Monkie Kid x female OC

By JessicaMGarcia4

294K 4.3K 4.7K

Meet Sakura, she's a normal girl who loves helping her uncle Pigsy at his restaurant, loves learning legends... More

Character Info
A Hero is Born Pt.1
A Hero is Born Pt.2
A Hero is Born Pt.3
Bad Weather
Special 1k + 2k
Noodles or Death Pt.1
Noodles or Death Pt.2
The Great Wall Race
The winner is...
Sakura has a secret admirer?! And she's going on a date?! Pt.1
Sakura has a secret admirer?! And she's going on a date?! Pt.2
Skeleton Key
The End is Here!
12K Special
Revenge of the Spider Queen Pt.1
Revenge of the Spider Queen Pt.2
Revenge of the Spider Queen Pt. 3
Revenge of the Spider Queen Pt.4
Sleep Bug
Oneshot what if
Ping Pong Panic
Sweet and Sour
Sweet and Sour what if
Minor Scale (Sakura P.O.V Edition)
Shadow Play
26K Special
72 Transformations
This is the End!
On the Run
Great Grand Dragon of the East
Amnesia Rules
The First Ring
Special Chapter Truth Serum
Cooking with Chang'e
The King, The Prince, The Shadow, and The Mad Mayor
The Samadhi Fire
The Imperfect World
Christmas Special
The Corrupted King
Time to be Warriors
Destiny Fullfilled
Special Chapter: Sleepover
Season 4: Familiar Tales
New Adventures
The Great Tang Man
The Land of Cherry Blossoms
The Court of the Yellow Robed Demon
Show me the Monster
Pitiful Creatures
The Brotherhood
Roast for the Monkie Kids
Jade Emperor
The Jade Emperor What If
Sakura meets Embry
Sakura's Birthday
Q & A
Father's Day Special
A Lifetime of Mistake
Berserk Kitsune
The Plan Man
Rip and Tear
Better Than We Found It
Special Chapter: Nightclub
Lego Monkie Kid: Nihao My Concubine Pt.1
The Wattys 2023
Lego Monkie Kid: Nihao My Concubine Pt. 2
Visitors from a Different AU
The Land of The Cherry Blossom and the Return of the Deceased Princess, Konohana
Halloween Chapter
Sakura meets Female MK
Sakura's Birthday Sleepover
Season 5: Strings that Bind
Collar the King
Temple of the Goddess

Smartie Kid

3.1K 55 41
By JessicaMGarcia4

Sakura P.O.V

Uncle Sandy was driving through the vast desert, the heat is intense, and I know Uncle Sandy has the AC on full blast, but the heat isn't ceasing at all! I was laying on the floor of the van, sweating non-stop

"Here you go, blossom" Macaque placed a cold towel on my forehead

"Ah... Thank you, Macaque" I thanked him, and I heard Uncle Sandy asking either Monkey King or Macaque

"Are you sure we're going in the right direction?" Uncle Sandy asked while looking through the front view mirror and saw the blue lightning in the background. He re-adjusted the mirror to see how we're doing in the back

"Not a clue. All Monkey King said to do was head west so..." Uncle Tang said as Mei went up to the front and grabbed the map

"How did anyone ever get anywhere using these?!" Mei exclaimed

"Let me see it" Macaque said as he took out his hand and Mei handed him the map, while Macaque was looking at the map, Monkey King asked Uncle Sandy to turn up the AC while he was meditating

"Sorry, Monkey King, the AC is at its highest set" I said

"According to the map, we'll be out of this desert in 20 more miles" Macaque said

"Really?!" We all shouted

"Yep. So, we just need to hang on a little longer" Macaque said

"Oh, thank goodness" Uncle Tang said

"At least someone is being useful unlike a certain monkey that we know" Uncle Pigsy said, we all looked at Monkey King who was pretending to be asleep

"C'mon you guys, Monkey King needs to recharge after his fight with Nezha. He's in no state to waste his time on mere mortals. Especially now that I don't have my powers" MK said

"Monkey King said that? That's pretty cruel to be honest" I said with a sad look on my face

"Don't worry, Sakura. We have a very honest relationship. Besides that's of mystic monkey meditation requires complete focus apparently" MK said and we saw Monkey King scratching his leg

"More like dumping his responsibilities on everyone as usual" I heard Macaque mumble

"Come on gang! Don't be so glum. Roll down the window, little fresh air never hurt no-" When Uncle Sandy rolled down the window, the heat was so hot that the air can catch anything on fire. Sadly, Uncle Sandy, didn't see the fire coming "Oh! That's so much worst!" When Uncle Sandy rolled the window back up, Mo tried to take care of the fire on Uncle Sandy's hair and finally the fire was gone

"Uncle Sandy, are you okay?" I asked as I handed him a towel to clean his face

"I'm alright sweetie. I need to make sure not to roll down the window again until we're out of the desert" Uncle Sandy said

"Kid, you know there is more to you than just your powers, right?" Uncle Pigsy asked, hoping MK would understand what he is saying

"Exactly! I've accepted that until I get staff back. I'm not gonna be the strong one anymore, which is why..." We all looked at MK "I'm gonna be the smart one!"

