twisted wonderland one-shots...

By tomato_can_

157K 4.9K 2.9K

rules are inside, but feel free to be as creative as you like with the requests! might favor angst a bit more... More

rules + info :) (place requests here!)
malleus x fem!reader
jealous leona x fem!reader
kalim x gn!reader
idia x dense!reader
azul x gn!reader
epel x gn!reader
riddle x rulebreaker!gn!reader
riddle x motherly!gn!reader
floyd x gn!reader
vil x gn!reader
che'nya x gn!reader
protective!jack x gn!reader
sebek x gn!reader
yandere!neige x gn!reader
rook x gn!reader
update to rules as of sept. 26, 2022
malleus x fem!tomboy!reader
epel x strong!gn!reader
idia x gn!reader
twst x gn!ghost!reader (READ ANNOUNCEMENTS)
leona x male!reader
lilia x flirty!gn!reader
jade x gn!reader
epel x fem! reader
i made a discord for anyone who wants to join :)
leona x gn!bimbo!reader
rollo x injured!fem!reader
vil x goofy!gn!reader
azul x mafiaesque!gn!reader
yandere!royal!epel x reader
yandere!neige x gn!reader pt.2 electric boogaloo
deuce x shy!male!reader
malleus x scared!gn!reader
idia x streamer!gn!reader
azul x mafiesque!gn!reader pt. 2
ruggie x kingscholar!male!reader
grim x platonic!male!reader
epel x male!reader
rook x zombie!fem!reader
malleus x sick!gn!reader
lilia x gn!reader
crewel x assistant!gn!reader
riddle x male!reader
idia x male!reader
rollo x esmerelda!gn!reader
leona x shy!male!pomefiore!reader
jade x male!reader
sebek x gn!reader
vil x male!reader
neige x gn!reader
azul x gn!reader
crowley x male!reader
riddle x mad hatter!fem!reader
azul x mermaid!fem!reader
yandere!malleus x gn!reader
jack x male!reader
floyd x fem!reader
leona x tomboy!reader
idia x fem!reader
platonic!crewel x male!reader
riddle x gn!reader x overblot!riddle
floyd x male!ftm!reader
azul x violinist!gn!reader
jade x fem!idol!reader

jealous!jamil x gn!reader

3.1K 99 15
By tomato_can_

a/n: minor angst in this one, also set after jamil's overblot. u can tell i went ham w the headcanon's (he's touch starved)

synopsis: jamil likes u, u like jamil, and kalim decides to try and help but jamil thinks he's trying to date the reader. drama ensues. reader is the only one who's able to keep calm

"You know how to talk, right?"

You're taken aback by Kalim's question, blinking a few times, but nod. "I mean...I'm talking right now, aren't I?"

Kalim smiles, clapping his hands together. "Perfect! Then just do that next time you see Jamil!"

Your head drops into your hands. "It's really not that easy..."

You'd been trying to confess to the Scarabia Vice Dorm Leader for the better part of a month now, always failing to do so in the end because you'd get so damn nervous.  You weren't shy,  per se, and you usually took initiative when it came to social relationships, but there was something about the way Jamil looked at you that made you want to curl up and hide because of the embarrassment that came with it.

You'd been frequenting Scarabia in search of advice, going to Kalim more often than not. He was the closest to Jamil so he'd definitely have something helpful to say, right?

Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

As nice as he may be, Kalim really had no idea what to do when it came to your little crush. His idea of confessing was to "just say it", but you didn't want to just say it.  You needed to catch Jamil at a good time in a good setting in a good mood so that he knows that you mean  it.

Jamil didn't know that was what you were up to, though.

All he saw was Kalim getting more buddy-buddy with you. His crush.

And he was not happy about it.

He'd confided in Kalim about his feelings for you during a vulnerable moment—which he was sorely regretting now, after seeing the two of you together—and had asked him for advice on how to go about confessing.

Kalim's response had been the exact same as the one he gave you.

"Just tell them!" he says, eyes sparkling as Jamil scrunches his nose up.

"Uh, no. Not gonna happen."

"Well, you like them and I'm sure they like you, so what's the holdup?"

"Exactly. You're sure  they like me," he snaps, crossing his arms. "And whenever you say that, you're usually wrong about it, so forgive me if I'm not too trusting on your judgment right now."

