Caught Up In A Fantasy World

By ChinaKing6

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On Alswald, a world where things beyond your wildest dreams exist. One would think there was nothing to worry... More

Chapter 1 Not Another Camping Trip!
Chapter 2 Who Is This Old Lady?
Chapter 4 What The Hell Is Going On?
Chapter 5 You're Mine!
Chapter 6 Run For Your Life!
Chapter 7 Is It A Curse?
Chapter 8 The Will Of A Dragon.
Chapter 9 No One Will Take Her From Me!
Chapter 10 Moved By The Moon.

Chapter 3 Damn He Fine.....and Scary!

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By ChinaKing6

Prince Waleran Lupine

Walking into the dining room where my family sat preparing to eat dinner, all eyes landed on me. I knew they knew about the human in my room. They didn't understand why I took her to my room it was clear by the way my mother studied me, usually I wouldn't look twice at the humans let alone go near them. I really didn't care for them at all. All the more reason to make them suspicious.

I haven't told them she's my mate. I knew as soon as they arrived with her. I was out hunting and a smell crossed my nose that I never smelt before. The smell was unexpected yet delightful to my nose pulling me to her, instantly pissing me off. The moment she looked me in my eyes back in my room I knew it was real. There was an unexplainable pull to her. The smell that attracted me wasn't as prevalent now as before but I could smell it when I was close to her. I knew that could only mean one thing.

I never thought I would find my mate since I was well over 300 years old and it hasn't happened yet. Not once in none of those years did I think it would happen and I've met a lot of different life forms. Elves, witches, dwarfs, other wolves you name it and I've probably ran into them a time or two. Never did I once think my mate would be a weak human. No wolf has ever been mated to a human, let alone an predecessor of the throne. We're usually mated to the strongest of the strong, to create strong heirs. Yet I have a human. What am I going to do with that?

Most humans aren't even able to carry a werechild to full term and those who have never had a live birth. They usually die on the table, the baby included. Each time it would break the heart of whatever wolf created the child. This couldn't go on like this. Wolves were losing out on their real mates being so caught up in a frenzy trying to create a new wolf. At this point I'll try anything but more humans it was clear they were not the answer. We were getting desperate here, with me being the last Were born in the Empire of Lupine, hell in any were kingdom, dukedom, lordship everywhere. Just about anywhere there were werewolves.

None of the shewolves have been able to conceive no matter how young or old they were. We tried everything even modern human medicine, nothing worked. Our eldest of Weres were dying out making our population dwindle as time goes on. Some say it was something my parents did but no one really knew for sure and my parents are very tight lipped whenever I ask. Only saying they will explain it to me when I was old enough.

"Waleran you have some explaining to do" my mother said sitting up, taking a sip of wine straight faced, her blue eyes as cold as ice as she watched me.

"Why is there a human in your living quarters instead of with the other test subjects? Now is not the time to start fancying humans. They are her-" she started but was cut off by my father as he raised his hand halting all of the words that were already formed on her tongue.

"Is there a reason you have that human?" My father asked not moving a muscle as he studied me, as if he was waiting for me to lie. I was getting irritated again, I just took a run to calm myself and here they was reminding me of what pissed me off to begin with.

"Father she-" I started but was interrupted, and I was grateful. I didn't want to tell just yet especially not in front of other listening ears. I still haven't digested the news myself. I knew my father would have the answer to why this was happening to me. I was trying to get myself in check before I have to see her again. I knew a long chat with him will ease me.

"Ahhh if it's not my favorite nephew Waleran you look....bigger" My uncle Alexander said looking me over as he took a seat, followed by his mate Beatrice. Who bowed in respect to my parents and I.

"So what's the topic for today? Any humans pop out any wolves that are alive yet?" He asked reaching for a bowl of food, dumping a huge portion of it on his plate before moving on to the next dish. Not bothering to pass any to aunt Beatrice. She was duchess for moons sake.

"Not as of yet, we are still trying. They all keep dying, such weak creatures. Maybe those from earth aren't good enough, we should expand our search to other kingdoms. I heard the Kingdom of Grandeur had some good humans to choose from most are mundane but some posses great magic abilities maybe that can help. " my mom said shaking her head, looking deep in thought.

