De lkdaswani

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The Mughal Emperor Jalal has only ever known death, betrayal and hate. He is heartless and cruel beyond measu... Mais

A few years before Jalal and Jodha are born.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4. Pehli Mulaqaat
Chapter 5. Past and Future Lives.
Chapter 6: Their Worlds Collide
Chapter 7. HATE.
Chapter 8. Yin and Yang
Chapter 9. Our Inevitable Destiny.
Chapter 10: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
Chapter 11. The Satan and his Lilith.
Chapter 12: One Step forward, two Steps back.

Chapter 1.

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De lkdaswani

6 YEARS LATER, 1541 

In 6 years, it was as if everything changed.

Happiness turned into devastation and hope for the future turned into a inevitable bleakness of the future. The wish for peaceful Kingdom died in the horns of war and in the cries of a mother...The Queen of Amber retained her beauty but all her happiness had been washed away the day she washed the blood of her child from her clothes.

The strong Queen of Gondwana on the other hand became weary of Ruling and now even the nobles in her court started to become impatient in demand of an Heir, in demand of the 'Yogya-Pareeksha'.
(A test of worthiness conducted by the people of Gondwana to choose their next Ruler.)

Somehow, the Second son of Amber, Rajkumar Bharmal, had been forced to take over the responsibility he had never been prepared for, to become King after his brother Puranmal was killed in Battle and though he shouldered it, he did it reluctantly. And amateurishly.

He remarried when his beloved wife Mainavati was unable to bear him an heir- on the court's suggestion- and not just once but married twice for in these war times Amber needed allies and Rani Durgavati was too busy fighting her own battles to even think about going to help.

Rajput Kingdom of Amber, Rajasthan

Year, 1541

Mainavati sat in front of Durga Maa, her hands folded in prayer, her eyes closed and her face serene.

This had become a common scene to witness in the past six years. The people of the Kingdom would all bow down to the Queen as she would walk barefoot from the Royal Palace to the Temple of the Goddess just outside the borders of Amber.
She would pray for an hour everyday, she would then perform charity outside the temple before going to Amber's Healing Hall and help heal as many people as she could before heading back to the Royal Palace with sun down and taking care of the Palace staff and giving them orders- orders which will be carried out seamlessly the next day while she was out praying.

Mainavati would then usually dine with the rest of the family before retiring to the Maharani Chambers (Prime Queen), the King would eventually join her if he so wished. She still loved Bharmal and he her, but all these years- childless- her love had become tinged with grief and disappointment. He had promised to keep her safe and he had but at the cost of her child. Their Child.

Bharmal had married other Princesses and though Mainavati had supported him in his decision, her jealousy had reared its head along with her anger many a times.

Sometimes, during her low moments, Mainavati had also wished that Bharmal had saved her child rather than her... at least then she will have a legacy and not...nothingness.

She sniffed as she held her tears at bay. Five years ago Mainavati had been about to give birth... her child, her Son was so close to being in her arms that she had thought nothing could disrupt her happiness but disrupt it had. Someone had poisoned her with the Dhatura Ark ( A herb that causes forced abortion and destroys a woman's womb). She had still delivered her child but he had been born dead, born poisoned. Her womb was damaged beyond repair and by all accounts she should have lost all hope for a child of her own blood but--

She feels her hand being clasped in a smaller hand and smiled- or at least made a valiant effort to smile at Sujamal's effort to provide her comfort. In truth Sujamal was Bharmal's nephew, his elder brother- late Raja Puranmal's son but since Raja Puranmal had died on battlefield and Sujamal's mother had passed away soon after giving him birth, Mainavati was the only mother he knew and he was the only son she could ever know.

She still remembered the day she had cried when Sujamal had called her 'Maa Sa' (Dear Mother), she remembered what Shaguni Bai- the temple's famous priestess had said that day- That she was a childless mother and Sujamal was a Motherless Child, that it was a match made in heaven and now he only lacked a sister just like Mainavati lacked a daughter.

Soon though, the old priestess had muttered to her, soon.

Mainavati, feeling faint with Hope then, had only nodded.

Shaguni Bai was considered to have divine prophetic powers, her words took life of their own and came true, always. And only a year ago Mainavati had heard her dearest wishes tickled once more when she had dreamed.

She'd dreamed of a little girl, more mischievous than any child she had ever seen. Her laughter echoed in the hallways of Amber fort like tinkling of tiny bells along with the sounds of her payals as her small feet pittered and pattered as she ran and calling to Mainavati with words she could never get enough of,

'Maa Sa.'

