Spy x Family Oneshots

By ivlxna

126 2 0

a collection of oneshots of my favorite animanga :) my fanfics are also publised on ao3 under the same name... More

The Audition

Camping with the Forger

48 0 0
By ivlxna

Loid was walking home exhausted from another day of work. It was 10 pm. Which is late for him. He assumed Anya and Yor would already be in bed by now.
He walked up the stairs of his apartment building. He was greeted by his neighbors surprisingly. "Hello Mr. Forger! Aren't you usually home earlier than this?"
"Yes. I am usually home earlier. I had an emergency patient that came in. So that's why I'm home so late" Loid replied.
"I see. Well, have a good night Mr. Forger!"
Loid smiled and nodded and walked towards his door. When he heard more chatter from the neighbors.

"Do you buy his story? He's probably cheating on his poor wife. I feel sorry for his wife and daughter. I don't ever see them going out together!"
Loid quickly walked into his home. I can't have them thinking I'm cheating on Yor! He thought. He thought about how they mentioned the Forger family don't do much together. He came up with a plan. He, Yor, Anya, and Bond would be going on a camping trip! This would be perfect so the neighbors' suspicions would go down. He decided he would mention his idea for the trip to Yor and Anya in the morning.

Anya woke up from a great dream. She had successfully befriended Damian! He invited her over to his house and said she could bring her dad. So her father and his could meet. And then Loid and Desmond would meet and world peace was solved. Yay! Anya was feeling determined that this dream was a sign from the universe that she and Damian would be friends. And she would be able to save the world! And bring about world peace. Anya hugged Chimera and the penguin Loid had won for her and walked into the dining room. Where she was greeted by a very tired Yor. While Loid was making breakfast.
"Hi Mama and Papa! I had a great dream last night."
"That's very lovely to hear Anya!" Yor replied.
Loid brought the breakfast to the table. Which consisted of eggs, fruit, and pancakes.
"Thanks Papa!"
Loid walked over and gave Bond his food before returning to the table.
"Anya are you excited for school today?" Yor asked.
"I'm about average happy," Anya replied.
The Forgers ate their breakfast in peace and had some nice conversations. When Anya noticed a particular thought in Loid's mind.

Now's probably a good time to mention the camping trip. She heard Loid think.

Camping?! Anya thought. She had always been interested in camping. Ever since she watched an episode of Spy Wars. Where Bondman had to go on a camping trip for one of his spy missions.
"So Yor and Anya. I was thinking. How about we all go on a camping trip? I figured it would be a fun family outing."
"Camping sounds fun! I've never gone camping before. I'd have to talk to my boss about getting time off. But I think that would be lovely!" Yor replied.
"Yeah! I've never gone camping either but that sounds like so much fun papa! I really want to go! Does Bond get to come too?"
"Of course he can come. He's a part of the family, and I'm sure he'd have lots of fun in the woods." Loid replied.
"When would we go Papa?"
"Let's try this weekend. If Yor and I are able to get off work."

Yor and Loid discussed with their bosses about the trip. And they were both given time off for the weekend.

The weekend was finally here! Anya was so excited. Yor helped Anya pack her bags for the trip and load them into the car. Once Yor and Loid had all their bags packed up. Loid got Bond and then they were off! The campsite that Franky found for them wasn't very far. It was only about a 30-minute drive away.

They arrived at the site. It was very beautiful. There weren't too many other families. From what they could see. Franky had found a spot that wasn't extremely popular but the site had many things to do like beaches, stargazing, fishing, hiking, etc. Loid parked the car. And Anya jumped out.
"Wow this campsite is so cool! There are so many trees. Wow! Wow! I'm so excited."
Yor smiled. "Yeah this is a nice spot!"
Yor and Loid unpacked their bags from the car and let Bond out of the car. While Anya and Bond were running around. Yor and Loid set up the tents. They brought two tents. One more Yor and Loid. And the other for Anya and Bond. Yor was slightly nervous of the idea of sleeping in the same tent as Loid.

What if I snore at night?! Yor thought. She envisioned a scenario where she was snoring at night. What is all that noise?! Loid said. And he would turn over and see Yor snoring. Oh no! I can't have a wife that snores this loud! I'm leaving this family! He would say and get into his car and leave the Forger Family FOR GOOD. Yor gasped and shook her head at this scenario she came up with. No no! Loid wouldn't! He's a good man. He wouldn't leave us just because I could potentially snore super loud at night? RIGHT?! She thought. Loid noticed Yor shaking her head, and asked "Are you alright Yor?" "Oh yes I am Loid! Sorry I'm just nervous since I've never gone camping. That's all" Yor replied.

