By Hopexcafe

97 4 5

Taehyung had to leave Jungkook way back in past when his father got transferred, when he was the only light J... More



67 3 3
By Hopexcafe

      "It was dark everywhere. He was running from the things being thrown at him, from the people laughing at him. He didn't know where he was. Maybe it was a tunnel. He can see the light at the other end but the more he tried to reach the light the more impossible it seemed to reach there. Suddenly he was grabbed by someone from behind making him fall on the floor. He was struggling to get out of the grip when he felt there were more hands pinning him down. He tried to scream when his head was hit but all his screams of pain were muffled by the hand covering his mouth. He again tried to look towards the light, there was a silhouette of someone standing in the light. It seemed to be a small boy. He knew the boy was his light but he wasn't able to reach him. He was tired, he didn't feel the strength to keep his eyes open anymore with all the hands that were holding him with great force but as soon as he tried to close his eyes he felt a sharp pain shooting through his body."

      Jungkook woke up with an ear piercing scream resonating through his room, sweat trickling down his forehead, panting and gasping for air even with the air conditioner working properly. He felt unable to move for few minutes and tried to adjust his vision in the room illuminated with bright light even at 2 a.m in the morning. As soon as he felt his body moving, he sat up hastily and tried to inhale as much air as possible. He took the glass kept on the side table with shaking hands and gulped it down in one go,spilling some in the process. He felt like he wasn't able to breath in the room. He got up and reached for the door of balcony and opened it stumbling in the open air. There were few lights still illuminating the streets and a few vehicles passing by on the road. Jungkook closed his eyes and felt the cool breeze blowing on his face and it was then, it him him. Another night, another nightmare. He sighed inaudibly and tried to remind himself he wasn't in any dark alley. He wasn't surrounded by his bullies and he wasn't being laughed at. He wasn't alone on a hospital bed, crying to himself. He was safe. He was in the city of Seoul and he was going to start his university from morning. Jungkook patted his pants pockets and took out the heart shaped locket of a kid with a smiley face on it. Tears started brimming in his eyes again. 'I miss you hyungie. Where are you? Will I ever be able to find you again? Do you still remember your Bun?' He closed his eyes again and felt the silent tears streaming down his face. Great! He was going to look puffy at his first day, giving people another chance to mock him. Jungkook slided down along the grills of balcony deciding to sit there for the rest of the night because he knows he won't be able to sleep again.


      Music was blasting at the highest pitch one could muster the courage to hear. The bar was full of people. Drunk people, happy people, sad people, people dancing their lights out and people who were there for some other kinda fun.

      A boy with a relatively shorter height, silver hair, dangling earrings and tight fitted outfit was swaying his body in the center of the dance stage. He seemed a bit tipsy. He scanned the bar with squinted eyes and smiled mischievously when he found a man staring at him like a hawk stares at it's prey. He smiled and started to move his body in a seductive way now keeping an eye contact with the stranger. He smiled to himself and turned around when he found the stranger coming towards him. Soon he felt a body colliding with his from the back and hot air blowing on his ear. 'Need some attention baby boy?' He bit his lips and turned around now looking straight in man's eyes. 'Oh heck yes! Some fun would be great. You know?' The ma laughed. 'A fiesty one, I see. But let me tell you one thing. No feelings are gonna be involved afterwards.  What starts here, ends here, like completelyno love interest drama afterwards.' The man replied in a husky tone near his ear. Jimin laughed, 'Love? That's just shit people made out of their fantasy to fulfiltheir needs.' Nope he will never agree that two people flashed infront of his eyes on the mention of love. Jimin moved an inch closer to the man pressing himself to the man more, making him groan. 'I don't believe in that shit. Just fuck me tonight until I forget my own name.'

      And that's how the last night of semester break went for Jimin.


