Everything has changed

By minx_56

3.4K 116 14

About 8 years after graduating from Night Raven College, Jamil comes back home to Silk City after a long jour... More

Chapter 1: As if the streetlights pointed in an arrowhead leading us home
Chapter 2: it could've been fun if you could've been the 1
Chapter 3: In a getaway car
Chapter 4: My love is as cruel as the city I've lived in
Chapter 5: Devils roll the dice Angels roll their eyes
Chapter 6: I can see us lost in the memory
Chapter 7: Call it what you want to
Chapter 8: when you smile, you knock me out I fall apart
Chapter 9: the playful conversation starts
Chapter 10: Sparks Fly
Chapter 12: Mastermind/s
Chapter 13: I only see Daylight
Chapter 14: A Cruel Summer
Extra: It's nice to have a friend

Chapter 11: Reflections of the life I've lived

266 8 3
By minx_56

A few hours later as the sun begins to set everyone has had their fun and food has been cooked.

"Guys food's ready!!" Jamil yelled to get the other's attention.

"Food!? Coming!" Najma immediately left the waters and ran to his brother.

"HEY WAIT UP!" Khalil then rose and joined Najma shortly.

Kalim then called to Amir who was still happily floating in the water, "Amir! C'mon Uncle Jamil cooked food!"

"Aww.." the boy pouted clearly isn't happy that he needs to get up from his happy floating time.

Kalim sighs, "C'mon don't give me that pout, Jamil's cooking is great!"

After much convincing and promise that he'll take Amir swimming again later, the boy was finally convinced to go back to the tent with the rest of them.

Jamil used tongs and placed the barbecues in each paper plate he laid out. Both Khalil and Najma's eyes sparkled and Jamil could tell Khalil was already drooling. Kalim and his little one soon came after, Amir clearly pouting.

Jamil leaned down to the boy's size, "Amir, if you don't eat you can't get back at the beach."

"But I wanna swim!" The boy complained.

"I understand that but you can't, do you wanna swim with an upset stomach cause you didn't eat?"


"That's a good boy" Jamil then patted the little one's head.

"Wow I'm surprised you can convince him, it's hard to handle him these days..." Kalim says as his son runs off to his Uncle Khalil.

"You tell me that as if I didn't handle hundreds of your siblings..."

"They weren't hundreds! They were 72!"

"And I'm surprised you keep count.." Jamil then walked off and proceeded to eat with the rest of the group.

The group peacefully chatted as they ate, recalling memories of naivete. They laughed at their younger selves stupid decisions, mostly Jamil's past angry self. Kalim felt at peace, a feeling he hasn't felt for 4 years. He was starting to think Khalil was right. Maybe it isn't a bad thing to take it easy once in a while. Many have changed through time; he almost forgot what it's like to be surrounded like this. Jamil was back, not only that this time he was wiser, calmer, and happier. He was happy for the man.

Happiness suited him.

Smiling suited his handsome face.

Kalim stared at him, he definitely grew from the boy he once was and he couldn't be any more happy that he was at a place in his life where he can laugh freely. His face slowly dropped as he realised he's not the same.

It just dawned on him.

Until now....

He has led a miserable life.

Married at the young age of 20, as he saw people his age live their lives he stood still in that palace. Became a father at age 23 and nothing prepared him for it, while his classmates were all over the globe having fun in their lives and living the way they wanted to. While he sacrificed what he wanted for a woman who didn't even stay. Jamil traveled the world growing in the process, Azul was making a breakthrough in the world of business by having multiple investments and partnerships, the twins? Well they're still with Azul but no one can really pinpoint what they do. They do what they want when they want. Wouldn't that be a bliss? Ruggie helped raise his family from the slums and he gained money from playing Magift professionally, he's gotten quite popular too. Silver, he became a fully fledged knight by Malleus's side. He came to visit Kalim once in a while and that's the closest Kalim has been to a reunion.

Kalim also had achievements, but sometimes he wonders what would've happened if his choices were different? Could he have fulfilled a relationship with Jamil? Maybe if things were different he could have given the position to one of his siblings. Kalim always felt guilty about these thoughts. To him they were cruel thoughts.

How could he have given the position to one of his siblings when the stakes and the responsibility that comes with it are high? They could've died.

How dare he think about Jamil? He has a wife that he tried to love and a son that he truly adores. If he was with Jamil, Amir might've never come to be.

Kalim didn't like the thought of not having his son. He felt the guilt and heartbreak when he realized his thoughts. How could he imagine a life without his son?

