From Z to D and Back ( Dragon...

By Kaze_Jay

5.8K 221 71

Daiko the son of Raditz and an unknown Female saiyan His adventures began when he luckily left the grasp of t... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 1

565 15 5
By Kaze_Jay

Raditz : "We are arriving soon prepare yourself son."

Daiko: "Yes father."

We land on earth with a loud crash and our pods open and we a meet with what's looks to be a farmer holding some some sort of shotgun.
???: Hey who are you two? The man shakily asked
Raditz: You have a power level of five.
Daiko: Pathetic
???: stay back don't come any close I'll shoot you! And I mean it

Father takes a step towards him
???: Haaaa!
He fires his contraption but father catches the bullet
???: GAAAAHHH!!! He yellls in shock.
Father then flicks the metal bullet back at him
Raditz: heh it's a race of utter weaklings.
Our scouters go off.
Daiko: father seems there are two high power levels in these two directions going off in the scouters
Raditz: I'll take this one and you head that way he says taking flight remember what I told you about how your uncle looks like.

With that I go into the direction of the other power level causing me to fly over a large body of water


Standing in the wasteland thinking I was interrupted by a huge power heading towards me
Piccolo: What is this power I-It can't be Goku?


Goku: hey look were here master Roshi's house he says hoping of his nimbus cloud
Goku: Helloooo~
The people inside known as krillin a bald monk Master Roshi the turtle hermit and bulma briefs brilliant scientist of the briefs family owners of capsule Corp rush outside to great there friend
Bulma: Goku!
Krillin: Hey!

Goku: Hi!
Bulma: So whose the kid?
Krillin: Yeah what gives are you baby sitting him or something
Goku: heh. No he's my son.
Everyone beside Goku and his son gasp in shock
Goku: "That's right crazy huh?"He says putting Gohan down. "Come on say hello."

Gohan:"oh um hello" he says a little shyly
Everyone greets the little one
Goku: "his name is Gohan" he says as turtle grabs Gohan's attention
Roshi: Gohan huh? So you named him after your dear old grandpa huh?"
Goku: "uh-huh" Goku agrees
Roshi: "I have to admit this is some surprise I honestly didn't think you had it in you Goku heh heh."

Bulma: "awww he is so cute so how old are you?" She ask crouching down to his size
Gohan: "hmm...." Gohan counts on his fingers " one two.....I'm four miss."
Bulma: "well aren't you the little gentlemen" rubs his head "are you sure he's yours?"
Goku laughs a bit
Goku: "well he gets that from chi chi."
Bulma: "well tell us more about your self what do you want to be when you grow up?"
Gohan: " I wanna be a great scholar."

Bulma: "oh! Uh? You don't say?" Bulma says surprised Gohan gets a little scared of the turtle but warms up to him "huh? A tail?
Goku: "Yeah just like I use to have, remember?
Krillin: oh yeah that's right.
Gohan pets the turtle but Goku suddenly gets on guard and looks around
Goku: " what's that!?"

Roshi: "What's wrong?"
Goku: " I-I don't know something is coming this way." Goku says starting to sweat.
A blur starts to enlarge itself as it gets closer
Goku: "there here it comes."
Krillin: "What the? Who-who is that?"

Roshi: "This is trouble I can feel it " Roshi says as a boy lands on the ground.

Everybody gets on guard

???: So your him........Father was right you look exactly like he said kakarot.
Goku looks confused
Goku: "kaka-what?"
???: so this must be what grandfather looks like.
Goku: "huh?"
Krillin: "wait a sec you know this kid?"
???: What have you been doing huh?
Bulma: hey kid are you okay you seem a little  distressed?"

???: "Shut it woman."
Bulma: " how dare you, you ill mannered brat."
???: " your mission was to terminate every life form on this wretched rock at least that's what father told me so WHY HAVEN'T YOU CARRIED IT OUT!
Goku: "uh? Uhhhhh?

