Power Rangers Reimagined: Neo...

De AnimalX23

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A collection of rewrites I made in attempt to fix all the season from what many fans considered to be the dar... Mai multe

The season rewrites
Power Rangers Samurai: reimagined
The Rangers
Supporting cast
The Villains
Episode 1: The team unites
Episode 2: Some assembly required
Episode 3: It's not easy being green
Episode 4: Deal with an Akuma
Episode 5: Pushed to the limit
Episode 6: Sticks and stones
Episode 7: Gone fishing
Episode 8: There go the brides
Episode 9: Red vs. Blue
Episode 10: Oscar goes green
Episode 11: Challenge of the red ranger, part 1
Episode 12: Challenge of the red ranger, part 2
Episode 13: Shell game
Episode 14: Spiked
Episode 15: Golden moment
Episode 16: Welcome to the family
Episode 17: Blue and the gold
Episode 18: Soul stealer
Episode 19: Secrets of the black box
Episode 20: Super samurai
Episode 21: Broken dreams, part 1
Episode 22: Broken dreams, part 2
Episode 23: Switcheroo
Episode 24: Fear factor
Episode 25: Case of the missing Lanternzord
Episode 26: Shark attack
Episode 27: Legend of the Bullzord, part 1
Episode 28: Legend of the Bullzord, part 2
Episode 29: Moving day
Episode 30: Nigel's choice
Episode 31: A sticky situation
Episode 32: Alone together
Episode 33: Dear sister...
Episode 34: The revival, part 1
Episode 35: The revival, part 2
Episode 36: Kenji's secret
Episode 37: The shogun search
Episode 38: Deker's last stand
Episode 39: The walk to victory, part 1
Episode 40: The walk to victory, part 2
Movie: Clash of the red rangers
Power Rangers Megaforce: reimagined
The Rangers
Supporting cast
The Villains
Episode 1: Mega mission
Episode 2: He blasted me with science
Episode 3: The iceman cometh
Episode 4: Face the music
Episode 5: Going viral
Episode 6: The plant project
Episode 7: Power stranger
Episode 8: Girl power
Episode 9: Electric avenue
Episode 10: Seeds of destruction
Episode 11: Predatox's last stand
Episode 12: Robo knight, Part 1
Episode 13: Robo knight, part 2
Episode 14: Robo Knight, part 3
Episode 15: Shadow of a doubt
Episode 16: Spectro and the guardian armor
Episode 17: Mother's day
Episode 18: Last laugh
Episode 19: Ranger gossip
Episode 20: Dream snatcher
Episode 21: Fall of Vrak
Episode 22: The ultimate command, part 1
Episode 23: The ultimate command, part 2
Episode 24: Tritor's master plan
Episode 25: The rise of Gigatron, part 1
Episode 26: The rise of Gigatron, part 2
Episode 28: See Austin run
Episode 29: Stone cold
Episode 30: Staying on track
Episode 31: Neutros the friendly robot
Episode 32: To the future and back
Episode 33: Endgame, part 1
Episode 34: Endgame, part 2
Episode 35: Endgame, part 3
Power Rangers Legend Force (Super Megaforce rewrite)
The Rangers
Supporting cast
The villains
Episode 1: Pirated rangers
Episode 2: Earth fights back
Episode 3: Mystic courage
Episode 4: Blue saber saga
Episode 5: Emergency from the future
Episode 6: Molly's way or the highway
Episode 7: Spirit of the tiger
Episode 8: A lion's alliance
Episode 9: Samurai surprise
Episode 10: Love is in the air
Episode 11: Vrak is back
Episode 12: Silver Lining, part 1
Episode 13: Silver lining, part 2
Episode 14: Power of Six
Episode 15: Go Galactic
Episode 16: Moltor's Revenge
Episode 17: When you wish upon a star
Episode 18: To the Rescue
Episode 19: The Perfect Storm
Episode 20: Ranger-swapped
Episode 21: Rock my world
Episode 22: Theft of the Zeo crystal
Episode 23: Shell Shocked
Episode 24: Legend of the Ancient Rangers
Episode 25: In the Driver's seat
Episode 26: All Hail Prince Vekar
Episode 27: Set Controls to Outer Space
Episode 28: Back in Time
Episode 29: To the Pink Power

