The Time Travelers Wife (Book...

By AdriWrites16

156K 3.9K 5.2K

This is book three of The Time Traveler's Wife! This is based on Season three of The Umbrella Academy. Five H... More

Welcome โ˜‚
Meet the Siblings! (Book/season 3)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 (part 1)
Chapter 25 (part 2)
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 (Epilogue)
Bonus Chapter (Gabi's origin story)
Book Q and A
Bonus chapter 2 (Five and Y/n's kids)
Bonus Chapter 3
TTTW bonus chapter book!

Chapter 10

4.6K 107 145
By AdriWrites16

Y/n's POV:

"Alright, you guys ready," Five asks as Lila and I stand next to him.



Five picks up the briefcase that was in front of us. Lila and I put our hands on Five's shoulder. He opens the briefcase and it powers up. A couple of seconds later we disappear into the blue light.

I groan in pain as Lila, Five and I land on one of the tables in the hotel lobby. The table breaks and the three of us fall onto the ground and on top of each other. I try to put my hand on Lila so I can help myself up but she just pushes me off of her.

"Shoo," she says as she pushes me.

Five stands up and holds out his hand out for me. I take it and he pulls me up.

"You okay," he asks as he moves some hair away from my face.

"Yup, all good. You?"

"All good."

"Where have you been," Viktor asks us.

"Facing our mortality, Viktor. I don't recommend it," Five says.

"You had the briefcase? We've been looking for this," Allison says angrily as she storms towards us.

"Well, look no further. That's the last one on Earth," Five says as he points to the briefcase.

"Or was the last one," I mumble.

Allison picks up the briefcase and examines it. Five and I step towards her and look at the briefcase. Yeah...this thing was not usable. It had dents all in it from where Five, Lila, and I landed on it. It also had smoke coming from it. I watch as Allison scoffs and throws the briefcase to the ground. She storms over to the stairs and sits on them. Jesus christ what has been her problem lately?

"Yeah, that's toast," Five says as he examines the briefcase some more. When some more smoke starts coming from it he tosses it onto the ground. "Oh shit. All right."

I watch as Lila runs over to Diego and hugs him. Diego was shocked at first but hugs her back.

"Hey. You're happy to see me. What's wrong," Diego asks.

"Turns out there's less time to hold grudges than I had planned. You're off the hook. Hey, where's Stan," Lila asks as she looks around.

A small smile comes to my face. As much as I dislike Lila, it kinda feels nice to see her and Diego back. Diego looks less depressed now. Even tho I hate to admit it, Lila is starting to warm up to me. And I know she is slowly warming up to Five too. Doesn't mean she is off the hook for what she did in Dallas but a part of me feels bad for her because of how The Handler used her. Five won't admit it, but I know deep down he feels a little bit sorry too. And I didn't even have to read his mind to find that out.

I jump a little when someone's put their hand on my shoulder. I look over to see it was Five.

"You good," he asks.

"Yup, all good."

"Good." Five gives me a small smile before turning around and pointing to Luther and Diego, who were now talking to each other. "Hey, Chatty Cathys, quit the chitchat, all right? I'm calling a family meeting here."

Just as Lila was about to walk away, Diego grabs her arm and pulls her back.

"Ah, ah, ah. That means you too," he says.

"Where's Klaus," I ask as I look around.

Diego looks around for a second before stopping and staring at something in the hallway. I turn around to see it was Stan. He was holding a bunch of cleaning supplies and looked...scared? He and Diego make eye contact for a few seconds before Stan quickly walks away.

"I'll be right back," Diego says as he walks away.

"Don't leave me with your-," Lila begins to say.

"Dieg- Lost another. Great," Five mumbles.

"Y/n, Five, spit it out," Allison, who was now sitting on the steps of the stairs, says.

I turn around and look at her. When she sees the small scowl on my face she rolls her eyes. Damn, she is getting on my nerves.

"Oh, well, since you asked so nicely, sister mine, our little paradox brought forth a freaking Kugelblitz," Five says.

Allison scoffs and rolls her eyes as she leans back on the steps of the stairs.

"What the hell is a Kugelblitz...," Viktor asks cautiously.

