Nick "Goose" Bradshaw X Reade...

By thorandjonathan

331 0 0

fluff, smut, angst, lemon and lime requests are open Fluff - 🦋 Smut - 🌊 Angst - 🧿 Lemon - 💎 Lime - ❄️ I a... More

Goodbye Goosie - 🧿(only a little bit)
Iceman's Sister - 🦋

Mav's Older Sister - 🦋

93 0 0
By thorandjonathan

Pete is my younger brother, we both followed our dad's footsteps in becoming Naval Aviators. But I'm the only one who got the trophy while being in Top Gun (so far). Then after that, I went from base to base teaching a few basic maneuvers to the learning pilots until I was called back to Fightertown to help with Top Gun.

Pete said I could stay with him, but I'd have to stay on the couch cause his friend lives with him and they don't have any spare beds. I was fine on the couch, spent most of my time there as a kid anyway.

I'm currently in the car on my way to Pete's house and listening to Bohemian Rapsody by Queen on my cassette tape. I was jamming out to the chorus before I got a call from someone. I answered the phone as I usually do.

"Hello?" I dragged out the 'el' part a little longer. It was Pete. He'd called to say that he wasn't at the house at the moment but his friend was there so if I needed anything I should ask him.

"Alright, Pete. Love you. Bye." I bid him farewell and hung up the phone and continued on with my drive to Pete's house.


As I got to the house, I looked at it and it was half decent. It was off base, but that's fine, we could just drive there.

I got out the car, grabbed my bag, went up to the door and knocked. I waited a few seconds before someone opened the door. I look up to see a tall, slightly tanned man with a pornstar mustache and beautiful dark brown eyes.

"Hey, you must be Mav's sister. Come on in!" He gestured for me to enter the house, as I was passing him I got a wiff of his cologne and oh my god it smelt gorgeous.

"Yeah, I'm Y/N. But my callsign is Ghost. And you are?" I felt rude asking who he was. Pete didn't tell me anything about the guy for God's sake.

"I'm Goose. But my real name is Nick. You're the Ghost?" Goose looked confused but happy all at once.

"The one and only." I took pride in my reputation suddenly. I settle my bag next to the couch and look back at him.

"Oh my god. Ice isn't gonna believe it! He says how he's going to be the next Ghost but I always told him he could never. Is it true that you became an ace on your second time flying? And that you have the record of flying 18 metres above the ground?" At this point Goose was sounding like a fangirl when she sees her favourite singer or actor.

"I'm gonna answer this in order. One, Ice is full of shit, whoever that is. Two, no I didn't become an ace on my second time it was my third. And three, yes I do. But if you try and beat it I may have to kill you." I said as I put fingers up in order of answering.

Goose stared at me in awe. I got a little self-conscious at this point as he was staring at me, hard. I cleared my throat which got him out of the trance he had put himself in.

"So, how come you're in town?" Goose leaned against the counter as I took a few steps toward him and placed all my weight on my right leg.

"I'm helping instruct Top Gun. You gonna be there?" As soon as I say Top Gun Goose has a look of excitement on his face.

"You're our new instructor?!" Goose was more excited than ever. It put a smile on my face knowing that people admire me. And it also boosts my ego but we don't talk about that.

"Yeah, and don't think I'm gonna cut you some slack because you're my baby brothers best friend." I wagged a finger at Goose and he put his hands up in surrender.

"Wouldn't dream of it ma'am." He had this mischievous smile on his face.


It's been a few of weeks since I started teaching at Top Gun and I've gotten to know a few of the pilots. The ones I've met are Iceman, Slider, Merlin, Jester, Viper, Wolfman, Hollywood and Chipper. They're all decent people. Iceman is a little egotistical in my opinion but other than that he's nice to talk to.

I've gotten closer to Goose as well. And he's a really good pilot. I've started to notice he's very attractive.

Right now, I'm giving a briefing of the training today.

"So we'll be doing the basic training. Targets, emergency training situations etcetera. Any questions?" And Pete, or should I say Mav, instantly puts his hand in the air.

"So will you be flying with us today, Y/N?" He emphasised the 'Y/N' part to get at me because he knows I am only called Y/N outside of Top Gun. The little prick.