It should be impossible, she thought again.

The poison had melted her womb, the Vaed (Doctor) had said that she would never have a child of her blood. Never. In fact 5 years ago she had also stopped having her monthly courses but then only a month ago... perhaps she was delusional but she would swear that her stomach had cramped up as if it was readying her for her courses. And then this month... this month Mainavati had bled again for the first time in Years!

It was only spotting, but it was blood, her monthly blood- A universal sign that tells every woman that she is still fertile, Never had Mainavati been so happy to see blood before.

It should be impossible. Utterly Impossible and yet it was happening, she knew it in her heart that it was happening.

It was a miracle- even her getting her courses back was a miracle and so she couldn't help but hope for her mischievous daughter, for Sujamal and Bhagwan Das and all of Bharmal's sons to have a Sister.

In Six years, her husband's other wives, Rani Champavati and Queen Roopmati had given birth to two boys each. Bhagwan Das and Khangar Singh were Queen Champavati's sons, Four and Three years old, respectively. Raj and Ram Singh were Rani Roopmati's twin sons, both aged 2 years. Sujamal himself was three and a half years old and already a respectable young man, at least in his own opinion.

Mainavati knew she had gotten lucky, Rani Champavati was a very nice woman even if her father was a dirty old schemer who was probably behind the tragedy that had besieged Mainavati and Rani Roopmati usually stayed out of her way and though their relationship was not as warm as hers was with Champavati, she respected Mainavati enough to not be consciously unkind or malicious.

Yes, Mainavati thought as she smiled again imagining tinkling laughter while finishing her prayer, she was quite lucky even considering everything that had happened to her.

She looked at Sujamal, kissed his forehead before taking his tiny hand in hers and leading the way out of the temple.

That night Mainavati was the one to enter Bharmal's chambers, she smiled at her husband and saw his pleasantly surprised face which soon turned into a look of pure love... Maharani Mainavati was slowly but surely was coming back to her previous self.

Gond Kingdom, Gondwana.

Rani Durgavati's Council Hall.

Durgavati was standing near a massive window, looking out in the direction of Amber, in the direction of her daughter.

The council men kept speaking amongst each other, well more like argued amongst each other trying to prove the other stupid while in reality neither of them could see the bigger picture. None of them could see that Gondwana needed someone more than a diplomat... they now needed someone with a Vision. Durgavati had done all she could for Gondwana and now after years of ruling she did not know the way forward.

Gondwana was at the peak of its trade- trading various commodities with the rest of the Hindustan, peak of its economy and peak of its people's happiness. Every man was employed and earning.

What else was left to do? Expansion? Golkonda would be a good territory to merge with Gondwana, so maybe...

Perhaps an alliance with Sher Shah Suri was imminent? Now, He was a man with vision, in 2 years alone he had completely defeated Humayun and destroyed the Mughal Dynasty in Hindustan. Delhi and Agra now belonged to Sher Shah.

Sher Shah was also a man of principles, he took care of his people and was working on an economic policy that had the promise of completely reviving up Delhi... She sighed. Yes, an alliance with Sher Shah sounded good and attractive as Humayun had been completely defeated and no one else could hope to defeat Sher Shah, at least for now.

In fact she was shocked at first to learn that Humayun had been defeated at all, that man though young, fought with a zeal that could rival Gondi people in its ruthlessness. He was not cunning but Humayun had a quiet intelligence that did not need boasting. It proved that Humayun had become weak from the many battles against his Brother Kamran so when a capable war general like Sher Shah attacked, it had finally broken the camel's back.

Humayun had retreated to Persia and was now without much of an army. Or land. Or money, really. For now, the Mughal Dynasty looked like it was ready to bite the dirt.

Durgavati was dragged out of her thoughts when her nephew- the boy who hoped to become her heir, Ramdeep, stood up and said,

"There is a matter of another grave concern your majesty." This boy was also intelligent and had a habit of looking at her with a smirk almost every time she rolled her eyes at her courtier's.

Ramdeep was only ten and three years old and was the son of her younger sister, he took part in court proceeding because he was a good option as a prospective heir, especially since Mainavati—

Durgavati shook her head and the thought, while nodding at Ramdeep to continue.

"It has been two years since the Mughal Badshah Humayun was defeated by Sher Shah Suri at the Battle of Chausar and has lost both Delhi and Agra- His capitals. His Harem and Kingdom- are also in shambles. His harem is either in Sher Shah's prison hold, on the run or... possibly dead. His new-born son and Heir Muhammad Javed is dead, killed in his sleep and his daughters have been killed after much trauma. Perhaps, it is time to consider accepting the hand of friendship the Suri's have extended?"

