Transformers Prime and the Mu...

By blueflameprime

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What happens when a human/mutant experiment escapes and lands in Jasper, Nevada. Where one government secret... More

Chapter 1: New Girl in Town
Chapter 2: School
Giant Robots
Resuce Mission
Warship and talent show
Weird Dreams and Feelings
Warship and Talent show part 2
Warship part 3
They Find out about Rachael
Picking a Song and Scared
Chapter 13
Battle of Darkness
Battle of Darkness part 2
After Math
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
The boyfriend arrives on Earth
Where the past catches up
Confronting Our Feelings
Chapter 26
This is why Optimus has rules.
Predator vs Prey
Sickness and Health part 1
Sickness and Health part 2
We get teleported to the shadow realm

First Date

549 18 10
By blueflameprime

Image Credit: Luc Perrot 

The morning started like any other, waking up with Optimus arms around me and my mom banging on my door. I sighed and went back to sleep. Wait. I looked at my alarm and saw that i slept through it and school was gonna start in about 30 min

"Shit! Mom! I'm up!" I yelled, making the banging stop.

Though this caused Optimus to wake up and pull me back to him, startling him awake. He looked around for danger.

"Hey, Hey. Optimus It's okay. Nothing is going on. We just slept in." I put my hands on his check, giving him something to ground himself to.

"We..we slept in?" Optimus was taking deep breaths.

"We did, Optimus....Are you alright?" I caress my thumb against his cheek as he leans into the touch.

"Get ready, I have to get you to school." Optimus moved off of me sitting at the edge of my bed facing the window.

I looked down and started getting dressed, thinking about being a Prime in such a long war. Optimus would probably be struggling with PTSD, but I'm no doctor. I can't confirm anything. I got dressed, keeping an eye on him. As soon as I was ready, I moved in front of him, kneeling as I put my hands on his knees.

"Optimus, talk to me." I coaxed, rubbing his leg.

"I need a minute Rachael." was all he said.


All I did was get up and sit next to him on my bed, just holding his hand. I stayed silent, letting him process everything. Minutes passed and he just leaned his head on my shoulder.

"Optimus, do I need to call Ratchet to bridge you back to base?" I asked

"That might be for the best. Will you get to school okay?" Optimus asked.

"I will carefully fly to the school." I smiled at him.

Optimus nods, I kiss his head and call Ratchet. Ratchet gives the closest coordinates to the bridge and I tell Optimus.

"I'll go with you to the bridge, make sure you get through okay. Then I want you to get plenty of rest. Understand?"

Optimus nods, his holo disappearing and I run outside. Optimus opens a door for me, and we drive to the cement water way thingy. Ratchet speaks to Optimus over the comms and opens the bridge. Optimus gets his holo out one more time and kisses me deeply. I kiss back with as much passion as he gave me.

"I'll see you after school. Okay?"


I kiss his forehead, hopping out of the semi truck. Watched as he drove through, getting on the phone with Ratchet.

"Keep an eye one on Optimus please? I think he may have what humans call PTSD. I don't know if Cybertron has a different name for it. Though that is what humans call it."

"I'll take care of him Rachael, Don't worry. You focus on school today." Ratchet reassures me.

"Thank you Ratchet, see you later." I sighed, and hung up.

I unfold my wings and take off into the sky, holding my bag in my hands. I landed a block away, and just walked the rest of the way. Getting to school late but oh well.

Walking into the classroom late was weird. Everyone's eyes were on me. It was horrible and awkward enough as is. I just got to my seat and the teacher just kept teaching, Miko being behind me in class, and started talking.

"So? What were you and boss bot doing that made you late?" Miko whispered with a smirk, her eyebrows bouncing up and down.

I turned around and just straight up flicked her on the forehead.

"Nothing, you dirty minded bitch."

Miko laughs quietly, rubbing her forehead. I turned back around, facing the history teacher. This being my favorite subject, Greek History/ Myths.

We learned that the gods adjusted over time to the country's needs and wants. An example of Aphrodite being a war goddess to a goddess of love/sex. Miko kept pestering me with questions about Prime and I on a physical account. I was ignoring her as best as I could, but my face was as red as a human can get it.

