family line, supernatural [ 1...

By maybankwalker

241K 5.5K 1.4K

[ supernatural -- season 1-5 ] Natalie Winchester Series: Family Line Anti-Hero I DO NOT own Supernatural, an... More

000. prologue
001. normal life
002. dad's missing
003. missing person
004. woman in white
005. tragedy strikes
006. wendigo
007. captured
008. something in the water
009. three options
010. peter sweeney
011. favorite brother
012. fear of flying
013. bloody mary
014. shapeshifter
015. hook man
016. creepy crawlies
017. bug infestation
018. back home
019. home sweet home
020. asylum
021. hitchhiking twins
022. saving dean
023. evil preacher wife
024. killer truck
025. psychic kid
026. stanford letter aftermath
027. kidnapped
028. back stabber
029. prank war
030. prank war continued
031. child soul sucker
032. creepy painting
033. "marry that girl"
034. vampires
035. finding the demon
036. yellow eyed demon
037. time of death
038. the harvelle family
039. clowns
040. gordon walker
041. mind control
042. harvelles' first case
043. interrogation
044. demon virus
045. gordon the psycho
046. a little fun
047. haunted house
048. bank robbery
049. amnesia
050. shitty dad department
051. tricks and annoying siblings
052. werewolf girlfriend
053. hollywood
054. dream life
055. telepathic message
057. seven sins
058. kid monsters
059. do it for the money
060. good and bad luck
061. "have a nice day?"
062. fairy tales
063. charity ball
064. vamp gordon
065. christmas
066. inside dean's head
067. too many tuesdays
068. demon jail
069. ghostfacers
070. may second
071. back from the dead
072. castiel
073. revenge ghosts
074. back in time
075. rougarou
076. dracula and wolf man
077. "we are insane!"
078. halloween
079. wishing well
080. alastair
081. forty years
082. kids in the walls
083. magic tricks
084. back to school
085. the ghost life
086. torture
087. something not natural
088. book series
089. half-brother
090. demon blood
091. "you're a monster."
092. rising of lucifer
093. sword of michael
094. war
095. stitches hater
096. paris hilton
097. practical jokes
098. poker game
099. tv land
100. first ever convention
101. losses
102. grief
103. teenage witch
104. save the parents
105. hungry
106. zombies
107. heaven
108. whore of babylon
109. angels and demons
010. gods hotel
111. brady
112. bobby's soul
113. the big fight
Book Two

056. opening gates of hell

1.6K 36 25
By maybankwalker

Larissa sits at the table in the small cabin they're in. Her eyes don't tear away from Sam's body that's resting on a bed in the next room. After a long breakdown the night he died, she hasn't shown any emotion. She's gone numb.

Dean leans against the wall and is staring at Dean's body.

"Dean, Natty?" Bobby walks in. "Brought you this back." He puts a bucket of fried chicken on the table.

"No, thanks. I'm fine." Dean says.

"You should eat something." Bobby says.

"I said I'm fine." Dean says.

Bobby looks at Natalie who doesn't talk, her eyes glued to Sam.

"Guys... I hate to bring this up, I really do. But don't you think maybe it's time... we bury Sam?" Bobby asks.

"No." Dean denies.

"We could maybe--"

"What? Torch his corpse? Not yet."

"I want you to come with me."

"I'm not going anywhere."

"Dean, please."

"Would you cut me some slack?"

"I just don't think you guys should be alone, that's all."

"We're not alone. We have each other."

"I gotta admit, I could use your guys' help." Bobby says and Dean snorts. "Something big is going down. End of the world big."

"Well, then let it end!" Dean yells.

"You don't mean that."

"You don't think so? Huh? You don't think I've given enough? You don't think I've paid enough? I'm done with it. All of it. And if you know what's good for you, you'd turn around, and get the hell out of here."

"Go!" Dean shouts. "I'm sorry." He says calmly after a moment. "I'm sorry. Please, just go. I got Nat."

"You know where I'll be." Bobby says. "Natty?" He asks. She doesn't respond and he knows there's no getting her to move.

Bobby leaves.