Bulma: "Okay sweetie I think you may be a little confused" Bulma starts to walk towards the mysterious kid. "Maybe we could help you find your father that you keep referring to."
She crouched down to the boys level

The boy glared at her then a smack was heard

The boy slapped Bulma away she skidded on the ground a little before Goku catches her
Goku: "BULMA! Hey hey?! Are you okay? Hey kid!" Goku shouts turning to the boy to see his tail unwrapped
Goku: "he has a tail just like Gohan, just like I did."
???: "Have you finally realized who I am?"
Goku: "no I- " he tries to push Gohan back " still have no clue"

???: "KAKAROT!" The boy shouts gaining his attention " the truth is your not of this world
This statement causes Goku to sweat even more " you were mostly likely born on planet vegeta like father you are apart of the saiyan race a race of the most powerful warrior in the galaxy you are one of us."
Everyone looks in shock
???: "and as for you other question my name is Daiko and I'm your nephew."

Goku looks mind-blown at the sudden revelation.
Krillin: "No way Goku has a nephew?"
Bulma: " it's gotta be some kind of joke."
Goku: " even if it is it's not funny."
Krillin: " it's crazy if Goku really an alien like he says what's he doing on earth?"
Daiko: " well that much my father can explain of should I say your brother Raditz

Everyone besides Daiko and Gohan: BROTHER!

Raditz is floating in the air above everyone
Raditz: "ah you found him" Raditz floats down "great job son." Raditz laughs evilly "and it's not hard to understand Kakarot, was sent to this world not long after he was born with the simple mission to destroy every human being on the planet"
Goku: "what?!?" "Even if it is true and I'm some kind of alien from another planet or you are my older brother and my nephew hmph, It doesn't matter anyone who would do the horrible things you say is no brother or nephew of mine!" Goku points to himself with his thumb "MY NAME IS GOKU THIS IS MY HOME AND YOUR NOT WELCOMED HERE!"

Bulma: "Tell him Goku!"
Raditz smirks and Daiko glares at his uncle
Raditz starts to walk forward As they move out the way in fear
Raditz: "Say all you want but I won't be convinced by mere shouting" powerful as we are we saiyans have never been that well off in numbers what's more our race was almost wiped out entirely when a giant meteor struck our planet, vegeta. There weren't any survivors everyone died including our mother and father Kakarot." Raditz starts to walk towards Daiko again "counting you there are only 5 more saiyans left in the universe." Raditz turns to face Goku "I was away on assignment with two other of our warriors when the meteor stuck we lived a third saiyan also survived he happened to be conquering a distant planet like you were the boys over there is another unfortunately his mother was killed in combat."

Raditz: "We have a nice planet that will fetch us a hefty price but there's one tiny problem even with the three of us it will still be a bit of trouble." "That's where you come into the picture my long-lost little brother, your power level is lower than I thought it would be but even so the five of us together should be able to manage just fine."
Goku: "STAY AWAY FROM ME! Back off! He says backing away from Raditz

Raditz: " Kakarot can't you see open your eyes." "We're born for this!"
Gohan: "I-I'm scared" he says hugging Bulma.
Goku lunges forward to retaliate
Raditz: "really?" He ask looking at Gohan getting bulma to hold the boy tighter. "You know there something I've been wondering, is that boy over there your son? The brat behind the blue haired women?"

Daiko: "I believe it is father there's no doubt about it
Raditz: " yes I agree you can't hide it from me that boy has saiyan blood."
Daiko: "and he isn't really hiding his tail."
Goku: " So what if he does? HUH?!"
Raditz: " I wanted to reason with you but I see you don't know what's best for your son so I'm afraid I'm going to have to take him with me."
Raditz starts to walk towards the group and Daiko follow from a short distance

Goku: "Don't you take one step closer to my son!" Goku backs up a bit " IM WARNING YOU!"
Goku gets ready to make a move but raditz
Blitzes him and knew him in the gut
Goku: "HURRRG"
Gohan gasped
Gohan: " DADDY!"He yells running away from bulma "DADDY! get up!"
Raditz scoops Gohan up and he starts to cry
Raditz: " like I said I'll be taking your son and if you want to see him alive again you'll do what your big brother says."
Goku: "hghhh tch damn you" Goku spits through the pain

Daiko and Raditz start to float into the air
Raditz laughs and flies away as Gohan kicks and screams for his father

Bulma and everyone help me up to sit down
Krillin: so how do we even begin to beat some one like that?"
Goku: " his tail......that's it" he stumbles onto his feet. " if we can grab his tail it will drain his power."
Krillin: but do you think you can even get in close enough to do that?"
???: it's useless it won't work there's no beating him" a voice calls out
The group looks around for the cause of the voice.
Everyone: "PICCOLO!!!"

