Just keep living

By Redw0lf94

52 3 20

Title is absolute crap More details inside. More

Here we go

52 3 20
By Redw0lf94

A/n: This is the only page I'm  doing for this, I got inspired by @demiwitch_001 and she basically wrote about life so this is my spin on it.

Here we go.

So, my life isn't bad. I have a great family, great friends, and I'm happy and content. (Well, as happy and content as a teenager can be.)  But a lot of people don't have this stuff. I quote my dad when I say life is a bitch, and yes we can let that run our lives. That is what I did, and then I figured out my cure. Writing: every time I write a book or about something I love I realise just how much power books hold. Yes they are just pieces of paper or words on a page. But there is always a story, for example, I'm currently in the process of creating a new book. But enough about that, the point I'm trying to make is.

Life is a dark room, a room in which there is only one light. The dimmer that light goes the less happiness is in your life, but if you find something you love, that can make the bulb brighter.

So I have made this (again from the inspiration of @demiwitch_001 ) where you can share anything completely judge free. You can share stories or just emotions you need to get out and don't want to share with anyone.

I'll go first: sometimes I feel like the only reason I am alive is to look after people. I am fully aware of how stupid it is but that's the thing, the ideas and stories can be stupid. That's part of the fun!

I will read your stories and tag occasionally, but if you don't want me to read them then just put don't read at the top.

Starting tags - demiwitch_001 

So yeah. 

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