Fifty Shades Of A Working Girl

By TheSkyAtDawn2

18.5K 583 10

Christian is hit by lightning when a beautiful and brilliant woman comes to work in his company as his new CF... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 20

412 12 0
By TheSkyAtDawn2


I can't believe she is making Master have sex in his bed. Mistress said she was manipulating him to do her bidding. She even makes him have vanilla sex with her. Masters needs aren't made for that. She is trying to change Master into something he is not. Poor Master, I must free him from this creature who wastes his talents on vanilla sex. I will get to her when my Master is not home. She will pay for damaging him. I will make her pay… She almost woke up and saw me. I'm too quick for her though. I must leave to not get caught through the service elevator. Gail did not know I saw her codes when she took me down when I helped her with groceries that one time. I will be back and watching.


Christian Pov

I woke up with my kitten in my arms. She is so soft and sweet. I really loved last night. I never knew how good it could be. She was so responsive and sexy. I am so deeply in love with this woman. I've never trusted, touched or tasted anything so sweet as being with my beautiful Anastasia. She makes me so happier than I've ever been in my entire life. 

She's waking up and makes her little kitten noises and wiggles her feet. I'll never get sick of how cute that is. I started kissing her neck and said, "Hello my beautiful Anastasia, good morning." 

She giggled and said, "Good morning, handsome Christian, my sweet." She sits up holding her elbow up. 

I forgot her sling last night. I got her a clean t-shirt, jogging pants, bra, panties and sling from her supply of clothes in my dresser I cleared out for her. I helped her get dressed. I say, "Are you sore from what we did last night?" She blushes.

She said softly, "Not much, just a little bit." I smile at her and I wrap my arm around her waist. We walk out to get breakfast. My mother invited us over to swim and have a barbecue today around noon. I figured I'd work a couple hours before leaving for Bellevue.

Anastasia worked also while I did, she tries so hard to earn her paycheck, even remote working. Ros said she has found a couple more potential businesses to acquire and Anastasia gave financial breakdowns of the stock values and expenditures of diversifying, after acquisition. She is really such an asset. The spreadsheets and Anastasia's financial statements and recommendations make decisions so much easier than before. Rappaport never went as detailed or as thorough in breaking down cost, expenditures, and value of projecting cash flow like her. She's a mathematical genius and it shows in her work. Ros thinks she walks on water. Anastasia and I never talk a lot of business because she has nailed every detail in all her reports. I do ask questions now and then, as does Roz from time to time over the last few weeks. It changes our risk assessments and lowers our losses in revenue. It's amazing. She's worth every penny she earns. I can't say that about many people I've met in my life, but her and Roz are my most dependable assets. I'm glad I found them.

We head out to Bellevue in my R8. I help her out of the car as we walk into the house. My mother is in full party mode. She kisses and hugs us in greetings and goes back in the kitchen telling us to go out on the patio. I walk out on the patio and Mia comes bounding up to us and stops short to gently hug and kiss Anastasia on the cheek. My family has accepted her as part of the family in less than three weeks. She has so easily inserted herself, like she always belonged. I couldn't be happier about it.

Elliot comes up with a beer in his hand and says, "So little lady, who do you think will make it to the World Series this year? You're the mathematician genius, so Christian says. What are the odds?"

Anastasia gets that concentrated look on her face and says, "If I were to lay odds of percentages and averages of both leagues, plus the starting line up, I'd say Rangers and Cardinals look promising this year. That's my projection. But, anything could happen." Elliot looked pensive and I walked off to get Anastasia a lemonade and myself a beer.

Carrick came up to me and said, "So, how is Anastasia doing in your company son?"

I say, "Dad she is a huge asset. Roz thinks she is a golden net for us. Her financial statements and projections are so detailed and damn near making choosing acquisitions less risky than ever before. She breaks down details better than a spreadsheet. Her financial risk assessments on the six companies we were looking at when she started and the two this week are so thorough and detailed, better than Rappaport was at this job. After firing three Directors out of nine, she has gotten control over her people now in such a short time. She hasn't even been there two out of three weeks.i am worried about her over use of her right hand on the computer typing. It gets worn out by double time typing."

