Never Forget [book one]

بواسطة HoraaanHuggs

1.8M 29.2K 5.9K

{Complete/being edited} - Niall Horan & Rosaline Kendall have been bestfriends for as long as they can rememb... المزيد

Before You Read ♡
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Turdy-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine: Epilogue.
Author's Note.

Chapter Thirty-Three

25.2K 341 47
بواسطة HoraaanHuggs

Chapter Thirty-Three~

Rosaline's POV:

After I finished making Addison's sandwich, I went to the refrigerator again, but this time to retrieve the orange juice.

Suddenly, a face appeared around the side of the open refrigerator door.

"Boo." The voice, soft and nonchalant.

One word, and I jumped back, screaming, dropping the gallon of juice on the floor.


But not the one you expected, nor me.

I turned my back to the smirking person, placing my hands over my face, and my head in the sink.

The tears that welled up in my eyes, were released when I squeezed my eyes shut.

Remember the cereal I'd just eaten?

It was rising in my stomach.

Two strong arms went around my stomach, and I put my arms over them.

My head bobbed with the reaction of food rising in my throat, breathing loud, and hard.

"Wow baby, you're green."

The arms were removed from around me, and then next thing I knew, I was releasing my dinner through my mouth.

I stuck my head under the faucet to fill my mouth with water, and spat it out.

"I didn't know you were still that easily scared."

If you guessed right at this point, it was Niall.

Niall James Horan.

I would have yelled out his full name, but it was too late. I bend over clutching my stomach as it was now killing me.

Niall got on his knees, in front of me with a worried, and apologetic look.

I shook my head, telling him that I was okay, and that nothing was wrong, and stood up straight, helping him back to his feet.

He picked up the orange juice, and closed the refrigerator, and filled a glass of orange juice and handed it to me.

"Thank you." I said putting it next to Addison's sandwich.

Niall slid on the counter, smiling giddily at me.

"What?" I frowned, leaning against the counter.

He shrugged, smiling still, then swiped with tongue across his braces.

I quirked an eyebrow, ignoring the pain in my stomach.

He gestured for me to come, so I trudged over to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist, standing between his legs. Niall rubbed my back with one hand, and the other pushed my head to lay against his chest.

I listened closed at his unsteady quivering heart, making mine speed aswell. He could probably feel my heart beat against his stomach.

"Can I have this?"

Niall stabbed his thumb into the sandwich on the plate next to him purposely.

After that, he knew I'd say yes... That was his intention.

"Why not? You're finger's already in it." I pulled away, silently giggling at him.

It was a good thing I hadn't put any of the material away yet to prepare another sandwich.

"Are the rest of the boys here?"

I received a nod.

Niall began devouring the sandwich, as I made the whole loaf of bread of duplicates of Addison's favorite, for everyone- there was no doubt that they wouldn't want one.

I held the plate of sandwiches flat on my palm, and the cup of orange juice balanced between my forearm and stomach. I could be a waitress if I wanted. My other hand was occupied intertwined with Niall's soft one, his other hand occupied holding his second sandwich as he ate it.

When we got to the living room, I was greeted by the other four boys I hadn't seen since this morning.

"Hey guys." I said handing Addison the plate for her to take and pass around as she sat in Harry's lap, then put her cup of orange juice on the coffee table.

Once the plate got around to everyone, and it was placed on the table with crumbs, everyone thanked me.

"It's nothing." I smiled, feeling appreciated.

I was sat next to Niall on the longer couch. He was finishing his sandwich by the time everyone had started.

"What happened to your foot?" Niall asked out of nowhere.

Did I not say that they would ask?

Everyone looked at Addison expectant for an answer. She shot her gaze to me, and everyone else mimicked her actions.

"Tell us." Zayn said, with a mouthful of sandwich.

Addison took a sip of her orange juice noisily.

Liam shifted in his seat on the floor.

Louis fidgeted as if he wasn't paying attention.

Harry big green eyes were demanding from an answer.

Niall breathed slowly, and heavily through his nose, sleepily.

"Erm, she stepped on a rock." Was all I needed to say, to have questions shot at me.





I was ready to throw Addison under the bus. Ready to let her save for herself. Because I couldn't get her out of this.

Though I'm not sure it mattered. They weren't her parents?

Too bad.

"How'd you get it stitched?" Zayn asked another question.

She removed the cup from her mouth, then licked her lips. "The doctor."

"Do you have like crutches?" Liam asked.

He would be the one with rigid questions.

"Why isn't it wrapped?"

She was caught in her lie, and I was leaving her to fend for herself.

"Well, it was nice seeing you, but I remembered I had something to do."

"At 8pm?"

Why not?

Niall grabbed my hand, tangling our fingers, making sure I didn't leave. Great.

They all ignored me once they saw I was tied down with him.

She took another sip of her orange juice.

The tension was bad... Just confusion in the air.

As for Addison and I, we were trying to keep our mouths shut.

"So how about Ireland? Yay!" She through her arms in the air, trying to change the subject.