Then we all fell on the ground when he said that (except for Uncle Sandy who was driving)

"Seriously, kid?" Macaque pinched between his brows

"Looks like the heat got to him" Kyubi said

Then, all of the sudden the van stopped moving. Uncle Sandy looked at the screen of the van to check what's going on, it showed a picture of the engine has overheated meaning the engine is out of commission. We all groaned, I put the 3 dragon eggs in my satchel while Mei, Uncle Pigsy, and Uncle Tang took off their jackets while Macaque removed the top part of his clothes. I looked away from Macaque and felt my face turning red

"What's wrong blossom? Are you embarrassed to see my muscles?" Macaque teased me


"Then why is your face red?"

"It's the heat" I said while still looking away from Macaque

"Will quit teasing her? You can clearly see she doesn't like it" Kyubi said in his human form, and he was wearing a tank top and a pair of shorts

Then, we just noticed how quiet everyone is, they're never this quiet unless they're sleeping or eating. We looked up ahead and saw a junkyard

'Why is there a junkyard in a desert?' I thought

"I have a feeling that the kid and the gang are there somehow and why do I have the urge to beat someone?" Macaque asked

"We better go check it out" Kyubi said and Macaque opened his shadow portal to travel instead of walking through the heat

Junkyard - MK P.O.V

I lost Mei's dragon sword, the deed to Pigsy's Noodle shop including everything that we own and now Monkey King is part of the fish demon's collection!

'Aaaaaaahhhhh!!! Why do I keep losing?! Oh man, Sakura is gonna kill me if she finds out her uncle is no longer the owner of the shop she grew up in!' I freaked out

"What's going on?" I heard Sakura's voice from behind, I looked and saw a shadow portal on the ground and came through it was Sakura, Macaque and a boy I never seen before

"Why is most of everyone stuff by the fish demon?" Macaque asked as he lifted up his brow and he noticed Monkey King is part of the stuff I betted on, when I explained about happened so far,and he started laughing hard "Ahahahahahahahaha!! You made Wukong part of the bet?! Now that's comedy gold!"

While Macaque was laughing, the fish demon eyed Sakura's satchel

"Tell me something girlie. What's in the satchel?" The fish demon asked as he tried to see what's inside. Sakura kicked the fish demon away from her

"Don't even think about it" Sakura glared at the fish demon

'What should I do now? I literally bet everything that everyone had. All that's left is the 3 dragon eggs, Macaque's lantern, and...' Then I thought on what to bet next

"I have one thing that I can wager" I said as I lifted up the map, making everyone gasp

"MK! Don't be crazy!" Tang shouted

"I agree with the scholar, didn't it take about everything that Wukong had in order to get that map?" Macaque asked

"I bet the power of friendship!" I said, making everyone giving me a dumbfounded look

"What?!" Everyone shouted and I put my friends in the pile

"MK! Have you lost your mind?!" Sakura shouted

"I agree! Are you insane!?" The mystery boy said

The fish demon was about to reject the offer, but I told him that there's nothing more valuable than friendship, I even told him about how my best friend Sakura is a descendent of the Cherry Blossom Goddess. Macaque and the mystery made sure that she doesn't lose her temper. I told him that there's way I was gonna lose if my friends are at stake. The fish demon agreed and said there's nothing wrong with having a servant or more. He placed Monte on the table and covered the turtle with a bowl and started moving them around. I tried my hardest to concentrate, when suddenly I got my gold vision back and now, I know what to do

"So, where is Monte?" The fish demon asked after he finished moving around the bowls

"The one in the middle!" I said with confidence

"Oh! Too bad, but you could..." Once the fish demon removed the bowl, there was Monte "Impossible! How did you!?"

"It's simple really. You were fooling us the whole time, but I Monkie Kid, delivery boy, somewhat equal to heaven, saw right through your trick!" I pointed under the table, and everyone saw my hand under one of the trap doors, making everyone gasp "You rigged this table, so no matter what plate Monte was under he would drop out from under it, just as your contestants made their choice! Which makes you a cheater!" Pigsy, Tang and Mei stood in front of the fish demon, he was backing away slowly but was blocked by an angry Macaque, the mystery boy and a very angry Sakura who started creaking her knuckles

"There are a lot of things that I hate, but what I hate the most is cheaters!" Sakura yelled in anger, making the fish demon shrink from fright

"W-W-We can make deal... Uh... Friends?"