Dad says, "You are in love with her aren't you, son? Your mom says she overheard you once." Can't hide it when mom tells him everything, it's enviable.

I say, "I want to marry her, dad. It's just too soon right now. I know she's the one and only." He squeezed my shoulder with tears in his eyes. 

Dad with emotion said, "You're going to be alright, Christian. You not only have beauty, intelligence, willingness and caring to help you, but she shares your interests in business. That's rare and amazing in itself." I realize he is right and she makes me stronger. She's my soulmate.

I walk over and hand Anastasia her lemonade and kiss her lips. She's been talking baseball all this time to Elliot.

Elliot says, "I met this new girl at a club a few days ago. She's coming to the barbecue today. She said she would be late, but she will be here anytime now."

Anastasia hands me her glass and says, "I'll be back in a minute. I need to go to the ladies room." She smiled and walked away into the house.

Ana Pov

I head to the bathroom and pee as I'm washing my hands, I hear a faint but familiar sounding voice. I open the door a crack and hear Kate Fucking Kavanaugh. Christian is going to have a shit fit after everything we suspect and know about her and her dad. I just lock the door of the bathroom and see if introductions start the fireworks. About ten minutes later I heard raised voices.

Christian Pov

I'm talking to Elliot, he's telling me what Anastasia said about the American and National leagues in baseball. My mother leads a blonde girl out on the patio and points to Elliot. The girl walks over like she owns the place. That's a bit arrogant, and I immediately don't like her.

Elliot holds his hand out for her to take and says, "Hi , Katie girl. This is my brother Christian." 

She gushes, "Oh ,it's so nice to finally meet you Christian. You're so very handsome. I hear you're very successful in business." Elliot looks at her funny.

I say, "Yes, I am. I'll just go and find my girlfriend." 

I go to walk away and she grabs my arm and she says, "Oh you don't need her, you have me here now." I look at her like she's lost her goddamn mind and my brother looks a little hurt. 

I pry her fingers holding my arm and say, "I'm sorry but my girlfriend is much better company. Who are you anyway?"

She smiled smugly and said, "I'm a much better choice than that low class bumpkin you've been seeing. I'm Kate Kavanaugh and I'm from a much higher class family than her."

I just went into shock and then thermonuclear, in 4.5 seconds. I screamed at her shocking the hell out of her, "GET, THE, FUCK, OUT!!!" My family stops everything and their mouths drop open. "After everything you did to Anastasia, concerning Jose, and Jack Hyde?!! After what you got your father to do last week in his paper?!! You have got the nerve to show your face anywhere near me and my family!! You whoring, low class, conniving slut. GET THE FUCK OFF OUR PROPERTY AND NEVER COME BACK!!!!" Kate just stands there with her mouth dropped open. Anastasia walks on to the patio at that moment. 

Ana Pov

I said, getting everyone's attention, "I guess you heard him, we have no secrets between Christian and I. He knows you used me and almost let me be raped and killed from a drug overdose by that psychopath Jose. I know you put that other psychopath on my trail too by giving him my phone number. You were never my friend like you told everyone, that I was your charity case friend." 

I say condescending, "Yes, I overheard telling people that." Her eyes opened in surprise at that. She didn't know I was listening that day around the corner of the department store she dragged me into when her trust fund bitch girls came up to her.

I continued, "I never let you know I had more money than you did the entire time I lived with you. Didn't you wonder how I could afford even a few $2000 dresses and $1000 shoes I owned? Sorry, Kate, you were never a friend I could ever have trusted, so I worked my part time job posing as lower income for you and Jose. But you showed me in the end what kind of friend you really are. Now, you are nothing to me. You were never better, I just didn't feel I needed to flaunt it in people's faces like you do at every opportunity and whine about how hard it is being wealthy. That's the difference in the meaning of the word, class and snob." 