"Come on Rachael, give me details."

"Miko, I have had about enough of your small interruptions with Rachael, you will stay after school in detention."

Miko's eyes widened, looking at me to bail her out. Ha! Nah bitch you got yourself in this mess. I stayed silent, Miko starting to pout. Folding her arms in her chair.

Another morning of school passes, and the four of us gather for lunch yet again. Though Miko completely ignored me. Jack and Raf look between us.

"So what happened?" Raf asked, poor boy.

"I got detention and Rachael didn't help get me out."

I rolled my eyes, taking a bite of my sandwich.

"Miko over here, was asking intimate questions about Optimus and I. And the teacher had enough of it and gave her detention. And I did not say anything to stop the teacher." I explained.

Jack just gave her the mom. Are you kidding me?

"Sorry Miko, you brought that on yourself."

"We'll be sorry. I have a best friend who is from another planet, and is dating said Jesus from said planet. Sorry if I wanted details."

I started choking on chocolate milk from her sentence, Optimus being space Jesus. Not gonna lie, was pretty fucking funny.

"Miko you were basically asking if Optimus and I have had sex."

Jack and Raf froze up and got immediately uncomfortable, Miko again returned to pouting. Lunch was left in silence. I went to gym class dreading all the rumors and shit that may have happened since last class. Though nothing happened as I changed. It was until I tried leaving the locker room that shit started going down. New part time antagonist everyone. Megan and her cult followers.

I shut the locker and looked at all of them.

"What is it that you want?" I asked, totally done with shit after Miko.

"So what's the deal with your guys riding to school?" Megan questioned

"Close friends." I answered simply.

"And your "friend." Megan did air quotes

I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"He is my boyfriend."

"He is a pretty one, not from Jasper clearly. Where did you meet?"


"None of your fucking business." I shut my gym locker and left.

After the whole class, an indoor kickball game. I wasn't the last one left exhausted and dying for air after. I could feel Megan's eyes on me from wherever she was.

The rest of the day came and went, yet again. Meeting the bots outside, Optimus looking so god damn pretty.

"How are you feeling?" I ask, taking his hand.

"Fine, after some rest. Thank you for asking." Placing a hand on my cheek, kissing my forehead.

Nope I refuse to look at the others, oh wait! I quickly looked to Bulk my face still burning.

"Miko got into detention, so she won't be out until later."

"You know what time?'


"I'll come back for her then."

The trio of bots and humans minus Bulk. All left for the base, though we didn't.


"I am going to take you on what you humans call a date."

"Y..yeah okay."

I climbed into the semi truck and we started leaving town, heading to a place where I was assuming we could use the bridge without getting caught.

One bridge use later.

We went through and I knew where we were on the other side of the world, really deep in a dense forest.


"Don't worry, we're safe and I won't let anything happen."

I hop out and shift, feeling like a good stretch.

"Come on." Optimus was holding his hand out.

I take his hand and he starts walking, following next to him. It was quiet, it was peaceful. I leaned my head on his arm. A smile on my face. The smell of pine everywhere. We stopped.

"Close your eyes." Optimus asked.

I close my eyes, and he takes my hands. Leading me, talking on where to go so I don't fall on my face. Optimus' hands disappeared.


"Open your eyes."

The scene before me was beautiful, a small lake surrounded by forest with water so clear I could see all the rocks. Beautiful plants around the whole area. The stars, oh how beautiful the stars were, I looked up and I saw Orion's arm of the galaxy, so many constellations. Some of the planets, and even distant galaxies can be seen on such a clear night such as this. The water of the lake reflects the sky above. Looking like you can touch the sky.

"By the gods...Optimus. This place is gorgeous. How did you even find such a place like this?"

"Patrol, this area has become my place to...get away when the team has parties. This is my place. And I wanted to share it with you."

"Oh Optimus...Thank you. This is breathtaking honestly."

"I heard you gasp and I think you did stop breathing for a second." Optimus chuckled.