"You know, when we were little... and you couldn't have been more than 5... you just started asking questions. Both of you, actually. How come we didn't have a mom? Why do we always have to move around? Where'd dad go when he'd take off for days at a time? Though, only you really cared about that last one. Natty cared at first, but that's also the same age that... that he started hurting Natty all the time."

"I remember I begged you guys, "Quit asking, Sammy, Natty. Guys, you don't want to know." I just wanted you two to be a kid... just for a little while longer. I always tried to protect you... keep you safe... dad didn't even have to tell me. It was just always my responsibility, you know? It's like I had one job... I had one job... and I screwed it up. I blew it. And for that, I'm sorry."

"I guess that's what I do. I let down the people I love. I let dad down... at least I used to care about that. I let Natty down more times than I can count. And now I guess I'm just supposed to let you down, too. How can I? How am I supposed to live with that? I mean... at least Natty hasn't gotten killed. What am I supposed to do? Sammy. God. What am I supposed to do?"

"What am I supposed to do?!"

~ ~ ~

Dean puts his jacket on and walks over to Natalie. He looks at her and she's still staring at Sam's body. Dean puts his hand on Natalie's head, brushing some of her hair away from her face.

"I'll be back in a bit." Dean tells her. "Gonna go fulfill Bobby's wishes for a bit." He lies. Dean presses a lingering kiss to her head. "I'll fix this. I promise." He whispers.

Dean walks to the door, glancing back at Natalie. He knows she can live without him. She can't live without Sam.

~ ~ ~

Natalie hears a deep breath and watches Sam slowly sit up. Her eyes widen as he looks around.

"Natty?" Sam asks, breathing heavily.

"S-Sammy?" She asks, looking at him in utter confusion on how he's alive. She knows he's dead. She didn't feel his pulse. She felt his cold skin. She saw the wound.

"H-Hey." Sam mumbles, looking almost as confused as her. He gets off the bed, walking closer to her. He winces at the pain in his back. "Um... how long have I been out?"

"Out? Uh... um... I don't know." Natalie says, realizing she hasn't been paying attention to the sun and moon switching positions in the sky. "But you-- you're-- he--"

"I got stabbed in the back... literally." Sam says.

"Yes." Natalie nods. "You were-- you shouldn't-- I--" She gets up, beelining to him, and she tightly hugs him. Sam's chin rests on her head as he wraps his arms around her.

Natalie feels his back, not feeling the injury, only the dried blood. Her grip tightens, needing to make sure he's actually real.

"Natty, a little too tight." Sam grimaces, gently pushing her away.

"Sorry." She sniffles, wiping her nose. "I'm sorry." She starts crying again.

"Hey, hey, wh-why are you crying?" Sam asks.

"Cause you're... you're here. In front of me. Alive." Natalie says.

"Yeah. Yeah, alive." Sam chuckles. "I... yeah." He winces as she continues to wipe her tears away. "C'mere." He pulls her back into a hug, smoothing her hair down. "I'm right here." He reassures.

Natalie stops crying after a bit, Sam letting her break away from the hug first. He goes over to the mirror.

"Can you help me see this, though?" Sam asks.

"Yeah." Natalie sniffles. "Yeah." She walks over and lifts his shirt and jacket up to reveal the scar from Jake stabbing him. Natalie's eyes instantly water at the sight, her mind flashing back to that night.

Sam winces as he sees the scar. He flinches a little when cold fingers touch it, but looks back at Natalie seeing her almost cry again.

"Shit. Sorry." Sam turns to her. "I didn't know it would make you cry again."

"It's fine." She whispers, waving him off.

They hear the door open and Dean turns around the corner.

"Sammy? Thank God." Dean sighs in relief.

"Hey." Sam greets. Dean pulls him into a tight hug. "Owww. Uh, Dean--"

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, man." Dean pulls away. "I'm just... I'm just happy to see you up and around, that's all. Come on, sit down." The two sit at the table, Natalie standing nearby, looking between them, completely lost.

"Okay. Dean... what happened to me?" Sam asks.

"Well, what do you remember?" Dean asks.

"I-I saw you and Bobby and... I felt this pain. This sharp pain, like... white hot, you know, and then you guys started running at me, and... that's about it." Sam recalls.

