Fifty Shades Of A Working Girl

By TheSkyAtDawn2

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Christian is hit by lightning when a beautiful and brilliant woman comes to work in his company as his new CF... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 25

380 12 0
By TheSkyAtDawn2

Christian Pov

Anastasia said one day this week and was getting upset telling me, "Why are people from your life and my life trying to do me in? I'm tired of people hurting me physically. I gotta stay out of the damn hospital. I guess I defended myself well enough, or I'd be dead by now. I know I blew all my sick days away. Now, I'm working on my vacation. Can't people just leave us the fuck alone?! I've fought enough tigers lately, Christian. I seriously need a big break." I agree with her that she needs to rest. Jose's trial starts October 17th and then Elena's trial is November 1st. I'm sure they will call her up to testify against them. 

In the meantime I'll double security being that Jack Hyde fucker is out there laying in wait. We have coverts watching him go from one BDSM club to another. They report he doesn't know what personal space is concerning women. He is very handsy with the women from work when they go to the corner bar, Fifty's, on Fridays after work.

Olivia's arraignment last week was pretty straight forward. The Attempted Murder with intent and Corporate Espionage, it was pretty high profile with her father being Senator Blandino. She didn't get bail, thank God, or she'd be in Mexico by now drinking margaritas. Her hearing is this week on Thursday. We found that in eight months, that little bitch, gave Dimitri Giordano, over thirty one corporate files on previous acquisitions. That's thirty one counts of Corporate Espionage plus, a Gross Misdemeanor for planting thirty seven bugs, one count of Attempted Murder with intent to do bodily harm. She's not going anywhere.

Dimitri Giordano was arraigned with thirty one counts of Corporate Espionage, a Gross Misdemeanor for planting thirty seven bugs. They found all thirty-one hard copy files in his possession at his home, along with the recordings and files copied on his home desktop computer. His corporate office had copies of the recordings on his laptop and the files were on his computer also. Being he had the stolen files at home and at his company, he's in double trouble with the Economic Espionage Act. He had been trying to break into the company's accounts under GEH's umbrella to transfer funds, which is a Corporate Account Takeover, also stealing commercial secrets is a Federal crime. There was no bail for him either. He's stepped in a big pile of crap doing what he did. He's looking at State and Federal prison. The list of charges is pending for his hearing in two weeks.

Anastasia looked up Dimitri Giordano on her laptop and ironically discovered he was the Italian guy with bad manners. She told him to take a hike at the French cafe, La Pichet, over two months ago. 

Anastasia is being discharged from the hospital today. She's doing well according to the doctors and my mom. Mom has been hovering over Anastasia like a mother hen. I think I heard mom say she's been through enough. Mom wants her to get married to me and give her grandchildren and all that stuff. We haven't got into that discussion yet but we should soon. 

I'm wheeling Anastasia out of the hospital and we are loading her in the SUV. Once we are in I notice a guy that looks like Jack Hyde standing across the street from the ER staring at us. I told Taylor and he snapped a picture of the guy. We left for home quickly. Damn predator stalking us. I should pay someone to make him disappear. I'm gonna make Anastasia get another phone, he just sent another fucking sick text.

"Hope you feel better, baby? I need you strong so you have some strength and stamina for the amount of sex we're gonna have when you're mine. He will not be able to stop me or I'll get him out of the way for taking what's mine, you'll be all mine, pretty baby. You looked so good."

Ana Pov

This guy makes my skin crawl and I feel dirty just reading his text. What a fucking predator. I hope he doesn't make a move, until I'm stronger to defend myself. I'm glad that all the people who have tried to hurt Christian and I are in jail with charges sticking to them so far and they are off the streets, but this guy is the craziest of them all I bet.

I was so glad to be home. I laid on the couch with the throw. Christian eventually crawled up behind me and we took a nap until lunch time. I love laying in his arms safe and warm. Gail woke us up for lunch at 1pm. It was so good, Teriyaki Asian Stir fry, with scallops, shrimp and vegetables over rice. Delicious. We had a white glass of wine with it. I wasn't on a pain pill so I indulged while I could. I save my pain pills for sleeping at night time. The hospital didn't give me many pills to get by, so I'm being sparing with them, only at night.