Optimus sat down, patting the spot next to him. I sat down next to him, though he kept looking at me.


"That is not a good spot, here." Optimus pulled me into his lap, I squeaked as he did.

I hid my face, his hand on my waist and one going up and down my back. I sighed.

"Thank you Optimus."

"Of course my Angel." He rested his chin on top of my head.

Time passed through simple conversations. The small things that couples should know about their partners. Just sitting next to the lake, I moved in between his legs as he now became my pillow. With my back against his chest, having my hand hold his in the sheer size difference. Optimus arms shift has his arms wrapped around my waist. His chin resting on my shoulder, turning my head, I kissed his cheek. Sighing in content. I have the greatest partner in the universe. Though duty of being a Prime called

::Base to Optimus, your needed back to identify some tech from Cybertron.::

:::Understood, open a bridge to my last location.:::

The bluish, green glow appeared. Optimus letting out a deep irritated sigh, as our time together was interrupted. I stood up, holding a hand out. Which he took and I helped him up ( mind you almost falling on my ass). Walking through the bridge and back into the base, the air was tense. Everyone was gathered in front of the computer, even Bulk who I guess got Miko from detention. An image was on the screen, they split apart to let Optimus closer. He studied the image closely.

"Bulk thinks it's an energon harvester." Ratchet reports

"Indeed, It is an energon harvester." Optimus turns to the other 3 humans

"What's an energon harvester?" Jack asks

"An ancient relic used to absorb raw energon from any source. The ancients used art of the given era to show that there is a harvester located on this planet."

"Uh Optimus, if it can remove energon from anything and you all have energon pumping inside of you."

"In Decepticon hands, it could be a deadly weapon used against us."

"See! You're a genius to destroy the painting! How can they find it now?!"

"Miko isn't wrong? How can the cons find it without the fresco?" Arcee agrees

"With high speed internet. If you enter Greek god and golden orb. You find it here in a museum." Raf comes out with his laptop and shows everyone.

"Contact Ancient Fowler." Optimus became quite serious.

Optimus walked out of Ratchet's way to let him do such a thing. I tapped his shoulder.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"This discovery is just unnerving with what Starscream can do with such a device."

"That is understandable."

A beep came from the computer and Fowler's answering machine was all that we heard.

"I hate talking to machines."

"Without Agent Fowler's aid, we will have to confiscate the device on our own."

"Wait what?! You mean steal museum property?!" Jack grew concerned

"I do not wish to break any human laws Jack, but once the Decpticons discover its location. They will go to any means to obtain it. We must hurry and do it covertly."

"No offense to Optimus, but giant robots and covert. Do mix with each other, it's a public space, with guards and cameras."

"No problem, We're small enough to sneak inside. And we're not a government secret." Miko, as usual, Jumps in.

"Miko, I don't think that's wise." Bulk scratches his head concerned.

"But it may be our best option, the more we debate the more time we give the Decepticons."

A plan was created quickly, Optimus would cover the north, Bulk would cover the south, Bee would cover east and Arcee would cover the west side, and I would cover the roof. The kids would bridge into the museum without setting off the systems, and try to move the ball onto the moveable crane thingy majigy thing.

With enough stretches, I was able to move. We bridged into the city, driving past these tall bushes, as Optimus pulled into the parking lot. I opened the door and jumped out, flying over to the roof.

"::::Report your positions.:::" Optimus

":::Westward-ho.:::" I hear from Arcee.

":::East Side is covered::" Bee beeps through

"::::South side covered to:::" Bulk report.

":::;On the roof.:::" I crouch down and look at Optimus.

":::Ratchet, send the children.::

I walk around the building's roof, making sure everything is alright. When I hear an engine from the front of the building. Carefully I peaked my head over the small wall, looking down and seeing a stupid expensive Aston Martin next to Optimus. Was it a con? All of the cons I have seen either fly or are the purple ground units. Until an off roader charged into the parking lot aiming a weapon at the museum.

