Life gets better (A lesbian l...

By Nekosounds

19.2K 439 37

Myra Hults is a 17 year old lesbian who is afraid to come out. She has only told one of her closest friends a... More

Chapter 1: She came into my life
Chapter 2: She was there for me
Chapter 3: Seth
Chapter 5: Date night
Chapter 6: Family reunion
Chapter 7: Darkness
Chapter 8: The funeral
Chapter 9: The L word
Authors note

Chapter 4: She's a part of my life

1.5K 35 4
By Nekosounds

"Are you sure you want to go in alone?" Kana asks me, her hand gripping mine. "Don't worry about it, she can't get me in my own house. And if she does then I can just text you," I say. Kana nods and gives my hand one last squeeze before letting go and waving goodbye. I wave back and walk into my house. "Dad, I'm home," I say. My dad is sitting on the living room couch looking a bit upset about something. "Hey dad? Is everything okay?" I ask. He looks at me with his eyes narrowed. What he says next shocks me. "So Myra, Kenzie came over today," he says. I gasp, but then I quickly stop so he doesn't hear it. Luckily he didn't. He continues,

"She told me that Seth said your gay, is that true?" I don't know what to say. I can't tell him or else he's going to hate me. I remember as a kid a gay couple moved into the neighborhood once and my dad told me to not walk that way when I used to walk to school. I had to take the long way just because he didn't want me to become 'corrupted' by them. They moved out a few years later.

"A-um no! No im not um, that! I mean why would you think that?" I ask trying to hide my nervus tone. My dad looks at me strangely, but then turns away from me. "Well, its good to know that I won't have to disown you," he says in tone that means he's not joking. He really would do that.

"Now go up to your room," is the last thing he says. I quickly run up to my room and lock the door. I grab out my phone and dial Kana's number. Before it could even ring Kana picks up the phone.

"Myra?" She asks as I feel tears run down my face. "Kana, my dad is getting suspicious about me," I quietly sob to her, afraid that my dad might hear me. "Myra, its going to be fine okay? If your father loves you then he would understand," Kana says. If only she knew. Should I tell her? I trust her more then anyone, besides Seth. So I know its okay to tell her.

"Kana, my dad said that if I was then he would disown me!" After I say that I start sobbing hysterically. "R-really?! What kind of father is that?! If I had a gay kid I would never disown him! I would still love them no matter what, because that's what a good parent does!" She says. I start to calm down a little, but I still feel really upset.

"I think...I actually agree with him," I say. I hear Kana gasp on the phone. "What the heck do you mean?!" She yells so loud it almost makes me think I accidentally put the phone on speaker.

"What I mean is...What if my dad and Kenzie is right and that I am a sin or I really don't matter in life. Lets face it Kana! If everybody knew my secret then nobody will care about me! Even if I died the next day nobody would give a damn because I DON'T MATTER!" I yell as I start sobbing again.

"Myra!" Kana says in a serious but caring tone of voice, "Don't you ever say that again! Do you hear me? Because you know what? You DO matter in people's lives damn it! If you died tomorrow I would be heartbroken because I care about you! And its not just me! Seth also cares so much about you. When ever me and Seth talk he always tells me to take care of you and to make sure you're safe because he cares! And It's not just me and him Myra, i'm sure that there are others out there that care. So if you even think that nobody cares about you, then I will hunt you down and hug your face off!" That last part makes me laugh a little. Which makes me feel better.

"Thanks Kana," I say weakly.

"Its no problem Myra. And remember, those people who can't see how amazing you are, screw them! You don't need them in your life," She says, "now gets some sleep hun and we will talk in the morning, okay?"

"Alright see you tomorrow Kana," I say. Before I can hang up I hear Kana say one more thing.

"Myra?" She asks. I pick up the phone again.

"Yeah?" I ask. Once again what she said left me blushing so hard.

"You can call me babe."

For the past few weeks Seth and Kana were with me wherever I go. I didn't mind though, I mean there mostly the only two people I can actually call my friends. Anyways that's what we were going to do today to, but lucky me! I got to school late today. But I'm not scared because during classes the halls are empty. As I walk to my locker- which is close to my homeroom- the halls are silent, like they are supposed to be. As I keep walking I get a bad feeling that something is going to happen. I keep my eye out for something or someone, but nobody is there. Once I get to my locker I ease down a bit. I turn to open my locker, until someone pushes me in front of it and forces me to turn around. Kenzie is there. She has a sick smile on her face and a evil look in her eyes. "Its about time you showed up! I was worried we wouldn't have a chance to 'help' you Myra," she says. I start to shake in fright as she grabs my shirt collar. "W-we?" I ask. Kenzie laughs a low, sickening laugh before two other people come out of the halls. I recognize both of them, there some of the most popular girls. There's the one on the left with raven black hair and blue eyes, her name is Lynn. The other one with dirty blond hair who also has blue eyes is named Christina.

