Fifty Shades Of A Working Girl

By TheSkyAtDawn2

18.6K 583 10

Christian is hit by lightning when a beautiful and brilliant woman comes to work in his company as his new CF... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 41

463 14 8
By TheSkyAtDawn2

Ana Pov

A two months after the home invasion, we were still in the penthouse, but we were having contractors on site in Montesano with the baby. Christian was flying in commuting every other day when convenient. I was working remotely, taking care of the baby, and training Sawyer in the computer room. I had eight security guys monitoring the construction guys from Elliot's crew. I had to bypass some security measures from time to time so I could get the trucks in and out. We were building the undeveloped buildings into security quarters and Taylor and Gail's apartment.

It's all good and bad. Good, that we are getting this converted, built and hopefully soon to be done. Welch and Barney piddled their pants, when they finally came to see daddy's setup. Barney was fascinated with the system for everything tied into the security terminal. They literally had to pry him away and Welch had to drag him to the car. Barney said he wanted to live here with us and eat my weekend dinners because he heard I was the best cook ever. He said he would even wash the dishes. Barney begged Christian to adopt him. It was funny. The other good thing is it's familiar and it's home. I see daddy in everything.

Unfortunately, the bad part is I miss Christian. I'm working remotely and talking on the phone with him, but it is not the same as having his sweet loving presence around me everyday. I almost cried after going three to four days without him. He has really affected me since I have had him in my life. Another bad part is, Elliot's guys would catcall me every time I went outside. The day one of them severed a communication line between the building and the main link, I called up raising hell about it. I basically told Elliot that I loved him, but if he didn't get these dumbass guys under control, I would and that will not look pretty with that many hospitalizations. Elliot knew I was pissed and he replaced half the crew. The link pissed me off, because now I have to get a tech engineer in here to fix the damn thing. The less exposure of the technology to outside people the better. I want Barney here to monitor the guy, in case he tries putting in a backdoor in the system mainframe. If he does I'd kill the son of a bitch. I'm tired of being vulnerable to sneaky assholes.

Speaking of assholes, the Saudi Arabia "dipshit" prince got his ass handed to him by his uncle the King and his family. He is barred from the United States by our government and Saudi Arabia's. The family is forcing him to sell his businesses here, so he has no reason to ever think of trying to be on US soil. If he is on US soil, he will be deported disinherited. They said he has brought shame for pursuing the new wife of a respectable wealthy international businessman who has done nothing to him but told him no about matters concerning his wife.

Little does anyone know, my father knew the Saudi Arabia's King and Prime Minister, Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. My father let me meet him when I was sixteen years old. The king was flattered by me and chuckled. I studied Arabic on the plane ride over, which was difficult, to get my greeting perfect just enough to say:

"tahiat lisahib alsumui almalakii wakhadim alharamayn alsharifayni. yuseiduni 'an 'altaqi bik , wa'atatalae 'iilaa alqudum mae waldi. latalama 'aradt muqabalat milik haqiqi. walidi yaetabiruk sdyqan wa'awadu 'an 'afeal dhalik aydan." (Greetings His Royal Highness and Custodian of the two Holy Mosques. I am pleased to meet you, and look forward to coming with my father. I have always wanted to meet a real king. My father considers you a friend and I would like to also.)

I never would have believed that the prince would have done something going this far or I would have done something sooner. I wrote an email, it lays in an encrypted file my father and I only have passwords for, of daddy's friends and contacts. The King was a kind man to me and treated my father and I with the utmost respect. I told the King and explained everything to him about the incident on our wedding vacation in the Monte Carlo, French Riviera and Athens, Greece. I told him of the company he was trying to devalue and contacted my husband, which was unusual, to buy it to infiltrate our company. I then told him of the seven men with guns in the home invasion in our penthouse in Seattle, Washington. I attached a video CCTV clip of the man's confession to me. I also told him that I had my newborn two week old daughter in the house when they were breaking in with guns to take me and try to find something to hurt my husband's business. I told him that I knew he was a kind and fair man that I respected. I wished him good health, happiness and prosperity.

