The beast inside all of us(Wa...

By Blackmega2004

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I don't own Wakfu More

The meeting

The black crow

300 8 3
By Blackmega2004

After saving the forest Yugo and his friends were being lifted by the polter.

Ruel:It's not so bad to be lifted like that.

Y/n was looking around trying to find the cloaked person he saw in the forest until...

Y/n:Found ya'.

Y/n get down the polters and run toward what he saw.

Amalia:Y/n where are you going?!


Y/n continue to run as he see the cloaked man levitating and flying while dodging the trees.


The figure turn his head and do a small chuckle before continuing. Y/n continue to chase him until he arrived at a cliff. Y/n could see better the cloaked figure.

Y/n:Alright playtime over who are you?

???:You will know one day i can assure you. But i can tell you my name. I am Oropo.

Y/n:Oropo? I heard that name somewhere.

???:As i said one day you will know everything. Your friends will aslo know me one day.

???2:Here you are Oropo.

The two turn to a direction and see Echo.

Echo approach Y/n who flinch a bit.

Echo:Shh do not fear me i am your ally.

Echo then touch Y/n shoulder and this one felt relaxed.

Echo:You became such a great person. I am proud of you.

Y/n:W-Who are you?

Echo:The person who have silently watched you and protected you since your birth.

Then Oropo start grunting and get on his knees.


Echo help Ororpo get up.

Ororpo:I would have liked you to not see me like that Y/n.


Oropo:I understand your anger Y/n but like i said i will explain it one day.

Y/n:I am tired of waiting it's been 12 years i leaved my village so i can live a happy life and i want to know where are my parents so i can finaly speak to them!

Oropo:Your parents are alive and awaiting for you to see them and see the person you have become.

Y/n:Where are they?

Oropo:More closer than you think. We must go i hope we can see you again.

Oropo and Eccho teleported as Y/n looked confused.

Y/n:What is that supposed to mean?

Y/n then suddenly ear an explosion inside the village. He quickly run toward it and see all the others on the ground and a xelor floating above them.


The guy turn his head toward Y/n and was punched in the face and send into multiple house before hitting a tree. He get up and see Y/n was running toward him.

???:What kind of beast is that? His wakfu is way more highter than anything i've seen. I think that i don't even need the dragon.

He then make a sword appear and prepare to fight. The guy teleport behind Y/n ready to stab him but Y/n dodge and grab the head of the guy and slam him on the ground and punch him making the ground crack. Y/n then grab the guy and lift him up in the air.

Y/n:Seem like you had taken the wrong oppenant pal.

???:Maybe. But just wait a bit and you won't say the same.

The guy suddenly dissapear. Y/n quickly run toward the others and see that they are getting up from their fights.

Y/n:You guys ok?!

Amalia:Us yes. But for Yugo's father it's another story,

Y/n then look at Yugo's father who looked like an old man.

It's the best i could find.

Y/n:It was the weird guy who did this?!

Dally:Yup. He used powerful spells to fight us. We were weak against that.

Eva:If you weren't there who know what would happened. Thanks Y/n. Youre a good boy.

Evangelyne scratch his ear making him tap of his feet before he move the hand away and pout.

Y/n:Im not a puppy Eva.

Eva:Sorry it's an habit.

Yugo:What do we do now?

Alibert:Yugo. Go find your family. I can't keep you here forever. Please Ruel take care of him.

Ruel:Fine cuz i still got my bill to pay.

Dally:I'll come too i can't refuse a good adventure.

Yugo look at Y/n, Eva and Amalia.

Yugo:Wanna come with us?

Amalia:Why not.

Eva:But Princesse...

Amalia:Please Eva were not obligated to go back to the kingdom already.

Eva:What do you think Y/n?

Y/n:Meh why not. Always better than being treated as a mindless beast by Armand.

Eva:Then i guess it's fine.

Yugo:Great! But what do we do now?

Ruel:First we need a map and i know where to find one come with me.

Timeskip brought to you by a picture of Y/n face with a half being normal with a full moon behind him and the other one looking more bestial with a blood moon behind him as his eyes were full red and a black pupil.

The group were walking and soon arrived at a portal gate.

Ruel:With this we will be able to go wherever we want.

