In the end, its Him & I

By amararosewrites_

267K 2.5K 1.7K

"I wanted what I wanted, fuck everything else. And what I wanted was her. Anaís Semaya." "Out of all the star... More

Main Characters & Aesthetics
1. Twenty Five
2. Tequila & Bad Decisions
3. Fuck Me Into Oblivion
4. Waffles
5. Pool & a Movie
6. Peonies
7. I'll Kill You
8. Xile's 18th
9. Carnival
10. My Perfect Date
11. Star
12. Betrayal
13. Artista
14. Kiss & Make-up
15. Ours
16. Bunker
17. If Only
18. Submit
19. Naughty Ana
20. Semaya or Valentino?
21. Shortcake
22. Regina?
23. Welcome to the family
24. Anyone
25. It's Just Us
26. Bliss
27. Bad Boy
28. Stranger/Boyfriend
29. Spa Date
30. Cool off
31. Charity Ball
Author's Note;)
32. Valentino BBQ
33. Tears & Confessions
34. Home
35. Red Everywhere
36. The Darkness
37. Limitless
38. A Step in the Right Direction
39. Talent Show
40. Cross My Heart
41. My Girls
42. Beg Me
43. Sweet & Savory
44. Surprise
45. First Glance
Author's Note
My two cents...
Bonus Chapter

46. In the end, its Him and I

3.1K 29 42
By amararosewrites_

I took his hand and rubbed my thumb over his knuckle softly, "Will you marry"

He squeezed my hand and yanked me forward. He silenced the yelp leaving my lips with his. I smiled as he wrapped his arm around my neck, so I couldn't pull away unless he permitted it. I placed my hand on his chest and tried to push him away as he placed kisses all over my face, "I'm guessing that's a yes?"

"Come on, let's not wait a minute more," he said cheerfully.

I chuckled, "I'm sorry to burst your bubble Ace, but we have to wait a couple more hours."

"Wait why?" his face fell.

"You didn't think I brought you here for another fashion show did you, come on, there's more to this surprise."

As I started to turn he pulled me back and kissed me again before we made our way out of the room and down the hall. Coming up to the doors separating the hallway from the large open space where our wedding would be held, I smiled warmly as I called to the guards letting them know they didn't have to open them. They nodded and returned to their posts.

Removing my hand from Grey's, I placed both of mine on the handles and slid the doors open. Grey came up beside me and placed his hand on the small of my back. "Now you can finally stop pestering me about keeping secrets," I rolled my eyes as I looked up at him.

"Haha, funny, I wouldn't have to if you didn't keep secrets."

"I don't think surprises fall in the category of 'keeping secrets', and you're one to talk, all you've done is surprised me with things. Now, what do you think about everything?"

"I must say, my love, you did wonderfully. It's just like we planned," he said as his eyes scanned the room, "Even down to the couches instead of chairs for our guests comfort. But, if you don't mind me asking, what are all the rows for? We don't have that many friends or family."

"Oh, I wouldn't be so quick to think that" I cleared my throat louder than usual.

Alia came up beside me and poked her head out with a smile right on cue. Grey bent down and lifted her into his arms, no doubt tickling her as he did.

"Surprise," Alia said as she pointed behind us. As we turned I moved to the side as everyone in his family greeted and congratulated him.

At this moment, I knew this was the right thing to do and all of my worries about today going epically disastrous vanished as I saw the smile on his face as he continued to speak with everyone whilst glancing over at me every now and then.

"Dai, non c'è tempo per chiacchiere. Andiamo tutti a prepararci..." Carmen yelled and stepped out from the crowd to grab their attention. "Ora!" she clapped, and everyone dispersed and made their way to their respective rooms leaving Grey and me alone again. (Come on, there's no time for small talk. Let's all go get

He wrapped his arm around me and lifted me into the air, "Where's our room?" he asked tucking my hair behind my ear.

"As much as the events of today aren't 'traditional', that's the one thing that is. So, my room is the last door on the left down that hall and yours is on the right." I wrapped my legs around his waist. "Now, if you'll carry me to mine, I can happily eat my tasty tiramisu," I shook the bag in my hand, and he rolled his eyes.

"I thought you said I was the only dessert you were craving," he scrunched his eyebrows as he started down the hall.

"You are, but our babies are craving the first option," I shrugged my shoulders. He placed me on my feet as we reached the end of the hall, "Everything is inside waiting for you, along with food, Emilio and Mariano."

