Star Trek: The voyages of the...

By Communist123

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The year 2410. The United Federation of Planets serves as the peacekeepers of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants an... More

Chapter One: The Apollo
Chapter Two: The First Assignment
Chapter Three: The Badlands
Chapter Four: The Wormhole
Chapter Five: The Gamma Quadrant
Chapter Six: First Contact with the Shalari
Chapter Seven: The Pirates
Chapter Eight: Ada
Chapter Nine: The Bounty on Apollo
Chapter Ten: The Emergency Meeting
Chapter Eleven: The Battle of Reptaria
Chapter Twelve: The End of the Reptarian Empire
Chapter Thirteen: Lost with all hands.
Chapter Fourteen: The Second Year
Chapter Fifteen: Concordia
Chapter Sixteen: The Plan
Chapter Seventeen: Operation Individualisation
Chapter Eighteen: An Old Friend
Chapter Nineteen: The Diamond
Chapter Twenty: The Horrifying Discovery
Chapter Twenty One: The Temporal True Way
Chapter Twenty Two: Contact with Starfleet
Chapter Twenty Three: Project Apollo
Chapter Twenty Four: Letters from Home
Chapter Twenty Five: New Veskana
Chapter Twenty Six: Crossing the Georgiou Wormhole
Chapter Twenty Seven: Promotion
Chapter Twenty Eight: The Acadians
Chapter Twenty Nine: Integration
Chapter Thirty: The Relic from the War
Chapter Thirty Two: Planet Heiwa
Chapter Thirty Three: Omnipotent Beings
Chapter Thirty Four: The Stella System
Chapter Thirty Five: The Galactic Guardians
Chapter Thirty Six: Reunion with Starfleet
Chapter Thirty Seven: The Threat to the Federation
Chapter Thirty Eight: A Society of Lies and Hate
Chapter Thirty Nine: An Uneasy Necessity
Chapter Forty: The Institute
Chapter Forty One: The Supernova's Weakness
Chapter Forty Two: The Battle of Acadia
Chapter Forty Three: The Emperor
Chapter Forty Four: The Fall of the Supernova
Chapter Forty Five: The Return Home
Chapter Forty Six: A New Journey

Chapter Thirty One: The Human Colony

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By Communist123

September 20th 2412

"Rear Admiral's Log: Star Date 389279.930. We are headed towards a planet where we have detected fifty million Human life signs. Along the way we discovered a tank that was used by the Japanese People's Republic of the predominantly communist Eastern Coalition during the Third World War. The bloodiest and costliest conflict in Human history. We have reason to believe that the people on that planet are descendants of people who somehow got there during the height of the War and have established their own civilisation. We're hoping to find out how they got their so that we can perhaps shorten our journey home. Thankfully we'll be arriving in a few short minutes."

After finishing the Rear Admiral's Log Ethan sat in his chair wondering of what they would find upon arriving at the planet in a few minutes. There had been much talk and wonder regarding the planet across the entire Fleet. Many Human members of the Crew were indulged in learning as much about the era known as the Third World War as possible and many Acadians were amazed that Humanity had managed to recover from the War at all. There was also no telling what they were going to find there. Would they find a harmonious collective of law abiding citizens? Or would they find a feudal society of barbarians and warlords? Like with all cases of exploring the unknown, the possibilities were endless.

As Ethan further thought about what they might find, Lieutenant Toral Laren entered the ready room and said "Rear Admiral. We've arrived at the planet." Ethan then stood up and said "Well lets see it then." Ethan and Laren then walked out of the ready room and onto the Bridge to see the planet up ahead. Orbiting a yellow star with two planets being closer to the star was an M-class planet that was covered mostly by ocean. There were several island chains here and there, but there was little in the way of continents. As Ethan and Laren got to their respective stations, Voq said "It appears that the planet is mostly ocean." William, who was at the pilot's chair manoeuvring the ship into position, agreed and said "Yeah. Scans show that the biggest islands are no bigger than Alaska, where Captain William Riker is from." Ethan gazed at the planet with wonder and curiosity regarding what was there. He and the others weren't sure what they would find, but they had to find answers. Jodem then checked his scan results and said upon reading them "Rear Admiral. Scans show that there are settlements on an island roughly the same size at the main island of Japan. I'm detecting the fifty million Humans there Sir." Jodem then detected radio waves on his console and said "Sir there appear to be several thousand radio communications across the island. Accessing them now." A radio channel then activated and the Bridge Crew heard music playing. The music sounded like that of a flute and a piano playing. Ethan recognised it instantly as he said "That sounds like traditional Japanese music. I learnt it a lot whenever I visited my grandfather in Tokyo." As the music played a channel was opened by Captain Anaya from the Georgiou who said "I like it Rear Admiral. Has a very calming and harmonious ring to it." Ethan agreed and said "Well I did grow up listening to it."

