AWITL: Musical Tune

By XanaShadow

466 29 20

This is a One shot about my story where Grey ends up with Sona instead. More

One Shot

466 29 20
By XanaShadow

(This is an AU and takes place prior to Grey and Ahri getting together.)

"So…Your family is holding a party for your 'new engagement' and I'm supposed to be the guest of honor?" Grey asked with a raised eyebrow.

He was standing in front of Sona in the halls of the Institute. The mute girl has asked to talk to him in private and revealed that her mother is holding a big party for his victory against Ferio.

Sona sighed and started motioning. [Yes, I told my mother that we weren't engaged, but she insisted. I'm sorry, but can you please come to the party?] She asked.

Grey rubbed the back of his head. "I… Don't know, Sona. I've never been one for nobility and I don't know if I'll fit in. I was mostly raised in a swamp, after all," he said, mostly not wanting to embarrass the blue haired girl.

Sona rolled her eyes and began motioning. [Grey, they're Nobles. You can be the god of nobility and they'll still look down on you. They're all self-centered, hypocritical, egotistical, arrogant assholes,] the Abyss Watcher was surprised that the Maven just insulted her own social class so casually. [Look, all you have to do is literally just show up, smile, take one glass of wine, and you can leave. They'll most likely be busy talking to each other about how they're better than everyone else, just ask Lux or Garen if you don't believe me.]

Grey sighed. "Alright. I'm mostly free anyway," he said before crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow. "But, just to make sure, your mother does know we're not together, right?"

The Maven looked hurt. [Do you really hate the idea that much?] She signed.

"What? No!" Grey immediately shook his head. "I'm just making sure there's no misunderstanding. No sane man would ever hate being engaged to you, even if it was just through a misunderstanding," he cleared up.

Sona smiled with a blush covering her cheeks. [Thank you. Anyway, we'll meet at the Transport Station at noon to prepare. I know it seems outrageous to prepare that early, but believe me you'll need the time when it comes to a party for Nobles.] She signed before she walked away.

"Wait, what will I wear?" Grey asked as he remembered Sona's mother reacting to his clothes.

Sona stopped, turned around and began making signs. [You can wear what you wore to your duel. I'm sure we still have it at my house. All the more reason for us to leave early,] She signed before walking away.

Grey sighed and messaged his forehead. "When did my life change from killing monsters to worrying what I'll wear to a party?" He asked, hoping that Tiara didn't hear him to make fun of him.

Time Skip: (brought to you by chibi Sona playing her Etwahl with chibi Grey listening.)

Sona walked up to where she was told Grey's room was. She was feeling pretty excited about today, even if there was no official date of any kind.

She still has hope. This was her first step to seal the deal. The Maven knew that Ahri had an advantage for knowing Grey way longer than her and being the first person he met in Runeterra and travelled with.

Reaching Grey's room, she frowned at seeing his name tag being followed by Ahri's and Nidalee's, but managed to calm down after taking a deep breath.

She knocked on the door and waited for a few minutes before it opened to reveal an angry looking Ahri. The nine-tailed fox glared at Sona and seemed to consider smacking the door at her face.

"Oh, is it time to go, Sona?" But before she could, Grey walked up from inside the room and passed by Ahri. "Well, we should get going now. Take care, Ahri," he said before he started heading to the transport station.

"Yeah, you too!" Ahri called out before glaring back at Sona. "For the record, he explained the situation to me, and this does not count as a real date."

Sona rolled her eyes with a mischievous smile as she took out her board and began writing. (Sure it's not, and foxes are just another breed of dogs, right?) Was written.

"Listen here, you little-" Ahri didn't even finish before Sona turned around and just walked away.

Ahri may or may not have slammed the door and went for the biggest ice-cream bucket she had in their fridge.

Time Skip: (Brought to you by chibi Ahri eating a giant bowl of ice cream.)

Sona and Grey walked into the halls of the Buvelle House. Many maids and servants were walking around carrying things from cleaning utilities, to food, and even decorations.