Episode 27: Follow the leader

47 1 0
De AnimalX23

Our episode opens up with the rangers hanging out at Ernie's as Austin, Jamie, Molly, and Brenda all argue about what they should order for lunch, however Lance tells them that maybe they should stop wasting time arguing and make up their minds. Austin butts heads with Lance, asking him "and who made you my boss?" with Lance saying "Zador" much to Austin's annoyance, saying "if only I were the red ranger". Ernie Jr. asks the five if any of them are ready to order, and the five simultaneously say "NO" however the five get a call from Zador on their morphers saying that a monster has been spotted in downtown angel grove, and Lance tells the team "gues we'll have to get our meals to go" before the five storm out of the youth center before teleporting to the command center, Austin asking what Zador interrupted their lunch for saying that he hates having to fight bad guys on an empty stomach followed by Zador telling the rangers to behold the viewing screen. the two look at the screen to see footage of several people being rounded up by Caprisects who put collars on the civilians, Lance asking what's going on. Zador telling the five that whatever Gigatron is planning, it can't be good. the five then morph and summon their megaforce cycles before we cut to Fat Jack and Skinny Mack running away from a bunch of Caprisects forcing them to drop their ice cream only for them to be held down by several caprisects and forcibly given collars against their will. however the duo are saved by the power rangers who mow down several Caprisects on their megaforce cycles, the five hopping off their bikes with Lance asking the two if they're okay only for Austin to push Lance out of the way telling him "hey man, let me have the big hero moment for a change!" before Austin asks the two if they're okay himself, Fat Jack telling them "we're alive, but I'm not sure why those monsters tried to give us this weird neckwear" with Skinny Mack saying "guess aliens must be trying to make some kind of evil fashion statement" only for Jamie to tell the other rangers to look out and the five are suddenly attacked from the sky by Gigatron's latest robot: a Copepod-themed robot named Copebot, telling the rangers not to interfere with his plans. Brenda asks Copebot what he's up to, and Copebot explains to him that he plans on abducting all the humans on the planet as a slave labor force on behalf of lord Gigatron, saying that once Gigatron conquers this planet in the name of the Armada he's going to need heavy labor to build their new empire, Austin telling Copebot "abducting innocent people to be your slaves? that's messed up dude!" (cue Goseiger episode 35 fight) Copebot absolutely mopping the floor with the rangers who just can't keep up with how fast he is forcing Robo Knight to intervene however even he is unable to match Copebot's speed. Copebot then hits our six heroes with a barrage of missiles. when the rangers wake up, they then notice that all the captured humans have disappeared (which includes Fat Jack and Skinny Mack) Lance demanding to know where he took them. Copebot tells them "Oh don't worry, lord Gigatron's taking good care of them. they'll be safe at his slave labor camp, unfortunate for you rangers none of you will be able to find them. your combat strategy is irrational, unorganized. your leader has failed you, If you weren't fighting me you'd be fighting amongst yourselves. and you call yourselves earth's defenders, pathetic" all the while Cera observes this from her tablet telling Gigatron "look at how he's sown discord into the minds of the rangers, this is our chance!" followed by Gigatron saying "Copebot, dispose of that trash. now we proceed to the second stage of the plan!" Copebot says "yes sir" and teleports away much to the frustration of the rangers. we then cut to the five rangers returning to the command center shooken by Copebot's words, Lance himself starting to doubt himself of being worthy to lead this team. this causes Austin to get up in Lance's face, telling him "If I were team leader I would have turned that metal crustacean into fried shrimp AND we would have rescued all those people!" Lance then argues with Austin telling him "You wouldn't be able to rescue anyone if it didn't mean stroking that massive ego of yours, you're too reckless to be leader, that's why Zador chose me to be the leader!" while Austin rebuts saying "then maybe Zador made a mistake" all the while Jamie and the girls just sit and watch the two argue