Rayna's Jungle Adventure

By CarrisaHernandez

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Rayna was raised by wolves ever since her family was killed by Shere Khan. For years she has been exploring s... More

*Prologue: Lost Girl-Cub*
*Chapter 1: Rayna's Brothers*
*Chapter 3: Peace Rock*
*Chapter 4: Decisions*
*Chapter 5: A Stroll with Bagheera*
*Chapter 6: Hunted*
*Chapter 7: Lost in the Jungle*
*Chapter 8: Kaa-Zentration*
*Chapter 9: Colonel Hathi's March*
*Chapter 10: Baloo*
*Chapter 11: The Bare Necessities*
*Chapter 12: Monkey Business*
*Chapter 13: Shivani the Wise/Shere Khan's Wrath*
*Chapter 14: King Louie/Rescue*
*Chapter 15: Man in the Jungle*
*Chapter 16: Tragic News*
*Chapter 17: Kaa Returns*
*Chapter 18: Shivani's Advice*
*Chapter 19: Showdown in the Wasteland*
*Chapter 20: Reunited*
*Chapter 21: The Jungle Princess*

*Chapter 2: Human Stuff*

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By CarrisaHernandez

Rayna is exploring the jungle with a brown bag and a spear in her hand. But she is not alone. On her shoulder is a young flying squirrel named Tailsy. He has brownish red fur and dark eyes. Rayna had met the little squirrel a month ago while she was looking for treasures that humans use, she saved him from a cobra that tried to eat Tailsy. So, the two become best friends and always go exploring the jungle to look for treasures together. Bagheera and the wolf pack don't know about Rayna going to the jungle that is not in their territory. It was a secret between Rayna and Tailsy. Usually, Rayna followed her family's rules of the jungle, but sometimes she could be a rebel. She often sneaks out to explore some parts of the jungle without Bagheera or Grey. She could lookout for herself.
Rayna and Tailsy found the old broken temples. There are statues of elephants with cracks and vines, and a statue of a woman wearing a hat. Rayna thought this woman could be a queen years ago, but she wouldn't know that for sure unless she asks an animal.

"Are you sure this is a good idea to come here? No animal has come here." Tailsy said, looking around. Rayna walked up the steps and look around the temple with a smile. Tailsy climbed on top of Rayna's head to have a better view. "Wonder if man ever lived here?"

"I don't know." Rayna spoke as she sees more broken statues. "Now, let's look around." Tailsy jumped down and land on the head of the statue. Rayna moved some vines out of the way to see a corner. There are broken vases. "Nothing here." She said. Tailsy's left ear twitched as he heard a slight growl. He looked around with caution.

"What was that?" Tailsy asked.

"I don't hear anything." Rayna said, walking deeper into the temple. "I'm heading inside. Wait out here. I won't be long." Tailsy watched the girl-cub walk inside the dark temple. He hears more growling. He scurried after her.

"Rayna, wait for me!"
They walk in the temple in the dark, but there are rays of sunlight, helping them find a path. Rayna ignores Tailsy's muttering. The flying squirrel was afraid, but tries to calm himself by talking to himself. He bumped into a skeleton and let out a scream and rush over to Rayna who got her spear out.

"Tailsy, what's wrong?" She asked, holding her little friend. Tailsy pointed at the skeleton. Rayna walked over to it and poke the skull with her spear. The skull fell off the neck. Tailsy cringed by covering his eyes. "It's only a skeleton, Tailsy. There's nothing to be afraid of." Rayna said, stroking her friend's fur.

"I almost had a heart attack." Tailsy said, shaking. "Can we go home now?" Rayna turned her head and saw something in the room. She brought Tailsy on her left shoulder and walk inside the room. Tailsy saw something shiny. "What's that?" He asked. Rayna approached the item and kneeled down. It's a watch with a chain. She picked up the chain and examine the watch. There are cracks and it is dusty. Rayna shakes it a bit, hearing sounds.

"How strange. I never seen anything like it." She said.

"But what is it?" Tailsy asked, sniffing the watch.

