Fifty Shades Of A Working Girl

By TheSkyAtDawn2

22.6K 701 13

Christian is hit by lightning when a beautiful and brilliant woman comes to work in his company as his new CF... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 26

453 17 0
By TheSkyAtDawn2

Christian Pov 

Two weeks had passed, Elena died from a pencil jammed in her carotid artery and bleed out in minutes. I guess someone in jail found out she was a pedophile. Her will said I was in her will to inherit everything she owned. What a joke. I refuse to claim her body and a pauper's grave for her is fine. The IRS when done investing will notify me of what it found on tax evasion. When I told Anastasia she remembered she forgot to transfer the money out of her Swiss bank account. So she did transfer the funds to my bank. She put $100,000 of her own money in her account to keep it active and interest bearing.

Everything was turned over to the FTC and FBI on Griffin Stanton. That will be tied up for a long while with a list as long as your arm of charges. They will tell us what to do over time to stop the drain on money.

Olivia Blandino, has pretty much torpedoed her father's career. She had her hearing was formerly charged for Attempted Murder(1 count), Accessory to Corporate Espionage(31 counts), Gross Misdemeanor of wiretapping(1 count). If charges stick she could serve 12-30 years and a maximum of  $505,000.

Dimitri Giordano confessed, according to his attorney, because the evidence was stacked pretty high against him. He was up for federal charges too. It was reported to the FTC and FBI also, who got involved because he had already stolen 35 million of my money out of two companies, so far in hacking accounts, but the vendor fraud caught their attention. I was glad he just got started.

Kate Kavanaugh got a court date of December 3rd for her trial. If convicted she could serve 4-8 years. Eamon Kavanaugh called me to beg me to drop the charges on his daughter. I told him the charges Conspiracy to Commit Attempted Kidnapping and Assault, Accessory to Drugging to Commit Rape, will stand. I said his daughter sent a psychopath and serial rapist on Anastasia and whatever happens with this situation she caused will also have charges levied on her head in the near future. Eamon Kavanaugh said he was sorry for the taking up of my time and hung up. I guess he realizes that his daughter is one fucked up person.

This Wednesday, October 17th, Jose's trial starts. Ana will be called to testify. I'm going with her. It's going to be a media circus because I'm going too. We are the it couple of Seattle, until some Hollywood or Music Industry dummy does something stupid and we're not interesting any more, for some reason. Oh ya, money. People need to get a fucking life and leave mine and Anastasia's alone. Grrr….. now that there is no Elena trial, we should go away for a week somewhere warm, unless this damn trial drags out.


The courthouse was a zoo. We sat up front, behind the prosecutors. They brought Jose in through the side door. He glared at Anastasia with hate and I squeezed her hand in mine. My dad sat on the other side of her, to support and explain anything she needed. 

They had police witnesses and statements, Anastasia's statement, hospital reports of the parking lot assault, the kidnapping evidence recovered at the scene with Jose's and Kate Kavanaugh's prints on the GHB pill bottles. The broken restraining order for the drugging and the hospital reports proving involuntarily attempted murder. 

The prosecutor told Anastasia to answer all questions truthfully and precisely. They did not coach at all.

The first witness for the prosecution was the superior officer on scene of the second assault to do bodily harm and attempted kidnapping. Second, was the supporting officers at the scene. Next, the evidence of the incarceration of the perpetrator for breaking the restraining order, for the drugging/resulting in aggravated assault and an involuntary attempted murder charge and the first assault. Covering and the "accidental release" that resulted in a second assault and attempted kidnapping.

With all the evidence submitted on the first day in open court. Jose took a plea deal to testify against Kate Kavanaugh for the illegal drugs provided and the coercion to commit rape in her upcoming trial, and taking the 31 years in state prison on all charges, no parole. They knew he was screwed with more charges stacking on, other than the parking lot incident. Anastasia never had to testify. What a fucking relief. I took my girl home through a herd of reporters. One fucker down.


I decided that I was going to take Anastasia away to the U.S. Virgin Islands, St. John, a 5 star- Sea Shore Allure luxury resort for 10 days. Just to laze in the sun and eat good food. I figured we would go October 25th through November 4th. Our wedding is on November 19th, so we will have two weeks before I take her away for three more weeks on our honeymoon. She needs this break now she has sacrificed so much for me and GEH. 

I call Roz and tell her my plans, so she has a heads up. She said Anastasia deserves it, she has worked so very hard and done too much too quickly to help us. She said she would hold down the fort.

I found my baby, napping in the library. She fell asleep reading one of my many books. I slide in behind her on the couch and gather her up in my arms after covering us both in the throw on the back of the couch. I lay my head down, she shifts and turns into me, snuggling into my body. She fits perfectly. She has a little sigh. Fucking adorable. I hold her close and kiss her when I fall asleep with her. About three hours later, Gail comes and wakes me to tell me dinner is ready. Wow we lost track of time. I hate to wake her, but she must eat. 