I agreed, taking my thoughts back to my mate. Every human has died, that's why we kept a constant flow of human girls. I didn't want that to happen to her but yet I couldn't help but want to try. She was made for me after all. The wolf in me wouldn't rest until we at least tried. We've tried the experiments with the human men as well but their sperm didn't stand a chance against a shewolfs womb. Nothing ever came of it which made us switch gears, and that seems to not matter at all since all the wolves were dying. We were truly in desperate times.

"If this continue to fail then I will consider that. However I don't want to get tied up with the Kingdom of Grandeur, Ive been hearing bad rumors about their King. If you we can I would like to avoid them but if push come to shove we will have to do what we have to for our people, I'm sure there's slave traders there." my father said.

"Do you think that is going to do? Do you really think of that as a possible solution? If so then we should do so post haste. We can't go on like this. I just came from the O'Keefes and Mrs. O'Keefe has passed. That is the end of the O'Keefe family, they never got the chance to reproduce. If this keeps up everyone will all die off in the same manner and we'll be no more" Uncle Alex said as if we didn't already know that.

I sat back in my chair, he was right. The weight of his words falling on me like a ton of bricks. It was on me to continue our bloodline and with the mate I have I don't even think that's possible. Clenching my fist I shook my head

"Don't you think I know that? We've been trying everything under the moons to fix this. Nothing is working" my father said slamming his fist down on the table cracking it. Frustrated with the lack of a solution.

"We need a game changer and we need it now, I just don't think that pulling more humans in is the answer. The youngest shewolf that we have found is 320 years old, born just a little before Waleran, if we don't find a solution now it won't matter later because they will be too old to carry." He said taking a sip of wine that a servant had poured.

"You know most shewolfs are most fertile at 100 years old and will be sterile by year 400" Alex said rubbing salt on the wound.

Sitting back smirking. He always seem to love rubbing facts in my fathers face, he never misses a moment to do so. Especially ones he can't refute. He always felt as if he should've been King but my grandfather didn't pick him. He got his own dukedom but he always made it clear that wasn't enough for him. However he never tried anything so my father never had a reason to keep him away.

"Don't you think it's time to tell your son why the land is barren?" He questioned looking at me with a smirk that said he knew something I didn't know.

"Mind your tongue Alexander, I have no problem ripping it out" my father warned, piquing my interest even more. What exactly had my father and mother done? Moreover what could I do to get Uncle Alex to tell me what it is?

"He is the soon to be Emperor of the land he should know what his dear old parents did" Uncle Alex said making my mother's face flush red.

"Alexander it would be best not to test his majesty, he has enough to worry about your nonsense shouldn't be on the list" Beatrice said rubbing his hand gently, noticing the look in my mothers eyes. Snatching his hand from hers Uncle Alex spoke with harsh tones.

"I can speak for myself no need for you to insert yourself. Now sit still and look pretty. Brother have you thought about my proposal" Uncle Alex said sitting forward as to whisper to him, knowing I could hear him.

"No and that is my final answer we will not-" my mother hand on his shoulder halted his words as she looked to me then back to him. What are they hiding? I thought looking at my parents. The almighty Emperor and Empress of Lupine looked.....worried.

"So the human, get her out of your quarters and to the testing center" my mother said clearing her throat, changing the subject.

"Human?" Uncle Alex questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"No" I said with finality.

I may not be happy to have a human mate, still I will not let them test on her or treat her any kind of way. She's still my mate and my instinct make me want her even if I don't want her per say I will not deny my attraction to her.

"No?" My mother asked taken back by my words.

"NO!" I said and that was final, no one will touch my mate.

"How dare you raise your voice at your mother you will take that human to the lab and THATS FINAL!" my father said trying to use his power of command that only the Emperor can possess.

He and I both knew that it doesn't work on me. I was never told why, nor did I care. He was just upset at whatever it is Uncle Alex is talking about. I nor my mate had anything to do with that.

