The phoenix II

Da EliNeDe20

1.5K 113 1

Lizzy Jacobs - Romano I still remember the moment that I felt the happiest in my live... The love off my life... Altro

Proloog II
(New) Characters
1 - Is this a training center or a day care?
2 - All protecting the little girl?
4 - Maybe I need to be more friendly
5 - When the time is up
6 - I give the 'taking it slowly' 2 weeks max
7 - So much of being nicer towards her.
8 - The kind that is none of your business.
9 - That went smoothly.
10 - 'happiness is often found in the little things'
11 - why is there a birthday-party for me?
12 - Roberto is a cutie.
13 - Not everyone is a giant.
14 - do I need to protect you, baby?
15 - Or maybe the model was better.
16 - She never lies to me.
17 - I meant the Chimpanzee's.
18 - Well more pancakes for us.
19 - Are you all playing me?
20 - shopping with madson
21 - if it had depended on us you'd have been thrown in the basement.
22 - We all made a huge mistake
23 - She must know that it was you.
24 - they never took it slow
25 - Does he make you happy?
26 - yes I heard that
27 - See you soon love.
28 - He's always like that!
29 - how does it look on me?
30 - I have to think about it
31 - Are you ready for this Lizzy?
32 - Are you two on drugs?
33 - Epiloog 1 - It's like a warzone there.
34 - Epiloog 2 - Nobody important.

3 - I don't know what has got into her

43 3 0
Da EliNeDe20

POV James Williams

"So, who is cooking?"

"Aiden and Suzy are picking up the children at the house. They were going to bring food, Chinese I believe."

Luciano chuckled "Suzy is so pregnant."

Lizzy giggled "Yeah, have you seen devour her those cupcakes that Lilly made?"

"That was quite a sight to see. Papà was stunned." Luciano chuckled

"Everyone knows already?"

"No, but everyone suspects it." we all laughed at that fact.

"How was training with Jackson?" Lizzy asked

"Good, he has a good foundation, we just have to get him back to where he was. Change his attitude also. Maybe learn to keep his mouth shut."

"That bad?"

I nodded "he rarely talks but when he does, always with prejudice. Henry let him know where his place is. And he will train tomorrow with him."

"Then he has insulted me, otherwise my father would not just order a training."

I nodded "he sure did."

"Tell me James. I want to know." She sighed

"He saw you jump in Luciano's arms. He sounded a bit jealous, but not that he was jealous about you two. More 'That's how it should be' remarque."

"My father was mad for that?"

"No, after I corrected him that Luciano is your brother- in-law. He wondered how you are greeting your husband. I left it like that. But then you father came..."

"Oh boy" Luciano chuckled

"He asked where you were. I told Henry that the two of you were upstairs. Jackson said 'Fucking the brother-in-law? Typical'"

Lizzy rolled her eyes "he is obsessed by cheating, well no wonder after what his ex-girlfriend did. But still."

"What did Henry do?" Luciano asked

"Jackson was running on the treadmill... Henry shut down the treadmill and Jackson fell flat on his face. Henry pointed out that he was your father. Told Jackson that he would be training 'the boy' tomorrow and left."

"Jackson is a jackass. Do we have that on tape?" Lizzy asked looking pleased and hopeful.

"Oh yes, of course."


Aiden, Suzy, and the children arrived soon after that. Aiden carried a lot of Chinese food and even a pizza to the table.

"A little appetite Aiden?" Lizzy teased him

"Not me, Suzy is driving me mad; I don't know what has got into her."

"Uh... What, you don't know?" Lizzy looked confused.

"That's what I said Lizzy. I don't understand her." He lowered his voice and whispered, "yesterday she cried because the food smelled really good."

"Uh... uh... And you have really no idea...?" Lizzy looked at him like he was completly nuts.

"No, I'm going to take some plates before she gets mad."

We stood up and walked to the table, Lizzy took Lexie in her arms "I missed you my baby" they hugged each other tight. Leonardo was running around the table with Olivia.

Suzy entered and took a seat. Lizzy took a seat next to her and whispered something in Suzy's ear. Suzy her eyes went wide  and said "oh, I haven't thought about that."

"Really? God Suzy, everyone suspects it. Well expect you and Aiden apparently."