The dude launched a missile, which made Optimus transform and catch it before it hit the museum and killed the 3 inside. I watched as the red one transformed while Optimus was distracted, I started shifting. My Cyber form was complete by the time I landed on the ground, kicking the electric stick before he got Optimus. Kicking the same red one to get some distance between us.

"Hey! Watch the paint!" He whined

Oh great, he's that kind of guy. Hearing an engine rev, the off roader started charging. Straight at Optimus and I. Through all the noise the rest of the Autobots came around the front. The off roader fired a missile at Bumblebee, causing him to transform and roll across the parking lot. Acree coming on the other side, a missile didn't even have to hit her, the blast from one hitting the ground. These two attacks caused Bumblebee and Arcee to crash into each other. Which is really sad because I know both of them would have dodged it.

I went after the red one, using hand to hand. It was hard to get close while he had his stupid stick though. Though as he went for a jab to my neck, twisting my body slightly. Catching his staff as it passes my body. We just stared at each other because at this moment, he knew he fucked up. I yanked the staff closer to me. The force of the pull forced Red to come closer and I kneed his gut, after him falling to the ground I kicked his back forcing him to the ground.

As I was distracted, Bulk got blasted into the museum as alarms started going off. This got my legs kicked out from underneath me. Red got back up and got his staff as I lost my grip. He jabbed the thing into my neck and all I could do was scream in pain as my nerves didn't work.

"Get away from her!" I think it was Optimus yelling, I saw a small blur of red hitting a bigger blur of red.

I felt my body being picked up, I groaned as my body felt like shit.

"Optimus..." I whined.

"I am here, you're okay."

"That hurt like a bitch."

I could hear him chuckle, his chest moving. He knew I would be alright. Though hearing a jet engine, then Raf and Jack yelling how security got Miko. The cons retreating, Optimus calling for his own retreat. Bulk demanded to get Miko. Though Optimus reassures him that Miko is in trouble, she is safest here.

As we got into base, Optimus carried me like a bride. He brought me over to the med bay and demanded that Ratchet check me over.

"I'm fine, I just need to...okay..yeah no. I'll stay here." I tried standing up as soon as Optimus set me down, but my legs couldn't carry my weight. Optimus caught me and laid me down on the huge metal bed.

"Ratchet?" Optimus asked.

"Just a side effect, her nerves are probably shot. She just needs rest and sleep. Her human half might need pain killers and something to eat. Though she'll be fine."

"See! I told you, I'll be fine." I giggled, not realizing how tired I was.

Optimus sighed, knowing I'll be safe and cared for. Optimus started having the Autobots go scout to see if they could find where the Cons would use the device. I fell asleep though, the metal bed being more comfy than I thought.

Waking up to hear Bulk and Ratchet arguing. Everyone else was gone, I sat up stretching. My joints doing what a human body would be popping. I unfold my wings, stretching them as well.

"What's with all the screaming?!" I yelled, making the two stop.

"Well Bulkhead broke a tool that would help make this ball construction go faster to get Miko back."

I sighed, rubbing my eyes.

"I understand, this situation is stressful. Raf, Jack. I need you to keep trying to get Fowler. He'll be the only one to get her out. Ratchet I know you can keep building the ball, I bet you can even do it without it with the skills you have. And Bulkhead, you and I are going to scout a couple more places and try to find the cons. Understood." I fold my arms, everyone looking at me

"What?" i asked

"You just sound like Optimus." Ratchet points out.

"Oh....Good... Ratchet can you be a dear and show me how to work the ground bridge?"

Ratchet and I were working on the ground bridge, when Bulkhead had a light bulb go off.

"Wait! Starscreams not dumb, though no matter what tool he has. He is going to take the easy way out." Bulk looks between Ratchet and I.

"Excuse me?" Ratchet asked.

"The painting wasn't the only thing there at that site, energon is there as well."

I smirked.

"Nice job Bulk, let's go."

"Ep! Ep! Ep! Rachael you're not going."

"I'm going. I refuse to let Bulk go alone without backup."

"If you go and that Harvester is used on you. I have no idea what will happen to you."