"This seems like a rather big event than it should," Grey commented, seeing the urgency of the servants.

Sona sighed and started motioning. [My mother tends to exaggerate social events such as parties and concerts. You should have seen what she did for my first musical debut,] She finished with a smile.

They walked into a large hall filled with tables and servants still moving around. Inside, Lestara Buvelle stood in front of three maid, each holding a piece of cloth.

"No, sweety, we're not using scarlet so soon after using it in our last party again," the woman said motioning for one of the maids to leave before looking at the other two. "Now… sapphire blue? Or jade?"

Sona clapped her hands once when she and Grey walked closer to her mother to draw attention. [Hello, mother, how are the preparations?]

"Oh, hi, dear, and the Abyss Watcher? Good to see you two," Lestara greeted before motioning to the two remaining maids. "Sona, which one do you think would fit more for the party's table cloths?"

[Jade should do well since it's spring, shouldn't it?] Sona motioned after looking at the colors.

"Ah, of course, thanks, dear," the woman said before snapping her fingers at the maids. "You heard her, ladies. We'll be using jade for this party. The rest can be used later," she said and the two maids left. "Now, how are the new couple?"

"Lady Buvelle, I hope you are not under any misunderstanding of our relationship," Grey commented, trying to make sure to explain his situation.

"Oh, I completely understand. I just tend to use any excuse for a good party. Especially in these times of unrest with the Rebellion brewing. Gotta keep the morales up," Lestara explained with a shrug while putting a hand on her waist. "Besides, if I actually believed you were engaged to my daughter, I would give you a questioning, not a party."

[Mother!] Sona motioned quickly before grabbing Grey's arm and beginning to tuck him away. [I'll help him find something to wear. Please make sure that the chefs don't use the wrong wine again.]

"Oh, gods, you're absolutely right!" Lestara stated before she turned around and began quickly walking towards the kitchen.

Once they were back in the hallways, Sona turned to the Abyss Watcher. [I'm sorry about that. My mother can be much sometimes,] She signed.

"It's alright, I can understand she's looking out for you," Grey explained with a shrug.

Sona smiled and they continued to walk the hallway until they reached a door that Grey remembered was the room he stayed in before. [Your clothes should be in the closet inside. I'll go see my mother about a few things about the preparations. I'll come get you when the party starts.]

"Thank you, and if there's anything I can help with, just ask" Grey said as he opened the door and entered the room.

Time Skip: (brought to you by Chibi Grey looking over his clothes in the mirror.)

Grey adjusted the collar of his blue buttoned up shirt. He was now wearing the same clothes he wore for his duel for Ferio. The only thing he kept was his hat.

He heard knocking on the door. "Sona? Is that you?" He heard a second knock at his question, confirming his suspicious.

He opened the door and was greeted at the sight of Sona wearing something other than her usual outfit. She was wearing a deep blue dress that covered only her right shoulder. It had a slit on the side that started from the middle of her thigh to the bottom. And, unlike her usual pigtails, her hair was flowing down without anything to hold it.

"You look beautiful," Grey commented.

Sona smiled with pink dusting her cheeks. [Thank you,] She signed. [Shall we go?] She offered her hand.

"Very well," Grey accepted her offered hand and they started walking towards the hall that they were in this morning.

When they reached there, the hallways was not empty as they had last found it. There was already a good number of people inside and more so coming from the open gates.

"May I introduce Lady Sona Buvelle and the honor guest of tonight Grey Ashnex," the maid near the door they came from said.

Many people turned towards them and began either greeting them. Sona smiled and began greeting with a wave of her hand. Grey did not know what to do so he simply stayed still and walked with Sona to wherever she was going.

Thankfully, the group that Sona was leading them to was one he was familiar with. "Ah, Grey, Sona, good to see you," Garen greeted as he and his sister were standing were with Fiora.

"Good to see you, too, Garen," Grey greeted.

