Tokyo revengers scenarios

By kokomelon6969

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scenarios with tr boys! More

I N T R O ♡
First Meeting ♡
Accidently kissed♡~
Crack they say ♡
Ignoring them ♡
Walking in on you ♡
Laying on your lap ♡
Making out ♡
Tropes ♡
Daddy ♡
Make me ♡

Getting to know each other ♡

1.3K 17 34
By kokomelon6969

Scene 02: getting to spend more time

❥・•Sano manjiroSano shinichiro,Ken ryuguji,Mitsuya takashi,Hakkai Shiba,Taiju Shiba,Naoto Tachibana,Akashi Haruchiyo,Takeomi Akashi, chifuyu matsuno,Baji Keisuke,Kazutora hanemiya,Wakasa Imaushi,Izana kurokawa,kakucho hitto,Hanma shuji,Ran Haitani,Rindou Haitani,Kokonoi Hajime,Inupi seishu

Hope you guys liked the first meet, some of it might be similar to my oneshot book but I just liked it so ...yeap. hehhehehe

Enjoy this chapter <3


M A N J I R O ღ

Ever since the dorayaki parcel, mikey would drop by every weekends to check up on you. He did cover it up by saying that he was only there to meet his mother.

"Wait you're not a patient here?"


"HA? I thought you were dying !"

"Dying from boredom? Yes,that I am"

10 year old you whined as you ran around the rooftop, the cool morning breeze inviting you gently. Mikey could never understand girls, he would pull nasty pranks on you sometimes and flick your arms to get your attention since you zone out most times.

"Who's there...?"

Sakurako called out to yn who was shy by how beautiful she looked. Mikey snickered at yn, making funny faces which resulted in his mother to pull his ear.

"Manjiro that's rude. Hello my child, I suppose you're the one who keeps him company sometimes? Such a cute girl you are"

"Pretty lady!"

Yn cheered as she got a closer look at Mrs.sano. she gave the woman a closed eye smile and listened to her talk as manjiro got embarassed.


"Hey visiting hours over"

Mikey hugged his mother before leaving with yn. She waved her grandmother goodbye as she was sleeping, mikey wanted to be friends with her but he didn't know anything else or who she's with.

"See you again,manjiro"

"Can we meet again, yn. Not at the hospital?"

You thought about it for a while before agreeing,

"Let's play at the park sometimes, manjiro and maybe go for dorayaki too"



The bankrupted cafe was now hot and running with many,many hungry and satisfied customers. The manager- Mai was delighted with their immense growth in such a short time. Taking in you as their waitress was the best option since you were kind and knew how to attract more people.

Even the mechanics next door would visit the café for lunch and sometimes evening afterwork beer.

"Yo sano, we're going to milk cafe for some beer, do you want some?"

"Uhm okay..."

He recalled his encounter with you, getting embarassed all over as be was about to see you again. To his surprise you weren't there and it was near to closing.

"Sorry, we're closed!" Mai announced with recieved a pained expression from the men as they all left. You walked the opposite direction which caught the eyes of shinichiro, calling out to you.

"Hey-Hey !YN LN!"

"Hmm? Oh it's the cute man!hi!"

"Don't you have a filter for that mouth of yours?"

Shinichiro sweatdropped at you, as he walked with you. Suddenly remembering your flask , he handed it to you.

"Your flask from earlier.. here"

"Ooof you finished it all"

"Yes,it was delicious. Thank you for your kindness "

"It's my pleasure! And keep it , tomorrow you can give it back to me at the café when I make more coffee accidently "

You sped off as your junction came, shinichiro tried calling out to you but you just shouted back...


that's how he ended up spending his lunch and break time behind the workshop with you.


"Why does this place look like there was a tornado here?"

Draken eyed the place suspiciously, his defense mechanism kicking in as he saw how everything was misplaced and messy. You hated an untidy workplace and always cleaned it up. But today you weren't in the apartment or were you...?

He found a distressed version of you on the floor with your up in messy braids and nails chipped and eyes tired and reading a book upside down.