"Maverick, you will address me as Ghost. And yes, I will be flying with you today. And you better keep and eye out for me." I raise an eyebrow at Mav and he returns with a devious smirk. I roll my eyes as I gather my papers.


At training, I get into my F-117. It is specifically designed around stealth technology and can't be detected on radars. Which is the main point of today's training. To try and shoot down an enemy jet even if it's undetectable.

I launch my jet and go through the map where I've directed everyone else and have placed myself directly under Iceman as he is at the back of the group, for once.

The only time where I was seen was when I shot past them all and scared the shit out of all of them.

"Good day boys. How's the weather back there?" I had a smirk on my face and I bet they could tell from my voice.

"Ghost, where the hell did you come from? I didn't see you on my radar." Goose sounded frustrated as you could tell in his voice.

"That, my friend, is because of the specific jet I'm flying. No one can see it on a radar my good sir." Everyone sighed in annoyance. I was revelling in this, pissing off people is my specialty.

The rest of training went well, it consisted of all the boys that could to look around and try and find me but it was no use, Maverick and Iceman bickering, Goose focusing really hard on trying to spot me and me "killing" all of them for their training.


After everyone left the changing rooms, I went to my office and began some paperwork, when I heard a knock on my door. I look up to see Mav at the window.

"Come in." I looked back down to the paperwork as Mav sat down in the chair across from me.

"What can I do for you Mav?" I put the paperwork aside and focused all my attention on Pete.

"Well, at the end of the day, me and Goose are going to go to the bar. The others are going to be there too, but if you aren't busy, why don't you come?" Mav leaned back in the chair as if he's gonna say something else.

"Also Goose really likes you and is planning on telling you tonight. You didn't hear it from me." Before I could answer, Mav was already out the door.

So Goose likes me? Huh, who woulda thought?


It's the end of the day and I'm in the bathroom getting ready to go to the bar. Mav and Goose have already left so I had the house to myself for the time being.

I dried my hair and did my skin care routine, which only consisted of moisturiser. I put on some makeup (only adding to my eyebrows, putting on mascara and lipgloss). I went to my bag to see if I had any good clothes and found a short red satin dress that had a slid up the left side with a halter neck. This looks decent.

I put on the dress and matching red heels and got in my car and headed to the bar. I chose not to go in my uniform because it was in the wash at the moment.

I arrived at the bar and could hear every man singing "She's Lost That Lovin' Feelin", must be Mav with one of the many girls he finds attractive. I rolled my eyes as I entered the bar.

I looked around and saw Mav singing to a gorgeous black haired girl, this was one of the few girls Mav actually had good taste on.

I walked over to them after they finished the song and as soon as Goose saw me, his jaw dropped. Just like the cartoons. He was absolutely speechless. All Mav did was roll his eyes with a smile and ordered a drink for me.

"Ghost, you clean up nicely." He had a confident smile on his face, the type of smile that'd make you blush and instantly get butterflies from.

"You don't look too bad yourself Lieutenant." I looked up at him with siren eyes and a smile and his confidence faltered slightly. The affect on this man that I had only made my confidence and ego bigger.

"Why thank you ma'am." He looked at me with a glint of mischief in his eyes.

"You were great during training today." I took the glass off the barman and took a sip.

"Thank you. Me and Mav will beat you next time." Goose gave me a little push on the shoulder with his fist.

"You won't be able to see me on your little RIO radar though, will you Goosie?" I tilt my head to the side with a smirk.

Goose's face went a light shade of pink. How cute.

"I'll find a way honey. I always find a way." He looked me dead in the eyes, almost challenging me.

I shook my head as I looked over to Mav who was practically eating the girl he sang to earlier. God I feel bad for all those girls he sleeps with. Some of them he just fucks then leaves, and some of the ones he likes more it carries on for about 1 week to 1 month. They just get their heart broken. My brother has his reasons, his first heartbreak was by a girl who he dated for about a year and oh my days he loved her so much.

Then she cheated on him.

I got back at her though. I fucked up her car and broke her jaw. I was 17 so nothing serious happened regarding the law. She didn't even call the police either. She just called the ambulance and lied about what happened. Maybe she realised how much of a cunt she was to him.