I kiss her head and say, "Wake up, sleepy head. It's dinner time and I have to feed my baby." I brush hair out of her eyes. She makes her little noises waking up and wiggles her feet on my shin. What a precious woman. She opened her sleepy beautiful eyes and smiled at me.

She says, reaching up and touching my lips with her fingertips, "I love when you cuddle with me. You're so comfortable."

I say, kissing her lips, "Come on baby. Gail said dinner is ready." She stretches and turns to sit up. I sit up too.

She says, "I bet I could have slept into tomorrow." She stands and acts like she's pulling me up. Like she could. I smile.

I stood and said, "Your body is just doing a lot of catch up." I kissed her and took her hand and we went to the kitchen.

I pulled out Anastasia's chair and she sat down. I poured us a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon. Gail made us Beef Bolognese with Linguine and fresh parmesan. She served a small Radicchio Italian Salad with feta, olives and pepperoncini peppers. She made homemade Italian dressing. 

As we ate, I said, "Anastasia, Tuesday, I'm taking you away for 10 days on a mini vacation."

She said, "But honey, we will be getting married in less than a month by then, and then we leave for three weeks on our honeymoon. You know the secret honeymoon that I know nothing about?"

I said, "I know but you need this. It's been too hard on you and you need to unwind and relax. It's all been cleared. You have us all mapped out at work ahead of ourselves, better than we've ever been. Roz even said yes. Now, that's something when Roz even wants you to go." She nodded her head.

She asked, "Where too?"

I said, "I booked us at a five star luxury resort in the US Virgin Islands, St John. It's the Sea Shore Allure Resort."

She smiled and said, "Oh my naked skinny dipping?"

I chuckled, "We'll find somewhere to get naked in the water. They have all kinds of beaches but you need to wear shoes. Some places are rocky." 

She clapped in excitement and said, "Yay, I can't wait. Let's see it Friday, so I'll go get some tropical and swimsuit wear? I don't have many of those kinds of clothes."

I said, "Baby I can have Caroline Acton from Neiman Marcus come up with some selections for you and bring it here for you to select."

Anastasia said, "We could just go there and I could buy what I like there? Why do you want me to stay in the penthouse? Are you afraid of something happening to me, Christian?" Yes. That Jack Hyde bastard, said he was waiting to grab her before the wedding. I am not going to make it easy for him if I get her out of here on vacation.

I said, "Yes. I'm not going to let that Jack prick near you and if we are on vacation he can't follow. We'll just have to be careful for the next two weeks after that." She was thinking it over.

She said, "I see what you mean. Baby, just don't let that psycho in your head. That's his game. I'm getting stronger by the wedding. I'll be back to where I was before. Just let me talk to Miss Acton before she goes selecting clothes. I have limitations in what I'll wear in public and what I'll wear with you." I grin at her and nod. We put our plates in the sink and take out wine to the couch. I grab my phone and call Caroline Acton.

Ana Pov

I'm so excited, Saturday, Christian bought me a bunch of beach wear and said I'm not allowed to buy it. He said that he is going to be my husband and wants to do this for me, because he has not bought me much of anything. He said since we've been together, he hasn't spent much on me, so now he is going too. He got all CEO on me and said, I'm his wife and he'll buy me some clothes because he loves me. I realize he wants to take care of me. God, I love this sweet generous man. I kissed his face off and thanked him. He even bought me a set of really nice luggage, the Hartmann Herringbone Deluxe Luggage Collection. He got me eight pieces in gray. He said we will be traveling for business and pleasure, so I need something good that will hold up. 

 We went to Sunday brunch and when Christian told them his plans for Tuesday and returning until Friday next week. Mia had a fit. I told her that we have the invitations, cake, flowers, dress, and food caterers. I said, her mom already got the tent, chairs, dance floor and band lined up with a DJ, all lined up. Taylor is handling security and parking. She was going to order the favors, full decorations and I know she hired a professional decorator. We even have the designs picked out and everything monogrammed. What's the big deal??? We have more people than I wanted because of our work invites, family, friends, Carrick's friends and partners, Grace's friends, Elliott's friends and Mia's friends. We have over 350 people and children and the majority I don't know. Christian hasn't said anything about it, so I won't either. It may be the status quo for them. 

So Christian asked her, "Why are you having a fit Mia? Everything is done but payment? It's all scheduled and the deposits are paid, right?"

She pouted and said, "Yes, I just thought you were already going away for three weeks after the wedding and wouldn't be going away for ten days before too."

I said, "We need this after all the crazy violence and lawsuits, charges, court stuff. Mia, we will be returning two weeks before. It would be no different if it was a long negotiation for work." Mia huffed. "Mia, are you going to miss us? You can call us and leave a message. When we are doing… sexy fun stuff. We will call back or text later." Her face was scrunched up, like a silent 'ewww…'. I just shook my head and thought. We may be the same age, but worlds apart.