"That is why you will contact the other Autobots. Have them get there as soon as possible. And we'll use stealth."

"Rachael, you know who you are going with." Bulk pointed to himself.

"I have faith in you. Try your best. What could go wrong?"

Everything went wrong.

We had Ratchet bridge us on the hill over, so that the glow of the ground bridge couldn't give us away. We quietly hiked down the hill. Coming up from behind some pillars. About to get the closest guards. And a Greek pottery piece gave us Bulk stepped on it giving our position away.

The sports car and blue off roader were there. Turning around to the noise and seeing us both.

"Back for more trouble eh?" The red one smirked

Each took a side to attack us, I looked at Bulk and nodded. Jumping slightly in the air before himself ducking. The off roader bitch slapping the sports car with a hammer.


"Are you sure you should be the one laughing?" A voice said behind me, putting chills down my spine. Pointing the harvester at me.

Turning around I saw a Gray and red transformer, obviously him being a flier with the wings on his back.

"....Starscream right?" I asked, probably a stupid thing to do. But stalling for time.

This man instantly had an offended look on his face.

"You don't know who I am?!" Starscream immediately went on a villainous prologue of all his titles and conquests. I kinda tuned him out.

"And now the killer of the one Prime cares about the most." He smirks.

He finished his prologue sooner than I thought. My eyes widened, looking away as I heard the harvester activate.

"Not on my watch!" Bulk jumps in front of me.

"Bulkhead! What are you doing?!" I scream

"Prime finally found happiness after all these years! Not like I would let that disappear in an instant." Bulk grunts, getting up and walking toward Starscream.

Now he is panicking, he takes steps back.

"What do you think you are doing?! Why won't you die!"

"I'm a big guy, guess I have a lot of energon." Bulk grabs the harvester from Starscream hands, crushing it.

Bulk threw it into the sky as hard as he could. A good thing too, the explosion would have killed everyone on site. Though Bulk, he passed out.

"Bulk!" I ran to him, kneeling next to him.

"Ugh.." He was okay, probably drained and semi unconscious.

"You fool! Look at what you did!" Starscream yelled.

Feeling a rage at Starscream, I...didn't know what happened.

"Leave Starscream! You lost!" I yelled.

"A piece of scrap like you does not get to boss me around!"

"I said. LEAVE!" As I yelled a wave of blue crystals went in Starscream's direction.

Starscream leaped back to avoid getting hit. Next thing I knew. A ground bridge opened, seeing how it was just him and Soundwave. He retreated, and left the area.

I looked from where the glow was and saw the autobots.


The Autobots froze at the scene around them, some dead cons, a knocked out Bulkhead. And a craps ton of energon.

"Let's get Bulkhead back to base." Optimus ordered.

Arcee came to my aid...being her size and all. She wouldn't be much help to Bulk. Optimus and Bee helped Bulk through the bridge and safely into base. Once Bulk was in Ratchet's care, Optimus came over to me.

"Are you alright?" Optimus tucked a finger underneath my chin, having me look up at him.

"I'm fine...but Bulk-"

"Will be fine after an energon transfusion." Optimus kindly interrupted to ease my thoughts.

I relaxed a little, underestimating the whole situation. The cons, Starscream, the Harvester.

"He pointed it at me....Starscream, the harvestor. And all I could do was look away."

"It's alright Rachael."

"If it wasn't for Bulk....i would be dead."

"What happened in the past we can not change, we can learn from it and do better next time."

I nodded, Optimus resting my forehead against his. Until a moment later he broke away and went back to Ratchet.

A horrible fake cough drew my attention over to the human area. Where Miko gave me a thumbs up and a devilish smile.

I'm going to kill her.

"With the abundance of Energon at the construction site. We shall go and mine it before humans arrive. Arcee, Bumblebee. Get the tools ready and show Rachael where they are while I get my trailer."

Arcee and Bee nodded, Arcee starting to walk. Bumblebee followed behind her motioning me to flow. I did.

Arcee and Bee grabbed some machinery, honestly looking like a sentry gun.