They both walk up next to Kenzie and smile the same sickening smile as Kenzie has.

 "So, this is the little homo huh?" Lynn asks in her sassy cheerleader voice that I hate more then anything.

"I gotta say, she is ugly for a fag," Christina says. I start to gain more and more hate for the two of them. I mean I never really liked them, their plans for a perfect saturday night are to stay out late, drink beer, do drugs, and have sex and junk like that. Well my saturday night is to stay home in my Pj's with a huge bowl of cookie dough ice cream, and watch tv all night.

"What should we do to the freak?" Lynn asks. Kenzie thinks for a minute, then she comes up with something.

"How about we give her a warning this time and then if she still isn't right then we will beat her dead," Kenzie says. To think that this girl used to be my best friend, and now she wants to kill me for something that I can't change about myself.

Lynn and Christina didn't say anything to Kenzie, instead Lynn brings her fist to my face and Christina brings her's to my stomach. All the air in my body is forced out as they keep punching my over and over again. Kenzie just stands there watching, and holding my shirt collar. She looks like she is enjoying it. After what seems like hours, though it was most likely only a few minutes, they finally stop.

Kenzie pushes my to the ground and I land on my face. I feel something warm trickle down my face, so I feel it and on my fingers is a red liquid. My noise must be bleeding, great. Before I can give then the chance to kick me down I swiftly get up and run as fast as I can. I almost fall down a few times, but I manage to stay up.

Finally I reach a door that leads to the back of the school and I close it. Once the door is fully closed I look around at all of the garbage around me. Thats what I feel like right now. Garbage. Just worthless garbage. I sit down and lean against the huge trash can and grab out my phone. I need to text Kana and tell her what happened.

Myra: Kana? Come to the back of the school please, it's important.

Kana: Why? What happened? Do you want me to bring Seth too?

Myra: No! Don't tell Seth, just come back here and I will tell you everything.

Kana: I will be there in a minute hun, stay put.

 Not even a minute later Kana comes outback and spots me sitting down. She sits down next to me with a shocked and angered look on her face. I guess they made their mark on my face. They must of gotten me bad. Kana grabs my face and examines it with the look of shock now gone and replaced with a face that is full of anger.

 "Myra," Kana says.

 "Yeah Kana?" I ask. She looks at me straight in the eyes.

"Who the hell did this to you?" She asks. I stay silent for a bit and look away from her. she grabs my chin and forces me to look at her.

"Tell me now so I can go find them and murder their sorry butts!" She says in an angry voice. I stay silent for a few more moments until I finally decided to tell her.

 "I-it was Kenzie and two other girls," I say. Kana got even more angry after I say that.

"It was Kenzie?! I can't belive that girl! She has gone way too far with this! First she beats Seth and now she's beating you! She's turned against her own best friends just because of something that YOU CAN'T CHANGE!" Kana yells. She then looks at me, then at the ground, and then back at me, and then she hugs me so tight that I don't think that anyone else could hug as tight as her. "Promise me you will never get hurt again, you hear me?" She asks. I notice that she is starting to cry. I bring her up from the hug to face me, tears are streaming down her face and her eyes are all red and puffy.

"I wish I could Kana, but I can't and you know that," I say. Kana shakes her head a bit, then she does something that is unexpected, but i'm glad she does it. Kana grabs my face and swiftly pulls me closer to her until we're her lips are just inches away from mine.

"Bullshit," was the last thing Kana says before her lips touch mine. There are no fireworks. But explosions. I want to stay in this moment forever, but sadly the kiss ends seconds after it started. Me and Kana look at each other a bit shocked. But then after awhile I smile a bit, but Kana still looks shocked. "I'm so sorry!" Kana pleads "I wasn't thinking and I just thought that, omg I'm so sorry I-"

"Kana," I say simply. She looks at me.


"Shut the hell up and kiss me again." I say before I grab her and kiss her. This kiss is longer then our first one, and its just as amazing. Me and Kana kiss for what feels like eternity! Until I hear someone snap a photo.

Me and Kana pull away as fast as we can. Then we look at who took the picture. Luckily it is no one who is a threat.