Draken immediately knew you were stressing out on about an exam or something else so he decided to clean and surpsingly he did a good job at it.

"Oi yn!"

"No ma'am! I didn't cheat on the exams"


"Oh it's you..."

Draken sighed as he saw you relaxed, getting you a cup of water, you put down the book and looked at the apartment.

"Sorry for spiralling again..."

"It's fine,I thought you got possessed!"

He flicked your head, disappearing into his room with you limping your way to sleep on the sofa.

Sometimes he takes the liberty to keep the house clean. Rest assured he is caring in his own way to you.


"Hello yn-chan!"

A relaxing voice pulled yn out from her intense glare at the needle, you blushed at how close he was standing to you with the measuring tape slinging over his neck. Rubbing your sore eyes, you greeted back at him.

"Good afternoon..."

"What's wrong,you sound tired"

"Nooo it's just I feel angry that I can't put this thread inside the damn hole!"

Mitsuya chuckled at your outburst,

"So you do feel emotions other than daydreaming"

"Eh do I look like a robot to you?"

His eyes widened at your cranky personality. Taking the thread , still holding onto your hands he elegantly placed it in the small tiny hole and patted your head.

"Next time try it slowly, you'll get there"

"Uggghhh I'm soooo donee for today...I'm going back home "

"Hmm? I'll walk you there then"

Mitsuya offered eventhough you whined for him to not do so. Along the way you opened up to him, you still saw him as the club leader and not a friend as you didn't want to get ahead of yourself.

"I'll see you tomorrow, yn-chan "

"Hmm likewise,mitsuya-san"

Mitsuya was glad that he got yn to open up to him,a blush on his face as he recalled how close he was with her just now.


Yn paced around the empty house waiting for yuzuha to finish dressing up for their day out. Taiju who got out of his room , wearing a track pants and shirtless, looks like he just work out. He eyed yn who was seeing the family pictures that were hanging around.

"Chibi-chan ~"

Startled by his sudden presence,  yn turned to see him stanf extremely close to her,pinning yn to the wall.

"Hello Shiba-san..."

"No need need be so tense around me, chibi-chan. I just want to talk, hmm?"

"Oh then talk"


Yn stared at him, taiju got flustered and left her at the hall. Yn got curious ,she thought how handsome he looked but then again he was scary so she'll try to talk to him slowly.



Yn greeted the blue haired male,waving brightly at him as she proceeded to walk to her desk. He didn't freeze,instead he waved back instead.

"Ohayo, yn-chan "



He froze up but still managed to spit out some words to her, a bright red hue on his cheeks.


Yn thought It was weird when naoto didn't come up to her that day, she searched everywhere and couldn't find him. Using her super skills- she just stalked him all the way home one day.  Standing at the doorstep, yn knocked on it which revealed a tousled haired naoto.

"Yn?is there anything?"

"Ah no...but I thought we were studying today?"

"Didn't you say you don't like to study?"

Yn turned on her heel,making a run for it as she screamed,


naoto was confused by her reactions,  the next day he caught yn studying by herself. A grin on his face as he approached her,

"Look at that, you're studying by yourself "

"Grrr go away I can study"


"NO!stay...teach me..."

Naoto chuckled at her, settling down to teach her.


After the little trip to amusement Park, haruchiyo and you became friends as you attended the same school. So naturally you got attached to him in a short amount of time, you would walk home together with him since you were bored and had no one to do that either.

"Ne ne chiyo-channnnnn"

"Why are you so happy??"

"I'm just happy to walk with youu"


Haruchiyo flicked your forehead, walking ahead as you chatted randomly with him Nodding and humming to you and replying back.

T A  K E O M I

Referred to pervert wasn't as bad at first but after some time takeomi really couldn't take it as his friends started to tease him about it. You were at their house, doing your normal routine there- cleaning and cooking. Takeomi found you there so he approached you, totally catching you off guard.

"Woah woah easy...I don't want another scar..."


