Caught Up In A Fantasy World

By ChinaKing6

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On Alswald, a world where things beyond your wildest dreams exist. One would think there was nothing to worry... More

Chapter 1 Not Another Camping Trip!
Chapter 3 Damn He Fine.....and Scary!
Chapter 4 What The Hell Is Going On?
Chapter 5 You're Mine!
Chapter 6 Run For Your Life!
Chapter 7 Is It A Curse?
Chapter 8 The Will Of A Dragon.
Chapter 9 No One Will Take Her From Me!
Chapter 10 Moved By The Moon.

Chapter 2 Who Is This Old Lady?

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By ChinaKing6


Looking around the bar I knew this wasn't for me. There had to be more to life I thought as I played with the straw that was in my watered down drink. Day in and day out it seem to be the same no matter how I switch things up. My routine consisted of waking up going to work, leaving work going to the bar then home.

Rinse, lather, and repeat.

I know this was not what life is all about. The lack of everything that spices up ones life was missing and it was keeping me stagnant. I'm always one to play it safe being that I didn't really have anybody to fall back on if I mess up. Sometimes though I wish I could leave and go to another place in time, where I don't have to worry about paying rent, car notes or being alone for that matter. Where I could be free to take whatever risk with no thoughts on the matter. Somewhere I can create my own family by not only blood but bonding with different people. A complete restart.

Life was hard enough, it's even worse when going at it alone. I knew better though, people like me always get the shit end of the stick. Completely overlooked for being the dull individuals we are. Having a family doesn't sound too bad, sipping my drink I've been babysitting since I got here I looked around the bar. I was drowning in loneliness. This couldn't be life. If I was completely honest with myself I didn't really know what I wanted, I just knew I wanted something of my own that I could hold on to. What that was I couldn't say but anything beats this.

"You want to live another life you say?" A voice asked from beside me.

I was so caught up in my own thoughts, and self loathing I didn't even realize someone had sat next to me.

"Huh?" I asked not comprehending the question asked to me.

I didn't say anything out loud or did I? I have a tendency to talk to myself, I have to get that in check. Maybe that's why other people ignore me and I could only get company old lady? I stared down at her trying to figure out just when did she get there? She looked to be in her 80s or 90s, her silver hair was slick back into a ponytail and she was sporting some kind of dress that resembled a robe. It looked soft to the touch as if it was made of velvet. What she was doing in a bar was beyond me.

Taking a big gulp of my drink I motioned for the bartender to bring me another. Which he did quicker than I thought. Grabbing that drink I poured it into the drink I already had before guzzling it down. I know I've hit rock bottom when Im sitting next to an elder in a bar not to mention talking out loud to myself. Was I loosing my mind? Shaking my head at myself I dismissed the thought. I was tripping and I needed to get my life I thought as I started getting myself together to leave. Sneaking another look at the lady sitting next to me made me wonder if this was all life had for me. Old and still hanging in bars, what a sad life.

"No dear you're not tripping " the lady said using air quotes when saying tripping "and I can most definitely help you with that." She said with a very sneaky grin on her face.

"Help me how and with what exactly?" I asked trying to stop myself from laughing in her face as I continued to get my jacket on.

This old lady really was trying to hustle me out of something. She looked as if she was getting ready to kick the bucket at any minute, no way she could help me when she needed to be worried about her own life or should I say what's left of it. It's clear this lady is crazy as all hell to think such a scam would work on me. I've been drinking but I don't think I'm that drunk.

"By giving you what you asked for my dear." She said very nonchalant as if it was no sweat off her back taking a sip of a drink I didn't even see her order.

"I didn't ask for anything so please do enlighten me on what I asked for that you can help me with?" I questioned again doing as she did using air quotes. A small giggle released from her lips before her face got very serious.

"I can help you get to another place in time, give you they reset you want. You want adventure right? I can give you that, all I ask is for one thing in return." She stated turning in her seat giving me a full view of her face.

She didn't look any different than any other granny out there. She seemed to be studying me. This lady was clearly off her rocker but I had nothing better to do why not entertain the old bat. The bartender sitting another drink down in front of me distracted both of us, saying thank you I picked it up and took a sip. I don't order it but I surely will drink it.

