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By Angsty0Vibes

80.1K 3.3K 817

[ON GOING]/HIATUS] "๐˜Œ๐˜ท๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ช๐˜ง ๐˜ช๐˜ต'๐˜ด ๐˜ซ๐˜ถ๐˜ด๐˜ต ๐˜ง๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ๐˜ช๐˜จ๐˜ฉ๐˜ต...๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ค๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ๐˜ด๐˜ช๐˜ฅ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ด... More

Before We Begin
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
No Chapter (UPDATE)

Chapter 34.5 (New Year's Special)

815 38 8
By Angsty0Vibes

Author's note: This does not take place in the current timeline, I just wanted to write a one-off short story to celebrate the New Years. This is in a possible future timeline with a good ending.

(Y/n)'s POV

December 31st, 2017

The streets of Tokyo were bustling with excitement from every corner. New Years was always taken seriously in this country and by many of the people it occupied. With such deep-rooted traditions, even if I didn't learn them all from my family, at least school, work, and friends would teach me something I could always incorporate in my own tradition. 

I did consider New Years to be one of, if not my favorite, holiday. It wasn't necessarily political; it was more of a personal holiday for every person to celebrate how they wished. 

The loud calls of vendors on the streets and people talking to one another as they walked by filled my ears. Seeing families carrying grocery bags filled with ingredients for their osechi ryori made my mind wonder what exactly we were planning on making for tomorrow. 

I did very minuscule stuff growing up to celebrate. My dad would go out drinking with his friends or colleagues while my mom would cook sweet red bean rice for us to eat. She would even purchase sparklers for us to play with when the night turned dark. I remember how excited my siblings and I would get. Once she was confined to a wheelchair and I had to start taking responsibility for most of the household chores, those traditions stopped. It broke my heart explaining to Hajime and Miki why we couldn't do our sparklers anymore and that our special meal was now whatever I knew how to make.

But the year I met Mikey, my life started to turn around for the better. His family celebrated in a more traditional sense compared to what my family had ever done. Shinichiro and Emma would make large portions of osechi ryori for their whole family to eat on New Year's Day, they even showed me how to make some of the dishes. Then Toman had their own special way of celebrating. As small as the gang was at the time, everyone would gather on their motorcycles, and we'd race up to Mushashi shrine once the night hit. We'd celebrate with our convince store drinks and snacks, joking and laughing and enjoying each other's company. Draken and Kazutora were usually the ones who were able to get their hands on a few firecrackers, though I never pressed how. 

It was a real eye opener for me to see how families and friends could celebrate the New Year and enjoy it so much. People would make such a big deal out of the holiday and enjoy it to the fullest, I loved seeing how happy everyone looked. It made me realize that it was a holiday I wanted to celebrate, it was something important to me. Because of this realization, I would always leave the group early, taking home a couple sparklers as I did so.

It was late by the time I got home, my mother having been asleep for a few hours and so were the twins. My dad would be out far later than he should have been, sometimes he wouldn't even come home that night. Even so, I knew what I wanted to do from now on. I walked into the twin's room and softly woke them up, their groggy eyes trying to comprehend why they were being awoken. I'd get them dressed in warm outwear and we'd sneak out of the apartment. With a bag of sparklers in hand I would take them to the park and up a small hill. It would look over a the city, you could see so many lights and you'd have a great view of the sky. 

They'd ask me again what we were doing as I sat down and took out two sparklers, handing them each one. They tilted their heads in question at the seemly plain stick I placed in their hands. I'd carefully lean the stick towards me and light it with a lighter. Seeing the look of amazement in their eyes as the sparklers began was my favorite part of the night. They screamed in joy and ran around, playing and waving the sparklers as they did so. I would wait, sitting on the ground as I knew midnight grew near. Then, a single firework would shoot up into the sky. Catching the two off guard but they quickly realized what was happening. I would motion for them to come sit down with me when their sparklers died and we'd watch the fireworks together, cuddling in the cold night air.

We'd walk home hand in hand, and I'd get them back into bed. The next morning, I would try to make a special breakfast for my mother and siblings. The surprised look on my mom's face as she wished us a good morning made me smile. Afterwards, although it was a bit difficult, we'd all get ready, and I took them to a shrine close by. I had only been to a shrine several times before, but I figured this would be a good way to start our year. Once we were done, we just strolled back home.

I learned how to enjoy New Years with others and for myself. As the years went on, I got a better handle on cooking so I could provide more for my family that way. I did like to spend part of my evening and night with the gang, but I would always finish it with my siblings. A few years later Mikey caught onto why I was leaving early and found me at the same hilltop with my siblings, waving around their sparklers. He started to join me after that, every year we'd finish our night by taking my siblings to watch the fireworks and play with sparklers on the top of that hill.

It was my favorite tradition, but now both my siblings and I have graduated, they both are doing their own things in life and Hajime has his own family. We of course call but seeing each other isn't as frequent. So I also had to find a new way of celebrating, and while it changed, it didn't all that much.

I walked up to the old traditional house, opening the front door that was rarely kept locked during the day.

