It Takes A Village

By tianawritesthings

277 15 26

Six college freshman are peered up for a group project forming a deep bond that turns into friendship, love... More

002 | Freshman Year Bitches!

001 | Ain't this what they've been waiting for?

83 3 15
By tianawritesthings

"When you let go of who you used to be. You are becoming who you are supposed to be."
                                                - Unknown

Do you know that saying that high school will be the best four years of your life? Well, that's bullshit...

College is where it's at and not just any college either.

It is at an HBCU.


Barreling down the I-95 in my blue 2008 Honda Civic with my brother and reluctant parents in tow I finally reach the state line of Delaware. The hot August sun beams through the windows and onto my skin a sepia, reddish brown. I can feel the sweat form along the edges of my braided ponytail as I look for a sign for the nearest rest stop.

Which I found was just shy of three miles away and in the vicinity of a Target. Perfect for last minute shopping so I
drive full steam ahead.

In T- minus one hour the life I know will change, a thought that brings with it excitement and anxiety.

What if I made the wrong choice? Choosing Dubois over Columbia was an easy decision. I had no interest in going there but the consequences of that decision were major.

My parents Jennifer and David Campbell went to City Tech. It's where they met. My mom studied nursing and my dad information science. They sacrificed a lot when they had me in their early 20s. My dad dropped out and got a job assisting a mechanic while putting himself through trade school to become one himself giving up his dream of becoming an engineer. My mom worked night shifts at our local hospital's trauma center, in rain, sleet, or snow she was there.

My parents' dedication to their jobs meant the downfall of their marriage and having my younger brother didn't do much to help the situation. By the time I turned 8, they couldn't even stand to be in the same room as each other. Their only comfort was in the life they meticulously planned for me which I had every intention of living until I met Desean. An artist, a player, and the father of my two-year-old baby girl.

Desean was the only person who encouraged my dream of becoming a professional dancer. Everyone else said I'd just be wasting time and money on the off chance that I would be successful but he believed in me. An unlikely friendship turned into something more and against my better judgment I fell in love. We had sex and when I admitted how I felt about him he dropped me like a hot potato.

Not gonna lie it stung and three months later I found out I was pregnant. My parents were pissed and told me that they wouldn't support me throwing my life away but Desean offered his support unconditionally.

Two years later, I am facing the consequences of telling my parents to let me live my life. I can do so but with terms and conditions. Among them was the requirement that If I wanted my parents to help fund my education (they were only paying for room and board ) I had to pursue a degree in medicine, engineering, or law, maintain a GPA of 4.0 every semester and I had to focus on school and only school which means I have ZERO time for relationships.

Between classes and all of the extracurricular activities my parents want me to "consider" I doubt, I'll have time to breathe. This summer was packed enough between my part-time job as a Sweet Greens cashier, caring for my daughter, to my volunteer work at a local women's shelter I barely had time to prepare for college and whatever I didn't have on hand I would have to find a way to get it in DC.

" Don't take too long in there we can't be here all day," my dad hollers after me

" Ok, do you need anything?"

" Just some Ibuprofen that damn radio is giving me migraines for days" my mom says letting out an exasperated sigh

I chuckle and my brother shuts the door behind him as the HBCU classic Dreams and Nightmares blares through the speakers

I used to pray for times like this

To rhyme like this

So I had to grind like that-


" IN THE BACK OF THE PADDYWAGON, CUFFS LOCKED ON WRISTS" Jared continues and for a while, we stay like this dancing to the music like we did when we were kids wild and carefree.

" If you two don't hurry up," my dad exclaims and my mom pelts a pen at us.

"Okay okay, we're going  jeesh !"

With that, we take off running into Target

"Can you read through the list again?" I say

" Let's see cups, plates, bowls, utensils, mattress protector/ topper, towels, an air fryer, an electric kettle -" Jared begins only to be interrupted by my notifications going off repeatedly.

Mom: Hurry up you know your father can't see in the dark 😡

Dad: Niy your mother is driving me crazy

Miko💜 (Roomie): Hey girl are u here yet? I just checked in. Can't wait to meet u 💜

Me: No I'm on my way though

Just making a Target run...need anything?

Miko💜 (Roomie): No

We join the line, and just as we make it to the front my notifications go off again.

Miko💜 ( Roomie) : Are you still in Target? I'm out of Command Strips I'll pay you back

" Be right back," I whisper to Jared

"Wait I can't pay for all of this -"

I walk around aimlessly until I find a worker.

Definitely in home improvement, they said.

It was most definitely not in home improvement or the Back To College section. Or anywhere else you'd think Command Strips would be and by the time I found it I had received 14 missed calls from my parents who were no doubt annoyed at my lack of time management skills.

An hour later, we'd arrive safely and begin unloading the car.

I went inside to check in only to realize I didn't have my wallet which meant I didn't have my ID either. I run back out to the car, emptying the contents of my tote bag, and searching under seats and in compartments to no avail.

My wallet with my id, debit card, credit card, cash, and basically my entire life was missing.