The music then came to an end and a female voice said in a deep Japanese accent "Ladies and gentlemen that was some traditional music from Japan. The ancestral home land of Heiwans like myself who are of Japanese descent. I just want all of my fellow Heiwans whose ancestors are from Japan to know that I hold Japan deep in my heart as do the rest of you and dream of the day when we will once again stand side by side with our brothers and sisters back on Earth." Jodem then stopped the broadcast and saw a baffled look on Ethan's face. Determined to know more, Ethan said "We're going down there to get some answers. Commander Flores, Ensign Jackson, you two are with me. We're going to get to the bottom of this." Ethan then looked over at Jodem and said "Ensign Tal. Access visual broadcasts so we can get an idea of what the clothes on this planet look like." Jodem obliged and enacted some scans. When the results came through, Jodem said "Rear Admiral. I think I found a news channel of some kind." Ethan then said "Onscreen." and the viewscreen changed to show a newsroom with a man sitting at a desk. The man was clearly Caucasian and spoke in an Australian accent as he said "Good aye to you citizens of Heiwa. Today I am pleased to announce that the Central Government has today launched a new farm labour program that will put five million Yen into agricultural investment. Several new farms are going to be constructed to increase food production and create much needed jobs for the region."

The screen behind the newscaster then changed to show the Mayor of a small town at the grand opening ceremony of the first new farm to be constructed. There were several security officers, construction workers and farmers around her as she cut the ribbon. Jodem looked back at Ethan and asked "Will this do Sir?" Ethan shook his head and said "No. We need civilian clothing." The newscaster then turned the page on his folder and read from it "In sports news Shin-Soo Park of the White Mountain Football Team received an award for charitable service from the Office of the Prime Minister yesterday. After the team's victory over the Northern Chagang Team in this yearly tournament's finals, Shin-Soo celebrated by donating seventy five thousand Yen of his one hundred thousand Yen prize to the Cancer Research Group. A team of scientists who have, since it's establishment thirty years ago, worked to create a cure and a vaccine to the infamous disease known as Cancer."

Ethan, Alisha and William almost gasped in shock as Ethan said "They haven't developed a cure for cancer?" Confused at this "Cancer", Laren asked "What is cancer?" Ethan looked back at her and said "Cancer was a disease that was common on Earth until after First Contact. It causes abnormal cells in the body to multiply uncontrollably, resulting in death within a few months or years. These days of course it is easily treatable, but unfortunately the people here are yet to develop a cure by the looks of it." The massive screen behind the newscaster then changed to show Shin-Soo Park shaking hands with many fans at the stadium and William quickly said "Rear Admiral, those are civilians. We now know what civilian clothing looks like." Ethan looked at the clothing that consisted of shirts, tank tops, jeans, shorts and jackets and said "Have them replicated immediately and prepared for the away mission down there." Ethan then pressed on his com badge and said "Rear Admiral Rivers to all hands." A fleet wide channel then opened up as Ethan said "Since this society is pre-Warp the Prime Directive applies. So we will not be making open contact with them. I repeat. We will not be making open contact with them." The channel then stopped and Ethan, Alisha and William exited for the transporter room as Voq took the Con and said "Good luck down there Rear Admiral."

Down in Transporter Room One Ethan, Alisha and William were all dressed in the clothes that civilians on Heiwa often wore. Ethan was wearing a plain blue shirt with a black jacket, Alisha was wearing a tank top and a grey jacket. Finally William was wearing a black buttoned up shirt and a blue jacket. All of them wore jeans of course, which Ethan found strange as he said "Can't believe that people used to wear these hundreds of years ago." William agreed and said "Yeah. To be honest I prefer my own clothes." To which Alisha jokingly said "I don't think so. I think skinny jeans suits you." William then made an annoyed glare before Ethan said "Alright then remember. These people are pre-Warp so we are going only as observers. We are not to make contact." William and Alisha then said in unison "Yes Sir." Just then Ada entered the room and Ethan asked "What are you doing here Ada?" Ada then answered "I can make myself look Human. So I'd like to come if you don't mind." Ethan looked at Ada with great scepticism when Ada made her suggestion. He then thought for a few moments, considering weather or not he should bring her along and finally took a deep breath in before saying "Very well. Just try not to inadvertently reveal that we are part of the exploratory and defence agency of the United Federation of Planets. Oh and don't forget to change shape to the clothes of the civilisation down there." Ada then morphed over a period of ten seconds. Turning the Federation civilian 'clothes' she was wearing into the clothes of the planet below. After fully morphing, Ada said "Let's go." The away team then stepped onto the transporter pad and Ethan said "Beam us down Masie." Transporter Chief Masie Sturgeon then pressed a few buttons and said "Aye Rear Admiral. I'm beaming you down to a train station that's only just opened. Also to a part of it where there aren't any guards. Good luck down there."

