Our Deal~ (Billdip)

By UwUnessiscute

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"We have a deal do we Pine Tree?" If only my smile could grow wider "Deal, Cipher" I didn't know it was the e... More

Chapter 1- Nightmare
Chapter 2- Regular Day
Chapter 3- Graduation Party?
Chapter 4- Last Day of School
Chapter 5- Graduation & Trip
Chapter 6- Back to Gravity
Chapter 7- Tad Strange
Chapter 8- Unicorns
Chapter 9- Blood Summon
Chapter 10- Deal
Chapter 11- Feelings
Chapter 12- Fun Day
Chapter 13- Confession
Chapter 14- Offical
Chapter 16- Weirdness
Chapter 17- Reveal

Chapter 15- Return of Twins

1.1K 44 25
By UwUnessiscute

The Next Day

I woke up on my bed, Bill was sleeping in Mabel's bed. I didn't wake him up and went downstairs

Mabel wasn't up either, she has fell asleep on the couch. I carried her to her bed without waking her up

///Dipper has muscles 😌💪🏻///

I went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Stan and Ford are coming today but I don't know what time so better be prepared for anything

I cracked four eggs on a pan after putting some butter on the pan. After a couple of minutes the omlete was ready

Time to wake the idi-Bill and Mabel up Hmm I haven't used any magic for a while now, why not a show?

I opened my journal and looked through some pages. Bubble...no...

I flipped some pages more, but no! There wasn't any good spells for this. Oh wait, 'The most annoying sound'?

That's interesting

The Most Annoying Sound

Warning: Protect your ears

Information: This spell can make the most annoying sound you can imagine. It is so bad that some people use it as a torture

Spell: optimum sonus

Oh wow, it seems pretty easy and fun. I don't know how loud it will be so I will wear headphones

I put on my headphones and turned up a random song in the loudest volume

I walked downstairs and taking a breath I said the words

"Optimum sonus"

Nothing happened. Maybe I should take off my headphones? Yeah, I should

That was the second worst choise in my life

I put my headphones back on in a matter of miniseconds

Then I saw Bill teleport here. He was closing his ears with his hands. He snapped his fingers and took his hands away from his ears

He put my headphones away. He have removed the spell


He said in a low, deep clearly annoyed tone, almost as if it was a sarcasm

"Yes reaaallly"

I replied, using the same tone as him. He rolled his eyes

"Wait, how come Mabel didn't wake up?"

I asked, confused. She might have overdrank her Mablejuice

"Did someone say MABEL!?"

Mabel squealed kicking her bedroom's door and running up to me. Her pupil was much larger and you could really see stars on it

She started shaking me

"Oh gee! Stop it Mabes you are making me dizzy!"

She stopped shaking me, but she herself was shaking. As if she was shivering under cold

"Sorry I can't help it! By the WAyy what was the voice I heared!? Are the unicorns calLiNg ME??"

"Yes they said they would welcome you at their place! Don't come back please"

I elbowed Bill making him groan in pain

"Hey let's eat breakfast now alright?"

They nodded in sycnic. We walked to the table and I put the omlete in the center of the table. They sat down and I placed three plates, forks and a coffee for Mable

"Don't meatsacks eat bacon with eggs?"

"I don't like bacon it is greasy"

"Buuttt Dippea everyyy American LOVES bawon"

"Drink your coffee Mabel"

We ate our food quietly and enjoyed our meal. Yeah no. Mabel was drinking her coffee eagerly as most of the coffee was pouring on the floor

Bill was playing with his fork all the time but he made an unexpected movement. He grabbed the fork and stabbed himself on his hand, letting blood drip out

"Haha! Pain is hilarious"

"You woooo dudee!"

Mabel yelled as she was done with her coffee

"You are an idiot Bill!"

I shouted as I grabbed a towel and wet it. I went over him and took the fork out. He didn't even flinch, he was laughing

I put the wet towel on the wound and cleaned the blood off

"I am going to grab some plasters for you. Don't do any more stupid thing"

I said as I went to the bathroom and took a plaster from my first-aid kit. I went to the living room again and placed the plaster on his wound

"Our deal was that you can't hurt anyone and that includes you"


"No buts"

He was sad, just like a puppy who didn't have attention. Without thinking my hands moved own their own as I played with his hair like petting a puppy

"I may not be a puppy pinetree, but I do bite"

He was about to bite my hand just before I took a few steps away

He smirks


I was about to punch him but Mabel stood up and started making circles like a drunk

"Hehhys Gsuys I doen't fke-"

She stopped circling as she just fell to the ground

Looks like she fainted. Who knew Mabeljuice could make someone faint?

"Wooho! Let's go have fun pinetree! We could go to the movieees and your sister won't interrupt us"

"That's rude and no now help me carry her to her room"

He snapped his fingers and Mabel dissapeared

"There you go but why can't we!?"