But how can things have changed if he was given more time? Just a few more years before he gets married and has a few years just to himself. Maybe he could've avoided all this, maybe he could've handled things more maturely and in a more concise way. Maybe he could've stalled just for a few more years rather than giving an answer two weeks after.

"Kalim are you ok?" A concerned Jamil turned to ask.

Too late for regrets now...


The sultan faced Jamil, he looked at those eyes of his, used to be so angry and so.... Sad. He gives a warm smile radiant as the sun.

"I'm alright, just thinking."

"What were you thinking about?" Another concerned tone shot at him.


A minute of silence befell them both. Both turned red and once again an awkward situation was 'blesses' upon them.

A nervous laugh came out of Kalim, "ahahah.... I- I was thinking If- you- were, y-y'know comfortable...hehe.."

"Y-yeah 100% comfy... real comfy..."

Another silence...

"𝘚𝘩𝘪𝘵! 𝘐 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘢𝘸𝘬𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯! 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘶𝘣𝘫𝘦𝘤𝘵! 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘶𝘣𝘫𝘦𝘤𝘵!" Kalim panicked in his head. He was fighting the urge to run away then and there.

"Uh- J-Jamil? So...Anything you wanna do...?" Kalim nervously asked.

The Viper still avoids his gaze, he's quite agape you see. His face was very bright red. Avoiding Kalim's face was easier as he'll get more flustered if he takes a glance at him.

"M-me? Um... I'd like to go surfing tomorrow I guess..."

"W-wow! You surf!?" Kalim's embarrassed self was long gone, replaced by enthusiasm and excitement.

"Uh Huh. I've done it multiple times, it's quite fun!" Jamil finally looked at him and smiled, giving a smile.

Meanwhile the two were talking. The other two, Najma and Khalil, are stirring a bit of mischief.

"You think they'll finally get together?" Khalil whispered into her ear.

"Nah, I don't think so. It's too soon." Najma whispered back.

"It's been fucking years I'm getting tired of this.... What if we do something about it?" Khalil says mischief, obvious in his tone.

"Like what?" Najma curiously asked.

"Push them together."

"Please, they've been together for most of their lives and no one took the initiative to start anything." Najma sighed and took a bite of her barbecue.

"Shit you're right....." Khalil thinks and puts a hand on his chin. He looked around and took a glance at Amir happily eating with his dad and Jamil.

"Actually...." Khalil smirks. "Kalim's main concern is Amir, the reason he's not pursuing anyone is because he's taking care of him..."


"Don't you see Najma? If Amir likes Jamil even more there's a chance Kalim will take action."

"Huh... I guess that makes sense. But the thing is Jamil is too much of a coward to show up at his house without reason. I don't even know if he can spend that much time with the kid for Amir to be attached to him." Najma reasoned with an aloof expression.

"Yeah but like what if it's soon?"

"What do you mean?"

"Kalim has a business trip in the capital 2 weeks from now."

Najma rolled her eyes, "Oh please as if he'll go, he can't leave his son for two weeks I bet he'll go crazy."

In a dramatic manner of speaking, Khalil stands on his feet, "Yeah unless the oh-so-shining-shimmering-Jamil saves the day!"

"Pfft- Oh please what can my brother do while Kalim's away?" Najma chuckled.

"Simple. Have Jamil babysit Amir for two weeks guaranteeing on a chance Amir will latch on to him- oh especially now that he's missing another parental figure...."

"So let me get this straight, we're gonna use the fact that Amir's mother isn't here and get Jamil to fill that role so that eventually Kalim starts to see him as a potential partner?" She raised her brow as she summed up their interactions.

"Great sevens you make it sound so bad Najma." He flopped next to her dramatically falling.

"It is kinda bad cause we're taking advantage of a kid's loneliness for this to happen." She blandly says as she drinks a cup of water.

"Yeah now that I think about it, it does sound bad. But it's Twisted Wonderland so fuck it?"

"Yeah no."

"WHY!?" Khalil suddenly screamed, grabbing the attention of everyone.

Najma quickly pulled him back to his seat and whispered,"You idiot! Don't scream like that!"

"Sorry!" The man whispered back.

"Anyway- we don't have to do anything at all."

"What do you mean?"

"Look at Amir, he's already latching onto his Uncle without anything needing to be done." Najma subtly point at the other group's directions

Khalil blinks for a while, he observes his nephew, he is indeed latching onto Jamil like a duck with its mother, it's almost funny how the boy is hanging on Jamil's arm like he's his parent.