Piccolo floats down and walks towards them
Piccolo: "in case you didn't know this his power level is nothing short of extraordinary and as much as I hate to say it his brat is somehow stronger than us . they are both Far higher than ours" he says walking past Goku "your a fool if you think you can beat him alone." He says as he stops

Piccolo: " However if we team up, combine our strength!....then maybe there's hope."
Goku: "hold on if his kid is also stronger than us what can we do about him if they team up huh and why are you even helping someone like me?"
Piccolo: " Don't get me wrong this is just business and I'm not here to help you play hero and I could care less about Your kid I just don't like the idea of this alien and his brat interfering with my plan for world conquest."

Bulma gets scared and hides behind turtle
Piccolo: " speaking of that brat he seems to respect his fathers choices so as long as he doesn't ask him to fight we're good but if he does I have a back up plan." "So here's the deal I'll join you as long as it takes to defeat these saiyan warriors."
Goku looks at piccolo
Goku: "it might be crazy but your right whatever it takes." Goku says with a smirk
Piccolo: " then we're agreeing, we'll just have to deal with it." Goku turns to face piccolo "teaming up with Goku I can only hope to suppress my urge to vomit."

Goku: " Bulma I need to borrow your dragon radar for a little while."
Bulma: " sure okay." Goku grabs it then hops onto nimbus
Goku: " hey piccolo think you can keep up with my flying nimbus?"
Piccolo: " heh. Your silly little flying cloud is ridiculous I have my own method for traveling around."
Both take off in the direction of the two saiyan invaders .

Gohan is yelling for someone to let him out from the space pod I can't help but feel kinda bad for him.I'm sitting at the edge of the crater my fathers pod made.
Both our scouter go off
Daiko: "huh?"
Raditz: " you got the warning to huh?"
Daiko: "yeah." Raditz checks it
Raditz: " A POWER LEVEL OF 710!!?! And it's close."
He searches around but Daiko was already on it
Daiko: " apparently it's uncles brat."

Raditz: " so that's it the damn things broken." " I give up this thing is completely busted."
Daiko: " looks like it."
Raditz: " are you hungry?"
Daiko: " a lot actually"

Raditz: " Thats my boy."

Before he could search for more food another power level warning sounds

Raditz: " Impossible he's here?!?"
The warriors stare each other down upon landing
Raditz tosses the fruit in his hand to his son
Raditz: " Daiko go and eat that, as for you kakarot I always thought you would have more sense than this."
Piccolo starts to remove his turban and cape
Piccolo: " That's enough I am not interested in your little family squabbling."

Goku: " I see you've been still wearing your training weights too huh piccolo" Goku says to removing his extra clothing as well."
Raditz looks a little shock seeing there powers rise. "Something tells me I'm not gonna want to hold back this time."

Raditz laughs
Raditz: " You think that little increase will be enough to defeat me?" "I'm sorry brother I was thinking about my offer and I've decided I change my mind you'd probably just slow the rest of us down." "AND FOR BETRAYING THE SAIYAN RACE YOU WILL DIE!"
Goku and piccolo rush at Raditz at insane speeds

As they unleash a flurry of combination attacks Raditz dodges all of them. They try to attack his blind side but he kicks them both in the chin
They try to dash at him once more but Raditz went into the air prompting the duo to follow.
Raditz smirks as he unleashes an energy beam attack
They both narrowly dodge it as it creates two explosions in the distance
Goku looks up and sees Raditz is no longer there

Goku: " WHAT WHERE DID HE GO?!?!" Raditz appears behind him
Raditz: "I'm right here." He says then kicks Goku in his back sending him to the ground
Goku: " tch ow damn.... Hey are you okay piccolo." Goku looks to him and gasps in shock.
Blood drips on the ground
Piccolo: " Don't worry it's not as bad as it looks. I only need one arm to fight."

Raditz burst into laughter
Raditz: " Oh excuse me has anyone seen my arm you can't miss it it's green." He laughs some more
Piccolo: " Hey Goku I supposed you don't have any new tricks up your sleeve that you've been hiding till now?"
Goku: "yeah I wish sorry I've got nothing."