"Oho. We'll make a deal alright" Mei said with a grin and a dangerous tone

Once we got everything back, I saw Sakura whispering something to Macaque, once she was done, Macaque looked at the fish demon with a wicked grin as he creaked his knuckles.

'Better start going' I thought as I rushed out of the junkyard and heard screams. I ran towards the mystery boy and decided to ask who he is

"Excuse me, I don't want to sound rude, but who are you?" I asked

"It's me, Kyubi" I looked at him with a shocked look on my face "I'm not surprised if you didn't know, but there was no way I was gonna walk through the desert heat in fur, so I decided to change into my human form" Kyubi said as we made our way back to the van and saw Macaque catching up to us

'Looks like he finished his business with the fish demon, but I don't wanna know what he did' I shuddered on the thought

Sakura P.O.V

After we got back to the van, Uncle Sandy started putting the rocket booster on the van and fixed the engine. When we were about to enter the van, I felt movement in my satchel, I opened my satchel, and saw the eggs moving frequently

"Guys! I think the eggs are gonna hatch!" I shouted as I fully opened my satchel, and everyone gathered around to see the eggs hatch. We all watched intently, and the eggs started to creak, Mei shook my shoulder excitedly as more creaks appeared. After some time, the 3 eggs finally hatched and there we saw 3 baby dragons

"OMG! They're so adorable!" Mei said as she took out her phone and started to take pictures of the babies

"I can't believe I just witnessed the birth of dragons!" Uncle Tang went into fanboy mode

"They're so cute! Aren't they, Mo?" Uncle Sandy asked Mo who meowed in agreement

"But... How can we take care of them? We have no idea how to raise them" MK said

'That's true... I wish Sky, Aqua, Rocky, and Ember were here... Wait, can I still?' I got up from the ground

"Sakura?" I heard Uncle Pigsy call my name as I brought my fingers towards my mouth and whistled very loudly. Then, couple of minutes later, a loud roar can be heard in a distance and finally flying above us were Ember, Rocky, Aqua and Sky

"Ember! Rocky! Aqua! Sky! I'm so happy to see you all!" I said as they started to nuzzle me

"Woah. Elemental dragons, haven't seen those for a long time" Macaque said looking at the dragons with an amazed look

After the dragons nuzzled me, Rocky took noticed on the newborn dragons, Rocky lowered its head near the babies and sniffed them. One of the babies, the baby dragon with black and white scales and blue eyes went towards Rocky and licked his snout. Rocky let out a happy sound and that gave me an idea

"Hey, Ember, Rocky, Aqua, Sky. Can you four do me a favor? I want you guys to take care of the newborns. We're on a dangerous journey right now, and I don't want to risk getting them hurt" I said and they roared as they understood. Rocky grabbed the baby dragon that licked him in his mouth, while Ember and Sky grabbed the other two and they left

'I wonder if they live in the Celestial Realm now? But at least I know they're doing okay. That's a bit of weight off my shoulders' I thought

"Alright, everyone! Let's head out!" Uncle Sandy said and we entered the van, and went back on the road to search for the rings

"So, wait. How did you get you gold vision back again?" Mei asked

"I'm also curious as well" I said

"I don't know. The same way I got them in the first place, I guess. Every time I learned a new ability, it was because there was something I needed to do when there was no other way. Against the goldfish demon guy, I needed to do something to save my friends" MK explained

"Yeah. Friends that you put in danger on purpose" Uncle Pigsy said

"Yeah, right, uh huh, like I said save my friends and then haha, I don't know, it just happened" MK said

"You found your strength" Monkey King said as he woke up from his mediation "When you needed the most"

"Look who decided to wake up. Finally, finished with your so-called meditation?" Macaque asked with a hint of sarcasm on the meditation as he was leaning against the wall of the van, and I noticed Monkey King's eyebrow started twitching

"This whole time, I thought my powers came from the staff" MK said and Monkey King placed his hand on MK's shoulder

"The staff is just a big ol stick bud. It takes someone special to lift it" Monkey King words made MK smile "Well, one power down and just a few thousand more to go" Monkey King said as he ruffled MK's hair

"I'm gonna go to sleep now. Today was so exhausting" I said as I made my way to my bunk and passed out in a matter of minutes

To be continued in The Winning Side or Amnesia Rules (I'll let u guys choose)

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