Ruel take a stone from his bag and throw it toward the gate opening a portal.

Amalia:Impressive for an old man.

Y/n:I admit for an enutrof youre quite suprising.

Ruel:Thanks. Wait a sec.

Y/n enter the portal first and Ruel follow and Dally. Then Yugo and finaly Amalia and Eva.

Y/n:This place look perfect for searching a world map. You guys can go i'll wait here.

Yugo:Why don't you come with us?

Y/n:Hum let's just say people don't really like people like me.

Dally:Why because youre a man wolf?

Y/n:Yeah. It's been like that since my birth. I'll wait here for now as you search for a map.

Yugo:Alright then. See you later!

The group walk away as Y/n sit down and start to whistle.

Meanwhile with the rest of the group.

The group minus Y/n were looking for a map and Yugo and Eva were searching while being next to each other.

Yugo:Hey can i ask a question?

Eva:Sure ask away.

Yugo:How did you met Y/n?

Eva:It was a long time ago. 4 years to be exact. Me and Amalia were outside the sadida kingdom to take a walk for taking fresh air and at some time we started a fire camp to cook some meat and when we both had our back turned there he was. A scared little man wolf only wanting meat. At first i tought he was a normal wolf and i shot him with my bow but then he gave back our meat and we decided to share it with him and we became friends since then. He followed us back to the kingdom and he met the king of the sadidas and he accepted Y/n around us. He and us became very good friends over the time. There you know the story.

Yugo:I see. He never talked about his past did he?

Eva:Youre right he never did. But i know one thing is that it wasn't as great as many other people past.

Yugo:I see. He seem very kind it's a shame people don't see him as you two does.

Eva:Yeah. I hope one day people could see him like we do.

Back with Y/n.

Y/n was looking at the sky looking bored until he start to smell something. Something like smoke. He open his eyes and see that something was going on at the place the group were. Y/n get up and run toward them and see the group fighting a man on a large black mechanical creature.




Y/n grab a boulder and throw it toward the crature but it dodge as the man riding it laught maniacly. The man then start to shot many eggs who transform into baby crows and were about to hit the group. Everyone dodge except Y/n who received them and make him growl of pain. He open his eyes and they were bloody red before returning to their F/c color. Y/n then grab another boulder and throw it toward the crature again but this time it hitted it right in the face making him fall toward the ground.

Dally:Nice shot!

Ruel:Now let's see who is our aggresor.

The boys walk toward their beated oppenant as Y/n, Amalia and Eva were staying behind.

Amalia:Are you ok?!

Y/n:I felt worst don't worry. Now let's see what do we have here.

Y/n walk toward the boys before he see the man flying away.


Yugo:Idk he suddenly waked up and flyed away!!!

Y/n:Meh at least he is gone. And now look at what he did.

The group look around and see all the stands of merchant have been destroyed.

Y/n:Does someone know a merchant that still haven't been destroyed?

Dally:Yeah there is one here.

Dally point at a store that was still intact even after the attack. The group headed toward it and enters it. Y/n put his cloak on and put his hood on and look around to see the items the store had until a voice was heard.

???:Welcome to Kabrok where you can have everything. My name is Miranda.

The group look at the source of the voice and see a cat woman.

Yugo:We are searching for a world map.

Miranda:Of course. KABROK!!!!

Suddenly a man run toward the group like his oife depend on it before taking a bored expression.

Kabrok:Welcome to Kabrok shop where everything you search is here what can we find you?

Eva:We need a world map please.

Kabrok nod and walk away before returning with a map.

Miranda:But before you buy the map i need you to pass a test.

Y/n:A test?

Miranda get a weird creature from behind her.

MirandaThis is a snoozle. It will sniff you to see if you have kama's on you. And the more youmhave on you the more it will love you.

Miranda put the snoozle on the ground and he start sniffing each member of the group until he reached Ruel and heart appear on his eyes and he start cnuggling on Ruel.

Miranda:Welcome to our shop my lord.

Ruel:Let me guess i'll have to pay right?

Y/n:It's that or i'll rip your arm off.

Y/n glare at Ruel from his hood and Ruel began to sweat bullets and he pick his pouch of Kama from his pockets.

Ruel:With such arguments i'll be happy to pay.

