By SamaraTaylor13

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Iliana, a girl whose life was miserable because of the poor conditions of her family. But at last god blesse... More



71 4 0
By SamaraTaylor13

'No god! Please... don't tell me my house has some Ghost issues.'

'COCO!!.. Please keep him safe!'

The lights started flickering themselves and i got the horror movie vibe at the very instant. The sound of tapping window glass kept all my attention and i gulped turning my neck towards it; the breezes were making the banging sound on the window.

'i need to get out of here first and look for Coco.'

I took small steps and opened the door without any scary scene. I ran to Coco and he jumped in my arms. The music got stopped.

Suddenly, the lights went out and everything went dark. Coco yelped, buring his head in my arms. "It's okay Coco. We're fine."

I tried to pull myself together and find a source of light. I could barely see anything and resorted to waving my arms in front of me to avoid bumping into any furniture. The bright moon was high in the clear sky. There were no lights in any of the windows. Instinct led me to the kitchen cabinet where I could remember my mother storing some candles for emergencies. All the inhabitants were asleep.

I was alone at home with Coco and that thought was enough for clench my stomach. After a considerable amount of groping, the tips of my fingers came into contact with a waxy candle. I grabbed it immediately with relief and quickly lit it.

When i lifted my eyes from my candle, a creepy white thin face, with dark black and a mixture of red eyes, appeared in my view. I screamed out in horror and that thing disappeared in a flash. I tried to step back but my legs got wobbly with fear.

'it was just some kinda imagination of yours.'

'don't think about it! Don't think about it!'

I began to ponder what could be the cause of the blackout. However, I was not scared, as this was not the first time I had been alone. But our former house was meager and i never got this terrible vibes there, like i was facing right now.

The sound of something being moved around upstairs instantly diverted my attention. The hairs behind my neck stood on ends.
The thing i had just seen a few seconds ago appeared in my mind and i was in the complete state of panic.

I heard the door bell. Not wanting to open the door cause i knew mom and dad wouldn't be the ones who rang the bell. And it was almost mid night, apart from that i only knew Mrs. Parker and she would be sleeping at this hour.

'then who's that?!'

'see it didn't ring again, means it's just the wind.' i ensured myself but before feeling relief, the bell rang again. My heart leaped into my throat. My dear tormented me, i held Coco firmly while joining my cold and clammy hands together.

'be with me god!'

I held the candle in my hand -- i didn't know where's its stand -- not carrying about the hot wax dropping on my fingers cause they were already numb.

I took my steps along with candle, careful to not get tripped and hurt myself. I put the candle aside and lifted my hand to open the door. I moved the bulge and pull the door slowly.

All my fear vanished right away. "I already knew it. You're a stalker! Why are you here?" I sighed. After seeing him, standing in front of me, a sense of relief spread in my body.

'aren't you feeling eased!'

'Cause somewhere in your heart, you wanted him to be here!'

He hid his smile and looked at me. "I'm here to ask you if you're okay?"

'woah man! He's so incredibly sweet!!'

'how could I stop myself from fal--'

'shut upp!!'

"Uhh...yup." i said hesitantly, I didn't expect that question. Was he just here to ask me 'if I'm okay'. That's not i could ever anticipate from him.

"Okhay, Bye." He dithered waving his hand.

'why I'm getting the vibe that he don't wanna leave.!'


'but you can't let him go. You know you're scared as hell right now and you can't be here all alone.'

'and one more important thing --'

'say it fast.'

'-- just that his presence make you feel calm and brave. Hehe.'

'shut upp!!!'

When he was about to turned back, my hand automatically moved towards him, clutching his sleeve. "I...i just wanna ask, if you stay here with me."

'stupid! Stupid!'

"What! What did you say? I didn't hear you." He  moved his face closer.

'ohh god!! He's a jerk. He heard it all, he just want to make you repeat.'

'i wanna punch his handsome face, But the perfection is making me stop from doing that.'

'you need to say it again. Or he'll go, Which you don't want. Do you?'

"If you could stay here with me." I fretted in frustration.

"Huhh!? Could you say it more politely." He showed his usual smirk at me and raised his eyebrow.

'i hate you. You ---!'

'uh hn! Don't say that word for him.'

'you need to be more polite, else he won't stay. And you can't bear a risk.'

I took a deep breath, letting go all the anger forming in my head. "Could you please stay for sometime."

'smart! Only sometime. Cause when the lights come, I'll kick him out right away.'

'but can you do that?'

'look at his charming face and ass.'

'ohh god! You're being wild. Stop yourself right now!!'

'okay! Okay!'

" know I'm a busy person. I've so much to do." He said dramatically, rolling his eyes.

'busy?! Huh!!... I've never seen you doing anything.'

'liar liar pants on fire!'
'ahh! Then he must be looking the hottest person in this entire planet.'

'now I'm not saying anything.. I can't force him.'