Durgavati made herself look reluctant as she took the throne and sat down gracefully.

"Perhaps." She said.

As if seeing her reluctance was the signal they needed suddenly all her ministers were remarking the benefits of such friendship.

These men, Durgavati sighed in the privacy of her mind, were worse than sheep.

After so many years of ruling these sheep-men, Durgavati had learned how to gently guide -manipulate- her ministers into supporting the decision she wanted them to take and resisted the urge to smirk when her intended path was reached and accepted before they turned to face her. Making her plan sound like their own plan-easier for them to accept it that way.

Their suggested plan will receive a reluctant nod, making those sheep happier. For if the Female ruler was reluctant and unhappy about something, then surely, it was the right decision- sheep, she scoffed.

They stayed happy that the men of the Kingdom had helped the poor female ruler rule and she remained happy that her scheme had once again been successful.

"Alright." She said, holding her palm up to make her ministers stop singing Sher Shah's praises,

"Send a messenger to Suri and tell him that Gondwana welcomes his proposal and his hand in friendship."

The men cheered and she rolled her eyes, Ramdeep smirked at her and nodded his head to the side and she retreated to that window of hers to look at Amber.

Six years was a long time to live with a dream that will never be fulfilled. Perhaps it was time to conduct the Yogya-Pareeksha (Test of Worth) and see if Ramdeep is accepted by their people as heir.


Somewhere in Rajasthan's Deserts.

Year, 1542

Hamida was tired, so so very tired.

She was tired of running, tired of being scared, tired of being thirsty ALL the time, tired of begging for help from people who would sooner kill her but only refrained from doing so because she was 4 months pregnant.

All of her soldiers had been killed though, now only she, Maham Anga and Bairam Khan remained alive. They were going at a very slow pace for they had to stop again and again to let her rest. Their footwear was completely shredded and by now Maham and Bairam Khan were walking barefoot while Maham had wrapped Hamida's swollen feet in cloth.

She sighs sadly, as she massages her feet.

Hamida and her Badshah had been happy, happier than Hamida could ever hope to be and then this...this happened.

Ya allah (remembering allah), she thought as she closed her eyes, why is it that when happiness finally touches them it is snatched away so harshly that one becomes scared of happiness itself?

The last scene of all of them together still haunts Hamida- Badshah Humayun had been ecstatic to know that she was expecting that he wouldn't let her leave his sight, Maha-Chuchak begum had been holding little Javed and little Mehar and celebrating Hamida's pregnancy, Chand begum had been holding Nihar and little Nigar- her two daughters- and singing celebratory songs... Hamida couldn't help but feel a chill go through her when a realization struck her- nothing would ever be the same again. Nothing.

Little Javed and Mehar had been killed, Nihar too had been killed and possibly little Nigar too.

She shuddered when she realized that she might be the only one who had managed to escape with her life and that too because Maham caught her from running after the other Begums, pulling and pushing her out through a secret tunnel.

A tear escaped her and her hand went protectively around her stomach... she would keep her son safe, she would. Nothing would harm him, this she promised.

Against Maham and Bairam's wished she knew what she had to do... It was time to approach the people who had helped her husband more than once, it was time to approach the Rajputs for help.

Bairam might rave against the decision and Maham may shout that the Rajputs would betray her but it was time for her confinement period, she had to find shelter quick or both her and her child may perish.


Rajput kingdom of Amber.

Mainavati was singing and arranging the flowers for the celebration of Sujamal's 4th name day, decoration and gifts were hers to look after. Champavati was managing the food and Roopmati was looking after the entertainment.

She hugged Sujamal to her when he came back from his activities and then her eyes moved towards he husband who was smiling but still looked as though there was something worrying him.

"What is it, Raja ji? Is there something I can help you with?" She asked as she left the flowers and went to him and took his hand in hers.


Bharmal said and breathed in deeply,
"Humayun's begum, Hamida is looking for shelter and has asked the Rajputs for help. Umarkot is closest to her from where she is but considering Suri's habit of attacking anyone who is protecting the Mughal's, Umarkot does not wish to put itself in jeopardy... it is a small Kingdom and will be unable to protect itself against the Suri Dynasty."