Ruel give the money and get the map.

Eva:Say now that we are here do you know something about the man who attack the other shop not too long ago?

Miranda:This man is a menace but i'll admit that he help my shop finding costumers.

Y/n look around for something whipe the others were talking with the shop owners. He didn't find anything very interesting until he found a poster of him with the name "Y/n the man wolf" on it as Y/n had an gladiator armor. Y/n taught was suddenly snapped out by Eva.

Eva:Come on Y/n were gonna catch a big bird.

Y/n walk out of the shop and join the group as he remove his hood.

Y/n:How are we gonna catch him?

Yugo:By opening a shop. And using Ruel as a bait.


Little timeskip brought to you by Amalia and Eva with their head on Y/n while in their sleeping bags as Y/n is sleeping like a dog around a firewood.


Meanwhile the group was hiding waiting for their target to be lured by the bait.

Y/n:Even if he isn't gonna show up it's still divertizing.

Dally:Youre right it's funny.

Yugo:Well guess what the bait worked.

The group looked up and see the man on the mechanical crow creature rushing toward Ruel. The group quickly intervene and Y/n pick up a tree and throw toward the man but he dodge and start talking.


The black crow start shooting eggs who explode and many baby crow launch toward the team and they were able to dodge. The black crow then pick up Ruel and fly away.


Ruel:HELP MEEEEE!!!!!!


The black crow fly away as the group looked sad.


Amalia:Yugo calm down we will but we need a plan.


Y/n:Not a bad one and i think that's precisly what the black crow want. I heard tales of him when i was a kid he have a honor code and if he does this that's probably cuz he want a last fight.

Yugo:Then let's give it to him.

Dally:I like that idea!

The group walk toward where the black crow have flyed away.


Ruel waked up and looked around and see hemwas on a huge pillar of stones who reached the sky.

???:Magnificient isn't it?

Rule let out a yell of suprise and look behind him and see the black crow.

Ruel:Hum i guess.

Black crow:This is the perfect place for a legendary battle. And when i think i will fight against the greatest monslave ever i am quite honored.

Ruel:Monslave? Do you talk about Y/n?

Black crow:Yes. But i won't tell more because your friends are here.


Themgroup arrived and the blwck crow chuckle.

Black crow:At last we meet again and for the last time.


Black crow:Finaly worthy oppenant. Our battle will be legendary!!!

Y/n growl and dash toward the black crow ane try to slash him with his claws but themblack crow jump back and land on his machine and fly up in the air. Eva tyr to shoot multiple arrow toward the machin but the black crow didge them all

Eva:Y/n i think now is the time to let the people ear you beautiful voice.

Y/n:Great idea!

Y/n take a deep breath as Yugo, Ruel and Dally looked confused.


The boys and Eva did as asked and Y/n let out a powerful soncic howl.(basically you have the sonic howl of blitzwolfer or benwolf without separating the jaw)

The sonic howl touch the black crow who fall on the column of stones and was expulsed of his machine. The black crow quickly get up and throw many eggs toward the grou but Yugo used his portals to deviate the baby crows.



Y/n grab Dally and begin to spin around and throw Dally toward the black crow but the he block Dally with his sword. The two start a sword fight but then the black crow punch Dally in the face sending him back and he was about to fall but Amalia used her vines to catch Dally and put him back on the ground.


Yugo made a portal and was about to jump in it but the black crow punch the boy trought Yugo portal knocking him out. Ruel try to fight but the black crow swip his leg and his shovel land on his head knocking him out. Amalia try to use her vines and roots to attack but the black crow cut trought them like he was cutting butter and punch the air out of her lungs kncoking her out. Eva lqucnh her arrows as Dally run toward the black crow and their sword clashes but then the black crow jump away and Dally was hitten by Eva's arrows. The black crow land behind Eva and knock her out with a chop on her neck.

Black crow:Now it's only you and me Y/n the man wolf.

Y/n:I see. You knew my reputation and that is why you knocked everyone out? To have a fair fight against me?

Black crow:Indeed. I am a big fan of your fights and i always wanted to fight you.

Y/n:Just know that i am not a monslave anymore. And i will never be anymore.

Black crow:I know. But show me how the greatest gladiator of all fight!