Needless to say, Uncle Abdullah told me in a response email, that he would take care of the problem and that he was sorry for the terrible things his nephew has tried to do to me and my new family. He wished me good health, happiness and prosperity. He said he was glad to see I have done so well in my life, being the beautiful daughter of the bravest man he had ever known, that saved his life. Signed, King and Prime Minister, Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. ….And that was the end of it.


Christian came home last night and I jumped his bones repeatedly. I'm glad the first thing we did was to get the sound proofing in our bedroom. When he arrived I ran to him across the way and jumped into his arms and wrapped my legs around him. I missed him terribly. It had been five days because of a dickhead CEO thinking that he can keep renegotiating for a better deal and dragging everything out. Christian got fed up and told him take it or leave it, but he was finished and was going home to his wife and new daughter. He walked out and flew home with Taylor from Georgia to SeaTac, where Charlie Tango was waiting for him there.

Gail has been staying here with me in a guest room to help cook, clean and help with Scarlett. She is one of the best people I know, a true friend and family member. Everyone has been occupying the ten bedrooms, other than the master bedroom and nursery. My father said he always wanted me to have a big family. I hope he can see me now.

It's Saturday, the weekend I get to cook. I am busy making my special recipe spaghetti sauce in a huge industrial crock pot in quantity, to feed Christian, me, Taylor, Gail, Sawyer, Reynolds, Ryan, Baker, McDaniels, Jeffries, Ericson and Willis. Six out of eight security guys can put away the groceries. Feeding twelve is a feat with a house full, but feeding ravenous men is different. I make a huge pot of linguini noodles, shaved two blocks of parmesan cheese, five pounds of beef, three pound of mild Italian sausage, and four loaves of ciabatta bread for garlic bread. I roasted garlic on a couple cookie sheets. I split the whole bulb across and baked them until the half cloves rose up out of the husks and we're slightly browning.  I put them in the food processor until the sauce was really creamy by adding a bit of olive oil. I painted the bread slices with olive oil and added parmesan cheese shavings on top. I make a lot of garlic sauce anyway but now it gets eaten up instead of stored. The house smells great. I got big pots, pans and skillets with industrial ladles for dipping and dangling off the side in the mass quantity soups and stews.

Man, those security guys can eat. A week ago on a Saturday night, they tore up my homemade Broccoli Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo and four dozen homemade big biscuits. I caught Sawyer, who had three big servings, sneak in to lick the saucepan before I washed it. I snuck up behind him and tickled the shit out of him, making him jump and ran like hell. I laughed my ass off as he chased me around the living room for a while. He said the sauce was just that damn good. He said he loves Gail's cooking, but mine is better. I shushed him not to say it too loud and giggled. I told him he needed a new girlfriend to burn off all the carbs.

He said, "I met a girl in Montesano at the drugstore and was hoping to get a date Friday night in town. I traded nights with Ryan."

I told him, "Way to go, Lukey."

He said, "Now, if only you can give her cooking lessons." I giggled.

I shook my head and said, "I'm not giving my extra super top secret ultra cool recipes away to your girlfriends. You'll have to survive on subpar cuisine to find her panties." That caused another round of chase. It was a fun night. Luke always finds ways to make me laugh by being the big brother I never had.

Dinner was a hit and consumed. Everyone said my spaghetti sauce was, how did Luke put it… "phenomenal". I told him it was because I used fresh basil and I stuck my finger in it, so it tasted like "Ana Voodoo". He and Christian chuckled. I told them it's all recipes I perfected on my daddy. I would visit him on college breaks from fifteen to eighteen years old and stock his freezer with this kinda food. He wouldn't eat properly if I didn't. He would order takeout and not eat a home cooked meal. We would tweak recipes until they were perfect for us. Next weekend I will make my super creamy homemade Mac and Cheese with homemade cornbread. I love cooking for others.