You trailed off as he stood there awkwardly,

"Do you need help?like I can help "

"No...its fine,i can do it"

"Yn look,I'm not a pervert...I not like that "

"I know...I overreacted...I mean its not everyday a you woke up in the arms of a handsome man"

You paused to recall your words, blushing at him as you flailed your arms to take it back.

"Oooooo someone slipped up hahaha, it's fine. It's not everyday I get to sleep with a cute woman in my arms"

Takeomi cooed as he left, making you throw a spatula to his head. He dodged it tho, catching it without even turning around. You did get flustered around him bit you know he means no harm.


"Uhm where's the section for economics?"

"Yn,where are the dictionaries at?"

"Yn which book is better? The first or second one?"

Yn sighed as chifuyu kept asking you random questions, you knew he didn't even like books.

"Chifuyu ,for the last time If you have nothing better to do just leave"

"No no I wanna stay here"


"Then how am I supposed to be your friend?"

"by asking me??"

"Oh...then can I be your friend?"

"Sure,chifuyu. See? It's not that hard"

Yn straightened her uniform as chifuyu ended up rearranging the books at the shelf. They did talk in between, both taking their turns to blush and get flustered.


You two would often meet up at the spots where stray cats could be found,feeding them and talking about each others day.

Baji had warmed up to you, despite throwing in some threats like...

"I will blow you up"


"I will end you"

You found him funny and his loud personality cute, he didn't hide anything in his actions and would be 100 %honest with you.


He would blush whenever you purred to cats, he found it rather cute that you liked cats.

Maybe he'll bring peke J to you.



you screamed when a giant lizard got out of its cage, climbing ontop of a shelf as your cries for help reached kazutora.


He scratched his head at the sight of you with a broomstick and shooing away a monitor lizard. The poor thing was probably spooked by your screams than how how were terrified by its slimy scales. Kazutora scoffed as he took the lizard away, still you were in trouble cause the shelf was high and now you were afraid to come down.

"Ano...kazutora-Sannnnnn....uhm help.. ? Ehe?"

You sheepishly chuckled as he sighed reaching up to your hands. Instead you took a leap of faith and landed ontop him.

"Ouch...that hurts...literally"

"Thank you,kazutora-San"

"Don't mention it...can you get up...your uhm"

He pointed to her chest that was pressed up to his solid one. Blushing with apologising repeatedly to him,you proceeded to work but he did took it to tease you.

He even got a fake lizard to scare you, your expression was worth it as he took a picture of it and sent one copy to you and framed one that hangs in the break room.

"This banana bastard..."


You were extremely aware of your surroundings after your litte encounter with your deskmate, everyday you could see different girls ontop his desk  to flirt make out with him.

Ignorance was your specialty so you tried to ignore everything but....

Those stupid Kissy sounds made you mad ,still you kept a string face and never turned his side.

"I'll see you later,misa"

Misa...hana...I think i saw a kiyoko hug him and friends don't hug like that...gah

"Jealous much,deskie?"


Wakasa knew this was simple, women put a tough act but with yn she had a poker face that was similar to his.

"You'll give in soon,yn"

"Give into changing desks? Yes, I' doing that if you don't threaten then to switch"

As annoying he was, he kept talking to you in that lonely classroom. Maybe you did like his company. Not him,his presence.

"No can do,you're the best deskie and I have no one to share my feelings with"

"Don't you have like....3 girlfriends?"

"Yeah but they're're not"


You sweatdropped at him who drifted to sleep. Sighing you placed a book on his head like a hat to aide his nap.


Izana made kakucho get your details and turns out you attend the local high-school, enrolling himself as a student there ,izana found you talking with a group of people.

"Izana? Hey "

You greeted him, he tried be casual as he greeted you. You had your classes with him and surprisingly the guy who school as a waste of time ended up going to classes and not miss any one.

"Is this how school feels like?"

"Ikr , I wanna jump into the sea or something"

"No don' that..."