It worked for Louis. He looked at Niall.

"We're going to Ireland?"

And suddenly everyone broke into question about it. Even Addison, even though I'd told her first of everyone.

Despite the fact that questions from the British, were thrown directly at the Irish people, the Irish just stared at them disoriented.

I looked at Niall -and since I was sat wrapped in his arms, his cheek was inches from lips.

He turned his head to face me, then our lips were just centimeters apart.

I untangled my hand from his, and cupped his face, to positioned it to it's previous spot. Then I leant close to his ear to whisper.

The others still questioned and complained all at the same time, making the room really loud, but then it slowly felt like Niall and I were the only one's in the room.

In my mind, the noise had died down, but in reality it was still there.

"Let's ditch 'em"

I let go of his chin and his face held a humored expression. Niall mimicked my actions, and whispered back to me. "I'd be glad to."

His breath tickled my ear, and sudden everyone in the room was audible again. The conversation was louder than before, as one protested against something said, another would ignore what was being said by yelling random childish noises out, and others would try to negotiate.

Then I knew it was our shot to leave because the subject was no longer Ireland.

We sleekly got up, without causing a big distraction in their talkfest.

Being the stupid one, Niall turned back right before we exited the doorway. "Guys, we'll be back."

Thank goodness nobody noticed, I mentally sighed.

Maybe he'd be back, but I wasn't.

I swiftly pulled him along, leading him the way to his room.

"So what did happen to Addison's foot?" Niall's voice sounded raspy suddenly, as he let go of my hand, pulling his shirt off by the collar. He wore two shirts- one stuck to the other, as he meant to only take one off.

His chest was bare as he detached the shirts, then threw the undershirt back over his head.

I grabbed the shirt he'd just taken off, and flung it in a basket at the far corner of his room, next to his dresser, and he threw himself on his bed.

"Yes." Niall whispered to himself in success as he laid on his stomach, burying his head in his pillow.

I sat next to him, sitting up with my feet crossed, avoiding his question.

"You didn't tell the others about the trip?"

Niall used the heel of each foot to push his shoes off his feet, then turned his head out of the pillow, facing the opposite direction from me. "I did. They're just playing dumb for the fun of it. You'd be use to it by now."

He let out a small cough to clear his throat.

I stared at his blonde, and now messy hair- slightly darker than the rest. My gazed soon traveled down his white shirt that hugged him almost perfectly, observing every wrinkle. He wore black pants that hung low on his waist as usual though it had a belt through it.

I laid across the bed next to him, with the side of my head pressed to my forearms.

"I'm tired." I thought aloud, as my vision blurred in thought.

"Me too." Niall turned his face towards me, just inches apart.

I had to stifle a yawn, because how close our faces were.

He sounded different. It was his usual sleepy voice, but a mixture of it was there. It was just something else.

His eyes seemed a tad duller than usual, and dilated regardless the amount of light emitted throughout the room.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He hummed a response, shutting his eyes. I removed a hand from under me, and pressed it to his forehead.

Surprisingly it was cold.

Then if he wasn't sick, then I couldn't decode the problem.

His lips parted as he let out a small breath.

I watched his as he began to quickly fall asleep.

A stutter in his breaths told me he wasn't awake anymore.

I wanted to talk to him.

About anything really.

We could talk about dust, and I'd be perfectly okay.

It just felt like a very long time since we had a decent conversation. But he was sleeping, and I was too sleepy to do anything.

I couldn't even reach over to pull the covers over me, as my eyes fluttered, and I tried to keep them open.

I squeezed my eyes shut, then opened them back up, seconds later.

Everything only got blurrier as sleep was beginning to compromise me. I flipped over onto my back, and emitted a small shiver, still too sleepy to cover myself.

I felt warm when Niall suddenly rolled on top of me.

His head on my chest, breath tickling neck, and hair brushing my cheek as my chin laid on his head. He engulf his arms around me, still asleep.

"Goodnight, babe." I whispered, as my lids gave up, wrapping my arms around him.

Who was gonna turn off the light?

The answer possibly might be Harry, Louis, or Addison. They're most likely to come in, whether to be nosy or to borrow something.

Liam and Zayn were more of the kind of people you hear, but not really see. It's a conspicuous thing, I suppose.


"Rosie." A teasing voice said from a distance.

I hummed a response from my sleep, not opening my eyes.

The body I held -obviously Niall's- was really overheated and surprisingly not clammy at all.

The bedroom door creaked open, and I still didn't open my eyes to see.

Niall was laid on my chest, the duvet going up to my chin covering his head

"Rose." The person tugged at the covers, revealing Niall's face.

How did they know we weren't naked? If we were, they'd be scarred for life, then that'd make them think before pulling off people's covers, and barging into rooms without knocking.

"I'm cold." Niall whined, shivering with his teeth chattering weakly.

My eyes were closed, but I reach my hands from Niall's bare back to pull the cover back over his head, and settled them in his hair.

