Fearless 3 (Zombies 3 story)

By Perksofbeingjune34

13K 169 198

Zahara is back and better than ever. Zed is now fighting for more things for Zombies including trying to get... More

Quick note
Meet The Characters
Welcome Back to Seabrook
Alien Invasion
Meeting The Aliens
Ain't No Doubt it
So Far for in Seabrook High
Rudy's Music Shop
Cheer practice/Come On Out
Secrets are Revealed
Exceptional Zed/Issac's Confession
I'm Finally Me/ Cheer off disaster
Helping the aliens/ Saying Goodbye
Graduation/ Nothing But Love
Bonus Chapter - Beach Day
Bonus - Concert performance
Graduation/ Marriage Proposal


666 11 28
By Perksofbeingjune34

Zahara's pov


I'm getting married!!!

After weeks of planning, the day finally came.

Addison is my maid of honor and Zed is Wyatt's best man

Willa, A-li, Alice, Alexandra, Eliza, A-spen,Bree, Marie, and Wynter,Stacey and Lacey are my Bridemaids.

A-lan, Alistar, Bonzo, Fabian, Issac, and JC are Wyatt's groomsmen.

Zoey ofc is the flower girl along with her friend Wanda.

Me and the girls were at the place where the wedding was taking place as I was getting my hair and makeup done.

I was sitting in the chair as my leg was shaking causing Tala to chuckle and say

"Nervous are we?"

I scoffed pretending to not be nervous saying

"No I'm not nervous."

Tala gives me a really look as I sighed saying

"Ok fine I am terrified. What if everything goes wrong? What if he changes his mind? Or What if...."

Addison walks over to me as she chuckles and say

"Whoa Z. Breathe ok? Everything is going to go as plan."

Willa looks at me with a soft smile saying

"And i know my brother won't change his mind. You're his mate. You guys both love each other"

A-spen smiles saying

"I agree."

Alice looks at me and say

"So take a deep breath ok?"

I took a deep breath as Marie looked at me and say


I nod my head saying

"Yeah" as I continue getting ready.

Wyatt's pov

I was getting ready as I was looking in the mirror fixing my sleeves and tie.

Fabian looks at me and say

"Today's the big day man. How you feeling?"

I let out a breath saying

"I'm hella nervous"

Issac chuckles saying

"Dude, just breathe"

Zed gets up and walks over to me and say

"Don't worry. Everything is going great ok man?"

I took a deep breath saying


Zed says

"Well I'm going to check on my sister ok? You finish getting ready" as Zed left.

Zahara's pov

Tala finished doing my hair and makeup as I put on my amazing and beautiful wedding dress.

Zahara's dress↓↓↓

Bridesmaid's dress/Suit↓↓↓

The girls smiled as Addison says

"Zahara, you look so beautiful"

Abu flies around me making a happy face saying


I chuckled saying

"Thanks Abu"

Then there was a knock on the door as I yell

"Come in!"

The door opened as my dad and my brother Zed came in the room as my dad say

"Hey sweetie are you rea---"

My dad stops talking as he saw me in my dress in awe walking over to me saying


He looks at me for a minute as I notice tears was started forming in his eyes causing me to wipe his eyes and say

"Aw dad, don't cry or I'm going to start crying and mess up my makeup then I'm going to have to deal with Tala"

My dad chuckled saying

"I'm sorry. You look so beautiful" grabbing my hand

I smiled as he continue saying

"I would've never thought this day would come. Now you're getting married"

I smiled as my brother Zed looks at me and say

"You look amazing Zahara"

I smiled saying

"Thanks Zedster"

Then Tala looked at us and say

"It's time everyone"

Third pov

Everyone was waiting for the wedding to start as Wyatt was at the alter waiting for Zahara to walk down the aisle.

Wyatt's suit↓↓↓

Wyatt was feeling nervous as hell and Zed could see that as he puts his hand on his shoulder saying

"Breathe ok? Everything is going be fine"

Wyatt nods taking a deep breath as the music started playing which was Zahara's song that she wrote about her and Wyatt called Crazier as everyone stands up.

The bridesmaids and the groomsmen came down the aisle first then Zoey and Wanda walked down throwing the flowers on the ground.