Y/n growl and run on his four like a wolf and jump in the air and try to land a punch but themblack crow dodge and Y/n punch land on the ground breaking the stone tower in half. Y/n grab everyone except the black crow before the tower collapse and jump on ground safely. Y/n look around and see the black crow with his machine still working enought to fly. Y/n lay everyone down and run on all four again toward the black crow and he start landing on a plain. Y/n arrived and the black crow get down his transport and prepare his sword.

Black crow:Ready for the last round?

Y/n:Yeah. COME AT ME!!!!

Y/n take a fighting stance and the black crow dash toward Y/n and try to cut him but Y/n dodge quickly and try to slash him with his claws but the black crow dodge. Y/n try to punch and slash him with his claws multiple time but the Black crow was able to dodge all the blow except one who reached his helmet cutting a sangle making his mask fall on the ground.

Y/n:Show me your face if you want to fight me.

The black crow get up and turn around reavealing Kabrok.

Y/n:Kabrok?! The merchant?! Why are you doing all of this?!

Black crow:Because i am an adventurer! Not a merchant! I love my wife more than anything but being a merchant isn't my thing.

Y/n:I see. So before you retire you want one last good fight right?

Black crow:Exactly. Care to give it to me?

Y/n:Why not. It can be fun.

Y%n take a fighting stance as Kabrok ready his sword. The two oppenants glare at eqch other waiting for the other to strike. Soon Y/n jump in the air and do a hammer kick on the ground creating a massive crater. The black crow was barely able to dodge and Y/n launch a punch toward the old man but Kabrok was able to dodge again and slice Y/n chest making blood pouring. Y/n hold his wound and get up and hlare at Kabrok.

Y/n:Not bad for an old man. Fine i'll stop restraining my hits prepare yourself.

Y/n suddenky dissapear and reappear behind Kabrok and kick him in the back sending him sime meters away but Kabrok get back up quickly and dahs at Y/n and try to slash him multiple time but Y/n was able to dodge them easily and Y/n give a roundhouse kick to Kabrok face sending him away. Kabrok getmup and throw many eggs of crow who hatched and the baby crows were going like bullers toward the wolf man but Y/n was able to dodge and he punch the ground making a line of earthquake toward Kabrok sending him in the sky and Y/n jump at Kabrok and the two land on the ground making Kabrok drop his sword and Y/n punch him in the face and Kabrok punch his muses letting him let go. Kabrok grab his sword and stike two time but he only touched Y/n one time on the chest now he had a big cross on his chest. Y/n the  take a deep breath and let 9ut a sonic breath makjng Kabroke slide away as some of his armor fly away iincluding his egg cannon. Y/n then finish screaming and now Kabrok onoy had his sword and some pieces of armor. The two pant heavily and the two oppenant run toward each other and jump in the air and land a last strike at each other and land on the ground. Y/n now had a sudden cut on the stomach lateraly and fall on the ground. Kabrok smile but then his smile was interrupted by a claw make his apperance on his chest and he also fall on the ground.

Timeskip brought to you by Y/n sharpening his claw using a tree branch.

Y/n open his eyes and see he was in a room in a inn. He groan in pain and look at his bandages on his body and remember what happened.

Y/n:Oh yeah i fought this guy. Tch for an old man he was very strong if he was at his prime i woudn't be here.

Suddenly the door of the room open reavealing Amalia and Eva.


Amalia jump on Y/n and he smile and hug back his friend.

Eva:How are you feeling?

Y/n:Felt worst. I should be fine in some days.

Eva:Good. Before i got knocked out i heard him talking about the time your were a monslave. You sure your ok.

Y/n:Yeah it didn't really bring back bad memories. Only good ones from when i was with my brother.

Eva smile and hug Y/n.

Eva:Next time be sure youre not alone in a fight. We don't want to lose you.

Y/n:And i don't want to lose you either girls. How is the black crow?

Eva:Kabrok? He is alive and fine. He said that he wanted to thank you for the best fight of his life.

Some days later timeskip brought to you by Yugo on Y/n shoulder as the two were walking.

The group were on their way again leaving the village they were in. But what they didn't know is that a man with a black cloak and yellow glowing eyes was watching them and escpcially Y/n.

???:Found you Wolfy.

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