"But Rajputs always offer shelter when it is asked, especially by a woman. Surely we can call her to Amber and protect her here. Amber is strong and is already not on the best terms with the Suri Dynasty due to Raja Puranmal's support of Humayun. Surely, giving her shelter cannot harm Amber anymore than it already has?"

"I would have done that, only...Only Hamida Begum is four months along-" Mainavati gasped and her hand covered her mouth in disbelief, "-and any strenuous travel for her would prove dangerous for her and for the babe."

"I cannot believe this! A Rajput Kingdom not offering shelter to an expecting woman! Where are the Morals and Rules which the Rajputs pride themselves over so much... where?!"

"I know. I am thinking of writing a letter to Raja Bhadrasal of Umarkot, do you wish to stay for it? I will offer them my support- though it may not be enough- and ask them to send Hamida begum and the Babe to Amber for protection soon after the delivery. Suri won't dare attack Amber for the fear of losing Gondwana's friendship."

Mainavati nodded decisively and felt her stomach cramp again. Her hand went to her stomach protectively as she smiled beautifully at her husband when he looked at her with concern.

Soon, she called to her daughter, soon.


Rajput Kingdom of Umarkot.

Hamida hugged Queen Parvati of Umarkot in gratitude when the Royal Rajput's welcomed the three of them inside and the woman smiled in welcome. Hamida had never felt so relieved as when the Queen asked the Royal Vaed to check Hamida and provide her with the painkillers for her swollen feet. Once the doctor declared her in good health along with her babe, she was given a gentle bath and her head was massaged gently until she fell asleep.

A tear left her eyes when she was left alone to sleep and her hand went lovingly to her stomach, her relief and grief knew no bounds. Her child was safe... she had done it. She had kept her child alive, she had never been so relived but- but where was her husband, was he alive? Was her son's father still alive?

She turned, her arm still around her stomach as her Badshah's hand used to be when he cuddled her as she started praying. She prayed until she fell into an exhausted asleep.


Gond Kingdom, Gondwana.

Rani Durgavati's Chambers.

She read her daughter's letter again and tightened her grip on the parchment.

'...given refuge to the Mughal Begum Hamida Bano,'

'expecting... four months along. Protect...'

'Please Mother, I feel it in my heart that this is important...'

'Gondwana's help will be appreciated,...'

'Please help protect them, Mother...'

She sat down on her study, thinking and then without wasting a second she took the parchment and held it over the candle on her desk. She watched as the letter burned away fully leaving no evidence and thought on what to do.

There was no way the Mughal Begum will survive without outside help... Amber is a strong ally but Suri is stronger. Much Stronger.

Durgavati couldn't openly support Umarkot as she had already accepted Sher Shah's hand in friendship but she could do something...surely.

The Next Morning a secret army contingent left Gondwana by the hidden door and made way towards Kingdom of Umarkot. On Arrival the General of the Gondi Army met Raja Bhadrasal and Bairam Khan before quietly merging into the Umarkot Army. For all intent and purposes there was no Gondi Soldier present only soldiers of Umarkot and later Amber.

When Sher Shah Suri attacked his army faced a clear defeat with heavy losses and Rani Durgavati- his Ally- suggested him to not chase after a Mughal child who would take years to grow and gain an army and to instead focus on building Delhi Economy and making Suri Dynasty great.

Sher Shah feeling the wisdom in those words reluctantly agreed and retreated.

An Emperor is Born.

A few months later- Full 5 and a half months later to be exact, Hamida Begum was starting to get worried when her babe simply refused to come out into the world- her labour pains didn't start when she had expected them to and it had made her wonder for the umpteenth time that somehow those painful 4 months of continuous travelling had affected her child adversely but only a few weeks later than expected, she felt the pains exactly at Dawn. 
As the sun was starting to appear out of the clouds so was Hamida's relieved smile on her face.

Maham Anga, exited the birthing chambers and announced to Bairam Khan and King Bhadrasal waiting outside.

"The Mughal Dynasty has an Heir. By Badshah Humayun's proclamation, his son and Heir's name is Abu'l-Fath Jalal-ud-din Muhammad."

It was a quiet celebration of happy smiles but each and every one of them was happy that both the child and the Begum- Marium Makkani now, a title given to the Heir's mother- were safe and sound.

As, Maham made the announcements, Rani Parvati picked up the quiet babe and looked at him curiously, to her shock the babe seemed to be doing the same.

"This is the first ever Muslim child to be born in a Hindu home...mark my words Hamida, this child- born at Dawn will bring a new dawn over Hindustan and the world would be better for it."

Hamida's eyes watered as she smiled and took her child into her arms to be nursed.