"God, I love you,"

"I love you more acey-poo, now you should probably go since you still need to think about your vows," I grabbed onto his shoulder, turned him, and pushed him toward the door. He glanced at me over his shoulder, "Expressing my love for you has never been something I had to think about,"

"OH PLEASE, will you two stop?" Mariano opened the door and stuck his head out.

The door to my room opened and I turned to see the twins and Xile standing in the doorway. "Yea, we were thinking the same thing. So, if you two can stand to be apart for about three hours, you need to get your ass in here. We have things to do!" Kaia said. She grabbed onto my arm, dragged me into the room, and without another word from either Grey or me, both doors slammed shut.

We all squealed in excitement as we sat on the bed. "It's finally happening, you're going to be a wife," Zayn pushed my shoulder playfully.

"I know," I smiled, "Wait, there's something I forgot,"

I got off the bed and opened the door. I knocked on Grey's door and he opened it as I pulled the small box out of my dress pocket. "Wear these," I handed him the box and he kissed me and our babies one last time before I entered the room again.

After eating my tiramisu, I hopped into the shower and began to get ready. When I was done, I took a seat at one of the four stations as Kaia showered and Xile let in the makeup and hair artists.

My life changed for the better ever since we ran away searching for a different one all those years ago. I met the most wonderful people along the way and found a family I could count on not to give up or treat me less than I deserved. And although they might not have been blood, I knew in my heart they were the only people I needed in this life. I had no idea what I'd do without them, and I don't ever want to find out.

And today, after planning this day these past months, it was finally happening.

I'd walk down the aisle with a smile on my face as I tried to fight the tears threatening to spill over and meet the love of my life at the altar. Drowning in his eyes as he professed his love for me in front of our entire family. I so eagerly wanted to see what other wonderous things life had in store for us and our family.

✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦

"Mia cara, sei così bella. Ace sta per svenire," (My darling, you're so beautiful. Ace is going to pass out) Chiara said as she entered the room holding her arms out for me.

I lifted the train of my dress and stepped off of the balcony where we were taking pictures. Entering her arms I smiled warmly, "Grazie mamma, ma speriamo di no. Non posso sposarlo se è privo di sensi," (Thank you mom, but let's hope he doesn't. I can't marry him if he's unconscious)

"Everything and everyone is ready, we're just waiting on you and the groom now," Carmen said as she entered the room behind my mom, her attention on the iPad in her hands.

"Are you ready, mija?" my mom said taking my hand and although she tried to hold them back, I could see the tears forming in her eyes. I nodded and she cupped my cheek, "You've come so far Solana, and I'm so proud of you my beautiful girl,"

Xile came up beside us and handed me a napkin. I wiped the tear from the corner of my mom's eyes as I tried to hold back my own. "You're going to make me cry, stop it,"

"I've been saying the same thing all morning, are all Americans so sensitive, or is it just her," Carmen pitched in.

"It's just her," the twins echoed one another.

"Well, as I'm sorry to break this up, it's time to get going. Aciel, Mariano, and Emilio are waiting at the entrance for my cue, so if I could have the three of you take Alia and join them down the hall, it would be truly appreciated." Carmen said as she placed the iPad on the bed. "Well, aren't you the cutest ring bearer ever," she complimented fixing Zayn's suit jacket before turning and opening the door.

"One moment before you leave," I said taking Xile by the hand, "You two as well," I said to the twins. We all linked hands and I took a deep breath before smiling at each of them. "I love you all so much and I want to thank you because, without you, none of this would be possible."

"We love you just as much," Zayn said, "Now, let's go start your forever,"

I looked at myself in the mirror and goosebumps covered my body in disbelief that I was wearing this beautiful dress on my wedding day and like many things today, I'd surprise Grey in it. During the time we were getting ready, I popped over into his room for a bit because he 'needed to speak to the babies,' and when he started saying something about the dress I ran out before he could finish it.

The instrumental to "Him & I" played on the speakers as I stood outside of the door waiting for my cue. My mom squeezed my arm, and I looked down at her and nodded reassuringly before taking a deep breath.

The doors opened and I lifted my head slowly, my eyes colliding with Greys almost immediately.

Tears burned the back of my eyes as I started making my way down the aisle. Suddenly the fear of falling became more prominent feeling all of the eyes on me. But when Grey smiled widely I knew everything would be okay as long as I had him. And if I could make it only a few more steps without having a panic attack, I'd have him until the moment I draw my last breath.

I squeezed the bouquet of peonies in my hand, struggling to hold back tears of my own when Emilio handed Grey a handkerchief to wipe his face.