Five and I both look at each other for a second. I can tell we were thinking the exact same thing.

"We need a drink or two while we explain this," I say as we walk over to the bar.

  ☂ ♡ ☂ ♡ ☂ ♡ ☂ ♡

I put my head in my hands as I listen to everyone talk. I learned two things in the last 15 minutes. 1; Harlan, the little boy from Sissy's farm back in Dallas, is here. And surprise! He has powers. Oh, and he killed Jayme and Alphonso. 2; My siblings are idiots. Five and I have been trying to explain to everyone what a Kugelblitz is, but they still don't seem to understand.

"So this Kugelblitz, it's...," Viktor begins to ask.

You know, if I took a shot every time someone said "Kugelblitz" in the last 15 minutes... well, I'd probably be passed out on the floor.

"The end of everything. Every rock, every star, every atom sucked into a radiant black hole," I tell everyone.

"Randomly collapsing matter every moment in time across all existence till nothing's left," Lila adds.

"Hate to say we told you so, but...," Five begins to say.

"You love to say I told you so," Viktor says.

Five and I both raise our shot glasses and take a sip. He was right. When I look at the, now empty, shot glass in front of me I take the bottle of Rum out of Five's hand.

"Give me that," I mumble. I take a swing from the bottle and let out a sigh. "Much better."

Five looks at me for a second before shrugging his shoulders and grabbing another bottle of rum. He opens the bottle and takes a swing from it.

"Cheers to the end of the world," I mumble as I hold up my bottle.

Fives holds his up and we clink them together. Just as I was about to take another sip from the bottle, I hear a voice in my head.


I jump a little and almost drop the bottle, but I catch myself on time. I look up to see that luckily no one saw. Well, no one saw it except Lila. She was laughing a little bit. Everyone else was just drinking their drinks while thinking.

"Really? Had to mimic my telepathy when I'm literally right in front of you," I ask Lila.

"Well yeah, didn't want to piss off your little husband. But look at the man behind me in the hat. He has been staring at us and taking pictures of you."

Lila and I look at the man she was talking about and watch as he smiles and raises his shot glass toward us. Lila gives him a fake smile before turning back towards me.

"If you don't stop staring at her and taking pictures of me I will waterboard you with this alcohol," I tell the man telepathically.

He looks at me for a second before rolling his eyes and walking away.

"You know, it's impressive. Whoever knocked off your mums hated you all enough to end the entire universe," Lila says.

"We don't know that," Viktor quickly tells us.

"It doesn't matter who created the thing. We just have to kick its ass," Allison says.

"Oh really? How? Are you and Diego gonna punch it in the Kugel," Luther asks. Allison rolls her eyes and leans back in her chair.

"The best plan is to go back in time and eliminate the paradox and destroy whatever it was that took out our mothers and stop the Kugelblitz before it starts, but we can't do that. Briefcase is kaput," Five tells everyone.

"And why the hell can't you just jump us out of here," Allison asks.

"Last time I tried that, we all got trapped in time. Do you really wanna risk that again?"

"What's plan B," Viktor asks. I look at everyone for a second before letting out another sign.

"We accept our fate and die."

Right as I say that, the elevator door opens. We all look over to see Klaus, Diego, and Stan walking towards us. When Klaus gets close enough to us, I give him a confused look. He had a blood stain right where his chest is.

"What happened to you," Five asks.

"Oh, just a speargun to the chest. No big deal," Klaus says as he walks over to us. My eyes widen as I look at Klaus. A speargun to th- what the hell?!

"What did we miss," Diego asks as he and Stan walk over to us.

"The universe is ending, and we're all going to die," Lila says. Stan's eyes widen as he looks at Lila.

Right as I take another sip from the bottle, the lights in the hotel flicker and a big blue wave quickly moves past us, causing us all to lose our balance. Before I could fall on the floor Five catches me and helps me up.

"Thanks," I say.

"No problem."

We listen as people in the lobby scream as they get sucked into the Kugel Wave. I watch as the guy who was staring at Lila and me earlier gets sucked into the wave. A couple of seconds later it comes back towards us. As the wave reaches us, my bottle of Rum disappears from my hand.