Queen Parvati kept looking at the child, curious as the babe had released not more than one quiet cry after being born before going eerily silent, she would have been worried if it were not for the active movement of the child's limbs. The baby was born after almost 10 months, an anomaly but more than all of that what made Parvati curious were the babe's eyes. So clear... so very dark and grey. Like the thunderclouds in the sky before a heavy downpour. Beautiful eyes. Intense for a babe and nothing like the blue they should have been.

Parvati looked at Hamida and smiled, the first child is always special for a mother, she curbed the need to coo and left, leaving the babe and the mother alone to bond.

As she was leaving she refused to let herself think. Refused to think on how easy the birthing process had been, refused to think how after that first bout of pain Hamida had almost looked like she felt no pain at all, refused to think that there had been no blood. None. Refused to think on the babe's careful intelligent dark grey eyes looking at everything around curiously.

Refused-- but her eyes did seek her Ganesh's murti (an idol of a god), and she closed her eyes and prayed,

"Let this Prince bring this realm some peace."


Hamida smiled down at her son, her Jalal. Her beautiful son, relieved and tired but terribly happy.


Salim Chishti Baba (A prominent Sufi saint), looked up at the sky just as the sun was dawning and a wide smile spread over his face. He was blind but he saw more than what was ordinary.

The King who was destined to rule over the entirety of Hindustan has just been born. He who would change the course of History, whose name would be written on the Annals of History had entered this world. But every King is incomplete without a Queen... soon he thought and smiled, soon.

Their love would change the world, their marriage would bring two different warring religions together... together they will bring about Hindustan's Golden age and protect this country- this land from all those who would ravage it. From all those who would harm it.


Shaguni Bai (the legendary prophetess and disciple of the Goddess) danced! She danced and sang and prayed for she had witnessed a true miracle.

She made her way to Amber Fort, dancing and making merry. When the guards granted her entrance, she smiled widely and made her way unescorted to the Queen's chambers-

"Shaguni Bai? Is something wrong?" asked the Queen Mainavati and Shaguni had to laugh,

"Wrong? Oh no! Nothing is wrong, in fact I would go as far as to say that everything is Finally right!' She laughed and started taking out vials and series of medicinal plants from her satchel. She took out mortar and Pestle and started grinding the herbs.

Mainavati kept on looking in amusement and that was when Bharmal came in,

"Close the door, Raja ji." Shaguni ordered the King and Bharmal looked at Mainavati in disbelief making Mainavati giggle, but hesitantly the King did as asked and stood beside his wife and whispered,

"What is going on?" He asked his wife and felt her shrug and chuckle.

'Mainavati, remove your saari." Shaguni Bai ordered, when she saw the Queen hesitate, she ordered again,

"If you wish to confirm whether or not you are having a child then remove. Your. Saari." Things quickened after that.

Shaguni placed her hands- wrapped in medicinal paste- onto Mainavati's stomach and waited... waited some more before Mainavati doubled over with the most painful cramp she had ever had. When Shaguni removed her hands and--golden light-- came from where her hands had been, as if Mainavati's stomach held a little sun of it's own.

Shaguni laughed, her hands joined in prayer as the King and Queen kept looking at the Queen's stomach with disbelief.

"Shaguni Bai, what's... what's happening?! What's this light?!" The King asked, concern high in his voice as he held her wife's hand tightly. Shaguni could only laugh more,

"Swayam Durga janam lene wali hai tere paas Bharmal. Khushiyan mana kyunki aaj tu chamatkaar dekh rha hai!"

("A form of Durga herself is coming to your home, Bharmal! Celebrate for today we have all witnessed a miracle!")

(Durga is an Indian Goddess who is depicted to be the most beautiful women in the world, she encompasses everything good about humanity. Love, Loyalty, Courage and sits atop a Tiger. She is a form of Shiva's wife Goddess Parvati)

"What? Are you sure, Shaguni Bai? Am I truly expecting?! Truly?" Mainavati questioned with increasing hope and happiness in her voice.

"Truly, Mainavati. I told you, the Goddess was just waiting for the right moment." Shaguni said, patting the Queen's cheek and started packing up her bag and getting up to leave.

"Please Shaguni bai, stay. Have some refreshments and perhaps stay in the castle until-," Mainavati started, afraid that if Shaguni Bai left, she would wake up from this beautiful dream to a horrid reality, or worse someone could again harm her child but it was as if Shaguni Bai had read her mind when she said,

"No one will be able to harm your daughter, Mainavati. No one. Don't worry. For who can harm a Goddess?"