We went into work on Monday, Christian was trying to wrap up some things before we left tomorrow morning at 7:30am. We are of course all packed and ready ahead of time. Christian is just efficiently organized. Must be that control thing built into the man.

I went over my calendar for my return after next week, with Elise, my PA. I caught up on my emails and financial assessments on business potentials. I went to lunch with Roz, because Christian was on a working lunch conference call and didn't have time.   

Roz and I went to a place down the street called Poke Alice, it had sushi and salads. We had Sawyer and Reynolds with us. They sat off a few tables away and ate their lunch too. 

Roz said, "You have a long flight tomorrow. Better eat up, gonna need to store that energy."

I sighed and said while digging in my salad, "I know. We will arrive in San Juan, Puerto Rico in eight hours. Then, we take a seaplane to Cruz Bay Seaplane Base, on Coral Bay island an hour later. Then, we will take a car to the Sea Shore Allure Resort. After nine hours flying and being three hours ahead in time. We will arrive at around 7:30-8:30pm, island time. Now, there goes twelve hours of my life." I laughed.

Roz chuckled, "Yeah the Caribbean Islands will do that. Gwen and I stayed in St Thomas, Puerto Rico and that was a lost 10-12 hours, coming and going too. Have you ever been there?"

I said, "No not specifically, my dad did take me to the Turks and Caicos Islands, Cockburn Town Island at the Naval Air Base for a few days. All I did was swim, fish and go see the Grand Turk lighthouse there with daddy. It's the closest I can come to it."

 Roz said, "Well, now you can expand your time there on a couple more islands you stepped foot on. Your dad sounded like a great guy. He took you places."

I said, "My dad was the same way as I am or I'm the same way he is. He went through his childhood in the Marine Military Academy in Harlingen, Texas. He graduated with full honors and then went to the US Naval Academy. I'm not sure what degrees he got from there. He was very good with tools, mechanics, strategy, and tactics. I would think of engineering type degrees . He was a natural born leader. He was very well educated in a military sense. He became my daddy at age two. I can remember meeting him the first time. I think I kissed him. He started teaching me many things on how to do things at age five, in easy ways I could understand and it accelerated as time went by. Like gun safety, how to shoot, breaking down a firearm and putting it back together, hunting, fishing, how to read a map and compass. I think I even surprised him at how fast I picked up on everything."

Roz asked, "What about your mom?"

I said, "My mother hated, resented, and was jealous that I loved him best from the very beginning. He told me that I wasn't his biological kid, but I should have been. I wanted to spend so much time with him, because I wanted to learn everything he could show or teach me. Needless to say, some bad stuff happened with my mother and I was with my dad permanently since I was seven years old. I never cared to see my mother again after he got full custody of me for serious reasons. It's always been just him and me. He had a few girlfriends that he knew from around the world and from being stationed here and there. He was always discreet in his relationships. He always looked out for me and his buddies did too. His buddies called me 'the little colonel.' Daddy gave me the drive to know everything I can. He was my best friend all my life. I was lucky to ever know him."

Roz said, "Wow. No wonder you're an analytical thinker."

I said, "To tell you the truth, Roz, I'm not used to having money to splurge on things. Daddy had a decent income as a colonel, but I got money at fifteen years old from his grandmother because I liked her and wrote her a lot of letters. We picked out and sent her great presents from around the world until daddy retired. I only used the money to get a great education but I had to hide it from everyone. I saw long ago how people are when money's involved, from being with my dad traveling. Boy, I sure did learn it from experiencing Kate Kavanaugh for three years. Never going to torture myself like that again. My friends were always older than me by three to five years, none ever lasted long. They were all into partying and doing 'the college thing', but I was a fifteen year old Marine brat going off to college too young. I kinda lost myself in learning everything, because I had that drive to know everything. I ignored everyone. I just didn't want the extra attention, being I was a millionaire at 15 years old. So I hid it from everyone and hardly spent anything, but on college and living essentials. Until last June, I finally dropped the bad friends. I had never even gone on a Neiman Marcus shopping spree or bought a new car. I went on that shopping spree for clothes and accessories, after I got this job for the first time. My clothes were mostly JCPenney, Target and very few designer things."

Roz said, "It will take some getting used to, not everyone is like us, that didn't come from high class families. Back then, we got what we needed and waited for what we wanted in low to mid middle class ranges."

I said, "Yep." We threw out our trash and left for the walk back to GEH. We crossed the street and were walking up the block, when I felt him. I looked around everywhere in my view doing a visual perimeter search and spotted Jack Hyde staring at me from across the street. He grinned at me and I nudged Sawyer. He looked at what I saw. He moved to block my body and Reynolds covered Roz. We moved quickly but did not panic inside the building. The new text sent was:

"You looked pretty today walking back from lunch. Don't worry, baby, it will be real soon. I'll be running my teeth up against your skin, fucking that sexy body and spanking your ass. He'll just have to live without you, because you're mine."

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