"Yeah, that-that kid stabbed you in the back. You lost a lot of blood, you know... it was pretty touch and go for a while." Dean says. Natalie narrows her eyes at his lie.

"Dean, you can't-- you can't patch up a wound that bad." Sam says.

"No, Bobby could." Dean says. He glances at Natalie, immediately looking away. "Who was that kid, anyway?" Dean asks.

"His name's Jake. Did you get him?" Sam asks.

"No, he disappeared into the woods." Dean says.

"We got to find him, guys. And I swear I'm gonna tear that son of a bitch apart." Sam gets up.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy, Van Damme. You just woke up, all right? Let's get you something to eat. Huh? You want something to eat? I'm starving. Come on."


"And that's when you guys showed up." Sam finishes informing them of everything that went down.

"That's awful. Poor Andy." Dean says.

"The demon said he only wanted one of us to walk out alive." Sam says.

"He told you that?" Dean asks.

"Yep." Sam scoffs. "He appeared in a dream."

"He tell you anything else?" Dean asks.

"No. No. That was it. Nothing else." Sam shakes his head. Natalie raises her eyebrows in suspicion, able to tell he's lying. "You know, what I don't get it, guys, is if the demon only wanted one of us, then how did Jake and I both get away?"

"Well, I mean, they left you for dead. I'm sure they thought it was over." Dean says. "So now that Yellow Eyes has Jake, what's he gonna do with him?"

"I don't know. But whatever it is, we got to stop him." Sam says.

"Well, hold on. You need to get your rest. We got time." Dean says.

"No, we don't."

"Sam, oceans aren't boiling, okay? Frogs aren't raining from the sky. Let's get you your strength back first."

"Well, did you call the roadhouse? They know anything?" Sam asks. His siblings share looks.

"Yeah." Dean mumbles.

"Guys... what is it?" Sam asks.

"The roadhouse burned to the ground. Ash is dead. Probably Ellen... a lot of other hunters, too." Dean says.

"Demons?" Sam asks, his eyes teary.

"Yeah, we think so. We think because Ash found something." Dean says.

"What did he find?" Sam asks.

"Bobby's working on that right now."

"Well, come on then. Bobby's only a few hours away."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop, Sam, stop! Damn it. You almost died in there. I mean, what would I've-- can't you just take care of yourself for a little bit, huh? Just for a little bit?"

"I'm sorry. No." Sam walks out.

"So, um... almost died?" Natalie asks her older brother.

"Natty, it... it's a miracle." He says.

"No. It's not. You did something." Natalie states. "There's no way he magically healed."

"Look, can we--"

"What'd you do?"

"Nothing. Come on, Sam's gonna get confused why we're taking so long." Dean says, walking out.


They get to Bobby's house and knock on the door, the man answering it, freezing at the sight of Sam.

"Hey, Bobby." Dean greets, barely looking at the man.

"Hey, Bobby." Sam smiles.

"Sam. It's good to... see you up and around." Bobby says.

"Yeah. Thanks for patching me up." Sam pats him on the shoulder as he walks past him.

"Don't mention it." Bobby says. Bobby gives hard looks to Dean and Natalie as they pass. His gaze softens on Natalie, seeing the confusion in her face, different from Dean's guilty look.

"Well, Sam's better. And we're back in it now, so... what do you know?" Dean asks.

~ ~ ~

"Well, I found something. But I'm not sure what the hell it means." Bobby says.

"What is it?" Sam asks.

"Demonic omens... like a friggin' tidal wave. Cattle deaths. Lightning storms. They skyrocketed from out of nowhere. Here." He points to Wyoming on a map. "All around here, except for one place... southern Wyoming."

"Wyoming?" Dean asks.

"Yeah. That one area's totally clean -- spotless. It's almost as if..." Bobby stops.

"What?" The twins chorus.

"The demons are surrounding it." Bobby says.

"But you don't know why?" Dean asks.

"No, and by this point my eyes are swimming. Sam, Nat, would you take a look at it? Maybe you could catch something I couldn't." Bobby says.