"Okay, Bye." I turned to close the door. A force stopped it in between and i knew that was his hand. I smirked before turning back.

"I can stay. It's alright, I'll do that work later." He shrugged in a patronizing way.

"Ohh! Please don't. It's fine, You can go." I smiled smugly in my head.

'But why are you doing it? you'd be in danger if he won't stay.'

I didn't know why i said this but in my heart, i knew he was going to stay in any way. He was just teasing me by showing his drama.

I knew if i wouldn't ask, he'd stay. I knew if I'd say not to stay, he'd stay. Cause that's why he's here. Never knew, how did he always reach for me whenever I'm in danger or in some kinda creepy situations or whenever I wanted him the most.

It's hard to understand all that. But i didn't want to think it all right now since all i wanted him to stay by my side.

"No... I mean I can. I'm free right now, I don't have anything to do." He immediately responded.

'huhh! I knew it all along. Liar!'

"Okay then if you insist, Come in." He walked in and i locked the door.

"Woah woah! Don't tell me you've some kinda obsession on my body." He smirked and took a step back dramatically, covering his chest with his hands, that weren't enough at all from giving a good view of his broad body.

"Shut up!" I rolled my eyes. Coco didn't woofed this time at him, maybe he used to his presence now.

Since the lights went out and there's only one candle, i was wondering what would happen if its flame ends.

Don't get me otherwise, it was just in horrifying way.

I held the candle and moved to the couch where we could sit -- on distance, Obviously.

After adjusting the candle on the table, i gestured my hand for him towards the couch.

"Thanks." The awkwardness was visible in this word. It was seeming like he's been wondering about something.

"Want something?" I asked. I knew how would I be able to go to the kitchen and bring water or anything for him, since the lights were out but isn't it a good thing to ask anyway.

"Nah...nope." he shrugged smoothly.

I couldn't help but to admire the glow of his face which I'd been seeing through the flame. The reflection of him on the wall, was spanking too. Those eyes were glowing in the dark, like the waves to an ocean.

Sitting on the other corner -- trying to sit as far as possible away from him --- i let out the question I'd been wanting to ask. "How did you come here?"

"Cause I've been here before." He stated the obvious. And i recalled that moment when he'd come to drop me. The day of two weird situations I'd gone through with him.

"Where's your parents?" He continued the conversation, Since the silence would get more gauche and unbearable.

"They're gone for some party out of town. They'd probably be back tomorrow." I shrugged.

"So you thought for the night out, didn't you?" He smirked at me.

'you didn't need to put these lights around the hall like this, Stupid!'

'he's gonna laugh at you now!'

'he's gonna make fun of you about this for the rest of your life, I'm sure.'

'i didn't know this would happen. I thought i was just gonna have some fun with coco.'

'now you can have that fun with this hott--'

'could you please stop being so wild. The lights are out and everything is dark right now and here you're thinking about something which would never gonna happen.'

"Uhh! I-i" i fidgeted with my fingers.

'wait... isn't it your can do anything you want, why are you feeling cumbersome?'

"It's my house, I can do anything i want." I rolled my eyes at him and he chuckled in his breath.

"What!? Why do you always make fun of me?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Who? Me? I don't make fun of anyone." He showed his puppy face like he's the most innocent and naive person in front of me. For a moment, when i looked at him, i felt everything stopped. It wasn't dark anymore. Everything went blue for me.

I pulled my eyes back at my hands when i found myself oozing at him and he noticed that very well. A heat rushed through my cheeks in this cold weather.

Trying not to make it more inconvenience i blurted "yes..You...ghost boy, You." I pointed my index finger and squinted my eyes at him.

"You like it." He stated in a firm and low voice, not wanting me to hear, But i heard it.

'what!!!? What did he say?'

'nooo!!! You're thinking it. Don't tell me he really said that.'

' did he know this?'

'ohh god!!!! What's happening!'

'Don't blush! Don't blush!!!'

My eyelids dropped at his very words. Cause somehow I was wondering if i look into his eyes i couldn't be able to deny this.

Giving my best to move this conversation about any other topic, i asked when i suddenly reminded myself that i haven't known his name yet. "What's you name ghost boy?"

"Noah. Noah Wilson." He introduced himself. He paused like he's thinking something and then he asked "yours?"

"I thought you already know it." I doubted. He flashed his eyes at me. But i thought it was just my imagination.

'but how could he?'

'whenever you both were together, either he made fun of you or you were in some horrible situation.'

"Umm...iliana, Iliana Cooper." I kept my body squared off at him -- facing him, i extended my hand, when our palms contacted i felt electricity rushed through my body. I looked into his eyes and curved my lips into a soft smile. I didn't want to pull away my hand from his, i wanted to keep them like this forever.

After i reminded myself again and again to pull back and finally going to do it the whole house went dark; the flame ended. And the last thing I saw was his eyes widened and moved from me to my side, making my belly cramped.


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