"I don't know. But it is gonna be part of my collection." Rayna says as she put the watch in her bag. "There has to be more stuff around." She looks around the floors. Tailsy hears growling. The same one from outside. Rayna heard it this time. She readied her spear. Tailsy shook a bit. Rayna couldn't see what was hiding in the shadows. She tried to listen again. But there is silence.

"Rayna. Can we please go?" Tailsy whispered. Rayna didn't say a word as she slowly backed away to leave the room. Her friend is right of course. Maybe they should go. Rayna found something and it will be enough. She didn't want to put herself or her friend in danger.
They walk out of the temple and smell the jungle air. Tailsy turned his head back and could see glowing eyes in the shadows. He gasped. Before he could utter a word, a leopard roared and ran out of the shadows to attack. Rayna got her spear ready and block his attack. The leopard growled at her, and Rayna rolled forward and climb up the walls. Tailsy flew across and land on the statue. Rayna gritted her teeth and jump off the wall as the leopard tried to scratch her. She has her spear up, staring at the predator.

"We be of one blood, you and I." She spoke to the leopard. The leopard froze at those words. Many animals were aware of those words. Rayna used them whenever the animals tried to attack. "We be of one blood, you and I." Rayna repeated. The leopard growled at her. Tailsy gulped. Rayna gave the leopard a warning glance before turning away to leave. "Let's go, Tailsy." She said. The flying squirrel quickly came down and land on Rayna's head. The leopard turned away, obeying the law. Tailsy sighed in relief.

"Whew! I thought he was gonna attack you." Tailsy said.

"Well, the phrase worked." Rayna spoke. "Good thing Bagheera taught me in case there's trouble." They continue to walk out of the temple ruins to return to their territory of the jungle.

Rayna pulled the vines out of the way and push the rock to reveal a cave. Inside are the human treasure that both Rayna and Tailsy has found. There is a pipe, a picture frame with a woman, an earring, a book, broken glasses, and lastly a watch they have found. Rayna placed a watch in her collection. She smiled at her collection. One day she will learn what these things are.

"Wow. The collection is growing." Tailsy said.

"Yes, it is. There will be more when I explore. The temples will be off limits for now." Rayna said. She picked up a watch. Then, she and Tailsy hear a howl from the distance. She placed the watch down. "We should go." She said leaving the cave with her little friend. She pushed the rock back and pull the vines back to where they were before. No one knew about this.

"I should head home too. Mother must be worried." Tailsy said. "See you soon, Rayna."

"Bye, Tailsy. Stay safe." Rayna said, walking to her path to go to the wolves' den.


"Daughter, where have you been?" Rama asked as the wolf cubs ran up to Rayna with laughter. Rayna had to make up a lie. She hates doing it, but she didn't want them to know that she sneaks away from their territory.

"I was at the river." Rayna lied. Bagheera is on the branch, listening to this. His tail swifts back and forth. "Is there something wrong, father?"

"No, no. Nothing wrong." Rama replied. "You were away for a while. You didn't see Shere Khan or Tabaqui, did you?"

"No. Shere Khan or Tabaqui hardly come around these parts." Rayna said. "You know that tiger wasn't welcome to this part of the jungle."

"Yes, I know that, Rayna. But I couldn't stop thinking about what he has done to you." Rama said, looking at Rayna's scar over her eye. "Remember to keep your guard up. And call if there is a sight of the tiger. You mean a lot to us, daughter." Rayna came over to her father wolf and kneel down to look at him in the eyes.

"You mean a lot to me too, father. All of you." She said, stroking his fur. Rama smiled a bit at her. He knew he must tell her about what happened to her human family one day. Unless he could ask Bagheera to tell her for him since he found her those years ago. But now is not the time. Rama didn't want Rayna to be upset and she will do the unthinkable at this age. Maybe when the time is right, he or Bagheera will tell her. "Are you sure you're okay?" Rayna asked, breaking his thoughts.

"Ah...yes. I am fine." Rama spoke finally. "Would you like to hunt with me and your brothers today?"

"Yeah." Rayna said with a nod. Grey smiled at her as his brothers groan in protest. Bagheera couldn't help but to laugh in amusement at the wolves. She left her spear behind to follow her father and brothers. She needs to keep up with her hunting skills. She just wished she could use her spear for hunting.

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