"Yeah, sure." Sam agrees.

"Come on, Dean. I got some more books in the truck. Help me lug 'em in." Bobby says.

"Yeah." The two leave.

The twins sit across from each other at the table and look at Bobby's stuff.

"So, um... what else did the demon say?" Natalie asks.

"What? What do you mean? I already told you guys everything." Sam says.

"No. You lied. He told you something else." Natalie says.

"No, he didn't." Sam argues.

"Sam, come on. It's me. You can tell me. You know I won't tell Dean or Bobby." Natalie says.

"Look, it-it has nothing to do with you, thankfully, so just... don't worry about it." Sam says.

"Thankfully?" She asks.

"It... it's not important right now." Sam says.

"Sam--" She tries.

"Drop it, Natalie." Sam sternly demands.

Natalie does let them sit in silence for a few moments.

"Seriously, just tell me, please. Dude, I won't--"

"Nat, it's not a big deal. Just leave it alone." Sam tells her.

Natalie goes to argue, but the words get stuck in her throat when a familiar blonde walks in, followed by his mom, Dean, and Bobby.

"Jacob?" She whispers.

"Hey." He awkwardly waves.

Natalie gets up, quickly making her way over, and hugging him around his shoulders. Jacob has to lean down to wrap his arms around her waist, his chin on her shoulder.

"Holy, shit. I thought you were dead." She whispers.

"I'm alive." He mumbles, tightening his grip around her. "Long time, no see, huh?" He weakly chuckles.

Natalie pulls away as she remembers the last time seeing him being when she was possessed and she hurt him.

"Jacob, I--"

"It's okay. Don't worry 'bout it."

"But I... I totally ignored you for-for months."

"We'll deal with it later."

"Okay, lovebirds." Bobby cuts in. "Confess the feelings later, would ya?" He gets some whiskey and some holy water with two shot glasses.

He sits across the two Harvelles at the table. He fills the shot glasses up with holy water, sliding them over to them.

"Bobby, is this really necessary?" Ellen asks.

"Just a belt of holy water. Shouldn't hurt." Bobby says.

Ellen and Jacob share a look, both downing the water.

"Whiskey now, if you don't mind." Ellen says, sliding her glass back over and Jacob does the same.

"Ellen, what happened? How'd you guys get out?" Dean asks.

"I wasn't supposed to. I was supposed to be in there with everybody else." Ellen says and she scoffs. "But we ran out of pretzels of all things. It was just dumb luck. Anyway, that's when Ash called. Panic in his voice. He told me to look in the safe. Then the call cut out. By the time I got back, the flames were sky high. And everybody was dead. I couldn't have even gone more than fifteen minutes."

"Sorry, Ellen." Sam says.

"A lot of good people died in there. And I got to live. Lucky me." She downs the whiskey.

"How'd you get out?" Natalie asks Jacob.

"I wasn't in. I was going to visit, but when I got there, it was already on fire. Mom was standing outside it." Jacob says, downing the whiskey.

"Ellen, you mentioned a safe." Bobby says.

"A hidden safe we keep in the basement." Ellen nods.

"Demons get what was inside it?" Bobby asks.

"No." She pulls a map out of her pocket and unfolds it, putting it on the table. There's multiple black lines and X's on it.

"Wyoming. What does that mean?" Dean points to the lines.

~ ~ ~

"I don't believe it." Bobby mutters.

"What? You got something?" Sam asks.

"A lot more than that. Each of these X's is an abandoned frontier church. All mid-19th century. And all of them built by Samuel Colt." Bobby says.

"Samuel Colt? The demon killing, gunmaking Samuel Colt?" Dean asks.

"Yep. And there's more. He built private railway lines connecting church to church. It just happens to lay out like this." Bobby connects the points on the map until they form the shape of a star.

"Tell me that's not what I think it is." Dean says.

"It's a devil's trap. A 100 square mile devil's trap." Sam says.

"That's brilliant. Iron lines demons can't cross." Dean says.

"I've never heard of anything that massive." Ellen says.

"No one has." Bobby says.

"And after all these years none of the lines are broken? I mean, it still works?" Dean asks.