"I'm home!" I shouted out, taking off my shoes and putting on the slippers placed at the foot of the step.

"(Y/n)! Please go get the little one and bring her into the living room. Ken will be back soon, but she's been crying, and I'm stuck in the kitchen." Emma called out, peaking her head out a little then ducked back in.

"Of course! What is Mikey doing? He knew I'd be out." I grew a little frustrated that Mikey left his sister alone while she was cooking and had the baby.

"I don't know, I told him I needed the support, but he said he needed to grab something important." She huffed.

I shook my head, walking up the stairs and going into the baby's room. She cried in her crib, reaching out her hands once she saw me appear. I couldn't help but smile as I picked her up and held her in my arms. She looked so much like those two even at such a young age. I brought her down with me, I picked up the bag from the front and came into the kitchen with it. 

"Here is the rest of the ingredients, I feel so stupid for waiting last second to get these things. I know how little there is left when everyone is buying stuff!" I complain, though I knew I did it to myself.

"Don't worry so much (Y/n), even if we couldn't get everything it's okay. I've been doing this for years; I can make things work!" Emma gave me a thumbs up, going back to cutting up the green onions on the cutting board.

"I promise I'll get right back to helping once Draken gets back. For now, I'll spend some time with this one." I booped the little one's nose as she started to giggle, finally calmed down now that she was getting attention. "But please don't start on the dessert!" I request, whining a bit.

"I know it's your favorite, you think I'd take that away from you?" Emma teased, my lips curling into a smile as I turn and walk into the living room.

I place down a blanket and put the baby on it, getting some of her toys from a nearby box and began to play with her. It thankfully didn't take long for Draken to come back, hearing him announce himself as he walks into the living room. 

"Why are you in here? Where's Mikey?" He asked, adjusting his sweater, and came and took a seat on the floor next to me.

"Yeah, I'd like to know too." I rolled my eyes. "But it's no worries, glad your back, I'm going to go help Emma now." I hopped up from my position and made my way to the kitchen.

I immediately went to the sink and began washing my hands, drying them, and putting on the extra apron in the kitchen. Then I was at Emma's side. 

"Alright, what can I help with?" I questioned, Emma always went all out with the osechi ryori and it took her all day usually to prepare it. Having another pair of hands again would hopefully cut the process in half like usual.

"Can you just get some things cut up and portioned? We also need to work on dinner for tonight so I hope we can get things done quickly." Emma said, going to wash her hands and start on another dish.

"It's pretty early in the day so I think we'll be good. If not, I'll spend all night cooking with you." I assured.

"I don't think it'll lead to that." Emma smiled. "We get it done every year, I'm just saying." 

We took our time with the preparation and actual cooking, only several hours later did we finally hear the front door open, and Mikey call out that he was home. I wipe off my hands, stepping out of the kitchen with the soup ladle still in my hand. 

"Where have you been Manjiro?" A hand on my hip and pointing the ladle at him.

"Whoa, are you going all housewife on me? I swear I wasn't out drinking with the boys!" He held his hands up in defense, a big goofy smile on his face.

My face grew a little red in frustration, he usually was able to get me to loosen up when he irritated me with stupid jokes like this. 

"You left your sister with the baby by herself! You're the older brother, you need to start acting more mature!" I reasoned, though I knew he'd always be like this. "Both Draken and I were out, and she was depending on you."

"I know, I know, but I really did need to get something important. It wasn't supposed to take as long as it did. Besides, beer is important for tonight." Mikey held up a case of beer in his hand.

"Beer took you several hours to find?" I knew I must've looked pissed off at this point.

"Yup! You know everyone can't go without beer on New Year's! What would Pah-chin say!? He can't eat fried chicken without it!" Mikey said dramatically.

"He has more respect than you if there wasn't some! Besides, his wife taught him some manners!" I hissed. 

"Awe common (Y/n)-chin~ It's New Year's Eve, lighten up." Mikey swung an arm around my shoulder. 

"(Y/n) makes a point still!" Draken shouted from the living room.

"Ehhhh, I'm sorry okay? I promise it'll be worth it though." Mikey smiled sweetly. 

"Beer is worth it? Sure, whatever you say." I rolled my eyes and pushed him away with the ladle. "Now go get things ready for everyone coming over."


As usual, we spent our New Year's Eve with everyone, even if we weren't in Toman anymore we never stopped all being friends. Most people drank and we all ate the dinner Emma and I prepared; people brought little side dishes as well. Times like this tended to make me sentimental, everyone was doing what they had always dreamed of; some were married, some had families, some were flourishing in their career. It brought me such joy to see a future so bright after everything we had all gone through.

I was laughing along with everyone else when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I look up to see Mikey standing behind me and motioning his head for us to leave the room. I took the opportunity and followed him out into the front entrance hall. 

"What's up?" I asked as he sat down and put on his shoes.

"Get your shoes and coat on." Mikey said without much explanation.

"Huh? Why, where are we going?" I asked, hesitating a little as I reached for my jacket that was hung up.

"It won't be that long, but hurry up!" He exclaimed, he looked excited, childlike even.