Piccolo: " tch you've been slacking lucky for you I spent the last two months perfecting a new attack."
Raditz: "what are you two whispering about some new strategy perhaps?"
Goku: " can you do this attack with one arm?"
Piccolo: " yeah that's not problem but I will need some time to charge up my energy few minutes that's all."
Piccolo: "you'll have to find away to keep him occupied until I'm ready, Think you can do that?"

Goku and Raditz engage in combat as piccolo charges his attack Goku desperately puts all he has into distracting Raditz throwing kick and punch after kick and punch having Raditz somewhat on the defensive. But now it's on the opposite Goku is getting pummeled punch in the face one hit after another unsure of how much longer he'll last.
Raditz blocks a kick Goku used to get some distance and eventually kicks Goku away himself.

Goku uses his arms to launch himself into the air
Raditz: " aren't you persistent."
Goku the puts his arms behind his back and cups his hands

Raditz: " huh his power level is rising....."
His hands starts to glow

Raditz finally notices piccolo charging up
Raditz: " what his power has shot up high as well 1020! AND ITS STILL CLIMBING!"

Goku: "HAAAAAAA!!!!"

Raditz avoids the attack but Goku pulls up to make it bend towards him

When the smoke clears Raditz is there holding his hand out
Goku: " He deflected it."

Raditz throws his own blast back at Goku
Leaving Goku to fall from the sky

Raditz runs to his brother then punches him while he is down and starts to stop on his chest as Goku screams in pain

Hearing this causes Gohan to break from the pod and land outside In front of everyone

Goku: " g-Gohan run now! While you can Gohan run!" He shouts to his upset son
Raditz reads his power level
Raditz: " his his power level it's at 1307."
He says shocked
Gohan: " You stop hurting my, DADDYYYYY!"
Gohan shouts as his power explodes

He flies towards Raditz and slams into his chest head first cracking his space armor

Goku: " G-Gohan?" Goku says in disbelief
Raditz: " Y-You brat!"
Goku: "Go Run away! Go son Hurry fast as you can please just run away!"
Raditz: " what your kidding his power level is back to one... that's got to be it, it changes with his emotion." Raditz says walking toward Gohan
Raditz raises his fist and swings hitting the boy in the head

Raditz looks at his son and nods
Raditz: " good......" Raditz while his sons guard was down chops him on the neck and knocks him out then knocks out Gohan as well finally pressing a button on his scouter before dropping it to the ground

Raditz: " kakarot this may sound confusing but I need you both to shut up and listen to me."
Goku raising an eyebrow then gets angry
Goku: "why should we! Look at what you've done so far!" He shout
Raditz: " listen I apologize I had no other choice In all honestly asking you for help makes me sick
Goku: " what are you on about?"
Piccolo: " Don't let him fool you Goku!"

Raditz: " it's true I just had one more wish to get Daiko away from that monster that tortured him" raditz lifts his brother up " but I'm going to need your help"
Goku: " piccolo as much as my body tells me heart tells me trust him."
Piccolo: "of course always the soft and forgiving one huh Goku fine let's hear him out."
Raditz explains that he has comrades that will come searching for him as soon as he dies and that Goku need to die with him so that they won't have a reason to come to earth in the first place

After Raditz puts his scouter back on and they resume here they left of and Goku and Raditz sacrifice themselves for the greater good of there family

After the attack both men landed on the ground dying walks up to the dying Raditz talking
Piccolo: " on this planet we have something called the dragon balls able to grant wishes in other words Goku can be brought back Goku to life."
This little sentence was a grave error in there plan because it gave Raditz comrades a reason to find earth.
Raditz knowing this would pique the princes interest he told them when his friends would show up in search of him and most likely the wish granting orbs.

Nappa: "Hmmp Raditz got himself killed most likely his brat too."
Vegeta: " serves him right pathetic a shame about the boy though had a lot of potential but he was wasting his time clinging to his weak father if he had gone under my wing he would have been a powerful warrior." "Besides I would have like a little brother that wasn't as useless as the other one."