Izana sweatdropped at how serious you sounded about the jumping part. He would walk you to school and back home, before going out to his gang meets.


"It's kaku-nii"

The children chimed as kakucho tried to be discreet about his visit with yn. She looked up from the kids to see him waving at her,

"Welcome,kakucho. Do you want anything to eat?"

"No its fine.. I just came to see ....the kids!they're so cute Right?"

He nervously laughed ,scooping two of them in his arms and swinging them around. Yn giggled at him as she went inside to prepare some coffee,

"I actually came to see you "

"Me? Why tho?"

Kakucho scratched his head as he sat on the kitchen counter with yn cooking something.

"Cause I just wanted to, can't I visit my friend??"

He answered quickly as yn laughed at him, smacking his head with the spatula. They ended up talking for hours about stuff.


"Oh hello♡"

Ran greeted yn in a soothing voice as she entered the school compound. He looked like he was waiting for yn, walking with her to class he talked about alot of stuff with yn.

"Woah I can use your scary face privileges sometimes "


You pointed to the crowd that let him have a path as they cleared the hallway. He snapped his fingers which caused them yo continue their routines,you poked his arm to get his attention.

"Geez you looked scary just now"

"I can assure I'm friendly,I don't bite"


That's how you got ran attached to you,every morning he would wait up for you and start talking about his day. Its not like you cared but you did like his voice so you let him be.


using all his connections he tried finding you but you were nowhere to be found. He sighed in defeat after another day of searching and no luck on his side .

On his way back to his apartment, he saw a pretty woman unlocking the door opposite of their unit,she looked extremely familiar to him. Focusing clearly on her ,he saw that woman was none other than yn but tonight she had a completely different outfit.



you placed a hand to his mouth,  shutting him up as he had a smirk on his face.

"Found youuuuu "

"God we're neighbours....who would've guessed..."

You mumbled as you invited him inside your home,it was cosy and warm. He liked it.

"Nice place you got here"

"Thanks,you should leave before my mom comes home"

"But...we can talk later?"


Rindou did a little victory dance in his brain as you agreed to him. You can catch him on the rooftop sometimes,  just to rant about anything.


"Why are you even here??you don't buy anything.. "

You whined as hanma slung his figure over the cash register to tower over you. Sighing, you went to sweep the floors and wipe the windows.

"Cause I'm keeping an eye on you,who knows? You might be danger just by talking to me"

Rolling your eyes at him, you proceeded to work as he actually sat down there ,staring and talking to you.


You were fidgety the next couple days cause the snake eyed guy kept talking to your manager, maybe they were dating and now you were gonna lose your job and go broke!

You didn't return his shirt yet cause whenever you tried talking to him, he would disappear...maybe he thought that you were a nuisance to him so you dropped about the shirt.

" my shirt ready?"

"Hmmmm, yes. I prepared it days ago..."

Kokonoi didn't want to take it from  you cause after that he didn't have anything to hold onto talk to you. Grabbing his shirt he could say it looked brand new.

"Woah ...its so clean"

"I used some detergent that I use for my school blouse"

"Yn, do you mind...getting me coffee?"

"Like an order?"

"Yes coffee"

Totally didn't flunk it. He meant that he wanted to get yn coffee but this is okay. Before he left, he slipped in tips to her and his number that said

"Call me, kokonoi hajime"

He left with a fuming version  of you and visits the café at the same time and the same coffee.

Maybe something else comes with coffee.


"Hey donations girl!"

Inupi called out to you,your eyes widening as his fierce face came closer to you. He shoved something to you,waiting for you to open it.

"Oh...thank you?"

It was small candy, shaking his head at you, he walked away. Cursing at how he could've talked to you,


you called out to him, coming to a halt before him.

"Let's be friends"

"Friends? Sure..."

His voice may not seem excited but deep down he was happy that you came up to him. He thought it was cute when you smiled at him, his hands warm in your colder ones.



This two chapters might be dry but writing for all of them Is exhausting yeap

Write and read with me okay ^_^

Thank you for reading and do vote for more !

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