over who's the better leader while Alpha 8 shakes her head and says "ai-yi-yi" followed by Zador telling the two "ENOUGH!" before reminding the two that they're supposed to work as a team, not bickering with each other. Lance then apologizes to Zador, saying that Austin's been jealous of him being the chosen leader since they first became rangers with Austin saying "I'm not jealous!" followed by Robo Knight standing between the two that they should focus on fighting the enemy instead of each other. Zador agrees, followed by Alpha saying that she managed to locate Gigatron's human slave labor camp. we then cut to the five teens teleporting to the forest unmorphed, our heroes coming across collared humans being put to work in the camp by Caprisects who also guard the facility, Fat Jack and Skinny Mack falling over from exhaustion only for a Caprisect to beat them with its weapon scaring the two into getting back to work. Lance and Austin then go back to arguing with each other over who should be leader only for Molly and Brenda to shut them both up, Molly saying "you boys need to work things out fast or else you'll blow our cover" and Brenda saying "so just put your fragile egos aside, so that we don't get vaporized please". Jamie then says "um guys..." and points to Copebot flying towards them. Robo Knight however comes to the rescue of our heroes allowing them to sneak away undetected. Robo Knight shoots at the flying robot with Robo Knight demanding Copebot to let the humans go. Copebot tells Robo Knight that he's a fool followed by Robo Knight transforming into his headder form to lead Copebot away from the rangers, Austin saying "come on team he's buying us time lets go!" only for Lance to push him out of the way and say "I'm still the leader y'know!" followed by Jamie telling them to just go. the five then sneak into the slave camp where Lance tells Fat Jack and Skinny Mack "psst... we're here to rescue you!" only for Austin to push Lance out of the way saying "this operation wouldn't be possible without yours truly" with Lance saying "would you knock it off already?" however the two's bickering causes our heroes to be exposed and the Caprisects attack, with Lance cracking his neck saying "let the guy with a blackbelt in karate handle this" and roundhouse kicks a couple Caprisects followed by Austin pulling a soccer ball out of his backpack to kick into a Caprisect that was sneaking behind Lance with Austin telling him "you were saying, karate kid?" causing Lance to groan. Jamie and the girls fight off the remainnig caprisects with Brenda saying "enough you two let's get a move on!" followed by the five teens escaping the slave camp with the rescued civilians before we cut to the sky battle between Robo Knight and Copebot, Robo Knight transforming into robot mode to land in the forest below. Copebot flies down to fight Robo Knight on the ground one-on-one before we cut back to the five unmorphed rangers leading the rescued civilians as they sneak through the slave camp to find away out while Fat Jack and Skinny Mack comically try to fight off the Caprisects with everyday objects, Skinny Mack trying to whack one with a rubber chicken which does nothing forcing Fat Jack to pick up a big rock and hit the Caprisect with it knocking it out cold, all the while Lance and Austin are still butting heads only for them to hit a dead end. the two then bicker about who should open the door only for Jamie to butt in and say "I'll do it!" and tries to figure out a code by pressing different random combinations into the console next to the door, however none prove to be right and they're exposed and a bunch of Caprisects corner our heroes the five forming a protective circle around the civilians. Jamie then tells other four "you guys hold them off while I try to decipher the correct combination" with Austin saying "yeah yeah yeah just work your magic brainiac" before beating up several Caprisects with help from Molly and Brenda, Austin being his chauvinistic self saying "thinks for the help, ladies" in a flirtatious manner to the annoyance of both of them. however he is then ganged up on by several Caprisects only for Lance to save his life by beating them up. Lance then helps Austin back up telling him "and that's why I'm the one and only leader" all the while Jamie still can't find the right combination. Austin asks Jamie "what's taking you so long, I thought you were supposed to be the smart guy of this team!" Jamie explains to Austin "there's over 10 million different possible lock