The away team were then engulfed in blue sparkles of energy as their molecules disassembled and reassembled down on planet Heiwa. As they finally materialised in the underground train station they saw that no one was around and that above them was a bridge that connected the two platforms. It also didn't take them long to notice that they were close to the edge of the platform and that a train was incoming. They quickly stepped back as the train arrived and the doors opened to let what seemed like dozens of people out and onto the platform. They were of many different ethnicities and cultures, as evident by many of those who were of Asian descent wearing Qipaos or Kimonos. Those of Arab descent wore either hijabs that covered their hair, or niqabs that covered their entire faces with the exception of their eyes. Those of African descent wore their hair in various styles such as Zulu knots and braids. Ethan was humbled by the diversity as he said "Hopefully the diversity around here has made people tolerant of each other." Alisha agreed and said "Yeah. People like me were oppressed for centuries because of our looks and our culture. I'm just glad that these people are accepted regardless of their skin or culture." As the away team walked up the station stairs alongside the dozens of other people they found themselves on a street with many more people all across it. There were people walking to work as it was early in the morning and there were parents walking their children to school as they did every other day. People were talking with each other and enjoying their day as much as they could. After all, how many times do you have each day of your life twice?

Amazed at what he was seeing, Ethan said "Amazing. It's incredible how much their society resembles Earth during the twenty first century." William agreed and said "Yeah. Looks like they haven't advanced their technology at all judging by the cars and the lack of replicators." William was more than right. The cars all resembled that of early twenty first century Earth and the buildings all looked like they had been built using pre-Warp industrial technology. There was also a food truck parked by the road and two men, likely twin brothers because of how they looked almost exactly alike, were cooking and selling food on grills and not with a replicator. As one of them said "Half price sale until noon." Ethan saw that the menu was written in multiple different languages. Ada saw this too and said "I guess that means that the original people brought here during the War were from all over the planet." Ethan agreed and said "It would also explain the high levels of diversity around here. But then there's the question of how they got here." Further up the road was a stand where a woman was selling maps and tourist guides. Noticing this, Alisha said "I think we can go there for information." Ethan agreed and said "Alright then. Let's move out." As they walked up the street towards the stand they saw that there were many shops and businesses on both sides of the street and many of them were starting to open as people started to go in. When they arrived the woman of Japanese descent said "Do you require a map or a tourist guide?" Ethan quickly handed five Yen to the woman and said "One map please." The woman then handed Ethan a map and Ethan thanked her saying "Arigato." As the away team started walking further down the street, William asked "What did you say to her?" Ethan then answered "Arigato. In Japanese it means thanks."

Ethan then pulled the tourist map open and said "Looks like this map details all of the places tourists would like to see." The map was also an interactive map. There was a tiny tracker on the right hand top corner and a spot on the map that said "You are here." in bright red. William noticed this and said "It must connect to some kind of network and identify the exact location." Alisha then asked "Well is there any place where we can get answers surrounding how these people got here?" Ethan checked the map and saw that there was a museum a ten minute walk away. Ada then pointed at the museum on the map and said "There's got to be answers at the museum." Ethan agreed and said "Alright then. Let's go."

The away team then started walking towards the museum where they would hopefully find answers. As they walked they saw what seemed like hundreds of people walking across the streets and going about there lives. Cars went across the roads at safe speeds and loved ones enjoyed their time together. When the away team finally arrived at the museum, they were impressed at the design that consisted of a few wings and the pillars at the entrance. Above the museum doors were the words "Museum of New Tokyo". As they arrived at the front door William looked stunned to see that it didn't open automatically like the doors on the Apollo. The doors had to be pushed open via a handle that people pushed in order to enter. As Ethan pushed the door open and they entered, they found themselves in a large gift shop with various trinkets, cuddly toys and souvenirs. At the three other ends of the hall were hallways leading to the different wings of the museum. Above each hallway that lead to each different wing was a different name for each wing. The first being "History of the first home world." The second was "The first years of Heiwa." and the final was "The history of the cosmos." But the away team were more impressed by the bronze statues at the centre of the hall that had many flowers and memorial wreathes put around them. The away team walked up to the statues and saw that they were of five people of various descent. The first one was an African woman wearing a hijab and holding grain in her arm. The second was an Indian man with a beard, a lumberjack uniform and logs of wood being carried on both shoulders. The third was a Latina woman in a Mexican Chiapaneco dress with flowers all across it. The fourth was a European man with a clean shaven face and a construction workers uniform, holding a folder pad in his right hand and a toolbox in his left hand. The fifth and final one was a Japanese man in full clad soldier uniform and a rifle in his arms.

At the base of the statues was a plaque with their names written on them. Ethan walked up to the plaque and read aloud "In honour of these five brave founders: Adaku Babangida of Nigeria; Hasan Kahn of India; Nidia Rodriguez of Mexico; Robert Franklin of Great Britain; Hiroshi Toguchi of Japan. From the early days of World War Three, to the late days of the War. Millions were brought to Heiwa by the Galactic Guardians and were for a time without leadership. Until the Five Founders came together and gave it their all so that the Republic of Heiwa shall not perish from this Galaxy."

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