I logged on my laptop in the living room watching the news and was doing my financial assessments on department operations for all nine departments. It's kind of my own audit, but one department at a time. I figure once a month will be sufficient. I can find out how to do cutbacks and place improvements to different areas.

Christian walked in the room and sat down next to me. He asked, "What's that?"

I said, "I'm starting a department assessment of my nine departments. I want to start and eventually get to every department so we can improve efficiency. Less waste."

He said, "That's a good idea, but don't we have an Auditing department for that?"

She smiled and said, "Christian, who audits the Auditing department, the auditors? No, the CFO." 

He sighed, "You're right, no auditing yourself."

She said, "I'm starting with the Auditing department, anyway." I kissed her head. A news story caught my attention on TV. I nudge Anastasia to watch. 

"This is Anita Johnson, reporting for Action 5 News. There was an incident earlier today at the King County Jail. If you recall the Bondage Madame Elena Lincoln from over a month ago, she has been killed in lock up. She had been kept in solitary confinement, but let out for only an hour a day in the yard. It is unknown who the perpetrator was or the cause of death as of yet. Elena Lincoln remains are to be interred at the county morgue, until her cause of death can be determined."

We both look at each other for a minute. Anastasia said, "I guess, I'm not going to that trial." I am surprised that I feel nothing but relief that she is gone. Anastasia says, "How do you feel about it, Christian?"

I said, "I feel nothing at all. I find it peculiar because she has been in my life for 13 years. I'm relieved that she can't harm us or anyone else anymore."

She reached over and ran her fingers through my hair. I'll never get sick of that. She climbed on my lap straddling me. She pulled me to her in a hug, wrapping me in her loving arms. We just stayed like that for a while and she smiled, kissed my lips sweetly and caressed my face. She said, "I love you, Christian." All was right in my world.

I said, "Baby, I'm going back to my office to work. I had a conference call with Tokyo in an hour at 5:30pm. They have a shipyard company I'm trying to buy. They are tough negotiators, a lot of posturing."

She said, "I know. My father took me there for a year where he was stationed. We lived on the Iwakuni Base, about 600 miles from Tokyo. I was nine years old at the time. Do you speak Japanese?"

I said, "No, I have to use translation software. They mostly speak English."

She said, "They like it if you speak their language. It's a sign of respect that you took the time to communicate with them. I learned it quickly from a little girl I played with, or more, I learned from her. She was sweet, but we lost touch over the years. Her name was Sakura Takahashi. She said her father was a businessman. Her name means cherry blossom. I thought it was pretty."

I said, "You're so weird, Anastasia. The CEO I'm dealing with has the last name of Takahashi. Wouldn't it be odd that his daughter is your friend? All the way around the world and I bet it is."

Anastasia said, "Ask him if he has a daughter named Sakura. If he does, tell him she was possibly a childhood friend of your fiancēe, Anastasia Steele. It will give you common ground, if it is her. Make sure you ask him to tell her hello from me. If you ever go there, take me with you. I can help with negotiating and I speak the language. I speak Japanese, German, Spanish and Portuguese. It was on my resume, remember?"

I chuckled and said, "I was too busy watching that bow on your braid brush up against your ass. It was beautiful." She giggled and fake slapped my arm, making me grin at her. I kissed her and headed into my home office."

The negotiation is slow and they love making me repeat a lot. Before I left the call I asked Mr Arturo Takahashi if his daughter's name was Sakura? He said yes bluntly, with no expression. I told him my fiancèe, who is my CFO, named Anastasia Steele, was childhood friends with her, while her father Colonel Raymond Steele was at the Iwakuni Marines Base. 

He perked up and said, he and Colonel Raymond Steele were friends back then and spent many days fishing together for that year. He said his daughter hated to leave every visit because her friend Ana was very smart and she was teaching her the Japanese customs and language. 