"Sona, you look really good tonight," Lux greeted and stood beside the Maven. "Try to impress someone special, huh?" She teased. Sona lightly smacked Lux's arm before rolling her eyes.

"Once again, Sona, I'd like to apologise for Ferio causing you trouble," Fiora apologised.

Sona smiled and shook her head, showing that it was no problem. She didn’t carry the usual board she had to communicate with others as her dress didn’t give her any space to keep it.

"I have to say, Grey, I didn't expect you to be one for formal parties," Garen commented at the Abyss Watcher.

"I'm not," Grey agreed with a sigh. "The only interactions with Nobles I had in the past were with Prince Lothric and his brother, and they were hardly one to party."

The only celebration that Grey remembered where the twin princes involved themselves was when Lorian slayed the Demon Prince, but that was something he heard from Tiara, as he was personally not there at the time.

"Well, I hope Demacia's style of celebrations still keeps you entertained," Garen said with an honest smile.

Before Grey can reply, a new voice joined them. "Ah, there you are," Lestara - who was wearing a dark green dress - joined their group. "Grey, may I have a word with you?"

Grey raised an eyebrow and took a glance at Sona, who just shrugged her shoulders with an expression that showed she was also confused about the reason for her mother's request.

"Very well," Grey decided to simply go along with the requested.

Lestara nodded and motioned for him to follow her. She lead him to one of the secluded corners of the hall near the food table with hardly anyone around.

"I must say, you certainly know how to make an impact wherever you go," Sona's mother commented as she turned to look at the party. "Do you make it a habit to do that?"

"My sister says that trouble tends to follow me," Grey shrugged before raising an eyebrow at the woman. "Is there any particular reason why you wanted to speak to me?"

Lestara's eyes landed on her daughter, who was listening to Lux. "Tell me, what do you think of Sona?"

"She's certainly a great person and beautiful woman," Grey almost instantly replied.

"Oh, quick answer?" Lestara raised an eyebrow.

"What did you expect me to say or do?" Grey asked with an eyebrow.

Lestara snorted. "Usually, when I ask that of people, especially men, they either lie or exaggerate. I suppose it's good to see someone honest and straight to the point," she explained before looking around. "Did Sona ever tell you that she's not really my daughter?"

"She did mention she was adopted, yes," Grey nodded in confirmation.

"Ah, she already trusts you enough to tell you?" Lestara asked.

"I am mostly in the same situation. Ashnex is a name given to me by the man that took me as his son," Grey explained with a shrug.

Lestara nodded in understanding. "I see," she said before her gaze landed on Sona again. "Can I ask… do you think Sona is happy?"

"About what, exactly?" Grey replied with his own question.

"Everything," Lestara sighed and leaned back on the food table. "I will not deny that her talent in music and her Etwahl are the main reasons why I adopted her. I still care for her deeply, but I can't say I never wanted to use her. So, I don't know-"

"Lady Buvelle, can I ask, do you have any idea how much a parent means to orphans like me and Sona?" Grey asked, cutting Lestara halfway through. "My own father did not take me or my sister with the intention of ever having us as children. We were purely meant to be students for him to pass his knowledge. We were never exactly family. That only changed in our last few days together… yet that still holds great meaning to me. To have a last name and someone to call a parent, even if they are not the model of one, they are still someone irreplaceable to orphans."

Lestara smiled and shook her head. "Well, that's one weight off my shoulders," she said before motioning to Sona. "Now, I believe you should go back to my daughter," Grey nodded and began walking away. "Oh, and one last thing. She always loved daffodils."

Grey raised an eyebrow and simply shrugged his shoulders, not understanding why Lestara said that before he continued walking to the group he was with.

Sona was the first to notice his approach. [What did my mother want to talk about?] She asked.

"Just some questions about rumours she heard about the Institute," Grey didn't believe that Lestara would want her daughter to know about this particular subject.