He took my hand in his and everything and everyone else seemed to disappear as he stared lovingly into my eyes. "You look so beautiful in your dress," he whispered. "Ready?"

"With you, I'm ready for anything,"

"Since the moment I first laid eyes on you, frustrated with our wonderful daughter in this very room, I knew you were the one for me. Not just a woman I was supposed to marry because a business contract stated so. You were my one, then & now. Do you remember the morning after the night we spent together on your birthday? I brought you home and I instantly felt at home with you and your family. And it scared me. The amount of love I had accumulated for you from the moment I met you till just then. I'd always known I loved you but at that moment it was like a drug, and I was the addict never willing to come off that high." He wiped the tear from my cheek and took a deep breath before continuing.

"You challenge me to be a better person and I don't want to be anything less because of you. I promise that I'll protect and love you and the 5 of our children for the rest of our lives and yes, the devil twins are included. But most of all I promise to love you through it all, no matter how many obstacles are thrown our way, I will love you and keep falling more in love with you. My love for you will never cease to exist or falter, only grow stronger. My heart is and has always been yours to yield, no one else and it will stay that way. And like all those years ago, I will continue to adore you in every which way."

He leaned down and kissed my forehead softly.

I took a deep breath before starting, "There were times I was lost, and you found me and led me into your arms, home, safely in your grasp. Days in which I didn't think I could do so much as breathe, and you did it for me. Holding my hand through it all from the very beginning. You've always protected and wanted only the best for me, gave me only that. Like you've said countless times before, it's always been you and I, and that won't change...ever. Two broken souls who, through all of the pain and turmoil found love in one other, and those tiny pieces make one once we're drowning in each other's eyes. I never thought I'd find so much of myself in another, but here we are, a mirror of souls. I promise to love you without doubt for every second more."

I smiled as he squeezed my hand and soothingly rubbed my knuckles with his thumb.

"Through pain and passion, sorrow and hope. Through death and life, whatever the years to come may bring, we will face it together, side by side. All that I am, I give to you, and I promise myself only to you. And no matter how many bossy moods you fall into, my love will never waver. So, Grey Aciel Valentino, seni seviyorum, je vous aime, Я тебя люблю, أحبك, ma soprattutto, ti amo più di ogni altra cosa al mondo," (I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, but most importantly, I love you more than anything else in the world)

Zayn our lovely ring bearer handed us the rings and I grew even more excited for Grey to finally see his. It was a black wedding band with my initials on it to match the cuff links I gave him earlier. And thankfully Grey had told Mariano and Emilio the exact place he'd hid mine.

We placed the rings onto each other's fingers as we repeated the officiant's words.

"By the power of your love and commitment to each other, and by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride," the officiant announced.

Grey stepped forward and cupped my face before pressing our lips together as everyone cheered.

"I love you," I whispered.

"And I you,"

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to be the first to introduce you to, Mr. and Mrs. Valentino."

"Finally," Grey pitched in before we turned to face our loved ones.

✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦

"Are you sure you have everything?" Carmen yelled frantically as we made our way to the car. Grey opened the door and I turned to face her, "I'm sure, you made sure of it remember? Now please, go relax," I hugged her again and she joined both Grey's and I's moms amongst the crowd.

"I'm going to miss you," Xile said as she entered Grey's arms.

"We all are," Kaia added.

"We'll only be gone for two weeks, surely you can do without us for just a bit."

"Listen shortcake, I'm going to need you to be the adult during this time since you know," Grey said looking at the twins, "You're the only one fit for the job,"

"Yeah, how about you go fuck yourself," Kaia retorted as Zayn pushed his middle finger in Grey's face. Grey stepped forward and Zayn threw his hands up and backed away quickly. We all laughed, said our goodbyes and soon after, we were arriving at the penthouse where we would spend the night until our flight to Paris tomorrow evening.

Our hands refused to stay off of each other's bodies the whole ride there and I was grateful I'd changed into another dress because no matter how many of the same wedding dresses Grey had stored in his other home, I couldn't bear to see it tore into shreds after Grey was done with me.

"Grey," I breathed pulling away from our mind-altering kiss as the elevator doors opened.

"Yes, Mrs. Valentino,"

Whatever I had planned to say dissipated as soon as those three words slipped past his lips. All I could think about was the way he looked into my eyes with complete adoration and love. And like he said in his vow, our love was the drug and us, the addicts. Neither of us willing to come down off that overly intoxicating high.