Kalim pouts, deflating instantly. "C'mon, what's so hard about it? Just go up to them and tell them! It's that easy!"

Jamil's eye twitches. "For the last time, no. I'm not doing anything unless I'm certain that I won't fuck it all up."

You and Jamil had grown closer over the year to the point where you'd begun to hang out without Kalim, who had been the one to introduce the two of you. Jamil had been apprehensive at first, because Kalim's friends usually meant trouble, but you were a lot more composed than he'd expected you to be. Truthfully, he'd let his eyes wander over you when he thought you weren't looking, just because he liked to watch the way you move.

You were strong and elegant, which were two things that made him very wary because 1. it meant that you believed yourself to be in charge and weren't afraid to show it, and 2. you were clearly used to maneuvering your way around conversations to keep your secrets hidden and expose others at the same time.

He was just overthinking, though. You were just confident with yourself, which he completely overlooked because of his background with protecting Kalim.

The first he'd warmed up to you was purely incidental.

He'd been preparing Kalim a ridiculously large meal, as per usual, when you'd waltzed into the kitchen and leaned on a countertop with your arms crossed, giving Jamil a nod.

"What's up?"

"Hello, prefect," he says, trying not to distract himself with your presence. He tried to tune you out, and for the most part it worked—until you started talking.

"I think we've got a dish similar to that one where I'm from," you start, moving to stand next to Jamil as you watch him cook. You gestured to the mass of dough in the bowl he was mixing—well, it was supposed  to be dough, but it still had the consistency of thick soup and was quickly getting itself on Jamil's nerves.

He must've missed something. He was so distracted by blocking you out that he'd fucked up the recipe and now he was gonna have to redo the whole thing, which would take more time, which would mean spending more time with you—

Jamil hasn't even noticed how hard he's mixing the batter until it's splashing over the edges, getting on his hands and clothes and onto the clean countertop.

"Hey, mixing it faster isn't gonna make it stick," you say nonchalantly, pulling a bag of flour over and pulling out the cup inside of it, nudging Jamil's hand with your own. "May I?"

He nearly jumps at the contact. It was sudden and lasted for a split second, but he can't help but stare at you with wide eyes. "Um, yeah, sure," he says, feeling his mouth go dry as you take the whisk away from him.

He's still staring as you start slowly adding in the flour. He's never really gotten the chance to look at you—really  look at you—but now that he is, he can feel his cheeks turn pink because you're attractive.

A second later, the embarrassment of his mistake catches up to him. He slaps a hand over his face with a groan, mentally yelling at himself for making such an amateur slip-up.

You chuckle, looking over. "I recognize that tone. Don't worry, we all mess up once in a while. It's human nature, I guess."

"Not when you've been cooking for Kalim as long as I have," he grumbles, refusing to meet your eyes. You chuckle again, and he's ashamed to admit that he likes the sound of it.

"Hey, at least you're not poisoning him, y'know? Worst he'll get is some flat, sticky meal—he'll survive through this terrible tragedy that's befallen him. He's tough," you say, still mixing.

Jamil covers up his smile with his hand. His eyes slowly make their way back over to you, tracing the curve of your neck and the way you methodically whisk away, sometimes humming. He stares for the rest of the time you spend helping him in the kitchen.

You don't notice, because of course you don't. But Kalim does.

He notices how Jamil relaxes when you're around. He can see the way he unconsciously leans toward you, giving you a look that's so soft  no one would ever believe that it's him unless they were there to see it themselves.

Best of all, you're always ready to indulge Jamil with whatever he wants. He doesn't get much free time away from Kalim—not to mention his duties as the Vice Dorm Leader—but on those small slivers that are reserved for doing something for himself, he always wants you there with him.

Kalim noticed everything. With a guy with so little going on in his head, he sure did pick up on a lot.

And now, to the despair of both you and  Jamil, he was determined to set the both of you up together.

Jamil didn't see it that way, though. All he saw was you slowly drifting away from him back into Kalim's company, which dug deep into him. 

The final straw was Kalim touching you. Yes, he was a friendly boy and he liked to poke at everyone, but it was different with you because he was too close to you.  The arm around your shoulders was just a tad bit too tight, and the hand clasping yours stayed there a bit too long for it to be considered friendly.

It was stupid, but Jamil could feel the envy bubbling up inside of him at the sight. You  were supposed to hold him  like that! What the hell, Kalim?!  He—he wasn't supposed to take you like that.