"Definitely." Sam nods.

"How do you know?" Dean asks.

"All those omens Bobby found. I mean, the demons, they must be circling and they can't get in." Sam says.

"Yeah, well... they're trying." Bobby says.

"Why? What's inside?" Ellen asks.

"That's what I've been looking for. And, uh, there's nothing except an old cowboy cemetery right in the middle." Dean says.

"Well, what's so important about a cemetery or what's Colt trying to protect?" Sam asks.

"Well, unless..." Dean starts.

"Unless what?" Bobby asks.

"What if Colt wasn't trying to keep the demons out? What if he was trying to keep something in?" Dean suggests.

"Now that's a comforting thought." Ellen retorts.

"Yeah, you think?" Dean remarks.

"Life just keeps getting better and better." Natalie quips.

"Could they do it, Bobby? Could they get inside?" Sam asks.

"This thing's so powerful, you'd practically need an A-bomb to destroy it. No way a full blood demon gets across." Bobby says.

"But I know who could." Sam says.


"Howdy, Jake." Sam greets. Jake turns to see them.

"Wait... you were dead. I killed you." Jake tells Sam.

"Yeah? Well, next time, finish the job." Sam sasy.

"I did! I cut clean through your spinal cord, man." Jake says. Sam glances at Dean who doesn't look at him. "You can't be alive. You can't be."

"Okay, just take it real easy there, son." Bobby says.

"And if I don't?" Jake asks.

"Wait and see." Sam says.

"What, you a tough guy now all of a sudden? What are you gonna do? Kill me?" Jake asks.

"It's a thought." Sam says.

"You had your chance. You couldn't."

"I won't make that mistake twice."

Jake starts to laugh.

"What are you smiling at, you little bitch?" Dean asks.

"Hey, ladies, do me a favor. Put those guns to your heads." Jake orders. Natalie tries to not do it, but she shakily raises her gun, aiming it at her temple, Ellen doing the same.

"See that Ava girl was right. Once you give in to it, there's all sorts of new Jedi mind tricks you can learn." Jake smirks.

"Let them go." Sam growls.

"Shoot him." Ellen and Natalie chorus.

"You'll be mopping up skull before you get a shot off." Jake says. "Everybody, put your guns down. Except you two, sweethearts." The four guys put their guns down. "Okay. Thank you."

Jake turns to the crypt, taking the colt out. Bobby and Jacob grab Ellen, forcing her gun to aim in the air. Dean grabs Natalie, forcing her to shoot the sky. Sam grabs his gun, shooting Jake four times. Jake falls to the ground, Sam walking over.

"You okay?" Dean asks his sister, making sure she isn't injured.

"Yeah." She nods.

"Please... don't." Jake gasps out.

Sam shoots him three times in the chest, killing him. The others walk past him, Natalie giving her twin a concerned look as she goes by.

The crypt's separate engravings spin in different directions and then stop.

"Oh, no." Bobby mumbles.

"Bobby, what is it?" Ellen asks.

"It's Hell." Bobby states.

Dean grabs the colt.

"Take cover! Now!" Bobby shouts.

They all run for cover behind tombstones. Jacob yanks Natalie behind a large tombstone, covering her head with his hand as they hear the doors burst open.

Black demon smoke pours out of the crypt, all going different directions.

"What the hell just happened?!" Dean asks.

"That's a devil's gate! A damn door to Hell!" Ellen informs. "Come on! We gotta shut that gate!" Everybody but Dean rushes to the crypt.

"If the demon gave this to Jake... then maybe..." Dean turns around, Yellow Eyes, flinging the gun from Dean's hand and into his.

"Boys shouldn't play with daddy's guns." He flings Dean through the air, him hitting his head on a tombstone.

"Dean!" The twins shout, seeing the demon standing over him. They rush in his direction, the other three hunters struggling more to shut the doors.

The demon throws Sam into a tree and then throws Natalie into a different tombstone, the young woman hitting her head.

"I'll get to you two in a minute, champ, sweetheart. But I'm proud of you, Sammy. Knew you had it in you." Yellow Eyes says. "So, Dean... I gotta thank you. You see, demons can't resurrect people unless a deal is made. I know, red tape, it'll make you nuts. But thanks to you, Sammy's back in rotation."