Zoey and Wanda's flower girl dress↓↓↓

Then Zahara came out with her dad and started walking down the aisle as Wyatt started to tear up seeing how beautiful Zahara look.

They looked at each other with tears in their eyes and smiles as Zahara reaches Wyatt as her dad Zevon gives her a kiss on the cheek and hands her off to Wyatt.

Zahara looks at Wyatt with a smile and mouthed 'I love you' which Wyatt smiled and mouthed 'I love you too' as the minister smiled saying

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here on this glorious day to witness the union of Wyatt Lykensen and Zahara Necrodopolis. Who gives Zahara off?"

Zevon smiled saying

"I do"

The minister nods his head saying

"Good, Now Wyatt and Zahara, you have special vows for each other. Wyatt you first"

Wyatt clears his throat as he looks at her with a smile and say

"Zahara, that day when we first met, I knew my life was going to filled with joy. I love everything about you from your personality to your beautiful smile. I love how you never let anything get you. You stay true to who you are. I love how you help others even it means risking your life. Being with you makes my world light up in million of fireworks. I'm so grateful to have you in my life and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you" giving her a kiss on her hand.

Zahara smiles with tears in her eyes as the minister looks at her saying

"Zahara, your turn"

Zahara wipes her eyes softly and took a deep breath as she say

"Wyatt, meeting you that day in the woods was the best thing that ever happen to me. You have brought so much joy into my life. You was always being there for me even when I'm feeling down and at my worst. Everything about you just makes my heart skips a beat. Your laugh. Your smile. Your eyes. Everything. Of course we had our ups and downs but we've always learn from it at the end of the day I'm so thankful for having you in my life and can't wait to spend the rest of my live with you"smiling

Wyatt smiles softly as the minister says

"Beautiful. Now may I have the rings""

Addison hands the ring to Zahara while Zed hands Wyatt the ring as well.

The minister looks at them with a smile and say

"Please repeat after me I, Zahara Necrodopolis and Wyatt Lykensen, "

Zahara and Wyatt repeated

"I, Zahara Necrodopolis"

"I, Wyatt Lykensen"

"Give you this ring, Zahara Necrodopolis"

"Give you this ring, Wyatt Lykensen"

"To have and to hold"

"To have and to hold"

"For better or for worse"

"For better or for worse"

"For richer, for poorer"

"For richer, for poorer"

"ln sickness and in health"

"In sickness and in health"

"To love and to cherish as long as we both shall live"

"To love and to cherish as long as we both shall live"

The minister looked at Wyatt and said

"Wyatt, do you take Zahara Necrodopolis to be your wife"

Wyatt smiled at Zahara saying

"Hell yeah I do"

Everyone chuckled as the minister looked at Zahara and say

"Do you Zahara Necrodopolis take Wyatt Lykensen to be your husband"

Zahara gave him a smile and said

"Hell yeah I do"

Everyone chuckled again as The minister looked at them and said

"Now I pronounce you husband and wife, Wyatt, you may kiss the bride"

Wyatt grabs Zahara and dips her as he kisses her. Everyone all cheered for them and their marriage throwing rice and stuff as Wyatt pulls away from the kiss and smiles at Zahara which she smiles back.

Zahara's pov

Now it was time for reception so I changed out of my wedding dress and into something that I could move more in.

Zahara's reception dress↓↓↓

After I dressed, me and Wyatt went to the reception which was so beautiful and gorgeous.

We ended up cutting the cake and fed each other pieces as I took some of icing on my finger and wipe it on Wyatt's face which Wyatt did the same thing with me.

After we cut the cake, it was time for everyone speech.

Everyone went up on stage gave some good speeches of course some threaten Wyatt that if he breaks my heart and stuff like that.

