Yu-Gi-Oh GX X male reader ins...

By lowerbirth

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you are the son of Maximilian Pegasus and his late wife Cecelia who is in line to take over industrial illusi... More

the beginning of an adventure.
first day at duel academy
a duel for a card.
big test
to an abandoned dorm
duel for my stay
chilling out and dueling the top
yellow or blue
going back home.
the king of games deck
duel to represent
what's going on?
ancient ruins
taking a key
a scary lady.
Terror time
Amazonian cat fight.
rest in peace
Amazonian cat fight part 2
costume party
dueling monsters
Duel the monsters
round 2
Summer break

Back to the abandoned

518 10 10
By lowerbirth

Hello boys and girls here is the next chapter of my Yu-Gi-Oh! Gx story which I hope that all of you are enjoying as much as I am writing if for you guys and girls. Now let's move onto my question of the day and that is before you saw season four what do you think happened at the abandoned dorm? Personally I thought that maybe some evil Yu-Gi-Oh! Spirit a bit like Yubel, had felt wronged by one of the people in the dorm and destroyed it along with all of the people in the dorm. Now that was what I thought happened in the dorm but please let me know what you guys and girls think and with that all said and done let's get on with the story shall we.


Sitting in the living room of my house here I was watching the TV with Jaden, Fugaku, Chumley, and Syrus, since most of the TV's on the island are just showing static except for mine and a few others due to a strong storm outside. I was just happy to have people round since this house is pretty out of the way. We were watching a duel match happing in Domino city, that was being sponsored by the Kiba corp. we were all quite happy with ourselves since we have beaten five of the shadow riders as well as now we out numbered them so we thought we would relax for a bit. The people who were dueling on the TV, we're two pros, one seemed to be using a spell caster themed deck and the other was using a deck with the Venom Archtype.

Fugaku:"so who are these two anyway?"

Reaching over to the bowl of popcorn and taking a few pieces in his hand.

Y/n:"I'm not sure what the man who is using the spell casters is called but he looks like he belongs in a prison."

The spell caster player entered the duel arena with guards, built like a world class heavy weight boxer, and dressed in a purple jumpsuit. I then pointed my finger to the other man since I have heard of him from his reputation.

Y/n:"the other man is called Thelonious Viper, a former special forces soldier who is now teaching at... West academy?"

When I brought up teacher I could tell the mood in the room was brought down as professor Banner has vanished out of the blue for some reason. No one could find him or any evidence he was here aside from his memory or his car Pharaoh, who did not seem to upset about professor Banner. Then after Thelonious, summons his Vennominon the king of poisonous snakes, it was not long before the duel was over with a final attack from Viper destroyed the big guys Cosmo queen taking away the last of his life points. As the holograms were vanishing the prisoner person screamed in the air and started to charge at Thelonious, who didn't seem scared in the slightest. As you would expect from a man who was in the special forces all it took was one hit and he knocked the prisoner to the ground and had him in a hold.

Fugaku:"well, what an ending, get to see the duelists fighting."

I nodded and then it went to taking with the hosts which I always found interesting but most people would turn it off at this point and it was getting quite late to be staying up.

Y/n:"so... Should we be going to sleep now?"

Starving venom fusion dragon:"y/n, something's wrong!"

I turned to look at starving venom fusion dragon, as did Jaden as like me he could see the duel spirits.

Starving venom fusion dragon:"your friend, Alexis has vanished!"

Both me and Jaden, stood up when we heard that as the duel spirits know more about this world than than we do, or it is more accurate to say they see more than we do. Just then there was a knock on the door which shocked all of us as we wondered who it could be. Fugaku, walked over to the door with Chumley, standing behind him like a big kid, Fugaku, was about to unlock the door but then he reached over to a side table next to the door and picked up a glass that was on it for some reason, before unlocking it while seemingly getting ready to throw the glass. When he fully opened the door all of us saw that it was Chazz, standing there with his three Ojama, spirits around him.

Fugaku:"why are you here Chazz?"

Chazz:"I just heard that Alexis, has been kidnapped."