"Now, I wasn't counting on that, but I'm glad. I liked him better than Jake, anyhow. Tell me... have you ever heard the expression, "If a deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is"?"

"You call that deal good?"

"Well, it's a better shake than your dad ever got. And you never wondered why? I'm surprised at you. I mean... you saw what your brother just did to Jake, right? That was pretty cold, wasn't it? How certain are you that what you brought back is 100% pure Sam?"

"You of all people should know that's what's dead should stay dead. Anyways... thanks a bunch. I knew I kept you alive for some reason. Until now, anyway. I couldn't have done it without your pathetic, self-loathing, self-destructive desire to sacrifice yourself for your family."

He cocks the colt and aims it at Dean. Natalie watches with wide eyes as her father's spirit appears behind Yellow Eyes, wrapping his arms around the demon. The vessel falls to the ground, the gun still in hand. John and the demon wrestle and the demon pushes him to the ground, getting back into the body.

He stands up, finding Dean aiming the colt at him. Dean pulls the trigger, shooting Yellow Eyes in the heart. The demon falls to the ground -- dead.

Bobby, Ellen, and Jacob finally get the doors shut, turning to see John.

Dean and Natalie get up, the three siblings looking at their father. John steps back and disappears in a wave of smoke.

The siblings stand over the demon's body.

"Well, check that off the to do list." Dean lightly laughs.

"You did it." Sam says.

"I didn't do it alone." Dean says.

"Do you think dad really... do you think he really climbed out of Hell?" Sam asks.

"The door was open. If anyone's stubborn enough to do it... it would be him." Dean says.

"Where do you think he is now?" Sam asks.

"I don't know." Dean shrugs.

"I kind of can't believe it, guys. I mean... our whole lives, everything... has been prepping for this, and now I... I kind of don't know what to say." Sam chuckles.

"I do." Dean kneels next to the demon. "That was for our mom... you son of a bitch."

~ ~ ~

"You know, when Jake saw me... it was like he saw a ghost." Sam says as the siblings walk to the Impala. "I mean, hell, you heard him, Dean. He said he killed me."

"Glad he was wrong." Dean says.

"I don't think he was." Sam says. "What happened? After I was stabbed?" He asks, looking between his siblings. He sees the familiar heartbroken look enter Natalie's eyes before she looks away.

"I already told you." Dean says.

"Not everything." Sam says.

"Sam, we just killed the demon. Can we celebrate for a minute?" Dean asks.

"Did I die?"

"Oh, come on."

"Did you sell your soul for me, like dad did for you and Natty?" Sam asks. Natalie looks at Dean for the answer.

"Oh, come on! No!" Dean denies.

"Tell me the truth." Sam says. "Dean, tell me the truth."

"Dean." Natalie mumbles.

"Sam..." Dean chuckles. Natalie feels her heart break, tears springing to her eyes.

"How long do you get?" Sam asks.

"One year." Dean answers. "I got one year."

"No. No." Natalie shakes her head. "Wha-- why?"

"You shouldn't have done that. How could you do that?" Sam asks.

"Don't get mad at me. Don't you do that. I had to. I had to look out for you. Both of you. That's my job." Dean says.

"And what do you think my job is?" Sam asks.

"What?" Dean asks.

"You've saved my life over and over. I mean, you sacrifice everything for me. Don't you think I'd do the same for you? You're my big brother. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you. And I don't care what it takes, I'm gonna get you out of this. Guess I gotta save your ass for a change."

"Dean..." Natalie sadly whispers.

"Natty, don't. We both know you have a favorite brother and it's him. You're wrecked without Sam. You don't need me as much, you hate me."

"I don't hate you." Natalie says.

"Come on." Dean scoffs. "After all the crap I've pulled? You still give a single shit about me?"

"Yes. You've... you've made up for it."

"Not enough."

"Well, you were supposed to live long enough to continue. And I'm with Sam. I'm gonna make sure you do."

"Yeah." Dean whispers.