"Let's say you can do what you say you can do, not saying I believe you but what would you like in return" I asked just to see what she said, humoring myself.

"Your life" she said without a hint of humor in her voice wiping my smile right from my face. Confirming that she was in fact crazy.

"In order for me to send you to another world,my world, I would need to take your life here." She said.

I shook my head, who did she think she was fooling. Even if she could do what she said, who in their right mind would agree to that. Not to mention if she take my life how will I get another? Once you're dead you're dead. She could be trying to send me to hell, am I sitting next to a devil?

"There would be another waiting for you once you reach your destination, this body here will be put to good use as well. The way I see it it's a win win my dear. You get to go to another world and live the life you always wanted and I get a new body." She said as she creepily smiled showing the empty spaces where her teeth should've been.

I couldn't stop myself from laughing out loud. I didn't find this funny but absolutely insane. I couldn't help but to laugh she sounded bat shit crazy. To think I would agree to something so crazy was beyond me. Did I really look that downtrodden to her?

"My dear, the offer only stands until midnight tonight. Time is running out so I have none to spare. I'll be at the water fountain in the middle of town. You want to know more be there" She said.

Gulping down my drink I was getting ready to give her a piece of my mind but once I put the glass back on the counter she was gone. Looking around I didn't see a trace of her anywhere even the glass she was drinking from vanished. Shaking my head at myself I slapped my own forehead. Maybe I was drunker than I thought seeing as I just had a whole conversation with myself. Sitting back down I motioned for the bartender for another drink.

Tonight at midnight be at the fountain.

I heard her creepy little voice float through my head. Laughing I shook it off. No way I was doing something as stupid as that.

12:00 A.M.

Walking up to the water fountain I was cursing myself. I don't know what it was but curiosity got the best of me. After downing a few more drinks and dancing until my heart was content I found myself here, at the fountain. I mean its not like I had anybody to go home to. My parents were dead, I don't have siblings and I'm new to this town so I didn't really have any friends. Maybe that's why I'm here looking for company from a creepy old lady, anything beats being home alone I guess. I couldn't help but feel excited by the unknown. It's been a long time since my heart raced like it was now.

"So you came my dear" I heard from behind me. Turning quickly I found myself on my ass staring up at the old lady from earlier. I must've had more to drink than I gave myself credit for seeing that I was seeing three of her at the moment. A drunken grin slid across my face.

"Yeah I came now what?" I asked sounding just as drunk as I was not even bothering to try and hide how drunk I was.

"Now I'll take your life but first answer me this, are you sure you want to do this? Once it's done it's done, you will not get your body back." She said extending her hand to me, shaking my head I opted to get up on my own.

I would hate to pull her down with my weight, not to mention I can barely hold my damn self we would both be laid out on the ground if I even try. Standing on noodle legs I thought about what she said but as quickly as the thought came it left. I must be crazy to even think this was possible. It's 2022 the closet thing we have to time traveling is self driving cars and even those need work.

"Oh but it is my dear. All I need is your undoubted confirmation". She said stepping aside, examining my whole body. Nodding her head in approval.

"What happens when I die, am I going to be reborn as a baby or something? If so I would rather not" I said shaking my head.

Who the hell want to be a baby again. That would be hell learning everything all over. I don't want to be helpless and needy for the start of my new life. Shaking my head at myself I dismissed the thought. None of this was real so why bother.

"That was the idea. However no one said you were going to die. Your soul will live on." She said shaking her head at me like I said something outrageous. As if she's not the one who said she was going to take my life. That to me could only mean one thing, death.

"What would you prefer? At what age would you like to come back as?" She asked moving on not bothering to explain anything. She was acting as if she was in a rush or something.

Thinking it over, if I had to start over I would like to be able to pick when. My best years started when I was about 15, high school was the most memorable time of my life. I can't really remember much before then so that would be a golden age for me. I'm already twice that age so I wouldn't mind being a teen again I thought with a giggle at how dumb this was. This old lady is good, she really got me entertaining this whole thing.

"Fifteen it is. Now again are you sure you want to do this?" She asked again. Nodding and waving her off I smiled.