It was weird. The last memory of yesterday was Niall and I laid across the bed, sideways, fully clothed. But now Niall had on no shirt, and we were now turned the correct way, under a duvet, and the lights were no longer on -from what I assumed.

I hummed a response to the person standing there.


"Your mum called,"

And I care why? I'm sleeping. She couldn't wait til I was awake?

"She said she wants your ass on that plane tomorrow morning, as well as everybody else."

Her tone started off normal, and ended up enthusiastic and yelling.

Niall groaned, sending the vibration through my body. I could feel his heart beat on my stomach.

I couldn't blame him. It was probably like really early in the morning. Or maybe I was just really sleep because Niall was in my arms, and everything in that moment felt right.

And there was definitely no way I was going to pack two suit cases in one day. That all seemed like a living hell.

"Rose!" The side of the bed that Niall always slept on, went down.

"Go away." I grumbled.

"Please." Niall added.

It was almost as if I heard her roll her eyes, when she said, "Oh, shut up."

Then she did something, that almost made me die.

She peeled the blankets off to my waist.

I still had clothes on obviously, but suddenly I felt liked I'd drown in Antarctica's water.

All the "outside" air hit us like a bucket of water, instantly creating goosebumps on my arms. Beneath my left palm I felt them rise on Niall's back as well as his muscles tensed.

I squeezed my eyes shut tighter.

Niall and I spoke in unison, annoyed, pissed, hurt, cold and sleepily. "ADDISON!"

She giggled uncontrollably, and then there was another pair of footsteps that walked in. I assumed it was Harry looking for her.

"Addison leave them alone." The person was trying to sound stern, but laughed a bit.

It was Liam.

She sighed, and the bed went back to its normal height, signaling she'd gotten up. "Fine. But this isn't over."

Addison's footstep was loud as she hopped on one foot, then the door creaked close.

"I'll be back." She added, and the door closed again.

Then the door opened at least a second later.

Addison still. "And Niall... Your back is ugly." She snickered, then finally left.

She forgot to pull the covers back up, I mentally swore.

One day, if Niall's up to do it, and they're not, we'll do something to her AND Harry, regardless if he was innocent.

Niall groaned... Again.

I ran my hand through his hair, no longer as sleepy, then ever so slightly, pushed him off of me onto his back.

Usually he'd catch my wrist whenever he was awake and I'd got out of bed, but he didn't this time, and I knew he was awake.

It didn't bother me. I just knew something was wrong.

I grabbed leggings, a plain shirt, and a hoodie, then hopped in the shower as if I were going jogging, when in all honesty I wasn't. I hated exercising, whether it was running or jogging.

My showers were its normal twenty minutes, and even if I was wearing something simple, it took another twenty minutes to get dressed.

Unfortunately, after freshening up, I no longer had the energy to do anything, anymore.

There was a lump in the center of the bed meaning that Niall was still there laying down.

I slid back under the duvet with him, careful not to let in too much cold in his case.

Niall was breathing hard like he'd just finish getting chased.

I pulled him into my arms, keeping the covers over his face, and stroked his hair.

Niall shivered every now and then. I didn't understand how he could be so cold, when his whole body was burning with heat.

I hadn't seen his face today properly, but maybe his face would reveal what was wrong with him.

A bad dream?

I pulled the cover off his face, making it stop at his chin.

"What's wrong, Niall?" I whispered.

I ran my thumb over his forehead, smoothing the wrinkles he was forcing, with his knitted face.

"Babe..." I tried, but all he did was groan.

His face had slightly lost its color, and also his lips.

I pushed an eyelid up with my thumb. His eyes were red, but as of his irises... No longer this beautiful ocean blue with a pinch on green around his pupils. Just gray.

The color was still a pretty shade, but it didn't fit Niall. I thought it was pretty amazing how the colors changed like emotions, except only using three shades.

I heard footsteps pad across the corridor floor, past Niall's room.

"Help." I was beginning to panic, as some people would say, but I call it being worried.

The door opened slowly, revealing Zayn.

He smiled warmly, "Hey, what's wr-" then he noticed the way Niall looked.

"Niall, mate?"

Niall groaned for the umpteenth time as if he was in pain. Then again maybe he was in pain.

He flipped onto his stomach still in my arms, and Zayn and I gasped at the same time.

There were purple spots up and down Niall's back.

I didn't care if it was contagious, my hand automatically stroke his back.

My back was against the head board, and his head was on my left thigh. His pantings hitting my right thigh.

Zayn stared for a few more seconds, his eyes wide, and mouth open, then he took off calling Liam's name.

I don't know if you'd call it exaggeratiom, but tears brimmed up in my eyes in hope that it wasn't anything deadly, or a disease.

Hopefully just an allergic reaction.

What seemed like two seconds later, not only Liam came rushing in, but the WHOLE crew. Addison, Harry -in a towel, with shampoo in his hair- Zayn again, Louis with his shirt slung over his shoulder, and obviously Liam.

Everyone exchanged looks and gasps.

"What the...?" Liam said looking scared, yet shocked, then pulled out his phone.

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