"Well..." They turn to Bobby and the two Harvelles as they approach. "Yellow-Eyed Demon might be dead. But a lot more got through that gate."

"How many you think?" Dean asks.

"100. Maybe 200. It's an army. He's unleashed an army." Sam says.

"Hope to hell you kids are ready. Cause the war has just begun." Bobby says.

"Well, then..." Dean smiles. They put their stuff in the trunk. "We got work to do." He shuts the trunk.


Natalie is sitting on the porch steps at Bobby's place, needing time alone. She's mulling over Dean's deal and how they could possibly get him out of it. She also thinks of whatever Sam won't tell her that Yellow-Eyes said. Plus the apology she owes Jacob for avoiding him.

She hears the door open and the person sits next to her. She glances over for a brief moment, seeing it's Jacob.

"Hi." She mumbles.

"Hi." He replies.

"So, um... are you-- are you going with your mom?" Natalie asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, think it's best if I stick with her for a bit." Jacob says.

"Yeah. Yeah, I get that." Natalie quietly says. "Look, Jacob, I... I'm really sorry. For ignoring you. Avoiding all your texts and calls."

"Why did you?" Jacob asks.

"I thought it would make you safer. I mean, after I... I was possessed and I hurt you, I-- I didn't wanna hurt you again. And not responding to you probably did hurt, so, technically, I failed anyway at not hurting you again. But I haven't stabbed you again, either, so..."

"I know it wasn't really the best way to go about it. I should've just talked it or something, I... I don't know. I'm sorry."

"I can get that." Jacob shrugs. "I forgive you."

"You do?" Natalie asks.

"Yeah. Yeah. You know, I had this whole plan to stay pissed at you. But-- but seeing you when my mom and I got to Bobby's earlier." He clicks his tongue. "Just couldn't do it." He smiles slightly.

"Why?" Natalie asks.

"I guess I just missed you too much." Jacob says, looking at her with a small smile. Natalie's lips quirk up a bit.

"I missed you too." Natalie says.

"Good to know." Jacob says. "So we're good?" He holds his right hand out.

"We're good." Natalie shakes his hand.

They continue to shake hands for a few moments. Natalie's eyebrow quirks up when he doesn't let go of her hand, but stops shaking it. They glance between each others' eyes and lips.

Jacob cups her face with his free hand, leaning forward, connecting her lips wit his. Natalie immediately kisses him back, her free hand going up to his hair. They let go of each other's hands, Jacob's cupping the other side of Natalie's face, and she wraps her arm around the back of his neck.

Natalie falls back a bit, resting against the wooden post behind her as they continue to kiss.

After a few minutes, they break apart, Jacob not moving too far away from Natalie's face, their breath fanning each other across the other's face.

"That was really good." Jacob says.

"Yeah. Yeah." Natalie nods.

"You wanna, like... go find a car and... get more comfortable?" Jacob asks.

"In the back of a car?" Natalie asks.

"Maybe." Jacob shrugs.

"You are such a guy. I am not having our first time in the car. This is not a friends with benefits thing. That shit is too complicated." Natalie says.

"So, then what is this?" Jacob asks.

"Either you're my boyfriend... or it's a one night stand. Or, well, one day stand, whatever." Natalie says.

"Well... I do like a woman who knows what she wants." Jacob mumbles.

"And I don't want to have sex in the back of a broken down car in my father figure's junkyard." Natalie says.

"Okay, okay. We'll... we could go to town later? Go get dinner for everybody... stop by a motel on the way there." Jacob says.

"You are so horny." Natalie mumbles.

"Yes." Jacob nods, the two laughing.

"Okay, um... when there is a decent time -- and place -- we will have sex then." Natalie says.

"What if we leave now? Then we have hours to come back." Jacob says.

"I can work with that." Natalie says.

"Oh, well, I see I'm not the only horny one." Jacob smirks.

"Shut up." Natalie smacks his arm.

"So, uh... is this a one night stand or a couple thing? You know, before I get too attached?" Jacob asks.

"I guess we'll find out." Natalie says.


End of season 2!!!

And also John did not go to Heaven cuz it's my book and I say so 😂😂🤪💖💖

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