Then my dad, my brother Zed, and my sister Zoey went up on stage as my brother Zed smiles saying

"Zahara, I'm so happy that you finally got your happy ever after. You've have become a beautiful and amazing woman. Not only you're my sister, you're my best friend. Always has and Always been. Congratulations sis. I love you so much"

I smiled as Zed gives the mic to Zoey, she looks at me saying

"Zahara, I'm happy for you and Wyatt. You've been amazing big sister to me. From us rocking out together to you being there for me whenever I was feeling down. Love you so much"

Zoey gives the mic to our dad and runs off the stage and over to me giving me a hug as I hugged her back saying

"I love you too little sis"

Then my dad looks at me and say

"I would've never this day was coming. I remember when I first met Zahara when Zed brought her home and he told me what happened to Zahara's birth parents and how she was living on the street with nothing. That hurt me so bad. So I let her stay with us. Of course she was shy around us but she opened more and we had so many memories like when I first heard her sing or when her and Zed would dance to the music in living room with Zoey. It made me realize that her coming into our lives was the best thing that ever happen to us."

Everyone was in awe as my dad continue saying

"Zahara, throughout my life, I've watched you grow up into a amazing, talented and beautiful woman who will risk her life to help others. You're always true to yourself and never let anything get to you. You're the best thing that ever happened to us. Even though, you're not my blood daughter, I'm so thankful to raise such a beautiful and amazing young woman. So I'm glad that I've been through every step that you take to become who you are today. I love you so much."

I looked at him with tears mouthing 'I love you too' as my dad looks at Wyatt saying

"Wyatt, I'm glad that you're apart my daughter life. Love her. Keep her happy and if you hurt her, we gonna fight it out alright?"

Everyone chuckled as my dad walked off the stage.

Then Issac and Marie went up to the mic as Issac say

"Zahara and Wyatt, congratulations. You guys means the world to us."

Marie says

"I remember the first time you attend Seabrook High and you came in music club. Some people were scared of you which made you upset but me and Issac wasn't. We accepted you for who you are. We quickly bond over the love for music and singing that we knew we were gonna be best friends.

Issac smiles saying

"Wyatt, you became like a brother to me. You were always there giving me the best advice when I needed and I'm grateful for that. Please treat our friend right or else"

Everyone chuckled as Marie say

"May I have the groom and bride to the dance floor for their first dance?"

So me and Wyatt got up and went to the middle of the floor as Issac started playing the melody of the song on the guitar and Marie started singing my song Crazier.

Play the song below↓↓↓

♫I'd never gone with the wind, just let it flow♫
♫Let it take me where it wants to go♫

♫'Til you opened the door♫
♫And there's so much more♫
♫I'd never seen it before♫

Me and Wyatt slow dance while people with love ones started slowing dance as well as Marie continue singing.

♫I was trying to fly, but I couldn't find wings♫
♫But you came along and you changed everything♫

♫You lift my feet off the ground♫
♫You spin me around♫
♫You make me crazier, crazier♫

♫Feels like I'm falling and I♫
♫I'm lost in your eyes♫
♫You make me crazier, crazier, crazier♫

♫I watched from a distance as you made life your own♫
♫Every sky was your own kind of blue♫

♫And I wanted to know how that would feel♫
♫And you made it so real♫

♫You showed me something that I couldn't see♫
♫You opened my eyes and you made me believe♫

Wyatt leans his head on mines causing me to smile softly as Marie continue singing with Alistar slow dancing and Wynter was slow dancing with Issac who playing the guitar

♫You lift my feet off the ground♫
♫You spin me around♫
♫You make me crazier, crazier♫

♫Feels like I'm falling and I♫
♫I'm lost in your eyes♫
♫You make me crazier, crazier, crazier, oh-oh♫

♫Baby, you showed me what living is for♫
♫I don't wanna hide anymore, oh-oh♫

♫You lift my feet off the ground♫
♫You spin me around♫
♫You make me crazier, crazier♫

♫Feels like I'm falling and I♫
♫I'm lost in your eyes♫
♫You make me crazier, crazier, crazier♫

♫Crazier, crazier♫

Marie finished singing as Wyatt gives me a kiss on my lips.

Issac looked at us with a smile saying

"Once again congratulations guys. Now let's get this party started."

Then the music started playing upbeat song which was me and Wyatt's favorite song called Finally Free by Joshua Bassett.

So we danced on the dance floor with me and Wyatt dancing in the middle singing the lyrics having fun. Even Abu was having fun.

Then Wyatt went on stage and grab the mic saying

"Can I have everyone's attention please?"

Everyone looks at him as he continues to say

"I would to like to do something for my beautiful Zahara. So Zahara, this is for you"

I smiled as I see Issac and Alistar walk on stage and grabbed the instruments as they started playing and Wyatt started singing.