I only silently agreed, putting on my shoes and coat and following Mikey out of the house.

"They know we left right? At least someone does?" I shiver a little bit from the crisp air, hoping we didn't full on abandon everyone without explanation.

"Emma knows for sure; she can tell others if they ask. But I already told you it won't take too long." Mikey reassured me, grabbing onto my arm. "If you want it to be even quicker, we can race there?" He had a mischievous look in his eyes, as he challenged me.

"I don't like challenges Mikey, and you know I'm not as fast as you." I also had a full stomach, so I wasn't really in the mood to be running late at night in the cold.

"Oh? So that means you want to savor our walk together?" Mikey teased, I looked at him unamused.

"When have I ever not wanted to savor our time together?" I asked while Mikey's cheeks lit up slightly. "We've been best friends for how long? How many times have we saved each other's asses?"

Mikey turned away from me and his grip on my arm loosened just a little bit. Then he gripped it tightly once more and started running. Thankfully I was quick to catch myself and was now running alongside Mikey as he dragged me to wherever we were going.

"You ass!" I shouted, huffing as he only laughed in response at my struggle.

It really didn't take us long to get to our destination. It was the hill by the park we met at, the space was void of people as per usual, and the lights over the city shown bright as ever. A wave of nostalgia washed over me as I stood and stared. Memories of all those New Year's Eve nights with Miki and Hajime coming back, Mikey sat with me as they played around.

"Ah, okay, I see what you were doing-" I turn back around to look at Mikey but was met with him holding a freshly lit sparkler in front of my face. 

I gently grasp the sparkler, staring down at it as it burned. Mikey lit another one in his hand, letting it burn. I look at Mikey, surprised at the sentiment.

"It's been a while since we celebrated like this, huh? I couldn't get Hajime or Miki to make it for tonight, but they'll be down in the morning, and we'll pick up your mom to go to the shrine." Mikey assured me.

Tears were quick to form in my eyes as I started crying. Such a warm feeling enveloping me at what Mikey put together. 

"Hey, don't go crying on me, at least smile. I don't want you sobbing in the picture." Mikey teased, pulling out his phone. Getting two more sparklers as ours died out. He lit them and had us pose closely together for the picture. I messily wiped the tears that had fallen but they just kept coming out, so I just cried happily while smiling the best I could for the picture.

Mikey pulled away and looked at the photo and then at me who was trying to wipe my eyes again. 

"You know, I think this is one of my favorite photos of you. I don't get ones often where you look so genuine." Mikey smiled, looking back down at it.

"Don't tease me." I whined, though I didn't mind that much.

"I'm not teasing." Mikey proclaimed, tapping our sparklers together as they once again died out. "I have one more for us, let's make it count." He said once again lighting the new sparklers, then motioning out to the city. 

Justs then a large boom filled the sky along with golden sparks that slowly dissipated. My eyes were now glued to the sky that was being decorated in colorful fireworks. 

"Happy New Year's (Y/n). Promise you'll stay by my side for another year?" Mikey asked, he looked at the ground as he did. 

I looked over at him, not used to seeing him as shy as he was. I chuckled which caught his attention.

"You think I'd even think about leaving after everything? Sorry Majiro, but you're not getting rid of me easily." I smiled. "Thank you for everything, this means the world to me. Nobody has ever cared as much as you have, and I don't want to lose that."

"Annnnd there you go again." Mikey teased, sticking his tongue out a bit.

"Really? After everything you just did for me, you're going to say I'm the one being sentimental? Mikey, I swear you just like to push buttons." I grumble.

"You are the one who signed up for this. What, are you regretting befriending me?" He continued.

"I am fighting the urge to smack you." I tease back but in a more serious tone.

"You wouldn't, you'd never hurt a hair on my head!" Mikey said proudly.

At that I lifted my hand in the air as if I was going to smack him, bringing it down before he caught it and pulled me into a hug.

"Oooo, so scary~! Would it have even hurt though? I mean, it's not like you work out everyday." Mikey laughed, hugging me tight.

I had to fight off the urge to argue with him. Hugging him back just as tight.

"You're an asshole. And I wasn't going to actually smack you! When have I ever!?" 

"My point proven!" He claimed happily, us parting from the hug.

We finished watching the fireworks and made our way back to the house. When we got back inside everyone was watching the tv that displayed the fireworks and still eating and laughing. Emma and Mistuya noticed our arrival and waved us on over as we joined back into the conversation. Mikey tapped my shoulder midway through the conversation.

"It was worth it right?" He asked.

"The beer? I didn't even drink any." I said, straight faced to which he frowned. I smirked at his response. "Yes, very much so. But don't leave Emma in a bind just for me next time."

"She knew what I was doing. It wouldn't have taken so long either if everywhere wasn't sold out of sparklers!" Mikey complained, leaning on his hands.

"Shouldn't have waited last minute." I joked back.

"Just the actual purchase was, you're never a last-minute thought." Mikey smiled brightly.


Author's note: Happy New Year, I hope this year is filled with peace and stability. I wish the best to everyone!

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