I turned to Elliot and said, "I'm dead serious El, if you slept with her you need a blood and STD screening immediately. A few times she ran a train and I witnessed it. I went quickly in my room, locked the door, and put on headphones to drown out the noises. I had to use antibacterial and alcohol wipes to use the toilet there with Lysol. Protect yourself, because we love you." 

Kate started screaming at the top of her lungs saying, "I HATE YOUR FUCKING GUTS YOU BITCH! You lied to me and Jose that whole time you lived with me! Did you finally spread your legs for the fucking billionaire?! How convenient to snag him with your little waif act! I know about you letting your step daddy pop your cherry you fucking whore bitch, but you played prude around me! Why do you think I tried so hard to get you laid by Jose?! I was doing you a favor!" I backhanded Kate with all my strength. She flew backwards into a patio chair missing it.

I screamed, "I WAS SEVEN FUCKING YEARS OLD AND ALMOST DIED AT HIS HANDS!!! YOU ALMOST GOT ME KILLED WITH JOSE BECAUSE HE WOULD HAVE MURDERED ME!!!" My body was trembling in sheer unadulterated rage. How she found out about my abuse would be through my mother only. I hate this feeling inside me. Kate had blood pouring from the corner of her mouth, nose and a bruise forming on her jaw. She was looking at me in pure fear. Christian's mom went over to look at Kate. I lost control. I never lose control. I stormed away and sat on the dock, looking out at the water trying to quell the rage inside that was unleashed. Christian approached me and sat next to me just looking out at the water in silence. I closed my eyes and laid on my back. Just letting the sun warm my skin with a cool breeze blowing by now and then.

Christian's mother came over to the dock after a long while and said that Kate was gone. She wanted me to come inside when I'm ready so she could look at my hand. Christian said ok to his mother, that we would in a little while. I heard her leave. I still had my eyes closed. Christian said, "I'm sorry you had to go through that, Anastasia."

I said, "It's nobody's fault but Kate's, she thought coming here, she could sway all you Grey's to her side. She thought I was nothing in high class society and she would try to convince you I was unworthy to associate with. Thus, driving me away and ostracizing me from you most of all."

He said, "Well, that was a shitty idea that backfired."

I said, "Kate Kavanaugh never was the sharpest tool in the shed." He chuckled.

Carrick walked up and said, "I told Miss Kavanaugh, that I recorded the whole thing and she can be charged with abetting and/or conspiracy to the Attempted Kidnapping and the Assault charges against Jose. She practically ran out of here. What do you want to do Ana?"

I said, "Let her live in fear for a little while." 

Carrick nodded and said, "I'm proud that you stood up for yourself, Ana. Even if you lost control at the end. Nobody thinks less of you. You were provoked. I'm sorry about your childhood and I'll never bring it up again."

I said, sighing, "Thank you, Carrick."

Christian helped me up and we went into the house. My knuckles were bruised and a couple teeth broke the skin. She sterilized it and wrapped it for me. I stood up and said, to the Grey's all sitting in the living room, "I must explain what you heard earlier. I was tortured with whips, chains, canes and floggers with metal burrs on the ends. I was also raped with a flogger handle all at seven years old. I almost died from the skin filleted off my back, broken ribs, loss of blood from my back and vagina pooling to my feet. My daddy rescued me in just the nick of time and saved my life, because I called him unknown to them hours before. My mother stood there and watched the whole time as her third husband did that to me. My mother is the only way Kate found out about it to throw in my face. I don't want to talk about it with anyone. It was dealt with long ago and laid to rest. It was the audacity of her saying that I liked it or asked for it that triggered my rage. I was a little child and her ignorance of that fact tipped me off the edge. How much like my mother to delete that part out. I'm sorry my dirty laundry was laid out here in your home and yes I told Christian all about it a couple weeks ago." I sit down and everyone has tears or a sollom look on their faces.

Grace said, "I can't tell you how sorry I am to have such an animal enter my home and try to harm you. You've lived through so much." She starts to cry. 

Elliot says, "Me too."

I say, "It's nobody's fault but Kate's. She set this all up. I am way stronger than she will ever be. I just want to be treated like before it ever happened."

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