Reincarnated as the rival in...

By KatKartoon

2.1K 80 5

I had a good life. I had a stable job at a famous cafe, and, met someone who I wanted to live the rest of my... More

Prologue 2
Prologue 3
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3 + Final Announcement
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7

Episode 4

115 4 0
By KatKartoon

Long no see!
Well right off to episode 4 <3
The Crown Prince, Alberto Cristiani Le Ramon, is the main male lead.

It's good that I've met the person I need to be most caution but it would've been better if I had more time with him...

I'm back at my bedroom, not much has changed after I met the crown prince. It's been a few days since. But, I've been listening to maids gossiping outside saying that the crown prince wanted a play date with me? It seems impossible but then again there hasn't been much said about Albertos' childhood. Not much with Rosalinda either; just that she was a spoiled brat.

Then, a knock on my door. "Well, why hello my dear little princess!", it's mother with a present within her hands. "I got you a present!"

I wonder what it is? Almost every noble in the kingdom has gifted me everything I can imagine. Although most of them I can't even use because I'm still a baby. But, this is beneficial. The influence I have with the position as the daughter of a duke will come in handy when I need it. I just need to stay out of everyone's way and I'll live happily ever after...

"It's a necklace from my mother, may she rest in piece." It's a simple yet elegant necklace. A silver chain with a single pearl.

So this is where Rosalinda's famous necklace came from.

"It's passed down to the women in each generation, and now I'm passing it down to you... it's yours so take care of it for me, okay?" A broad smile and a peck on my forehead, then disappeared quickly as if it was our little secret.

Rosalinda was a spoiled brat, but was she ever a mean spoiled brat? If I remember correctly, her mother is destined to die in... GOSH! I don't remember! She seems caring and nice and... I wish I had that in my past life...

A couple of hours go by and I started to feel a little hungry.

I know I'm not supposed to get up, since I'm still a baby, but I'm craving for sugar!

I hurriedly get up, and listen for any footsteps... Okay, I'm in the clear. I crawl towards the door and start budging it. Just a little moreeeee anddddd- BAM! I got it!

I should've thought of this first, I've never been out of my crib, only once on my birthday. Oh well! The hallway seemed quiet. No maids. No guards. I walk a little further and took a turn and- *splash*


Red?? Oh.

The maids are laying on the floor within a pool of blood. But, one is still alive. She starts crawling up to me... "Ro- Rosalinda... ge- get back inside!"

My survival instincts kick in and I start to scream. "AGHHHHH!!!"

That maid wasn't a maid... it was my mother.

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