Anyways, back to me and Goose. He just stared at me with his big doe eyes. God they were dreamy.

"And that way is definitely not gonna work sweetie." I look up at him and he just stares at me. Then he shakes his head, getting him out of the trance he was in.

"Oh it will. You'll see. Just you watch." He points his index finger at me like an old man telling kids to get off his front garden.

"And what if I don't want to?" I change the tone in my voice to a soft one.

"Then I'll just have to..." He pauses thinking about his words carefully as if his life depended on it.

"Make you." He finishes his sentence after a short while. I widen my eyes in shock. Goose has never been that forward with me. Wow. I like this side of him.

"Well, guess I can't come back with anything for that. Another drink? It's on me." I offer but he shakes his head.

"Got training early tomorrow morning, don't we?" He leans his heads towards me a little.

The realisation appears on my face. I thought it was my damn day off. But Goose found this so funny. He broke into a fit of laughter.

"Oh shut up! It's not funny!" I slap his shoulder with the back of my hand.

"Oh it is!" Goose slaps my shoulder back as he continues to laugh. I shake my head as I down the rest of my drink.

"You know... I'm thinking Mav is gonna go home with that girl later. And I'm getting quite tired. And we came in his car. So could we go back in yours?" Goose placed his elbow on the bar and put all his wait there.

"Oh god, yes please. These heels have been killing my feet ALL night." I quickly remember how badly these heels would make my feet feel in the morning.

"Why don't you just take them off?" Goose looks down at my feet then back up to my eyes.

"Because I don't want my feet getting stepped on AND fuck knows what's on these floors." I roll my eyes at his dumb yet smart suggestion.

"Let's go. I'm in need of that comfy couch." I jump off the barstool and walk towards the door. Goose following close behind not to lose me.

When I get out of the door, the fresh air smacked me in the face and it was so refreshing. We both head to my car and get in. I start the car after fastening the seat belts and pull out of the car park. I put on the radio and "Long Time Coming" by Ready For The World came on.

"God I love this song!" I had a bright smile on my face while quickly glancing Goose momentarily. Goose just smiled and bopped his head to the beat.


We get back to the house and Goose unlocks the door. I instantly take my heels off and run to jump on the couch. Goose walked over and sat next to me. There was a silence that I couldn't tell if it was comfortable or awkward.

Goose looked down and twiddled his thumbs then his eyes widened. I look to see what he was looked at and my dragon and roses tattoo was on show. I quickly pulled my dress down and said nothing.

"I like your tattoo. It suits you." Goose says looking back down to see if he could steal another glance at it.

"Really? Most people said I ruined my 'BeAuTiFuL' body with it." I rolled my eyes at the last time someone said it. It was when I was at the beach walking my dog in a bikini. This guy was being a total creep and I told him to piss off and then he said that.

"I don't think you've ruined it. You've only made it better if I'm being honest. If that's even possible." I looked at Goose like he was a madman.

"Is that you or drunk you talking?" Goose lets out a chuckle as I continue to look at him, confused.

"I haven't had one drop of beer. So I'm stone cold sober honey." My face went bright red. I couldn't get a single word out. I couldn't form words in my mouth. I wanted to say something, anything.

"Kiss me." It didn't even come out as words. It sounded like I was a baby saying its first words. God I'm such a fucking melon.

Goose just froze. Now he was like me. Then I get control of my body back as I couldn't move a single fucking inch before.

I looked at Goose and he didn't move an inch. I decided to forget about everything that could happen after this and grabbed Goose's face and smashed my lips against his. He flinched but then began to kiss me back. And oh my god, best kiss I have ever had in my entire life.

The kiss deepened when I moved over to sit on his lap. His hands moved down to my waist and he squeezed it. My hands went to the back of his neck and pulled him closer. After a while, we both pulled away for air.

"Wow." We both said in unison. We just stared at each other until we heard the door open. We both turned to see Maverick in the doorway. Shocked is the only word I could describe him as.

"I'm way too tired to ask about this. We're talking about this in the morning. Got it?" Before Mav could let either of us speak, he walked into his room and shut the door.

Me and Goose turned to each other and giggled.

"Can't believe I just kissed Mav's older sister."

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