Sona sighed and gave a tired loom. [Rumours don't really stop anywhere, do they?] She signed before making a quick glare at the Nobles around them that were staring at the Abyss Watcher.

"Their opinion matters very little to me," Grey shrugged his shoulders. He already heard a few whispers about the 'rotten undead' but he quite frankly did not care.

After all, those were one of the more tame things he's been called.

Time Skip: (Brought to you by Chibi Grey and Chibi Sona dancing together.)

The party was mostly finished, most guests have already left and the ones remaining were already leaving.

"Maybe we should get you back to your room," Grey commented at the slightly dazed Sona.

Sona tried to clear her head with a slight shake and began making signs. [I'm just glad this is over to be honest.] Her hand signs were slower than usual, either as a result of wine or tiredness.

"Come on, let's get you out of here," Grey offered his hand, and Sona accepted it with a smile.

Grey walked Sona out of the hall and started heading towards her room after he asked one of the maids where it was. It was not hard to find it with their instructions and Sona herself confirming that this was, in fact, her room.

"Well, here you go," Grey said as Sona let go of his hand and opened the door.

[Thank you. Tonight was honestly better than it could have because you were there,] Sona signed, though again slower than usual. Grey simply smiled and was about to turn away when Sona grabbed his hand and made sure he was still facing her. [Grey… if you don't mind… would you like if we go around the city near the Institute tomorrow after we got back? Just the two of us, I mean.]

"Oh, uhmm… I'd love to," Grey replied, scratching the back of his head shyly.

Sona smiled and surprised the Abyss Watcher with a hug before letting go and closing the door after entering her room.

Grey stared at the door before sighing. "I have no idea what to do tomorrow with her."

Time Skip: (Brought to you by Chibi Grey walking around in circles while trying to think of what to do.)

"You want to know good places to hangout around the city?" Ahri asked as she paused her video game in their room. "Why?"

"Sona asked me out-"


"Oh, my bad," Ahri groaned, looking at the now broken controller in her hands. She threw the two halves away and just grabbed a new one. "You were saying?"

Grey raised an eyebrow but decided to shrug it off. "I have no idea where to take her and what to do?"

The desire to say 'to a volcano and throw her there' was very strong at the moment for Ahri, but she took a deep breath and replied. "There's a few restaurants and coffee shops around town. I'm sure you can find one she would like. How about you start there and you can see what she would like to do next."

Grey thought it over before smiling and nodding. "Alright, thanks, Ahri," he said before getting up from the couch and leaving the room.

Ahri stared at the door as it closed and sighed. "Sure, just go out and leave me alone to have fun with a blueberry that somehow grew boobs."

Grey walked through the halls of the institute while greeting those he knew. He walked out of the gates and went down to the city for the meeting spot he and Sona agreed on before he saw a particular shop that caught his attention.

Meanwhile, Sona was waiting near one of the restaurants in the city. She checked her reflection on the window one last time and checked if her usual clothes needed anything.

Once she was sure she looked good, she turned back to look for Grey, who was easy to find as he was walking towards her. "Hello, Sona," he greeted before holding something towards her. "I… uhm… got these for you."

Sona was surprised to see that what he was giving her were daffodils. [Thank you, I love these. But, how did you know?] she signed before taking hold of the flowers.

"Uh… lucky guess?" Grey tried, and failed, to lie.

Sona couldn't help but chuckle at Grey's inability to lie. However, she didn't truly care at the moment, and she can tell he didn't have any bad intentions with his attempt at lying.

"Well, shall we go?" Grey asked as he offered his hand.

Sona, unable to make signs because she was holding the flowers, just nodded with a smile and took his hand as he began leading her somewhere to the city.

Sona didn't really know how this date was going to go, and neither did Grey, but they both were truly looking forward to whatever it was.

(A/N: Thank you for reading this.

Finally, the Sona one shot is done.

I seriously hope you liked it.

Once again, thanks for reading this. Please comment, review, and tell me your thoughts on my story.)

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