On Monday, Christian and I got a call to notify us that Candice Barbara Weissman had her trial and she got life in prison in the state of Washington. Mississippi, New York, Georgia and Texas wanted a crack at her, but she got life. They didn't prosecute, being she would never get out. She had murder charges on her head in every one of those states for her ex-husbands and parents. She is in solitary confinement without privileges. I guess she started some shit being transferred after the trial. She is an obstinate OCD bitch. Her world is over.

We found out that she had molested seventeen children that came forward and Elena had molested eight children. After selling all of the jewelry, the combined total of the two pedophiles was $5,404,929.46. in the bank account Christian setup was a grand total of $28,944,571.39. We divided it by the twenty five children that came forward and awarded them each $1,157,782.85 in trust specified for treatment mental/physical and educational uses until the child reaches the age of twenty five years old. Then the trust will be released into their custody. They will probably get our money distributed faster from us to help them. The accounts were turned over, by lawyers, to the parents of the children, with an explanation of what it was for.

The courts will split up the total to Elena's eight victims after the fees and taxes were secured, her home was sold, her belongings and the three businesses were sold. Minus Elena's car, which was in his name, the 60% that belonged to Christian for the businesses and her business account.

The court is splitting up Candy's personal bank account and the sale of her belongings, car, condo and warehouse. Of course, minus fees and taxes to her seventeen child victims. That closes that whole nasty business.


Another month has gone by and the employees have all moved in and Taylor and Gail from the penthouse. I deactivated the In-Ground Directional Traffic Spikes and they will only be used for home invasion. The system was fixed with the data link that was severed by the construction guys in Elliot's crew. Christian made Elliot pick up the bill.

Barney hovered like I asked him too, to make sure nothing hinky was going on with anything he did. The guy was wetting himself while looking in my daddy's computer room. I guess everything will always be my daddy's. It keeps my love and memories alive. I adored that man, my savior, my teacher, my security and my family. He is in everything here. I will always love him dearly.

Christian had taken a week off to work remotely with me. We just can't get enough of each other's company. He is such a loving father. Scarlett is almost three months old. She smiles, kicks her legs, cooes, loves her pacifier (binky) and scoots in her crib on her knees. We find her at the top of the crib every morning no matter how low we put her to the bottom. I had to put socks on her that were bigger to go up her legs to protect her little knees from getting red and chapped on her fresh new baby skin.

I had the piano movers move Christian's piano out of the penthouse and bring it here. We have basically everything out Christian got rid of most of the furniture to an auction house. It all was Elena who furnished it on Christian's dime. That's why it was all so impersonal and all glass and white like a doctor's office with very few touches. I could see the things Christian did and it was rich woods, dark leather and more refined in taste. The library, the office, his bedroom and even his playroom were all done beautifully. He told me Gail designed the kitchen, but he lived in those four rooms and only played the piano in the living area. I told him I just didn't get all the Madonna Mother Mary art. He said he didn't either and had no idea what Elena was thinking about, but he really didn't care. I told him his rooms had much more class.


I can't believe the rollercoaster ride we had been on since meeting. My life has changed so much from the woman left all alone in this world. To think, I ran him down on a sidewalk is how all this began. The bad experiences for us of the pedophiles, submissive, the corporate espionage, the hospitalizations, helicopter crash, and the psychos, are now put to rest.

The good experiences of finding a wonderful job that is fulfilling that led me to finding a deep love that had been suppressed inside of the most amazing and beautifully handsome man I have ever known. He gave us a child to love and adore and more to come. I have a wonderful family and friends that surround me and fill my heart. It makes life worth fighting for everyday to its fullest. I know whatever obstacles we encounter, we will take it on and succeed. I wouldn't trade anything for it. I thought, 'Thank you daddy, for saving my life and teaching that, the most important thing in this life is that love is the only thing worth living and fighting for. I am blessed to have known you and will pass it on to my children in your legacy.'

Christian walked into the room and kissed me deeply and took my hand and led me into the bedroom. Tonight, I get to tell him about his new baby coming in the near future.

The End


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