"Damn," I mumble.

"What the hell was that," Diego asks.

"That was a Kugel wave," Five tells everyone.

"It's getting worse," I say.

I look down when I feel something on my hand. A small smile comes to my face when Five interlocks his fingers with mine. I watch as he starts playing with my wedding and engagement ring. Kinda like what he did when we were walking in the park on our first day here. He must be nervous. I lift his hand to my lips and place a kiss on it.

"We'll be okay," I tell him telepathically. He gives me a small smile and puts a kiss on my hand.  

"How long do we have," Luther asks.

"At this rate of escalation, if you factor in-"

"How long," Luther asks again, cutting me off.

"Four, maybe five days before the rest of existence is blitzed," Five says.

"We should've given them Harlan," Luther tells Viktor.


"What about Harlan," Diego asks.

"The Sparrows said if we turned him over, we could end the fighting, and then work together to save the world. But if we didn't--," Luther begins to say, but Viktor cuts him off.

"But we tried to make peace. Okay? And then the step-siblings from hell attacked, kidnapped you, and they tried to kill us. I mean, come on. We can't trust them. Working together would be like trying to defuse a bomb by pouring gas on it. It's only gonna make things burn down faster."

"But don't we need the big bad glowy thing in their basement," Klaus asks. Five and I slowly sit up and look at Klaus.

" you know where the Kugelblitz is," I ask cautiously.

"Oh, yeah. I saw it," Klaus says. He lets out a dramatic gasp and looks at us. "When I went to visit Dad. It's in the old storage room where Mom used to keep all her luggage."

"Why didn't you tell anyone," Diego asks.

"I did. I told you!"

"You say stupid shit all the time!"

"Of course it appeared in the same place we did," I tell Five.

"I say important stupid shit," Klaus tells Diego.

"It's not my fault that I don't know what stupid shit you say is important!"

"That's not your fault? I'm inside your brain, pulling levers and stuff!"


I look around the room to see that Luther and Viktor were now gone.

"Where did Luther and Viktor go," I ask Five.

He looks around and notices that they were gone. We walk from behind the bar and look around. When I hear a familiar voice Five and I walk towards it.

"Well, he's clearly got some kinda hold over you. Stop covering for him."

"Covering what," Five asks.

Luther and Viktor turn around and look at us. I can hear everyone else walking up behind us.

"What's going on," I ask Viktor and Luther. Viktor looks at all of us for a second before letting out a small sigh.

"He didn't mean to hurt anyone," He says.

"Really? You mean, when he did this," Luther asks as he points to the cut on Viktor's cheek. I can hear Stan wince from behind me.


"Wait, Harlan did that? That's it, I'm gonna end him," Diego says as he looks around.

"Look, I know how it looks, but Harlan didn't ask for this. If we hadn't gone back to 1963, if I hadn't had saved him-"

"He killed Jayme and Alphonso, not you. He's the reason we're in this mess, and he's our only way out of it," Luther says.

"Luther's right. If we're gonna have an iota of a chance of getting out of this alive, we need access to the Kugelblitz," Five tells Viktor

"There's only four of them left. We can just overpower them," Viktor says.

"What, and risk losing some of us in the process? Harlan is insignificant," I say.

"You two told me once that no one is insignificant," Viktor tells Five and I. He turns his head and looks at everyone else. "They'll kill him."

We all stay silent for a few seconds before Lila speaks up.

"Uh, so? We are talking about one person versus saving billions of lives here. I mean, is this really a debate for you people?"

"Hey, Little Britain? You don't get a vote," Viktor snaps.

"Lila lives in this universe too. Besides, she's family now. Kinda, sorta," Klaus says.

"Thanks, kitten," Lila tells Klaus.

"I don't give a shit about the Sparrows, but I'm not gonna let scary-ass Grandpa finish you off," Diego tells Viktor.

"Five days ago, he was just a little kid. And what? Now I'm supposed to just decide whether he lives or dies?"

"Viktor, we're down to ethical triage here, all right? We can't save everyone," Five tells him.

"The kindest cut wins," I say in a lower voice.