"I WILL NOT AND NO ONE WILL MAKE ME. DO NOT TOUCH HER" I challenge, feeling my animal side starting to take over. I knew things were about to go from bad to worse. I always had a hard time controlling my wolf form ever since I could remember. Once I was angry I was wild and uncontrollable.

A feeling I never got before rushed through me at the thought of someone touching my mate. Over my dead body. My mother looked afraid as she looked to my father, who looked shocked by my sudden outburst even though he tried to hide it. Not caring about anything else they had to say I stood from my seat and walked out. I know it was disrespectful to storm out but I was incredibly close to shifting, my animal side was merely seconds from taking over. I needed to get some air before I did something I wouldn't regret.

No one was touching my mate but me, now that I had her she was mine. Stupid animal instinct I thought walking away. My bond with her is making it hard for me to hate her as much as I hate other humans. That's what bothers me the most. Everything that can go wrong with just having sex with her, I'm afraid of how I will act if she were to die like every other human.

I will eventually turn her but with everything going on I would rather not do anything just yet. Even though turned wolves are usually killed, I dare anyone to try to kill my mate. I already killed the gathers for hitting her on the head, no one will bring harm to her. She is a part of me now rather I like it or not.

I had to take the risk and turn her, I wouldn't be able to survive without her now that I knows who she is. I've looked into her eyes, I felt the bond as it formed. I cannot lie since I found her I have been at peace. I couldn't understand it. My whole life I hadn't be able to control my animal side, when I shifted it didn't matter who was around I did what I wanted.

Pulling back and getting control of myself was harder than one would think. There were times when I shifted and stayed in that form for weeks. It didn't matter what punishment was given I never gave in, now just like that I was changed. I was actually able to shift and not attack anyone or anything. It's as if my human form and animal form is now in alignment. Except now, them speaking on my mate had me on edge.

This human was seeming to be more of a headache than I liked. Walking out of the castle I shifted as soon as my foot hit the ground. I needed to let some steam off, I was up in arms with how they spoke about my mate. I ran until I was tired then jogged back to the castle. It really was peaceful being in control.

Passing the guards, I watched as they stepped back preparing to defend themselves. I looked at them and kept going not bothering to shift back, I went to my living quarters. Which was the whole left side of the castle. The look of surprise on the guards faces did not go unnoticed. The guard outside the door opened the door quickly for me taking a step back. Strolling in, pausing only to shake my fur I continued in. Another guard stood outside my bedroom door as well, opening it as I walked up. Walking up to my mate, who had fallen asleep again in my bed, I sniffed her taking in her scent.

Stuffing my nose in between her legs I inhaling deeply. Etching her scent into my nostrils, making sure to get close enough to feel her warmth on my cold nose, making her shift a bit. She smelled a lot like sweet dandies, just good enough to eat. Taking a nip at her thigh, I couldn't resist tasting her sweet flesh. Moving back I studied her face. She was a really pretty girl.

Her eyes were slanted but wide enough to showcase her beautiful brown eyes. Her nose fit her round face, paired with full lips she really was stunning. Her skin was blemish free and smooth to the touch. I would consider myself lucky if she wasn't a human. Even still I could've gotten worse, like not having a mate at all.

Unable to stop myself, I licked her cheek making her stir in her sleep. Making me pause, I was still in my animal form and I was not ready to have that conversation. I was exhausted and just wanted to lie down but my mind had other plans. I was so different now that I had her.

I never cared about anyone as much as I cared about this human. It really shocked me that I was actually capable of showing any emotion beside anger. Care is so foreign to me, even if my mother showed it I didn't care enough to take notice. Yet this human has me feeling so many different things in such a short period of time. As mad as I want to be I can't deny I enjoy the peace she brought me.

After a while she stopped moving going back into her slumber. Rubbing my nose against her lips I couldn't help but to lick her across the mouth. I moved back as she shifted again turning towards me. I didn't move fast enough as I felt her hand touch my fur. Making my whole body stiffen up, as I felt her hand move again. She started to caress my fur and it felt good as a shiver ran down my spine. If I could've stayed like that with her I would but now wasn't the time for this. Not wanting to scare her and hear more begging, I shifted just as her eyes opened up.

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