"Did you forget my gruncles are coming today?"

He groaned

"Oh and we are not gonna tell them you are my boyfriend"


"Look we will just say you are a friend staying over a few days"

He shook his head

"C'mon Bill"

He shook his head once more. I let out a sigh

'Knock knock'

Welp, just the time. I opened the door and Stanford and Stanlee were standing there

"Who are you and where are my nephew and niece!?"

Ford shouted ready to attack. Gosh I didn't change so much!!

"It is me Gruncle Ford"

"You can be Bill talking!"

He said as he took out his weapon. Did they know Bill was back?

He aimed the gun to my head. Bill was about to come but I signaled him not to

"How can I prove you it is me?"

Ford took his time to think. Stan whispered something, making Ford nod

"Tell me something only Dipper knows"

tan said

"I used to sing Disco girl
to myself in the shower"

I blushed a little from embarrassment. Bill laughed like a maniac. Ford put the gun back on


They said in sycnic and gave me a bear hug

"Hey hey hey, I can't breath!"

They let go of me

"You've grown so much, my boy!"
Ford said

"Yeah I am 17"

"Where is Mabel?"
Stan asked

"Oh well she overdrank Mabeljuice and fainted"

"She hasn't changed"

Stan said. I shruggled. They came in and saw Bill who was still laughing and I mentally face-palmed

"Who's the boy?"

Ford asked, I guess he was suspicious about him. He doesn't trust anyone easily anyways

"William Rephic at your service!"

He said as he jumped over his seat and shook Ford's hand

"Is he your friend Dipper?"
Stan asked


I replied with, a simple and a true answer. Bill looked at me with a wink and a smirk

I instantly got the memo. I know you can read minds Bill, I dare you

"Challenge accepcted"

He whispered

"I am no ordinary friend of him sir, I am his boyfriend!"

You are dead Bill, dead to me!

"If Dipper trusts you then I approve of you"


ord said

"But hurt him and you're dead"

He added and showed his gun ander his jacket. Stan showed his fist

"I would never think of, sir"

He replied with a smirk

"I am going to wake Mabel up"

I said and left the room. I came in from the broken door. She was asleep

"Mabel wake up"

I shook her and she woke up

"Hi Dipperr! G'morning"

"Good afternoon, gruncle Stan and Ford are here"

She gave out an 'Eek' sound and ran straight to the living room

Ford and Stan were talking to Bill. I didn't get the point but I could care less

Mabel secretly walked behind the sofa and stopped at the behind of our gruncles

She closed their eyes using each of her hands

"Guess who's it??"


They shouted and Mabel let her hands go. They hugged

"Do you have food?"
Stan asked

"Stan this is a random question!"
Mabel said

"Why?" I asked

"Becuase I am craving!" He said. We all laughed

"How about we go to Diner?"

I said. They all agreed. Stan was about to drive the car but I stopped him

"I think it is the best if I drive gruncle Stan, you are kinda ...getting old"

I ironicly said. He handed over the keys without making any trouble nor putting up a fight

I go to the driver's seat. Bill sat next to me. Mabel was in the back, between our gruncles

"Wait, Dipper you know how to drive?" Ford said

"You're about to learn"

I said as I turned the key and stepped on the gas with much force



We arrived to the Diner and there was no damage done to the car

But Ford, Stan and Mabel were gonna puke. So they went straight to the bathroom, leaving me and Bill alone

We sat opposite to eachother

"So Bill... You did something I asked you not to do"

I said as I put my hands on the table, I got closer to him

"You know what that means?"

He was sweating nervously

"A.. a kiss?"

"No. You're not allowed to kiss me nor cuddle for a week"

"I refuse!"



Someone said, I turned my sight to the voice's owner. Appearently it was Lazy Susan

"Am I interrupting something?"

She asked. I didn't understand but when I looked at Bill I noticed our position. It seemed like I was going to kiss him. Oh my that's so embarrassing

I sat down on my seat properly

"Not at all, Susan"

"So what'cha want?"

She said as she took out her notebook.
I guess she didn't recognize me

"We will order later"

I said and she left. And after a couple of minutes Mabel came, to be followed by Ford and Stan

Susan came again and asked for our order, I ordered a cup of coffee, Mabel pancakes and tea, Ford a toast and water, Stan meatball-spaghetti with a fizzy drink. Bill didn't order anything

Stan told us their adventures. They were really interesting. But it looked like he was choosing his words carefully

One time when he was gonna say something but Ford interrupted him

There were things they weren't telling us

Our meals and drinks came after half an hour. When we were done with them, I drove us back home

I was going to my room with Bill before Ford had stopped me

"Dipper can I talk to you?"
He said, he was serious

"Of course"

He examined Bill over and shoot his glance back at me


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