Play the song↓↓↓

Wyatt : ♫Every night, every day; how about every lifetime?♫
♫Yeah, I know what they say, and that's fine♫

♫'Cause I'm here to stay through the good and the bad times♫
♫Babe, you send me to space and you're mine, yeah♫

♫Well, call me crazy♫
♫And people saying that we move too fast♫
♫But I've been waiting, and for a reason♫
♫Ain't no turning back♫

All : ♫'Cause you show me something I can't live without♫
♫I believe, I believe, I believe♫

♫When you hold me, it's like Heaven coming down♫
♫I believe, I believe, I believe♫

Wyatt : ♫That you show me

Alistar & Issac :♫(Show me, show me)♫

Wyatt : ♫That you show me♫

Alistair & Issac : ♫(Show me, show me)♫

Wyatt : ♫Everywhere that I go, feeling you all around me♫
♫Now that I got you close, I'm alright♫

I looked at Wyatt with tears in my eyes smiling as he sings. He looks at me and winks as he continues singing

♫Baby, I didn't know, but I'm glad that you found me♫
♫'Cause I'm seeing the most in your eyes, oh yeah, yeah♫

♫Call me crazy♫
♫People saying that we move too fast (Too fast)♫

♫But I've been waiting for a reason♫
♫Ain't no turning back♫

All : ♫'Cause you show me something
I can't live without (Ah yeah, yeah)♫
♫And I believe, I believe, I believe♫

♫When you hold me (When you hold me)♫
♫It's like Heaven coming down (Mmm, yeah, yeah)♫
♫I believe, I believe, I believe♫

Wyatt : ♫That you show me ♫

Alistar & Issac : ♫(Show me, show me)♫

Wyatt : ♫ you show me♫

♫That you show me♫

Alistar & Issac : ♫(Show me, show me)♫

Wyatt : ♫ you show me♫

Wyatt : ♫Doesn't matter anymore♫
♫Now I got you here with me♫

♫Nothing matters any longer♫
♫Now I got you here with me♫

♫I think about you every time I-♫
♫Every time I lose myself again♫
♫I lose myself again♫

All : ♫'Cause you show me something I can't live without♫
♫I believe, I believe, I believe♫

♫When you hold me, it's like Heaven coming down♫
♫I believe, I believe, I believe♫

♫'Cause you show me something I can't live without (Oh yeah)♫
♫And I believe, I believe, I believe♫

♫When you hold me (When you hold me)♫

♫It's like Heaven coming down♫
♫I believe, I believe, I believe♫

Wyatt : ♫Cause you show me♫

Alistar & Issac : ♫(Show me, show me)♫
(Show me something I can't live without)

Wyatt : ♫That you show me♫

Alistar & Issac : ♫ (Show me, show me)♫

Wyatt : ♫no, no♫

Alistar & Issac : ♫(And I believe, I believe, I believe)
(When you hold me, it's like)♫

Wyatt : ♫Heaven coming down♫

Alistar & Issac :♫(Show me, show me)

Wyatt : ♫'Cause you show me♫

Alistar & Issac : ♫(Show me, show me)

Wyatt: ♫I believe, I believe, I believe you

♫Ooh ooh, ooh ooh♫

Wyatt finished singing and walks off stage towards me and gives me a kiss saying

"I love you"

I smiled saying

"I love you too" giving him a peck on the lips.

Then it was time for me to throw the bouquet so all the girls got behind me ready to catch the flowers as I threw the flowers over my head.

The flowers went pass all of them as it landed in Wynter's hands.

I give her a smile as Wynter blushes a little bit and Issac came up to her and gave her a quick kiss.

The future

I looked at the camera as I say

"Hey guys, I told you I'll would update you guys on what's been happening in my live. I'm also here with Abu. Say hi Abu"

Abu was sitting on my shoulder as he made a smiley face at the camera saying


I smiled and say

"So me and Wyatt spent the rest of our lives together happy. I'm still doing music with Issac and Marie. Making songs and traveling around the world. Wyatt still doing his art and it's getting put into art galleries and it's getting a lot of attention."