"Shaguni Bai, that light we saw when you removed your hands... what was that?"

"Oh that was just Durga feeling happy and saying hello."

"You cannot be serious... is my daughter truly a...a-- Goddess?" Bharmal asked, doubt and disbelief lacing his voice.

"Isn't every child a form of God?" Shaguni asked with an arched brow but sighed soon after and continued with a contemplative look,

"There is definitely something very different with her. Your wife's womb was completely destroyed. Melted. She should not be with child again- that alone is impossible. When I saw Mainavati's future I knew she was going to give birth again and that the child will be different. I do not how different, just that she will be different. There is nothing to worry, truly."

Shaguni walked out and both Mainavati and Bharmal followed her,

"A child that can heal a destroyed womb... hmm...surely must be different. Keep this to yourselves, yes?"

Soon to be parents nodded their heads and watched as the woman left the fort.

Mainavati turned to face Bharmal who laughed and swept her up in a gentle but passionate hug, forgetting all the strangeness he said,

"Thank you. You've made me the happiest of men... A daughter!"

Mainavati laughed too and wiped the tears that had escaped her eyes. Her Daughter... Oh! She had to tell Mother and Sujamal! She quickly left Bharmal and ran to her chambers again, picked up a quill and parchment while shouting for the maid to bring Sujamal to her.

Bharmal allowed the smile from his face slip as concern overtook him. His beloved wife was pregnant, with a daughter, a... goddess? Bharmal wanted to stop worrying but he was a father and worry was in the job description. His eyes found his wife's Shiva and his hands joined themselves in prayer.

"Whatever happens from here on out, please take care of both my girls. May she be born healthy, may she bring peace upon this house and this realm."


Durgavati was attending to her war generals when she received an express post from her daughter. She thanked the messenger and quickly opened the scroll to read it.

She prevented the wish to rub at her eyes and kept reading the letter again and again, as if to confirm.

Her composure kept as she quickly made her way to the Shiva Temple and let the scroll fall as she joined her hands in prayer and gratitude. Her eyes itched with unshed tears and her heart felt so full that she could spread her joy throughout Gondwana and still have some leftovers.

A daughter! Oh, Lord Shiva, let her be healthy child, let no harm come to her. Bless the child, lord Shiva, bless the child with your protection and your love.

The Queen thanked her lord with everything in her before declaring it a day of celebration.


An Empress is Born.

Sujamal too found out that he was to have a sister but couldn't help but be scared. Will his mother be safe? Will she live after his sister was born or leave him like his own birth-mother had? Will his mother still love him after having a child of her own? Would Sujamal be able to share his mother with his sister?

Though almost all of his questions were answered when his mother hugged him tightly to herself and promised to love him forever and ever. Promised that now instead of only having a Mother to love, Sujamal was soon to have a Sister to love as well and she too would surely love him more than anyone in the world, just as unconditionally as his mother loved him.

Many months later--Seven to be exact, his Sister entered this world, pre-mature, impatient from the get-go-- Sujamal cried. He would deny it later, but he cried. His fear and awe mixed when he looked at her because How could something so beautiful and small be Real? Was she in danger due to being born early?

As he held his sister in his small lap and cooed at her he knew he believed himself to be in love and already knew he would die to protect her from all evils in this world, in fact he promised for he was sure that he would love his sister more than anything in this entire world.

When his mother asked him to name his sister, he spent the whole day in the library for the first time in his life to look for the perfect name for his little sister. And after a week of going through thick tomes he finally came across something that befit a Princess of both Rajput and Gond Kingdom.

A day later Sujamal and his Mother stood in the balcony, with Raja Bharmal beside them and little Jodha in his arms, curiously looking around as her hands reached out to the sky- as if trying to hug the Sun itself. The people of Amber stood down below, listening to every word their king said, raptly-

"I cannot express my Happiness today. You were all there when my Maharani suffered her still birth and you were all there when announcements were made that the Queen will not be able to reproduce- thankfully those prediction were proven false when seven months ago, Shaguni Bai confirmed that my wife, our Queen was pregnant.

I would like to proudly, present to you all, your beloved Princess of Amber, Princess Jodha Bai."

The people cheered louder than Sujamal had ever heard them cheer- it was so loud that at some point his hands came up to cover his ears and that was why he thought that perhaps it was his imagination when he heard his sister laugh for the first time and saw he eyes turn faintly golden with happiness... it must be the bright sun. It must be.


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