"I guess that makes sense."

"The only thing holding them back is 1) position, 2) conflicting schedules, and 3) they're both in extreme denial."

"So what are we gonna do then?" Khalil scratches his head, "I swear I can't take any more of this pining for another year or two, it's painful seeing them together."

"How long are we staying again?"

"About 3 days."

"Ok here's the plan...."


"I don't have a good feeling about those two." Jamil glared into Khalil's direction and specifically Khalil.

"Oh please it's probably some harmless mischief, leave them be." Kalim chuckled.

"Papa help." The boy grabbed his father's attention, he needed help with his, Kalim nodded and started separating the meat with his spoon and fork. Amir wasn't used to big pieces of meat.

"You're eating well." Jamil smile patting the boy's head.

Amir giggled in joy showing off a bright smile of his. Kalim felt as though these days have been a bit easier when Jamil was around. But he felt a tight squeeze in his stomach, he felt guilty. It felt as though he was using him again.

While Jamil frowned, Kalim has that face again. The one that speaks a thousand words, was he not enjoying himself? Was he lonely? Does he miss his wife? What was it? Jamil wondered. What can he do so he can have that stupid smile plastered in his face forever? What made him lonely? Was it him? Did he make Kalim uncomfortable? Damnit why can't he just be out with it!?

"Kalim, be honest.... What's wrong?" The viper suddenly caressed Kalim's cheek, flustered, Kalim's cheeks was painted red once more.

"I'm alright really! Just a bit tired.... My endurance isn't like when I was young anymore, I get tired easily...."

No that wasn't it, Jamil knows Kalim through and through even though he might be tired that's not exactly the reason.

"Ok then rest for a while, I'll look after Amir."


"Hush now! Get some rest, I'll go with Amir for a swim later. So stay still, this is meant to be a relaxing day. Don't fret" Jamil reassures him the best he can, he can only wonder if the words he said can get through him.

An hour of soft chatter and laughter, Amir is quick to remind Jamil about the swim. He excitedly pulled his uncle as he ran. Jamil simply smiled and followed the child. Amir was quick to run and jump in the water while Jamil soon followed. The floaties around him seemed unnecessary, Jamil thinks he should learn how to swim.

"Hey Amir, wanna learn how to swim?" Jamil suggested.

"Swim..? Without the floaties? Won't I drown?" A worried look plastered into Amir's face was clear.

"Oh please, you won't drown. I'm here anyways."

"Ok... I wanna try!" Worry turned to excitement Amir was quick to remove his floaties and Jamil quickly gave him instructions as he held him close.

The boy was quite nervous at first but with Jamil's guidance his worry quickly faded.

"Oh look at that! You're getting it! Now kick your feet up more ok."

"Like this?" The boy kicked his feet.

"Yup just like that." He responded.

In just a few hours Amir was able to swim, sort of. He was a quick learner like his father for sure but definitely a bit too eager.

"BLEGH! SALTY!" Amir's face wrinkled.

"I told you not to take it too far..."

Jamil looked up, the sun was setting. They've probably been here for too long. He was thinking if they stayed here for a bit more Amir might get sick and hope to great sevens that this boy's father doesn't die of worry.

He called on to him, "Amir! C'mon the sun is setting, let's go back!"

No response.


Again no response, all the alarms in Jamil's head activated.


"HUAH! BLEGH! SO SALTY!" A complaint can be heard in the distance

"Oh thank great sevens! I thought you had drowned! Don't go that far!" A reprimanding voice came out of Jamil.

The boy looked apologetic anyway and Jamik quickly calmed down. Amir apologized and Jamil had told him to not go that far without him again. He suggested learning in the pool next time to be safer. Amir looked pleased as he was disgusted by the saltiness of the water.

Nighttime struck and Jamil and Amir saw Kalim peacefully sleeping in one of the sunloungers. His face looked peaceful, his face shone and it glittered. Jamil's face softened, truly what a beautiful sight...

"Welp your dad's knocked out. Where's your bag?" Jamil asked.

"That one!" He pointed in a blue bleach bag that seemed to have his necessities peeking out.

"Huh. Ok then it looks like I'm bathing you tonight." Amir received a boop in the nose and chuckled.

"Alright c'mon in the bathroom you go."

Jamil seems to be really fond of this child. Maybe it isn't so bad becoming a second parent someday.... Of course to him, that was nothing but a dream...

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