Napp: " right."
Vegeta: " those things dragon balls was it yeah if we get those we can have a wish granted."
Nappa: " maybe we can wish Raditz back."
Vegeta: " why waste a wish on a weakling like that if we can get more then one then we will wish back Daiko at least he will be of some use. Besides how does eternal youth or immortality fancy you huh? We could be the most unstoppable duo in the galaxy."

Back with the others
Daiko is now awake listening to piccolo talk about Raditz and everything that happen including his fathers plan."
Piccolo: " that's everything.
Krillin: " Goku! Are you okay hey are you with me buddy hold on!"
Bulma: " I think Gohan is gonna be okay."
Looks like he was just knocked out like the brat over there."
Krillin and Roshi breath a sigh of relief.

Goku: " good he is safe."
Krillin: "hey man!"
Roshi: "goku!"
Goku: "chi...chi probably.......would kill me...... if .......he got hurt."
Bulma: " oh Goku" she says sadly
Goku: " krillin this dying is........not much is it........"

Krillin: " Hey what the heck are you talking about. No one is dying here!" " your gonna be fine you got that!"
Goku: " No.......Not this time..... I'm to.......far gone." Goku looks to Daiko standing at his fathers body. "Daiko....... he calls out."
Goku: " you father told me to tell you.......he is sorry........he was such a. .............weakling....."

Krillin: "We will get the dragon balls and wish you back!"
Goku: " sounds....good" Goku says drawing his last breath."
They cry out for there fallen friend until his body disappears
Roshi: "he disappeared?"
Piccolo: " figured the old man would have something to do with it.. this is kami's doing."
Piccolo starts to walk away" I can't think of anyone else capable of such a thing probably came up with some sort of meddling plan like always."

Krillin: " I wonder what he is up to?" Krillin asked walking toward Gohan's hat
Roshi: " well if Goku isn't safe with the guardian of earth he isn't safe anywhere."
Krillin: " all the same we need to start gathering the other six dragon balls and wish Goku back to life as fast as possible."
Bulma: " Yeah we're going to need all the help we can get of course Yamchas running of who knows where."
Krillin: " well your the one who chased him off." He sneakily replies.
Meanwhile piccolo is glaring menacingly
Scaring everyone but Daiko who hasn't taken his eyes of his fathers corpse

Piccolo grunts before regrowing his arm
While panting heavily he lift it and flexes it
Piccolo: " You should start looking for the dragon balls immediately.wherever Goku is now he'll still need you to wish him back to life
But you can leave Goku's son with me And the brat is welcomed to join in as well."

Bulma: " what are you going to do with Gohan?"
Piccolo: "how powerful that boy becomes depends on whether he receives proper training a year from now two more saiyan will appear on earth when that day comes we'll need him to be ready."
Daiko: " nappa and Vegeta!........."
Piccolo: "seems like you know them well you and I are going to have a chat on just what We are up against. There is little time and much to learn so for the next year these two are with me."

Krillin: " woah your really serious aren't you?"
Bulma: " a year don't you need a parents signature for that? Hehehehe" she laugh out nervously
Roshi: " let see Goku is gone but guess we can ask chi chi.
Gohan's body starts to float to piccolo

Piccolo: " Once the year is up and the training is complete I'll send him back with his cousin here but not a day before!" "When you wish Goku back to life you tell him he can look forward to seeing his son again when we return. Daiko whenever your ready you know where to find me."
Daiko still stares at his fallen father.

As piccolo leaves
Bulma turns to Daiko
Bulma: " I know he might not been the greatest of people but it's okay to cry over your father."
Daiko: "shows your ignorance."
Bulma gets upset.
Krillin: " Bulma calm down the kid just lost his father too."
Daiko: " He was a fool to grow any personal attachments to me saiyans don't grow silly bonds with they're parents and vice versa the only bond we have is comrades on the battlefield or rivals in strength............but T-The last this i thought of my father as was a failure he did his best with what he had and that's all I can ask of him."
A few tears roll down Daikos cheek Bulma spots this scoffs then walks up to him

she was going to console the boy but he flew away

Piccolo and the two young saiyans are due to begin there training any moment now Goku has been given the opportunity to take snakeway to train with king Kai and krillin searches for the z fighterz in preparation of the saiyan invasion in one year will they become strong enough to challenge this ungodly threat find out next time On dragon ball z

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