      He entered the silent apartment and sighed to himself. He was the most cheery one among the friends, the one with the loudest laugh, the one making everyone laugh, but no one was there at this hour of night to hold him, to tell him that he can be weak too sometimes, to tell him that it's okay to feel down and lonely when all you had in your life was money but never the attention and love you craved for. He took off his shoes, keeping them in the rack and strolled towards the kitchen in the light of single bulb glowing in the kitchen. He doesn't want to switch on the bright lights of living room reminding him of the mere loneliness in his life. He took out water bottle and drank a few sips before it putting it back. His eyes roamed in the empty fridge looking for something to eat but guess he forgot to buy something for himself again. Hoseok closed the door and moved towards his bedroom deciding to freshen up and sleep just like this. He wonders what the most important people in his life would be doing right now. He wants them here, with him, but he is a coward to text them, thinking it would bother them again. It's the last might anyway, he is gonna see them tomorrow. Hobi opened his bedroom's door and plopped himself on the bed discarding the idea of freshening up and closed his eyes hoping for a good sleep, because that's how his nights mostly are, lonely, he should get used to it by now, right? But he thinks he can never cope up with this loneliness.


      He was woken up from his deep slumber by loud crashing noises. He sighed, sitting up on the bed, rubbing his eyes from one hand and searching for his mobile with the other. His eyebrows furrowed when the mobile screen displayed 2:23 in the morning. Getting up from the bed, he walked towards the room's door opening it with a frustrated expression. His face showed he was mad, really really mad. As soon as he stepped down in the living room, an expected sight greeted him. His mom was wasted, laid over the couch and nearby was his dad in no better condition. They were laughing abruptly on God knows what. Throwing things at one another whatever their hands grabbed. 'For once can I get a proper sleep in this household?' Yoongi shouted at the loudest voice he can let out. 'Heyyyyyaaa- y-you youngggg maynnnn waeee don't yuuuu trynna enjoyyy yourrr lifeee? It's sooooooo much funn you know-ww-' For once again Yoongi wants to run away to Hoseok's apartment to have a safe and peaceful night.  He wonders if Jimin is also somewhere doing the same in the same wasted state. 'For God's sake Mom! Dad! It's late enough please go to your room and have some rest. Neighbours will complain again. Please just I beg you.' It felt like Yoongi will cry, but no, he hasn't cried since he was 14. He couldn't now. 'Ohhh Hu-Honey you worryyyy toooo muchh. Isn't life beauutiful?' This was his mom. 'Yeah mom it is, but you really need to sleep now, please.' Yoongi felt like it went for hours when he returned to his room after 20 minutes. It was always like that since he was a kid, only difference being his brother was there until he turned 14. Yoongi loved him with all his heart since he was a kid. Infact Yoongi only loved his brother in his family. He shut his self down when his brother left him saying 'I won't stay here just because you want me to babysit you Yoongi. I'm tired of this hell and have decided to leave.  It's upto you now what you want to do with your life. Either you want to live here or anywhere else but I can't fucking took care of a 14 year old at 19."
      From that day Yoongi made up his mind that no one truly loves you. All people do is stick to you until they don't find anyone better than you and then leave you at your own self to pick up your shattered pieces.


"How many times I have to tell you that I don't want to see your shitty face the first when I get home." This was the first sentence Kim Namjoon got to heard when he opened his door for his husband of now 3 years, Kim Seokjin. Well no one knows that. Namjoon sighed, he will never be able to understand what happened to his sweet best friend the night they got married under the critical circumstances. Namjoon won't lie that he was always in love with the elder but he swore to love and protect him after everything the elder had gone through in his life but he never got the chance. From the night of their marriage,  the elder completely shut him out of his life. They were like two strangers living in the same house who were completely unaware of each other's activities. Well you can say it was Namjoon who was unaware of Jin's activities on the other hand he tried his best to inform the elder about his whereabouts so as to keep him away from worries, if only he knew what the elder thinks about him.
      Jin stumbled into the house in a slight drunk state. His coat hanging on his arm, hairs messy and eyes representing a crimson color. Namjoon knew that the elder was somewhere drowning in his sorrows again. He so badly wanted to comfort him but he knows he isn't allowed so his just took a deep breath and said, "I'm here to open the door Jin, Kristy left half an hour ago, her mother came to collect her." "How many times I have to tell you not to call me by my name. I'm elder than you, call me hyung", Jim growled, then his voice softened like he was mumbling to himself, "My baby left? She should be waiting for me". Namjoon so badly wanted to say it to him that it was better Kristy left, she isn't supposed to see her favourite oppa like this but instead he chose something else, "How am I supposed to call my husband by hyung?" Namjoon's voice was calm but it had a hint of something in it. Something which one could only understand if he wants to. Jin's eyes dangerously narrowed at him and he took wide steps towards Najoon grabbing his collar, "OH MY GODDDD! KIM NAMJOON HOW MUCH TIME WILL IT TAKE FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND THAT YOU ARE FUCKING NOTHING TO ME. IF IT WASN'T FOR YOUR SHAMELESS PERSISTENCY I WOULD'VE BEEN HAPPILY LIVING MY SINGLE LIFE BY NOW!" He stopped just for a moment to catch his breath then his eyes met Namjoon's wide, wet eyes staring straight at them, "Stay the fuck away from me Namjoon! If I hate someone the most in this world it's you and I don't want to remind you this again and again." Jin left his collar with a harsh tug causing him to stumble and left to his room leaving a numb Namjoon behind who just stared at the path the elder went. It wasn't anything new since last 3 years, it was always like this, harsh words, words that pierced his heart, words that were enough to shatter him but every single time it happened,it hurt like hell. Namjoon can bet on one thing, he doesn't know if his marriage has given him a husabnd or not or it will ever be able to give him one, but he is sure of one thing, his marriage took his only best friend away from him.