"You always wanted to be on the team. This is what it is. Saving the world means making the hard calls," Luther says.

Viktor looks at us with a sad face. "I hate this."

"Yeah, I know.... I'll go get him," Luther tells us. As he was starting to walk away, Viktor stops him.

"Wait, no. Let me do it. He trusts me. I can convince him to come quietly."

We all look at each other for a few seconds. I give Viktor a nod and he walks away.

"Come on, let's go sit down while we wait," Five says.

He grabs my hand and walks over to one of the chairs that were in the corner of the lobby. He sits on it and pulls me into his lap. I let out a breath as I lay my head on his chest.

"This sucks. I wish we could fix this Kugelblitz," I say.

"Maybe we can and we just don't know how to yet," Five says.

"Well, we better figure it out soon because if we don't we are going to be Kugelblitzed in 4 to 5 days."

"Weren't you the one who just told me that we will be okay?"

"Yes but that's because you were nervous! I was trying to calm you down."

Five smiles and puts his index and middle finger under my chin. He lifts my head up so I am looking at him. I smile a small smile as he leans down and kisses me. I put my hand behind his head and pull his closer to me.

"We will be okay," he reassures me.

My smile becomes a little bit bigger and I nod my head again. I lay my head on Five's chest and grab his hand.

"Have you noticed Allison has been bitchy lately," I ask Five.

"Yup. Something definitely up," Five says. His expression suddenly changes and he gives me a confused look. "When did you get that necklace?"

Now I'm the one with a confused look.  I grab the two necklaces I had on and look at them. One was the necklace Five gave me that had the hourglass and brain charm on it and the other was the necklace Sloane gave me.

"Oh, Sloane gave me this when I was at the Sparrow house. It used to be Gabi's. On their 10th birthday, Gabi got her and Sloane matching necklaces. Sloane's has the moon on and Gabi's has the sun. She said Gabi would have wanted me to have it and...I don't know, it felt like the right thing to do to wear it. I guess to honor her. It's kinda like I'm honoring myself in a way. Does that make sense," I ask. Five smiles and moves some hair from out of my face.

"Yes, that makes sense."

Before we could say anything else, I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I look over to see Viktor walking towards us. Five and I both stand up and walk towards Luther, Klaus, and Viktor.

"Hey. It's time," Five tells Viktor.

"Where's Harlan," I ask.

Viktor looks at all of us for a second before shaking his head. "He's gone."

"You let him go...didn't you," Luther asks.

Viktor just looks at us. You got to be kidding me... I let out a small scoff as I pace around the room. Five just shakes his head and turns around. He puts his hand on the table and looks down, probably trying to think of what we are going to do now.

"Harlan's death is not gonna stop the Kugelblitz. It's just gonna be another tragedy on a tragedy, and we can find another... I-I will find another way," Viktor tells us.

"Well, congratulations, Viktor," Luther says. He chuckles a little as he shakes his head. "You managed to destroy everything. Again."

Luther scoffs as he walks out of the hotel lobby. I let out a defeated sigh and begin walking towards the bar where Klaus was. I watch as Five turns around and looks at Viktor.

"I really thought you were smarter than that," he says.

Viktor just looks down for a few seconds before walking off. Klaus and I watch as Viktor walks away. When he was gone, Klaus turns towards Five and I.

"Well," Klaus says as he jumps off the bar. He taps his shoes together, trying to mimic the sound of clapping. "That went well."

When he sees the look on mine and Five's faces he grabs two shot glasses and pours Vodka into them. Five and I look at each other and shrug our shoulders. We sit in the chairs next to Klaus.

"There," Klaus says as he pushes the shot glasses towards us.

"Thanks," Five and I say at the same time.

The three of us down the shots and set the glasses down. I scrunch my nose from the burn the Vodka left going down my throat. Guess that's what you get when you down cheap Vodka.

"I saw my future self die," Five says as Klaus pours some more Vodka into our glasses. Klaus gasps and looks at Five.

"That's crazy! Almost the exact same thing happened to me. But I didn't die, but I did, but-"

"I pulled the life support plug on my older self...," I say, cutting off Klaus.