Everyone else who didn't have a duel spirit were shocked and all of us then began to make out way out of my home while I took a jacket with me as it was coming down heavy with rain. While we rushed to the main building to make sure what he said is real Jaden, winged Kuriboh, and chumley, Des Koala, duel spirits appeared and along with mine and Chazz, they all helped guild the way, when we rushed through the front door the place was as dark as it was outside with no lights turned on at all but we still knew our way though the academy. While we were rushing though the academy following the duel spirit where they were leading us but only half the people here could see the duel spirits. Running through the maze of the academy it became clear which room that we were heading to, Atticus room, where he was still being treated as he has not fully recovered from being night shroud. As we reached the door of the room standing outside the door was both professor Crowler, and Zane.

Zane:"there's no sign of Alexis, it's like she just disappeared."

Crowler:"I don't understand, it's no like Alexis to just up and vanish, maybe her brother knows her whereabouts."

Then we all entered the room as we struggled to see in the darkness of the room but soon a loud gasp came over each of us when we saw Atticus, lying on the ground seemingly passed out. everyone rushed around him carefully lifting him up off of the ground and onto the bed as he soon began to come back to opening hie eyes seeming to be confused.

Zane:"what happend here?"

Atticus:"it was him... T... Titan."

Jaden:"Titan did this? Who is Titan?"

I don't recall hearing a name like that but all of these shadow riders are quite mysterious.

Fugaku:"did he say where he would take her?"

Atticus:"yeah... He said something about putting her back in a coffin."

Jaden, then stood up with a shocked look on his face.

Jaden:"wait, she's at the abandoned dorm!?"

All of us looked at each other and to be honest I didn't want to go back there as their are evil spirits lurking around there, but I knew if it was to save our class mate then we would need to go there and save her.

Fugaku:"should we get going now, the longer we stand about the worse Alexis, might be."

Everyone agreed as we all got ready to go Jaden, helped Atticus, to his feet putting one of his arms over his neck to give him support, I did the same for him to help Atticus, as I'm sure he would do the same for me if I had a sister. While we made our way to the abandoned dorm exiting the main building the rain seemed to be coming down heavier, the winds blowing much stronger, the thunder was louder like it was trying to make the volcano on this islands to erupt, all of these could be signs that a duel has begun or maybe they are a sign of something worse. Walking through the muddy path to get to the abandoned dorm to was a worrying thing as this place seemed to be filled with evil spirits around the abandoned dorm telling those who were able to see them to get away before it was to late, to late for what though. When we walked through the gate entrance and into the abandoned dorm the place was as creepy as I remember it was. We slowed down as we made our way thought the abandoned dorm as you would prefer to be out in the rain and thunder with the evil spirits rather than in here where the spirits dare not enter. Walking down a corridor I heard a creaking sound coming from somewhere.

Y/n:"does anyone know where that was coming from?"

Everyone began to look around trying to figure out where the creaking sound was coming from but when I looked down I saw that the ground below us was starting to break, out of instinct I shoved away both Jaden and Atticus, as the ground blow broke apart, as I fell I looked up seeing that I was the only one to fall. When my body crashed onto the ground I yelled out in pain, when I stopped yelling I looked down to see that I have twisted my leg leg so badly that I knew I would not be able to walk without any medical attention.

Zane:"y/n, are you okay?"

I looked up to the hole in the ceiling above me where I fell through, everyone was looking down at me.

Y/n:"yeah, I think so just hurt my leg, you all go on ahead, I'll be fine down here."

Fugaku:"I'll come down there y/n, it is not safe to be here one your own!"

Fugaku, then began to make his way down to me grabbing onto the floor above as he jumped down before letting go making his fall less bad than mine. Fugaku, then looked up at the hole while I dragged myself to a wall in the room so that I could sit up.

Fugaku:"go on guys, Alexis, needs help, who know what is happening to her right now!"


Soon I hear the people on the upper level bean to walk away, leaving just me and Fugaku, alone.

Y/n:"so, what should we do down here while we are waiting for a doctor?"

Fugaku, looked over as me.

Fugaku:"now sure, i didn't bring my deck so we can't pass the time by dueling."

He walked over to me and sat right next to me like how friends sit next to eachother in manga while they are on the roof of schools.

Y/n:"so, Fugaku, I'm not sure I have heard your last name, you know mine."

Then he paused when I asked him that

Fugaku:"my last name is Pafōmā."

Y/n:"I've heard of that name, do you come from a family that owns a lot of theater's and prop companies."