"Why not, even though I really don't believe this will work at all. Go head give it your best shot." I said slurring all of my words. Grabbing my hands she started chanting something. I couldn't make it out so I rocked to the words. It sounded like a hot 16 of a Twista song. She was speaking so fast I couldn't make out what was being said. Her words got faster and faster until she stopped.

"Before I finish, let me tell you this. You will be sent to a land full of power. Where things exist that you can only find in your wildest dreams. When I transport you back with my teleportation Magic, and yes magic exist in this world, I will transfer all my magic to you. I am the eldest witch to ever live I've built quite a collection of magic. My soul is too old and can no longer handle the build up. Besides I won't need it here." She said looking me square in the eyes. Meanwhile I was stuck on stupid a world where magic exist, poof yeah right.

"Now I cannot teach you how to use it as you will have to learn and gage the magic for yourself as to how you would like to weld them. Magic spells are created from ones mind and heart. No one can create it for you but you. You will be good at all but the master of none. Meaning there isn't a magic source or spell you will not be able to do or handle and with a soul as strong as yours the possibilities are endless. My world is in need of a hero, one that can battle the best of the best without taking sides since you will have no real ties to that world. I can no longer do it nor can I reincarnate myself, so I'll pass everything I have to you." She said as her eyes turned completely white as she picked up chanting again.

"Wait, I still have questions, how-" I was cut off my her placing her hand over my mouth. I'm guessing to tell me to shut up but I couldn't. I had a thousand and one questions that needed answering.

"Good luck my dear, keep your soul strong and I hope this new world is better for you." She said as she continued to chant, her words and the volume of her voice increasing as she went along. I could feel my body start to become tingly.

"Wait what's happening to my body?" I asked snatching my head away from her hand only to be ignored.

I started to feel light headed, as if I was about to lose my balance. Am I dying? Good at all but the master of none? Magic and spells? What does that even mean? Where is her world? How was I going to get there? Would I be taking someone else's life? How is any of this possible? I had so many questions and so little time. What was I thinking coming here?!

"Wha-what's going on? Please I don't want to di-" I said as everything begin to fade to black. I couldn't see a thing but I could hear her still chanting. Trying to snatch away didn't work as my body became limp then there was nothing but darkness.


Jumping up I took in big gulps of air. I felt like I couldn't breath as water went down my nose and throat stinging my nostrils. Coughing I threw my hands out trying to stop the water. Sitting up I opened my eyes trying to look around but the water that got in my eyes was blinding me everything looked blurry. Using the back of my hand I wiped the water away, making my eyes burn even more in the process.

Finally able to see I looked around at my surroundings trying to find the source of the water. I was in what looked to be a barn? Or something close to it. It had individual stalls and what resembled hay but softer. I was sitting on some and it felt like a pile of healthy watered grass. I could hear animals in the distance but I couldn't make out what kind it was. They were making sounds I've never heard before. What the hell? I thought as I looked around some more my eyes frantically searching for something recognizable.

"What the hell are you doing girl? I didn't wake you to watch the sights. These dantimas need cleaning and you're in here napping. You're lucky I don't slap your face. Now get to it" a man voice came from behind me nearly making me jump out of my skin.

Turning around I seen a man that was short in stature. His big round belly stuck out making it the most noticeable part of his body since it didn't match with the rest. It was abnormally big, I'm talking 9 months pregnant big. His clothes looked like nothing but cloth that was sown together in a haste covered in deep stains and dirt. His mouth was as dark as night having nothing but rotten bone where teeth should've been with deep sunken eyes. He looked scary and smelled even worse. Stepping back I wrapped my arms around myself. Where the hell am I and how the fuck did I get here?

That's when it dawned on me, that crazy old bat. I mean I can't really call her crazy when she did what she said she would. I wonder if I have magic powers as well since she said she would give me hers. I started to try to see but the look on this man face said he meant business. Where the hell was I and what the hell am I going to do? I really done it this time and there was no way out. She told me there would be no going back, fuck. I'm stuck here now?! I thought looking around unbelievably at what will now be my new home. I'll just have to make the best of it. Whatever this is.

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