He placed me on my feet and moved my hair to one side of my neck. Unzipping my dress, he slowly laid kisses from my neck down my back. He groaned and bit my ass, squeezing my thighs as he no doubt noticed the lingerie I was wearing underneath. I stepped out of my dress and walked forward, glancing over my shoulder as I summoned him down the hall with my finger in what I hope was a seductive way.

"You're going to be the death of me," he growled as he stepped forward yanking his tie from his neck. I placed my hands on both handles of my room door and opened it, revealing the dimly lit room filled with peony petals.

Surprise fills my body as he presses his front to mine. Before I know it he's turning me around and locking me in between his chest and the wall. "I'm starving, and I know just what I'll be ordering." He says.

I blink at him and as I'm about to open my mouth, his lips are colliding with mine rendering me silent.

My entire body comes alive as I work to remove his white button-up. Shoving it off his shoulders he rips it off the rest of the way and electricity zips through me as my hair wraps around his hand and he pulls. He grabs onto my thigh and lifts me, bringing me over to the bed where he slides my thong down my body and slips my heels off.

All the breath dissipates from my body, watching him patiently as he removes the rest of his clothes.

Deciding it was my turn for some fun, I crawled off the bed and dropped to my knees in front of him just as he stepped out of his underwear. A smile stretches across his face as he looks down at me, an evil glint in his eyes as if he'd burn the world just to see the sight in front of him.

I puckered my lips and kissed the tip, not embarrassed by the way my entire body falls under the influence of his dick.

Wetness pools between my thighs as I admire the man before me. The head of his dick dripping with precum as he reaches and drags his thumb over my bottom lip teasingly slow.

My stare never falters as I lean forward, the head of his dick slipping past my lips. I moan around him as I taste the saltiness of him on my tongue. His hand finds the strands of my hair again as I lick him slowly loving the way he feels gliding along my tongue.

He groans and tips his head back as I take more of him. Hollowing my cheeks, swirling my tongue around him as I suck him harder making him spit curses in Italian, his grip on my hair tightening only feeding the arousal building low in my stomach.

He pushes himself inside me, filling me and causing tears to run down my cheeks from the lack of oxygen. Still, I continue to suck him expertly in an attempt to show rather than tell him how much he means to me.

There's so much I'm trying to communicate with him as we drown in each other's eyes, and I know he's trying to do the same. He releases his hold on my hair and pulls me up into his arms, his lips crashing down on mine again. And without a doubt, I open my mouth allowing him in as my hand finds his hair and the other latches onto his nape. I squeeze my legs around his torso, the nerves in my body sending waves through me relentlessly as he claims my lips as his own. Forevermore.

"Grey," I whisper.

"Anaís," he responds with a rasp so deep it sets my body ablaze.

"I need more of you," I say, "Please, I can't wait any-"

My words are cut off with one harsh thrust as he fills me.

He steals my next breath with his lips as he kneels onto the bed laying me down under him. His tongue sensually slides against mine as he rolls his hips into mine. It's slow yet rough and it sends my eyes to the back of my head.

With his lips on mine, I no longer need oxygen. The only thing I need to stay alive is him.

I moan into his mouth as I roll my hips meeting his every thrust perfectly, gripping onto the back of his neck as if I let go I'll drop off the face of the earth.

All sense of direction leaves my body as he reaches between us and rubs my clit with his thumb giving it the right amount of pressure it needs to send me flying over the edge.

"Grey!" I cry, my fingers tightening around his dark strands of hair.

He growls in response, the vibrations only aiding to heighten the pleasure he's ensuing on my mind, body, and soul.

My body freezes for a beat before shaking uncontrollably as my orgasm hits me like a train. I cling to his body, his thrusts never-ending drawing out my orgasm.

A scream tears from my throat and my vision is blurred as he bites down on my neck. My back arches off of the bed and my eyes slam shut when the force of another orgasm pushes him out of me, spraying both him and me with my warm juices.

A gasp falls from my lips when he enters me again thrusting into me with so much force my legs clash with him constantly.

Soon after he's spraying my insides with his warm cum and I'm exhausted, not just with the activities of only a couple of seconds ago, but with everything today and me being pregnant only added to it.

As I lay in his arms, looking out at the city, completely in love with him and our life, I know I'm home.

"Look," he says pointing to the sky. "Still the most beautiful Yildiz in the galaxy,"

I chuckle, "You're so cheesy,"

This is it; this is where I'm meant to be.

In his arms.

He may not have been my beginning, but he was most irrevocably, my end.

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