I smiled as I continue saying

"Zed and Addison got married as well as Zed continues to be a football star and Addison teaching cheer with the help Bree, Bonzo, and The Aceys. Issac and Alistar actually proposed to Wynter and Marie which they said yes so more weddings" as I chuckle

I say

"Oh my little sister Zoey now has a boyfriend which is the boy she was talking to at the beach. She's also dance captain along with her friend Wanda for her dance team. Fabian and Eliza are doing great as well. Now Fabian writes stories like comic books and stuff. As for Eliza, she started her own tech company with the help of A-li, A-spen, and A-lan"

I chuckled softly as i continue saying

"Willa is doing great. She's actually coaching an all girls soccer team and fencing team. This year, they won two championship. Also her and A-spen relationship is doing great as well."

I smiled and say

"A-li and Alexandra is doing good. Alexandra went on to do her photography which is getting a lot of attention. A-lan and Alice are doing great. Alice is now on the record label with me, Issac, Marie, and Alistar which is awesome"

I continue to say

"You guys probably wondering where's Wyatt. Well he had to go pick up someone from somewhere."

I heard the front door open as I smiled at the camera and say

"That's all that's been going on except me and Wyatt have a special someone in our lives now"

I heard little footsteps running to where I was at as my daughter Piper came around the corner smiling big as she came up to me and gave me a hug saying

"Hey mommy"

I smiled saying

"Hey sweetie, how was school today?"

Piper smiled and say

"It was great mommy. We had music class today"

I smiled saying

"Really now? Was it fun?" As I bop her nose

Piper giggled saying

"Yeah it was" as she plays with Abu on the floor.

Wyatt came over to me as he sat down and gave me a kiss saying

"Hey baby"

I smiled saying


Wyatt looks at the camera and say

"Whatcha doing?"

I smiled saying

"I'm doing an update video of what's been going on. I promise the fans that I would"

I looked at the camera and smiled saying

"Everyone, meet our daughter Piper Lykensen"

This is Piper Lykensen↓↓↓

Piper smiles as she waves at the camera and say


I smiled and say

"Piper is half zombie and half werewolf so she does have a Z-band for her zombie side and a moonstone for her wolf. I gave birth to her in March. When I first found out I was pregnant with our first child, I was excited especially Wyatt over here. Let me tell you guys, when I told Wyatt that I was pregnant, this boy was so excited that he did a whole backflip"

Wyatt chuckled saying

"Hey! Don't judge me babe. I was just super excited ok"

I smiled giving him a peck on the lips saying

"I know babe"

I looked at the camera saying

"Abu was also excited as well. As soon as Piper was born, they instantly click. They do everything together. See."

I point the camera at them on the floor playing before facing the camera back to me.

I say

"Oh Before I end this video, I actually have a surprise for Wyatt."

I lean down as I grabbed a little box and handed it to Wyatt.

Wyatt looked at it confused saying

"What is it?"

I smiled saying

"It's a surprise. Open it"

Wyatt open the box and pulled a black and white paper and boy baby shoes

Wyatt looked at it for minute before he looked at me in shock and say

"Are you serious?"

I smiled saying

"Yep, we're expecting another child and it's baby boy" rubbing my stomach

Wyatt smiled big as he place kisses all over my face causing me to squeal as he pulled away and say

"I love you"

I smiled saying

"I love you too"

Wyatt jumps up excited screaming

"Woo! We're having another baby!"

Wyatt picks up Piper and smile saying

"Piper, you're going to be a big sister! Woo!" Spinning her around in the air causing her to giggle.

I smiled softly at them before looking at the camera and say

"So I'll say our lives is pretty great right now. We'll see what future holds for us. Bye guys" ending the video.

I jumped up and join Wyatt and Piper who was playing along with Abu.

Years later

I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. He's half zombie and half werewolf as well.

Me and Wyatt decided to name him Nathan Lykensen.

Piper instantly fell in love with her baby brother including Abu as Piper be the best sister ever to him like helping out and everything.

So that's pretty much it but who knows we might meet again someday.

Hey guys, I hope you guys enjoyed this last awesome bonus chapter.

Thank you for so much love on this story. I appreciate it.

Don't forget to vote and comment on what you think so far of the story.

This is the end of the story my loves

Love you all

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