"Yeah I don't think there is much you can do about that," he says. I turn and look at both Five and Klaus.

"Get me a doctor when I have a stroke. Five's older self said it was because no one could get me help on time. Probably because I was locked in an iron lung."

"He told me not to save the world. And then he died," Five says. He thinks for a second before shaking his head. "I don't know. What do you think he meant by that?"

"Well, shouldn't you know-" Klaus asks.

"Shouldn't you know about your-," Five begins to asks.

They both stop talking mid-sentence and just look at each other.

"Okay," Five mumbles.

"A toast to the end of the world," I ask as I hold up my shot glass. Five and Klaus both pick up their shot glasses and we cling them together.

"Up your ass."



Five and I give Klaus a confused look as he downs his drink. I let out a small laugh and Five just shakes his head.

"Klaus, we've dedicated our entire life to stopping the apocalypse," Five says.

"Apocalypses, plural," I remind him.

"Right. And he tells us... That it's... it's, what? It's meaningless?"

"Oh, well, I don't know anything-," Klaus begins to say.

"Maybe that's his way of saying not to become him..."

"Yeah and I don't want to become brain-dead," I say.

"Well, we don't know when you suffered that stroke. For all we know you didn't get help because everyone was Kugelblitzed by the time you had the stroke," Five tells me.

"Oh, you two are really messed up about this, huh," Klaus asks us. Five and I hesitate for a moment before speaking up.

"We've cheated time so much...," I begin to say, but I can't even finish my sentence, so Five finishes it for me.

"I guess we just figured we would somehow cheat death. But it turns out, I die a one-armed nightmare inside a bureaucratic hellscape of my own design and Y/n suffers a stroke because she didn't get the help she needs and became brain dead."

"Spoiler alert," Klaus says with a little chuckle.

"Not to mention the trashy tattoo."

Five pulls out the rag the skin was in and throws it onto the bar. Klaus gasps and pokes at the piece of skin.

"Ugh! Is this your skin," he asks.

"Yup. And my older self had the same tattoo but on her arm," I say.

"I'll be damned if I go out with an old man tramp stamp," Five says.

"If you don't wanna end up like this guy and you don't want to become brain dead, why don't you just do something completely different," Klaus asks.

"Like what," I ask.

"I don't know...move upstate, become an alpaca farmer, have the family you always wanted. Get a dog!"

"I like that idea."

"Yeah, we could. The timeline's malleable. We've proven that much. We could try and break the cycle, but...," Five stops mid-sentence to think.

"Yeah, sure. Just keep your arms and extremities away from sharp objects, and if you feel like you are about to have a stroke call a doctor. Oh! And don't join the Mothers of Agony," Klaus tells us.

"What," Five asks.

"The tattoo. It's the symbol of the biker gang, the Mothers of Agony."

"You know them," I ask.

"Like two timelines ago, they were... How do I put it? My farmacistas."

"This is good," Five says as he wraps the skin back up in the rag.

He puts the rag in his pocket and grabs my hand. Right as I was about to take a sip of my drink, Five pulls me up from my chair and drags me with him.

"Thank you, Klaus," Five says before blinking us to our hotel room.

"We are going to find this Mother of Agony place, aren't we," I ask.

"Yup. But I'm changing into a new suit," Five says as he walks over to the wardrobe.

"Yeah me too, my clothes smell sweaty," I say. I walk over to the wardrobe and begin picking out an outfit.

  ☂ ♡ ☂ ♡ ☂ ♡ ☂ ♡

I let out a breath of relief when I see the Mother of Agony sign above me. After walking around the city for two hours, we finally find the place.

"Let's do this," I mumble.

Five grabs my hand and we begin walking towards the entrance of the building. The front of the building had a bunch of motorcycles in front of them. People smoking and talking stood in front of the building. Almost everyone was in biker clothes. I look around as people stare at Five and I. A few of them even mentioned Gabi.

"Is that Gabriella Costa," A woman asks the man next to her.

"Who," the man asks.

"Gabriella Costa Hargreeves. Remember? Went missing back in 2002. Was part of that Sparrow academy thing. Had the superpowers."