"What are you suspecting?" Aiden was putting some food on a plate for Olivia and Leonardo.

"They all think that I'm pregnant." Suzy shrugged her shoulders.

Aiden dropped the container Chinese onto the table "Pregnant? Is that possible?"

"If you have sex than yes. Didn't you know that Aiden?" Luciano chuckled

Aiden took his car keys and walked out "I'll be right back. Eat." And he was gone.

"What was that?" Luciano was confused.

Taking a sip of water "he probably left to buy a pregnancy test." Suzy said. She looked so calm.

She was right, Aiden came back 30 minutes later. "They are nuts, do you know how many kinds there are?"

Suzy and Lizzy laughed "Yes, we know."

He dropped 10 tests on the table. "Drink Suzy, you need to pee."

"Yes Sir. But first let's eat. I will take one after diner. Okay?"

He grumbled "Fine."

POV Aiden Wright

Suzy was eating extra slow on purpose, I'm sure of it. Talking with Lizzy about who knows what. I don't care! C'mon Suzy eat and drink faster! I want to know if I'm going to be a dad.

Well, I'm already a dad, off my little princes Olivia. I love that little girl and I'm her daddy Aiden. Biological she isn't mine, but it feels like she is mine. Olivia and me, we have a bond. She mostly looks like Suzy, but Chris is also reflected in her. Her personality and character are a mix of Chris and me. She has adopted little traits of me.

"Need another drink, Suzy?" I asked her.

"No Aiden, thank you." She smiled sweetly.

Suzy whispered something to Lizzy, and they giggled together. It was good to see Lizzy smile like that. It miss her. But lately, sometimes the old Lizzy comes out. We all missed our happy girl. Suzy saw my glance at Lizzy and winked at me. 

James left; he was meeting Sebastian for a new mission. 30 minutes later Olivia crawled onto Lizzy's lap "ice-cream Liz?"

"I love to Liv." Lizzy put Olivia down and stood up. "Let's go kids, we're going for an ice cream. Mommy Suzy needs to pee on a stick!" Leonardo and Olivia cheered, and Lexie went along with it, imitating the older ones. 

Luciano stood up "I'll come with you." Lexie immediately held up her arms for Luciano to pick her up. Lizzy walked out hand in hand with Olivia and Leonardo.

"She looks happier." Suzy said when they left.

I nodded "yes today she does." Suzy walked up to me and hugged me.

"The only thing we can do for her is to be here for her."

"I know Suzy but sometimes I see her slip away."

"Aiden, everyone deals with grief differently."

"You did it too."

"I had you Aiden. And I also had Lizzy, she helped me a lot. If Lizzy loves someone it's with everything she has. When he died, he took a part of her with him. Maybe someday someone will walk into her life and brings that part back."

"I hope so, she has so much love in her. And she deserves to be loved."

"Indeed. So, are you ready to find out if we are pregnant or not?"

"I was ready 2.5 hours ago." I smiled at her and kissed her.

Following the instructions on the box we did three tests and were waiting for the result and Lizzy stormed back in. Muttering under her breath she took a glass of whiskey "fucking asshole." Luciano and James came back in with the kids. Leonardo was crying. 

Lizzy looked at him "I'm sorry Leonardo, mommy needs to cool down first." James walked with him to his room and Luciano followed with Lexie.

"What happened Liz?" I asked her

"Fucking Jackson." She replied and slammed her glass down on the table. She left to put her children in bed. Olivia was sleeping next to us.



"We are pregnant. Look they are all 3 positive."

"I'm so happy Suzy. Are you happy?"

She nodded "of course, I love you."

"Love you too Suzy. We are going to see a doctor tomorrow to confirm it."

"Okay." And she gave me a kiss "have you seen Lizzy?"

I nodded "it's been a long time since I saw so much emotion in her. Jackson provokes her."

'I'm curious to hear what he did." Suzy smiled already.

James and Luciano came back and took a seat with us. "And? What happened?" Suzy asked eager to hear the story.

"Well, we ordered our ice-cream. We walked outside to a bench. Lizzy had Lexie in her arms, and I took a call. Olivia and Leonardo walked behind us. You know Leonardo, walking very carefully. On the first bench we came across Jackson." Luciano told us.