"Unlike the cons, who have a miner class to do this for them. We have these tools to help us out. Arcee explained.

"If energon is combustible, and ready to blow. How do these things help?" I asked.

::::Its blunt damage that can make it unstable. Though with ultra fine lasers. This makes the job easier and safer.::: Bee finished

"Grab one too, sounds like you're coming with us." Arcee points to the last gun.

I pick it up, and we all get back to the main space. Optimus having his trailer. And we loaded the mining guns.

"Ratchet, keep an eye out for any Decepticon signals."

"I got it, go ahead." Ratchet activates the bridge and for the umpteenth time we go through.

Once we arrived, we all got straight to work.

"I don't remember this much energon in Mikos picture." Arcee points to the destroyed remains of the fresco and points to where the image was taken.

Optimus, not even looking at me.

"Rachael? Do you have something to say?" His tone teased because he already knew I had something to do with it.

"Emotional distress."

"We will discuss once we are back at Base, for now. Let's move in case the Decpticons come back."

Arcee and Bee got to work, Optimus trailer shifting down the walls to make loading easier. Optimus walked me over to a tall piece where I wouldn't hurt the others in case something went wrong.

"This isn't a weapon, it's a tool. So you have to be careful. It could hurt as much as any cut with a sword. Now I need you to stand as if you're about to shoot a bow."

I looked at him, impressed and he returned with a small smile.

Putting my right foot back to take a shift of my weight and putting my left foot slightly forward. I held the laser against my side. Optimus got behind me. Putting his feet behind mine for extra support. A hand on my waist and one behind the gun.

Oh my god this is a total cliche and i love it.

"I'm going to help you keep it steady. Fire when you're ready."

I took a deep breath, doing one more wiggling to make sure my body was in the correct position. I fired the laser. It was a surprise because I didn't know how much force it would be.

Though Optimus caught me, guiding into the proper shaper was needed to fit the trailer.

A couple hours later

All the energon was cut, loaded and ready for transport. The sun is coming up. I look over at Optimus.

"You are lucky it's the weekend."

Optimus smiled, and we all got back to base.

Bulk, back on his feet and feeling better. I apologized over and over for freezing up on him. Though he pats my head saying it was okay, helping unload all the energon. Arcee and I put the lasers away.

"Hey...about my behavior in the past...I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it. It was probably a huge, major change that I brought to team Prime."

Arcee smiled, and our relationship was better. We went back to the main area to see all the kids were tired and passed out on a weird pile on the couch. Jack being the pillow of the other two.

"Let's get them home. All of the families are worried." I suggest.

I shift back to my human form, flying to the main aera. Picking up Raf first, Bumblebee transformed and opened the passenger door. I tucked him in and buckled him up, letting Bumblebee leave first. Doing the same with Miko and Bulk, I looked at Arcee.

"Jack will ride with us, and Arcee can follow." Optimus transformed

I looked at Jack deciding how best to pick up Jack. Arcee came over in her holo, gently shaking him, enough to walk. We guided him over to Optimus and we were on our way.

I walked up with Jack, in case his mom panicked. A quick lie about a study session of Greek Mythology and doing a report of everything wrong with Disney's Hercules. We all just fell asleep. A thank later and Arcee in the garage. Optimus and I got home.

Same lie, and I went to my bedroom. With Optimus in his holoform waiting for me.

I laughed.

"You're going to be in here and my parents are going to walk in and that will not go well."

"I already gained your fathers approval."

"....when did that happen?"

"You were asleep."


Optimus' soft smile appeared across his face. I giggled rolling my eyes as I looked in the mirror. I looked like shit.

"Damn, I'm going to take a shower. You cool by hanging out for a few minutes?" I asked, grabbing a towel.

"Can't I come with you?" Optimus asked.

I think I broke my neck with how fast I turned my head.

"...O..Optimus...I..i...uh" my face started turning red.

"You're blushing again."

" I...holy crap." I turned away and fanned myself a little bit.

"Rachel?" Optimus walked over to me.

"Uh, Optimus...what you just asked, is...a god's. How do I explain this?"

