy grunted until Dan was balls deep inside of him. When Dan checked to see if he was alright. Tommy responded by pushing himself back against Dan trying to drive him deeper. That was all it took, Dan began pistoning into Tommy in slow smooth strokes with his hands locked on Tommy's hip bones.

Dan groaned with pleasure while he fucked the man below him, thrusting Tommy's body back and forth on the mattress with the impact as he increased his pace. Tommy whimpered each time Dan bottomed about against his body.

Tommy began to whine louder from the sensation building up underneath him. Rubbing his smashed cock between his stomach and the mattress as Dan shook his body was bringing him to the peak of pleasure. He knew he was about to unload into the covers.

"D D Dan, I'm gonna cum!" He cried out as he felt the warmth of his cum pushing out against his stomach and puddling at the tip of his cock.

Dan roared out when Tommy's ass contracted around his cock, tightening its grip on his shaft as he stroked himself into Tommy and back out. He drove himself deep into Tommy's core and released the pressure that had been building since the club.

After the first stream had erupted into his lover, Dan began moving again allowing Tommy's hole to milk him dry before pulling out and falling onto the bed next to his boyfriend.

Dan rolled Tommy to his side and curled his body behind the other. He lifted his head so his mouth was at Tommy's ear and whispered "I fucking love you back!"

The couple lay there, both catching their breath while Dan held the man he loved close to him. It was moments like these that he knew Tommy was his forever.

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