Fifty Shades Of A Working Girl

By TheSkyAtDawn2

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Christian is hit by lightning when a beautiful and brilliant woman comes to work in his company as his new CF... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 15

454 17 0
By TheSkyAtDawn2

Christian Pov 

I couldn't sleep at all. I called Ros earlier and told her what was happening with Anastasia. She said she would handle the big stuff for now and reschedule the flight for Tuesday morning indefinitely for now. I had been looking forward to so many things with her. I was going to miss taking her soaring Saturday morning, going on this trip to New York and visiting her father's house. I will be following up on her audit Wednesday too. She was put through so much all week to get it completed later than requested. That Jenkins bastard she got rid of, actually called and whined to me. He said she unjustly fired him after working here seven years. I let him have it, for his laziness and lack of common sense not listening to his direct boss. I told him that what he did, belittling her priority request, was far worse than what anyone else has done. I said that he knew the two Directors lost their jobs last Monday for simple blatant disregard of a mandatory meeting. I told him to enjoy unemployment and asked if it was all worth it when I slammed the phone down.

I get up and sit at my piano and start playing. I keep thinking about all the things Taylor said she did to save me from Elena. She heard those threats to ruin me and she used all her knowledge and skills to make sure I'm safe. She's like my own little guardian angel. I love her so much. 

I got the SPD to allow me, with my guardianship over Anastasia, to empty her possessions from the trunk of her car along with taking possession of her purse. Taylor put the two zipped bags into the security office safe under lock and key. Taylor said they would still be holding Anastasia's gun. 

I didn't know she had a Concealed Carry Weapons Permit. Taylor said it was listed at the bottom of her background check as CCW under permits. It was the smallest gun I ever saw. Taylor called it a 2002 Pearl handle Colt Jr./Astra Cub with .22 Short or .25 ACP caliber. There was fancy scrollwork on the silver body and barrel of the tiny gun. He said she also has a Marine M18 Sig Sauer handgun registered to her. He figured it was probably her father's service pistol. I hate guns but I'm fucking glad she shot that the son of a bitch, Jose. Too bad she didn't aim for his head. 

The only thing that has me extremely pissed off, is that I believed Jose shot Anastasia. It would seem a fucking rookie cop did. He damn near took her life. I started breaking shit when Taylor broke the news. 

Taylor said when the struggle started after the window on Anastasia's car was shattered, Jose broke her already bone bruised arm grabbing her through the window. She screamed in pain, raised her gun and fired. She shot Jose in the stomach at the exact same moment the rookie cop fired at Jose. Anastasia's shot propelled Jose backwards and the cop's bullet passed into her lung exiting into the driver's seat. The SPD has the entire shooting incident under full investigation, as well as the accidental release of Jose. They are keeping her car in the meantime until after they finish the investigation. The police mishandled this whole fucking mess! Paperwork snafu my ass! How many rookies are there in critical positions at the SPD putting Anastasia's life in danger??

The only good thing is Taylor is going to scan my playroom and the entire penthouse in the morning with Anastasia's military bug detector. I wonder how many bugs were planted by Elena using my subs. I'll see the pictures or videos of which subs were involved and broke their NDA's as well.

I get up from the piano and go back to bed and lay down hoping for a little shut eye, even a couple hours would do.


Saturday morning comes and I'm ready to head back to the hospital at 8:30am. I called and they said, at 2:23am Anastasia had a bad night waking with severe pain. The nurses got her up once to go to the toilet, with great assistance and gave her a sip of water. They said she had slept waking once more for a pain shot at 6:35am. The doctors wanted to move her to a regular room at 8am, but I told them to put her in a private room. 

We are leaving out to the hospital. I have Taylor stop at a florist. I brought Anastasia's overnight bag and her tote bag with both her computers in it. During the ride, Taylor tells me Barney and Welch found out where Jose was staying. It was a seedy motel on the lower south side of Seattle. He had duct tape, a knife, rope and a bottle of Rohypnol in a bag on the front seat of his truck. The police found walls of pictures of Anastasia plastering the walls. He had naked pictures of her in the shower that must have been at a previous residence, on his laptop. He had thumb drives filled with her eating, sleeping on a couch and just walking down the street at a distance in candid shots. The police took possession of everything.

When we arrived, I went to reception and found out what room she was in and headed up there. Sawyer is posted outside her door. I asked if all was well and he said it had been quiet so far.

I walked in the room and looked at her sleeping. Her skin's pallor is a much healthier color. I brought her a large bouquet of a few dozen red roses. I sat the vase on the window ledge. I pulled up a chair and held her hand with the IV in it. She looks so beat up with bruising on her jaw and a few cuts on her arm, chin and a split in her lip. My poor baby. 