It hurt to watch you lean into the touch, just like how he'd leaned into yours. He can't help but feel betrayed that you're letting someone else hold you the way he wanted to be held.

It simply wasn't fair.

Why did Kalim have to choose the worst time to come in between you two? Jamil was getting close to figuring it all out, he could feel  it—and then Kalim swoops in and leaves him all alone again!

All his life he'd had to pretend to be second-best to Kalim because of his status—not anymore, though. He wouldn't stand for it anymore.

(And anyways, Kalim had said that the two of them were equals now, so was there anything really stopping him in the first place?)

He'd watched Kalim scoot off to his room with you in tow, dragging you by your wrist while the both of you giggled like schoolchildren over something he didn't understand. He marched behind you, eyes blazing as he listened to you laugh at something Kalim said through the closed door.

"Okay, okay," starts Kalim, still smiling, "so you think you're ready?"

"Yeah!" you say, beaming. "We've spent so much time together and...well, I can't tell if he likes me back, but I really can't hold it in anymore. It's not fair to keep lying to him like that."

"He's definitely going to accept! I know it!" exclaims Kalim, standing up and pulling you with him. "And I bet he's going to make some long, romantic speech about it, too!"

"No he won't! You're being silly."

"No I'm not! Look, it'll go just like this!" He strikes a ridiculous pose, grasping both of your hands in his, and continues in a boisterously loud voice. "Oh prefect, my love for you knows no bounds! I simply knew that we'd make the most perfect couple—"

"That's enough!" roars Jamil, having heard enough and evidently believed that kicking in the door would be the best way to make his entrance.

Kalim shrieks, high-pitched and noisy, and launches himself into your arms. You stand there, stunned, as Jamil begins rambling, eyes wide with near-hysteria.

"I told you about my feelings! I trusted you and this is what you do?!" he yells, gesturing to the both of you. "Seven, I was so stupid  for believing that you'd actually wanted to help me! Of course you went behind my back when you found out that I love them! Is this your way of saying you're better than me?! Huh?!"

Silently, you and Kalim share a side glance.

"See? I told you that he'd make a speech," whispers Kalim from his perch in your arms, although he's loud enough for everyone to hear.

Jamil seems to have suddenly realized the situation he's put himself in. His blood goes cold as soon as he realizes that you've heard everything,  and he starts trying to back out of the room, mumbling apologies.

Okay, time to dig a hole and cover it back up while I'm inside or move to a country where no one will recognize me,  he thinks to himself, the shame washing over him.

To his surprise and utter horror, you begin to laugh.

It's incredulous and a bit manic, but after a second you begin to calm down, setting Kalim back on his feet. "So that's what this is all about, huh?"

"No need to rub it in," mumbles Jamil, looking away in embarrassment.

"No, no, it's all good. So, uh...would this be a good time to as you out?" you ask, giving him a hopeful look.

Jamil almost can't believe it. His eyes snap back to yours, where he stares at you dumbly for what seems like ages. "...huh?"

"A date."

"...a date."

"Yes, Jamil," you say, trying and failing to fight back a smile, "a date. C'mon, I at least made it a little  obvious that I liked you back, right?"

Jamil feels like he's rooted to the spot. He can feel his hands start to shake at the confession. In typical Jamil fashion, he decides to act like it's not a big deal, even though he's internally screaming. "Yeah, a date sounds alright."

"Aw, just alright?" you say, approaching him and looping your arm through his. He stiffens for just a moment before melting into your touch, leaning into your side.

"Good. Great, even," he says, still in disbelief. You smile at him, and all he can do is give you that same soft, wide-eyed look.

"I'm sorry if you felt insecure about anything," you say, your smile dropping. "I had no intention of making you feel that I was coming onto Kalim."

"N-no, that's not your fault," says Jamil, completely red in the face. "I was just being stupid and I...blew up on you two."

You nod with a hum, nudging him softly. "Hey, at least we know how we feel about each other, right? This is a lot easier than just dancing around each other all day, isn't it?"

Jamil can feel himself start to smile as he looks at you again, something tender and vulnerable blooming inside of his chest. "Yeah, I guess it is."

Kalim, meanwhile, is under the impression that his "just say it" plan worked perfectly, ignoring the both of you to bask in his high level of wiseness and intelligence.

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