"Wha-SETH!" I yell at him. Seth stands in front of us with his phone out.

"What?! I just wanted to capture this beautiful moment! I mean its my OTP's first kiss!" He says. I want to say something to him, but Kana steps in first. "Seth, sorry to disappoint you, but that wasn't our first kiss. You just missed it actually," Kana says. Seth looks like he's a little kid whose mother told them that they can't go to the amusement park today even though they have been promising for the past 2 weeks.

"Aw! I missed it?! I can never catch a break can I?" Seth says, "Oh well, at least you guys are now an official couple!" Seth says with glee.

"Woah, wait Seth! Where not officially dating...Unless, you know... Kana wants to," I whisper the last part. Kana hears it though and says something that makes me want to explode into a million peices.

"Sure, I would love to be your girlfriend Myra," Kana says. We kiss again and we hear Seth squeal with joy in the background.

"I can't believe it! Its real! Kara is real!" Seth shouts with joy.

"Umm, Kara?" I ask.

"Well, yeah! Kana and Myra, put them together it makes Kara! Or if you want it can me Myna, but that doesn't sounds as cool as Kara does," Seth says. Me and Kana roll our eyes and then all three of us laugh. That was until we hear the door open. And there outsteps Kenzie. She looks at all of us angrily. But then, she only looks at Seth with the same expression.

"What is that on your phone Seth?" She asks me. Seth tries to hide his phone in his pocket, but Kenzie snatches it from him before he can. She opens up his unprotected phone- Damn it Seth!- and looks at the picture he just took. Then she looks at me and Kana, some how looking even more angry.

"I freakin knew it! You did this to her!" Kenzie points to Kana, "you turned her into a sick freak! And thanks to you our friendship is over!"

"You brought this on yourself Kenzie! You're the reason our friendship was over!" Seth says, "you could have let it slide and everything would be normal! But no! You just had to choose your religion over your friends."

"You don't understand Seth! What they are is a sin! And for that they are going to rot in hell!"

I'm pretty sure that she regrets saying that, because not even a second later Seth tackles her to the ground and starts punching her.

"YOU DO NOT TALK TO MY FRIENDS LIKE THAT!" Seth says in a voice that I have never heard Seth use before. He is angry. I have never seen Seth like this before, for one he never, and I mean NEVER hits anyone. And on top of that, he never hits girls!

 "GUYS! RUN FOR IT!" He yells. I want to go over there and help him instead of doing what he tells me to, but Kana grabs my hand and pulls me away from them.

I just hope this time Seth doesn't get beat up by a girl again. He really has a problem with that.

"Kana, where are we even going to go?" I ask her with whatever air I have left in my body. Me and Kana finally stop and she smiles at me.

"Where did we hide last time?" She asks.

"The treehouse?" I ask. She nods in response. Once we get there, we climb in and sit next to each other. Then Kana grabs my face and examines it again. "Myra, your face looks really bad," she says.

"Well that's a nice thing to hear from my girlfriend," I say in a joking matter. Kana playfully slaps me on the leg and then goes back to examining it.

"I'm serious Myra. I mean, there are only a few bruises, but they're big ones, plus we need to do something about that bloody nose," she says. I point over to the hole in the treebark.

"We have a first aid kit in there, I don't know if it will be any good, but its worth a try," I say. Kana goes and grabs the kit and then sits back next to me a few seconds later. She opens the box and in it is a box of bandages with cartoon characters on them, and a few wet naps. Also a few lollipops for some reason. Seth.

Kana grabs a wet nap and opens it. Luckily it's still good after all these years. She cleans off the blood on my face. Good thing there wasn't that much though. Once Kana is done she throws the now bloody wet nap out the window. "Well, its a start," she says, "later we need to get an ice pack or something for those bruise."

"When did my life turn to hell?" I say. Kana brings me close to her and we hug.

"Now what does my beautiful girlfriend mean by that?" She asks.

"Well, so far one of my best friends turned their back on me and got me beaten to a pulp, and soon she might find a way to show my dad the picture of us. And the worst part is that they might come after YOU now." I say.

"Liston Myra, don't worry about me. I'm more worried about you then I am about myself. And if you have to tell your dad soon, them call me so I can come over and do it with you. You're not alone in this Myra and you will never be alone," she says.

We stay silent for a few moments, until Kana finally says something.

"Tell you what, when school is out and we take care of your bruises, we're going out!" She says.

"Going out where?" I ask. She shrugs.

"I don't know, we can go see a movie, or get food, I don't know," she says. We smile at each other.

"Sounds good to me."

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