combinations, something your simple jock brain can't comprehend" followed by Austin saying "we can't afford to wait that long!" before using a rock rush card to send a giant boulder at the door breaking it open with Lance telling him "real subtle" followed by our heroes and the civilians escaping. we then cut to Robo Knight's fight with Copebot only for the fight to get interrupted by Cera who asks Copebot why he's not guarding the camp, showing him the footage of the rangers escaping the camp with the captive civilians much to Copebot's surprise, Cera telling him "you fool, Robo Knight was just a diversion. now go stop those multicolored teens from escaping with our prisoners!" Copebot salutes saying "yes ma'am!" and flies off leaving Robo Knight to fight Cera one-on-one. we then cut to the five teens leading the escaped civilians through the camp leading to an uprising being started with the enslaved humans fighting back against their captors. the five then bump into Mr. Fowler, the five surprised to find out that he was taken too. Mr. Fowler then tells the five "you came here to rescue me? I tell you what: get me out of here, and the five of you get the rest of the schoolyear with no detention" the five teens going "yus". once they all make their way to the exit, they are confronted by Copebot saying "you organics really think you can get away that easily?" followed by Lance saying "follow my lead!" only for Austin to bump in and say "no follow MY lead!" with Copebot comically cocking his head at the sight of the two bickering. Brenda tells everyone to find somewhere safe and all the civilians escape into the forest outside leaving the five alone to morph (cue Goseiger episode 35 second fight). the five are knocked around by Copebot who asks the five "would the REAL leader of the power rangers please stand up?" Austin then stands up and says "It's me!" only for Lance to shove Austin aside and tell him "no me! I'm the leader of the power rangers before charging in to fight Copebot one-on-one only for him to be knocked around with Blue and Pink charging in telling him "don't you dare lay a finger on our leader!" making Austin realize that maybe he wasn't leader material after all seeing how they all look up to Lance. Molly puts her hand on Austin's shoulder and tells him that even though he isn't a leader, he's still a valuable member of this team which makes Austin feel better followed by Black and Yellow joining in the fight while Robo Knight is busy fighting Cera. Copebot is beaten by the rangers's teamwork while Robo Knight tells Cera that their relationship isn't about leaders and subordinates, it's about working together as one for a common goal: saving the world. meanwhile the corner Copebot with Austin telling the monster that Lance may be the leader, but that doesn't make any of them lesser than him, followed by Lance saying "us power rangers are all equals, that's why we were chosen to be this planet's protectors" and combine their attacks to weaken the monster before activating their guardian armor to finish Copebot off with a guardian strike attack. Cera then summons the zombolts to make Copebot grow giant followed by the rangers summoning their guardian zords and the sky brothers zords to form the sky guardian megazord to take the fight to the air (cue Goseiger episode 44 megazord fight) only for Copebot to knock off the sky brothers zords reverting the guardian megazord to its default configuration. Zador assures the rangers that help is on the way followed by Alpha downmorphing the command ship followed by the command ship latching onto the guardian megazord's back to form a new combination: the ultimate guardian megazord. Cera realizing that they're totally outmatched retreats. the ultimate guardian megazord flies after Copebot who splits the two zords apart, however Alpha pilots the command ship downwards to catch the guardian megazord who lands on top of the ship and combines the ultimate command megazord's two sickle weapons to form a bow finishing off Copebot once and for all with a barrage of laser arrows. after that, we cut to the five teens back at Ernie's disappointed about missing lunch, however Fat Jack and Skinny Mack show up and decided to be nice saying that as a way of saying thank you the two of them ordered lunch for the five and Ernie surprises our heroes with a little bit of everything to satisfy everyone followed by Lance and Austin bro-fisting before digging in ending our episode on a good note.

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