      "Hyungie you are late again." A soft voice spoke from behind him as he entered the house. He turned on his heels with a sigh. "Taera, why are you up this late? It isn't good, you have your first day tomorrow. " He asked discarding his coat on the couch of living room and coming close, softly hugging his sister and giving her a quick forehead kiss. Taera stepped back looking at him with dramatic wide eyes, "How much older are you than me?" She raised her two fingers, showing him. "Just two years, yet it is late for me to be up and not late for you to be out? While both our cases are the same!" Taehyung chuckled, "Are you ever gonna change drama queen?" He flicked her chin. "NO! Anyways did you eat anything?" "Aera you really didn't need to-" Taehyung tried to say something but he was cut off in between, "Then do you want mom to be here at my place every night when you come back home?" "Taera!" Taehyung's voice raised. "I bet you don't and I also bet you know if I stopped it will be her at my place because she loves to ask her only son where he had been or has he enough money to pay for her gambling or not." Aera chuckled bitterly shaking her head. Taehyung just kept his head low walking to refrigerator and grabbing an energy dtink chugging it down when it was suddenly grabbed away from him. He saw Taera walking furiously to the microwave with the drink in her hand and taking out a plate with three pizza slices. She slammed shut the door of microwave handing him plate and energy drink in one go. "Eat this first and then drink your addiction." Saying this she skipped her way towards the staircase leading to her room. She desperately tried to hide her smile when she heared her brother's deep laugh behind her and a voice following, "Good night baby, have sweet dreams!"
"Good night hyungie! Wishing you to look at yourself before sleeping to get horror dreams!" She chirped standing on the staircase earning yet another laugh from Taehyung. He looked beautiful. Laughter suits him. She just smiled softly, wishing to always see the same smile on his face but she knew once the sun rose tomorrow he will be a complete different person with a complete cold aura and no smile decorating his handsome face. Sometimes even she got scared to approach him during day times but only the softness in his eyes towards her, make her talk out the necessary things to him during day. It was only the night when their mother or anyone wasn't around them so that she could have her brother, her real brother, talk with him, play with him and have him all to herself. If only she could heal him, if only he will show her how broken he was from inside, if only she could bring her cheerful and innocent brother back, but everything has changed since that one night. She sighed shaking her head dismissing the negative thoughts decorating her head.
      "Are you gonna take me with you tomorrow?" She asked standing at the same spot. Taehyung looked up, his mouth stuffed with pizza, eyes big, trying to chew down the food hurriedly to answer his sister, "Yeah, be ready at seven. I will take you with me, but Jiminie will drop you back. I have to go to job." "Okay." She nodded her head. "Eat with ease and go to sleep then. We have a long day ahead tomorrow." "It's for you RA, I am having the same scedule for past many years. Nothing new for me!" He smiled. "Go and sleep. See you in the morning." Taera nodded leaving for her room and it was then Taehyung's whole demeanour changed from a happy person to like someone who would never smile for anyone in his life. And this is what the Kim Taehyung is to the world!


Author's Note:
      So yeah kinda an introductory chapter!

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