"Ohh yeah! She was part of that group of kids that the man adopted. What was his name? Reginald, I think?"

"Sounds about right. I didn't know she was found. And why does she look young?"

"Didn't Pogo used to work with that Reginald man," another man asks.

When we hear that name, Five and I stop walking. I turn towards the people and look at them.

"Wait...did you just say Pogo," I ask as Five and I walk towards the people.

"Yes...," the woman tells us. Five and I look at each other.

"Holy shit...," Five whispers.

"You guys know Pogo," I ask.

The bikers just look at each other. I sign and take my bag off.

"Tell you what," I say as I dig through the bag. I pull out the notebook dad gave me and a pen. I flip to a clean page and begin writing on it. "If you guys tell us where Pogo is I will give you my autograph. Then, you can do whatever the hell you want with it. Sell it on the black market for all I care."

I sign the page Gabriella Costa Hargreeves and draw a little bird on it. When I was done, I tear out the page and put the notebook and pen back in my bag.

"We got a deal," I ask. The bikers all look at each other. A few seconds later the lady sighs and looks at me.

"He's inside. He's with a customer right now," the lady tells us.

I nod my head and hand the paper to the lady. She takes it from my hand and looks at it with a smile. Five grabs my hand again and we begin walking inside.

"That was smart," Five tells me.


When we get inside I look around. Music played from the speakers of the bar while bikers were drinking and playing pool. Most of the lights were dim. However, the lights that were on full brightness were the colors Red, Blue, and Purple. I watch as people stare at Five and I as we walk around.

"What you doing here," a lady with an accent asks.

"Lost, kids," a man asks.

As we were walking, we pass a pole dancer. Before Five could do anything, I smack the back of his head.

"Keep your damn head down," I tell him.

"I wasn't even going to look," Five says as he looks down. I look at the digital clock that was hanging on the wall. It's 3:45 in the morning.

When we pass the pole dancer, Five looks back up. He notices a door that was infront of us and points to it. The door was closed and said "Do not disturb" on it.

"Bet he's in there," Five says.

I can feel and hear as the people behind us watch Five and I. Just as we were about to walk towards the door, I hear a whistle from behind me. Five and I turn around to see a man who looked to be in his 30s walking towards us.

"Hey baby, you lost," he asks as he tries to put his hand on my shoulder. I let out a snicker as Five grabs his hand and stops it from touching me.

"Touch her and I will kill you before you can even beg me to spare your life," Five threatens.

"What? I was just being ni-"

Before he could finish that sentence. I smile and listen as his arm bone cracks.  The man falls to the ground as he cries in pain.

"What the hell did you do," he asks Five.

"Not me. Her," Five says as he tilts his head towards me.

"Pervert," I tell him as we walk away.

"Oh shit, she's that Gabi girl who went missing. The one with the powers," I hear someone say from behind us.

When we reach the door Five pushes it open. Right as we walk inside I see the familiar body of a chimpanzee. He was leaning over a man's arm and it looked like he was giving the man a tattoo.

"Been looking for you," Five tells Pogo as we walk towards him.

Pogo slowly turns around and looks at us. When we see him, Five and I stop walking and stare in shock.

"Holy fuck..."

Fun fact (actually kinda sad): Part of the reason why Sparrow Ben is such a hardass is because he blames himself for Gabi's death, it has been a very eventful week. I found out my Mamma is pregnant and I'm going to have another sibling! I'm so excited about that! I got my homecoming dress and my boyfriend asked me to homecoming.

I'm moving rooms in my house because I said the baby can have my old room and I am going to redecorate the guest room that is in the attic (it's a clean attic don't worry lol. We don't keep anything up there. We made it into a guest bedroom) and make it my room. Which is going to be fun because I LOVE the attic room in our house (and even tho it's higher up than my old room, it will make it easier to sneak out lmao).

Then this guy at the mechanic car place tried to scam me 😀👍🏻 but it's all good because my boyfriend and best friend Papà yelled at him for me lmao Like I said, eventful week 😂

How has your guys' week been? I would love to hear about it!

Outfit for this chapter:

See you guys next chapter!

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