"Rachael? What did I ask?" Optimus grew concerned

"You see....a shower is a way for humans to get clean and well, you have to take off your clothes to do that. And while couples do take showers together, I am not ready for that." I quickly got my words together.

"I didn't mean to cause you any discomfort. I promise." Optimus grew concerned.

"I know, you didn't. It's alright, we learn about each other on the way. It's how couples grow. Um i have a couple books you can enjoy. I'll be really quick okay?" My face was on fire picturing some naughty things with Primes holo form.

Optimus nods, placing his hands on my cheeks. Kissing my forehead.

"Go, I'll be alright."

I nod, and awkwardly walk to the bathroom. Putting the water on its coldest setting and putting my head right in the middle of it. Not caring if my clothes got wet. Which they did.

After the shock, the dirty thoughts wiped clean. I put the temperature at the hot shower from hell to soothe my soul. Cleaning off dirt and washing my hair I got out. Wrapped a towel around myself, and went to my bedroom. Seeing a blushing Optimus on my bed.

"I did research....i sorry Rachael."

"Oh baby." I laughed, sitting next to him.

Optimus can't look at me, the poor thing was embarrassed.

I went to my dresser putting on some pajamas. Though before putting on my top. I heard movement on the bed.


"Your wings....i haven't seen them up close."

"Really after all this time?" I loop at him.

"Can..can I feel the feathers?" He asked.

I blushed, looking away. Having a shirt covers my chest. Leaving my back bare.

"Sure....i am okay with that."

I heard him get off the bed and walk over, looking in the full length mirror. Optimus looked unsure of what to do.


"It's alright. be gentle, most of the nerves connect in between my wings."

I saw his hands move, one placing a hand on my waist. The other hand, his knuckle follows my spine. Sending a chill, I gasped. Covering my mouth.

Optimus looked at me from the mirror.

"I'm alright, it's just...been a really long time that my wings have been touched gently."

Optimus' eyes widened slightly, his arms wrapping around my waist, his chin resting against my shoulder.

"Do you want to stop?" Optimus asked.

" it feels good." I looked away blushing with shame.

Optimus pressed his lips against my neck, getting another gasp out of me.

"Touched starved?" Optimus guessed.

"...i...i ..s..shut up" I whined, confirming his guess.

Optimus picked me up bridal style, carrying me to the bed. He set me down at the bottom, sitting himself behind me as he guided one of my wings. To be at his side.

It was silent for I don't know how long, he would ask questions of my wings, what different feathers do? Looking at the difference in size. Optimus was honestly trying to learn about me.

Everything was fine until he got to the spine of my wings, where bones connect. I didn't realize I had such a sensitivity to that spot. I covered my mouth holding my shirt as close to my body as I could.

Though I couldn't help it. With Optimus' soft touch, I moaned.

Optimus stopped immediately, pulling hand away.



"Did you just?"


"You did."

I turned around, my face being on fire once again. Optimus had a small proud smile on his face.

"Optimus I swear to god."

"And here I thought you didn't make such noises."

I threw the closest thing I could reach at him. Sadly it was my shirt. My shirt thankfully covered his eyes.

I squealed and laid flat on the bed.

"Optimus, don't you dare move that shirt!"

Optimus froze, super confused. He moved the took one second until he covered his own eyes with his own hand.

"I am sorry Rachael." He apologized.

I quickly put the shirt on, gently moving the hand that was covering his eyes. Showing those glowing blue eyes I loved so much.

"It's alright, you're still a gentleman."

Optimus quickly took me in his arms and lay on the bed with me on his chest. I looked up at him

"Can I look at your wings another time?" Optimus asked my permission.

"Of course."

"Do you think I can get that same noise out of you? I liked it."

"Optimus Prime!" I blushed, whining into his chest.

Optimus fingers doing circles along my bare back holding me close.

"Thank you for the date, and thank you for being in my life." I nuzzled into Optimus chest

"Thank you for being mine." he kissed the top of my head.

"I...I love you."

"I love you too."

With that, another night where we both fell asleep in each other's arms.

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