Fugaku nodded.

Fugaku:"my mother owns them all, as for my dad, hell I don't know he just does whatever mom says."

He sounded annoyed when he mentioned his mother, did they not like eachother.

Y/n:"do you two not get along?"

He nodded his head.

Fugaku:"she always wanted to control my life like how she controlled my dad."

Y/n:"I'm guessing that you were not easily controlled."

Fugaku:"yes, and because of that my mother got mad, I wanted to duel and she wanted me to do what she said."

Y/n:"ehh, maybe she just wanted to get you ready to inherit the company."

Fugaku:"nah, my mom made it clear to me that my sister will inherit the company, saying that she was a prodigy while I was nothing special."

Not knowing what to say after than I just sat there, not saying a word looking at the darkness that was ahead of me while the pain in my leg from the fall still stung me.

Y/n:"doesn't that bother you?"

Fugaku:"no, I got use to it. When I decided I want to go to duel academy I did it behind he back, it was the first time I did something she disapproved of."

Y/n:"well, have you to made up?"

He shook his head side to side.

Fugaku:"no, one year later and I'm still here despite attempts to get me to leave or the academy to kick me out, you know I don't think I have seen her since I left."

I nodded, sitting there quietly again.

Fugaku:"what about your dad y/n? What is the maker of Yu-Gi-Oh like as a father?"

I shrugged my shoulders since I wasn't really to sure if he was a good or bad father since I didn't have many friends to see how there dads were like.

Y/n:"I would say he was good, he is as always there for me and made sure that I had everything that I needed, he even supported me in becoming a duelist."

Fugaku:"damn, sound like he was quite the cool dad, did he not want you to take over industrial illusions when he retires?"

Y/n:"no, he said that whatever I want hero he would support me one hundred and one precent."

Fugaku, signed.

Fugaku:"that's sound quite nice, I would have like a dad like yours."

Y/n:"yes, he is quite a good dad, but for a time... He didn't want me to leave his island."

Fugaku, turned to look at me with a confused expression.


I nodded.

Y/n:"yes, it was the same island used for Duelist kingdom, I'm sure you have heard of that."

Fugaku:"yes, it was where the king of games became the king."

I nodded.

Y/n:"I saw that battle first hand between Yugi and my father. It was some duel, Yugi, was on the back foot for most of the duel pulling off tricks and tactics that no one had ever done before and will not likely do again."

Fugaku:"it sounds like you enjoy the memory of the duel."

I did not respond or move my head since the duel was a memory I loved to revisit but the one after the duel was a bitter memory. His body being take away with drops of blood falling to the ground, his body not moving, I couldn't hear him breathing, and while at the hospital I was told his heart stopped beating more than once.

Y/n:"most of them yes."

Then we just sat there in silence having nothing more we really had to talk about before Fugaku, reached into his pocket and pulled out what looked like a packet of Pocky opening it up.

Don't own and until this chapter I did not know what these things were called but now I know they are called Pocky.

When the packet was open he took one out and ripped the lid off throwing it to the ground.

Y/n:"you shouldn't litter."

Before Fugaku, was going to take a bite of his Pocky, he looked at me with a confused look on his face.

Fugaku:"have you forgot where we are, this is the abandoned dorm, a bit of little is a far in a hurricane when it comes to this place!"

I almost laughed when he said that but I was able to stop myself as he held out the packet to me.

Fugaku:"do you want some?"

He looked away from me for some reason as I nodded and reached over to take one, when I did take one of the pokey out of the packet Fugaku, took out another one.

Fugaku:"just so you know y/n, I will have a rematch with you when we get back to the academy and all of this stuff with the shadow riders is done."

I nodded as I did want to rematch him as well since now with his new deck he seems like the type of duelist that could beat me.

Y/n:"okay, and I hope that it will be a fun duel."

The two of us then sat in there while we wondered what would be happening with the others right now and if they were able to save Alexis.

And done hope that all of you enjoyed this chapter and please let me know what you think of it if it is not too much of a bother. Now for my archetype of the day and that will be the the super quant Archetype, since I like power rangers. Now I like how there play style works and how you can form a megazord but I will admit it can be a bit of a struggle to get the megazord out. Now with that all said and done please let me know what you think and have a good life.

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