"He greeted Lizzy with 'Little girl'. She is already annoyed by that; he addresses her like that all the time." James explained

"But she ignored it and greeted him polite. We took our seat on the other bench, just when Leonardo stumbled and dropped his precious ice-cream right in front of Jackson. Jackson didn't move, he just looked at Leonardo. Till he said, "go cry with your daddy."

"Oh God no." Suzy shouted

"Indeed, but Olivia turned to him. And she said, 'his daddy is dead' and she pulled Leonardo with him back to Lizzy. Jackson's face! You should have seen it. Lizzy and I were so proud of her. He kept crying for his ice-cream, until Olivia shared hers with him. Jackson left quickly."

"He didn't even apologize?"


Lizzy didn't come back after she put the children in bed. We were leaving so I passed quickly by her room. She was already in her bed, just staring ahead of her.

"Hey Liz, we are leaving."

"Aiden, sorry for tonight. After what happend with Jackson, I needed a moment."

I took a seat on her bed "No problem." I watched her "Are you okay Lizzy?"

"Of course."

"Liz, I'm worried, it's been 1.5 years."

"It still hurts so much."

"You need to start living again Liz."

"I am living Aiden."

"No, you are not. You are surviving. Taking care for the gym and the children isn't living. It's cooping. You need to step outside again, go out. Meet new people. Maybe date again?"

She scoffed "I'll never date again. I already found my true love."

"Lizzy, please try to remember what you told 4years ago to Suzy. There can be room for different people in your heart. Lorenzo will always be in your heart but there can be place for someone new. You just have to want and allow it."

She closed her eyes, opening them again they were filled with tears "I can't. I won't. So, is Suzy pregnant?" 

She changed the subject again; that's what she's been doing for the last few months. Changing the subject if she doesn't like the topic. Mostly talking about Lorenzo, her art, or a new love. Today at least she didn't break it down immediately, that is a win for me. 

So, I smiled at her "Yes, she is. Well, the 3 tests she took were all positive."

"That's great, I'm happy for you Aiden. And for Suzy too. Tell her that I will call her tomorrow morning. After that I'm going to Italy with the children. Ana and Aleks are coming too."

"That's great, I'll tell her. Enjoy your little vacation."

"I will. I need to get out here for a while. A week maximum and then I'll be back."

"Still, enjoy it. The gym works also fine without you Liz. The man have everything under control." I kissed her cheek "sleep well"

"Sleep well, Aiden. Love you."

"Love you too Liz."

I closed her door quietly and after saying goodbye to Luciano and James, we went home. Suzy and I talked in bed about Lizzy. We hope that going to Italy and seeing Ana and Aleks would bring some fire back into her.

In the morning I was getting Olivia ready for pre-school while Suzy was on the phone with Lizzy. Suzy was glowing and she looked great. I was again grateful for the chance I had been given with her. Tomorrow, we had an appointment at the gynecologist. I was excited to see our baby.

POV Jackson King

When Lizzy passed me last night with 3 children and her brother-in-law again by her side, I couldn't stop thinking that she was cheating on her husband. The little boy let drop his ice-cream before me and I wanted to comfort him. He was adorable.
But that little voice in my head said 'No Jackson, keep your distance'.

So, I was rude to him, and the little blond girl next to him defended him. Which makes sense, he still seems so young. 

She said, 'his daddy is dead'. I was stunned by that, looking back at Lizzy I was again amazed with how she carried herself. She was comforting her son, but she looked so angry, sad, and lost. She was hiding it well, but I recognized it. I was doing the same thing since my accident. I left quietly, without looking back.

Today I went back to the gym, I wanted to apologize to Lizzy for yesterday evening. 

I will keep her at a distance, but her children are just children. I will make it up to the little boy, Leonardo. Better late than never I thought. But Lizzy and the kids were nowhere in sight. And James didn't say anything about her. Henry went hard during training. But I did deserved it for disrespecting his daughter.

A guy walked in and looked with Roberto and James at us. I heard Lizzy's name, and they were discussing something. All 3 men still watching me like a hawk. They seem to be such a close-knit group. And like James already said they all protect Lizzy.

Henry and I talked about the training. I liked training with him, he challenged me. 

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