No. Not missing.

At this rate, it was probably gone.

" Shit, uh I can't find my wallet,"

" Did you look -" Jared starts

" Of course, I fucking looked it's not here!" I all but scream " Something just had to go wrong. didn't it? Someone's probably setting up a 75-inch tv in their house right now," I groan


" Jahniya, calm down we'll find your wallet. Let's just call Target and see if anyone turned it in."  My dad assures

" You know you should really be more  -"

" Responsible? I know," I say cutting off yet another one of my mother's I told you so speeches and going back inside to explain the situation

" We need photo identification, do you have a passport with you?" The man at the front desk asked

" No, I don't but - "

" Then I'm sorry hun there's nothing I can do for you," he responds in a matter-of-fact tone

" I can call my roommate or would you accept a photo of it? I should have a scanned copy. Please I came all the way from New York." I plead my case

" I guess a photo should be fine for now you can go," a woman who I presume to be his boss answers.

" Thank You!" I exclaim

" Welcome to Quad" she replies and goes about her business

I turn to see my dad standing in a corner next to the raggedy green cart with my belongings I walk up to him and he traps me in a hug so tight I can barely breathe.

" I just can't believe my little girl is leaving me,"  He exclaims voice breaking

" Dad, are you -"

"Someone's cutting onions -" Jared chokes out and joins in on the hug

From the corner of my eye, I can see my mother s watching me wrapped up in their love with a faraway look in her eyes and a part of me wants to reach out to be as close to her as I was when I was younger until she turns away getting in  the car.

" I'm going to miss you guys, "  I say

" We'll be here all weekend in case you need anything and we're going back to Target to get the wallet. You don't get to miss us yet! Now go upstairs and unpack!" My dad says shooing me away


About an hour later, I am settling into my home for next nine months H-307 and my roommate Miko, a half-Ghanaian, half-Japanese biology major from Jersey is hanging pictures on the wall above her bed when there's a knock on our door.

" Open," we shout in unison

We are met by a petite woman wearing Dubois College Sweater in our official colors black and gold and a dazzling smile.

" Hey girls,  welcome to Hurston Hall I just wanted to introduce myself! I'm your RA Rochelle, a sophomore Criminology major from Orlando, Florida. If you need any advice, assistance or have any issues with your floor mates I'm just down the hall. The last door to the right across from the staircase. If I'm not here feel free to contact me through our floors GroupMe or privately . The QR code is on the bulletin board across from the elevator scan it as soon as possible."

" Now that that's out of the way, how's it going? Are you guys settled in? Have you registered for all of your classes?"

" Its going okay we're still settling in," Miko says " I think I have like 21 credits...I transferred some from my AP's in high school"

" I have 12. Should I have more?" worry creases my forehead

"You should have at least 15 to be considered a full time student. But you still have another two weeks to add more classes to your schedule. Just don't wait too long or all of the good classes will be full." Rochelle explains

"Good luck, it was nice talking to you guys but I have somewhere to be. I'll see you around." she concludes walking away and leaving us to our own devices

As she rounds the corner I make my way to the bulletin board and scan the QR code as a small crowd starts to gather around me.

" Hi," I say more of a question than an introduction turning to face them

" You're Jahniya right?" one of the girls asks

" Y- yeah and you are?"

"Oh, I'm Kimberly from 302. Sorry about that I just got a little excited I thought everyone had moved in already. You're from Brooklyn right? My boyfriend's from there. I'm from California . You can call me Kim,"

" Oh," I say walking back to my room

I step inside and some of the girls follow making themselves comfortable in the corners that weren't covered in boxes.

"I guess you can come in," I mutter to myself

" I didn't want to intrude," replies a girl standing in the doorway

" Girl it's not intrusive it's building a sisterhood. You guys are welcome in our room anytime. Right Amani?" Kim asks gesturing to a timid looking girl next to her

"Yeah sure," Amani nods in agreement

" What's your name?" I question the girl who had taken a few steps away from the doorway

" Chrystiana," she says with a distinct accent that I later learned was Baltimorean.

A series of nice to meet you's were spread around the room and we sat there for a moment in silence until someone said :

" You guys want to play a game or something? I have Uno,"


Four rounds later I knew the names, birthdates, IGs and more of everyone in the room. They'd even helped unpack some of our stuff, we sat on the floor practically inhaling the contents of Miko's snack stash and laughing at stories of our failed first dates until our stomachs hurt. Maybe this is what it's like to have sisters. Before we knew it it was three am and nobody wanted to leave but we'd all had long days and decided to call it a night.

Although this was the most free I'd felt in over a year once the girls were gone a pang of loneliness took their place as I closed my eyes and longed for the familiarity of home.

A/N :

Hey! Here it is the first chapter of  It Takes A Village.  Made it just in time for the end of Black History Month. What did you think? Did you like Jahniya and her family or is it too soon too tell? What did you think of the other characters?

Thank you so much for reading.

- Tiana ❤️

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