I remember Taylor mentioning the phone call of a man with a creepy voice, threatening her and that someone gave him her number. Taylor said Barney got nothing on the call and Anastasia has software from her father that may be a different chance to locate it, but only she can operate it. At least we won't have to think about Elena for the time being. The media caught wind of the shooting at the bank but attention has been nominal. They also reported on Elena's arrest at GEH Monday, but it hasn't caught fire in the media yet. Thank goodness we haven't had our pictures taken in public yet, but I don't really give a damn. She is mine and that's all I care about. If an announcement becomes needed, then we'll come up with something.

Anastasia moans and barely cracks her eyes open. I say, "Hi, baby. I missed you." She faintly smiled and squeezed my fingers. I caress my hand over her cheek brushing the hair back out of her face. 

She moans and says in a whisper, with tears forming in her eyes, "I thought I'd never get to see you again. I missed you too."

I said, "No baby, I need you too much."

She had a tear roll down her cheek. I brushed it away. She tried to shift her position and winced and groaned in pain. I asked, "Baby, are you in pain? I'll get the nurse to give you a shot?"

She whispered, "Maybe in a little bit. I'll get sleepy again. Did Taylor tell you everything? Did you get the stuff out of my trunk?"

I said, "Yes, baby."

She sighed in relief and whispered, "It's yours. It belongs to you. I want you to get the stuff from under my bed also, and keep it with you for safety reasons. I'll transfer the bulk money once it settles in my Swiss bank account in a couple weeks. You'll keep it safe together for them and nobody will ask questions about over 16 million popping up with you."

I smiled, "Yes, my little ninja, we have the trunk bags. We will take care of the rest. Taylor is going to go through everything, starting today. We will go to your apartment tonight and you can rest assured. He is even going to go over the entire penthouse with your detector either this morning or tonight. I could never thank you enough in a lifetime. You protected me. You have done something at your own personal risk, that nobody has ever done or given me. I got temporary guardianship over you for now, so I can take care of everything for you until you can get back on your feet. I have a guard post 24/7 on your door and wherever you go for testing. I love you, Anastasia and it's not ever going to change, but I will keep you safe." I thought, I owe her at least that. 

I can never repay her. I have never had anyone do something so monumental like that, just for me before except for Grace saving me and giving me a home with her. It showed how deeply she cares for me, just like my mother. I'll never forget that I have two angels in my life and I will always love them.

A nurse comes in with a breakfast tray and says, "Miss Steele, good morning. Do you need any help going to the restroom or something for pain? The doctor will be in within the hour, if you can wait until after he leaves for the shot would be preferred. It's just so you will be awake for him to examine you." 

Ana glanced at the breakfast tray and asked, "Do you have any hot black tea?"

The nurse said, "Yes, I'll order you some." She took her vitals and left. 

I said, "Baby, I'll get Gail to bring us lunch and dinner today. You can't eat this hospital food."

Anastasia smiled and softly said, "I'll survive this meal, Christian. Thank you, honey." I smiled and kissed her. She is my fragile angel. I caressed her cheek. She started eating her eggs, toast, tiny yogurt and juice. The nurse came in with her tea. She dunked her tea bag quickly and set it aside. Funny, she likes it weak like colored water. I like learning little things about her that make her unique.

After she ate, and went to the restroom, the doctor came in to check her. He said it was very good she was up, eating and drinking. He ordered another pain shot for her and left. I laid my head down on her lap sitting in the chair. She  put her hand on my hair and lightly scratched my scalp until I fell asleep.

A couple of hours later, my mother walked in and gasped, she looked at Anastasia's hand on my back. I heard her and turned my head while waking up. I looked at her sitting up. I kissed Anastasia's hand and held it in my hand. She said, "Christian, I'm sorry. It's just I've never seen you so comfortable and letting her touch you so easily. It's amazing and shocking after all this time."

I said, "You know I realized last night that you and her are both my guardian angels. You both have saved me at different times throughout my life. I never want to live without her. I crave her touch and kisses. It's so shocking and it amazes me. The first time I touched her an electrical charge literally traveled up my arm and I have never been able to stop thinking about her since then. I think I waited my whole life for her to change my heart and my life." My mother had tears in her eyes.

She whispered, "Christian that's all I ever wanted for you. I prayed for you to love and be loved by someone kind. It's the most important thing to experience in life because it heals you, guides you, changes how you feel and see things. You'll never be the same. It may seem frightening, but you'll find your way. One day you'll wake up and realize you never lived at all until you loved." Her words were profound and made me think. "I was coming to check on her, but I'll be back later on, son." My mother left out the door.

Anastasia moaned. I looked at her. She was moving her head from side to side. I think it's a nightmare. She said, "Please don't hurt him… I'll do anything you want… No, no, no… NO!" She jumped.

I reach out and try to wake her. I said, "Anastasia, wake up, baby. It's a nightmare. Wake up." I had my hand patting her face. "Come on, baby." 

She opened her eyes real big and said, "Christian? Are you ok?" I caressed her cheek.

I smiled at her and said, "Yeah. It was a bad dream, baby. We are safe. It will be lunch time soon. Are you hungry?" She leaned into my hand and nodded. She yawned, making this cute little kitten sound and wiggled her feet. Adorable

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