I laughed and said, that was her alright. I told him she was a child prodigy and exceedingly smart. I told him she finished highschool as valedictorian at 13 years old and started college at 15 years old. I said she graduated at 21 years old, summa cum laude, with a double master's degree in Business Analytics and Accounting Forensics. I told him that she has saved my company in less than three months, 200 million dollars. I said she is a brilliant woman. The old man's eyes widened. He asked about Colonel Steele. I told him I was sorry, but he passed away from a car accident two years ago. I could see he was sad about that.

I told him we are getting married on November 19th. I said we would be honored to have both him and his daughter at our wedding, if they could make the time. I said we would send them invitations immediately. Mr Takahashi was flattered, I could tell. He said he would speak to his daughter and see what she thinks about it. I told him to tell his daughter hello from Anastasia because, if I forgot she would be angry with me. He chuckled. He said he would call me personally to let us know if they could come. I gave him my personal phone number and said, we would put the invitations in the mail tomorrow. I said thank you for considering coming, whether they could come or not, a visit would be nice or we would come there.

After I left the call, I shook my head. She was right, it put us on common ground and opened up a dialogue outside of business. I keep learning more and more about her everyday. She is so wise and amazing.

I walk into the living room and smell the most wonderful smells. I walked in sniffing the air and looked at Gail.

Gail said, "I made Irish Stew and Ana made homemade biscuits and Chocolate lava cakes for you, her and the employees."

I said, "No, mine. It's chocolate. Don't give away my chocolate, baby!" 

She laughed and said, "Sweetie, I baked you two, but the spare you'll have to hide from Sawyer. He can sniff chocolate out like a bloodhound."

I puffed up and said, "I'll fire him if he eats my chocolate out of my refrigerator." She giggled at me. Well so much for being the one with all the authority around here. Nobody takes me seriously anymore about my chocolate addiction. Now I know where all those cookies and pastries go. We only see a few when Gail bakes. She bakes in quantity too. 

I ask, "Gail where does all those baked goods go when you and Anastasia batch bake in quantity?"

Gail said, "Down in the bottomless pits that work security. They are big boys and burn a lot of carbs." Thought so.

Anastasia said, "Don't worry, Christian. I always procure us a share of the goodies and make us some too." She kissed my head. We sat down and ate stew for dinner with fresh warm biscuits. Between both Gail and Anastasia, I get the best food ever because now I have two chefs.

I told Anastasia about the conversation with Arturo Takahashi. I said how sad he was that her father passed away. I said I invited them both to the wedding and for her to put two invitations in the mail. I gave her his corporate address. I told her that he was asking his daughter what she thought about coming and would call me when he knew either way. 

I said, "Ana you were right,we found common ground and opened a dialogue outside of business. I thought it really may help us negotiate better."

Ana said, "The Japanese negotiating style is non-individualistic, impersonal and unemotional. BUT emotion is important, because it is just under the surface. They are not looking at this deal as an individual, but as a whole company and that represents all of Japan. Logic and intellectual arguments alone cannot sway the Japanese. They must like you and trust you wholeheartedly, otherwise, there is no deal." That is how they have been treating us, detached and stalling. She's brilliant, my woman.


Ana has therapy today for her shoulder and I had to go into work to get some paperwork signed on Myers International in England. We entered full on negotiations, since Davison Clean Air Technologies was over the thirty day waiting period. 

We informed the authorities, Federal Trade Commission and the FBI, about locating stolen money from a company acquired under our corporate umbrella in an overseas account in the name of the CFO, Griffin Stanton of Davison Clean Air Technologies. We notified them that the account was set up in six ghost employees' names and siphoned off monthly to the account, over the last five years. We told them we changed the password only on the account so it couldn't be moved in case it was discovered and so we could report it. The FTC and FBI took over. Griffin Stanton was arrested days later.

Arturo Takahashi contacted me and said that his daughter and himself were going to come to the wedding and it was honorable to be so considerate. He said his daughter was happy when he told her about her old friend. He said Sakura was hoping Anastasia would call her when she could. I got her friend Sakura's phone number in Japan. I told him I would tell her the exciting news.

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