"Oh don't worry. I've done some camping before. So I'll be here for you. It isn't horrible! Camping is a nice outing."
"Alright! If you say so."
Once Yor and Loid finished setting up the tents and putting everything away. They walked over to Anya and Bond.
"Hey Papa! What are we gonna do first?"
"How about we go on a hike? Franky told me that there's this trail that leads to this nice overlook."
"Okay Papa!" Anya said. And walked over to the tent and grabbed Bond's leash. And then the Forgers were off!

"Camping ooting! Camping ooting! I'm just like Bondman and I am on a camping ooting!" Anya sang as they walked on the trail.
"Anya It's outing not ooting." Loid said.
They continued on their walk. Anya continued singing about camping ootings. Yor was talking to Loid about wanting to attempt this new recipe Camilla had told her about. When they finally reached the spot Franky had been talking about. The overlook gave a nice view of a lake. Anya noticed people in canoes and boats on the lake. She also saw a kid finding seashells in the sand.
"Papa! Papa! Can we go down to the beach? I want to find seashells like that kid!" Anya said.
"Alright. We can do that. Yor does that sound good to you?"
"Yeah! That sounds lovely."

The Forgers walked down to the beach area. And Anya started running around and digging in the sands. In hopes to find some pretty sea shells. Yor decided she would help Anya search for sea shells.

Yor found this extremely sharp sea shell. Hey. I could use this as a weapon! Look at this sharp edge, this could be extremely useful. It could easily be used to slit- Wait no no Yor! You shouldn't be having these thoughts over a sea shell! Yor thought.

Anya gasped and glanced at Yor in fear. Gosh, some of Mama's thoughts are really creepy! Anya thought to herself.
Yor and Anya continued to gather shells and Yor found a basket lying around and put the shells her and Anya had found.

"Papa look! Mama and I found some pretty shells!"
"That's very cool Anya! You and Yor found so many."
Anya showed her favorite shells to Loid and Bond and then Loid mentioned how It was probably a good time to start heading back towards the campsite for dinner.

The Forgers arrived back at camp. Loid grabbed the cooler out from his tent. He grabbed out some sandwiches and Bond's dog food. And the Forgers began to eat.
"Hey Anya. Do you want to make smores once we are done eating?" Loid asked.
"Yes! I've always wanted to try one. They sound so yummy!" Anya exclaimed.

Loid got out the supplies to make smores. And started a fire. Yor, Loid, and Anya all had a nice time making smores. Anya said how she liked her smore. Very much and how it was super duper yummy.

It was getting late so Anya said goodnight to Yor and Loid and her and bond went into their tent for bed. Yor and Loid both went into the camp bathrooms and changed into their pajamas and walked over to their tent. They went into their sleeping bags and laid there awkwardly. At home, they always slept in separate bedrooms so this was something they had never experienced. They weren't familiar with being this close to each other.

"Did you have a good time today, Yor?"
"Yes. I did Loid. And I know Anya and Bond did too! This trip has made them very happy so far. Thanks for suggesting this idea."
"I'm glad to hear that. Goodnight Yor."
"Goodnight Loid."

Yor was having trouble sleeping. She tossed around in her sleeping bag. And tried her best not to wake Loid. She wasn't used to having someone else sleep so close. She still had that ridiculous fear that Loid would hate her if she potentially snored at night. She also feared that she wasn't being the best mother or wife on this trip. Have I been doing everything normally? She thought.

She sighed and stared up at the tent ceiling. When she noticed movement from Loid's side of the tent.

"Are you alright Yor?" Loid asked tiredly.
"Oh yes I am! Don't worry Loid. You can go back to sleep."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. I'm just having trouble falling asleep that's all." Yor replied while avoiding eye contact with Loid.
"What's troubling you?" Loid asked.
Yor sighed.
"It's just that I'm not used to being so close to someone at night. I've never really been in a relationship. I'm still having trouble figuring out what's normal in a relationship and for this family. I want to be a good wife to you. I want to be a good mother to Anya. And I know this family is fake. I know we didn't get married under normal circumstances but I don't want you to leave me."
"Why would I leave you?" Loid asked concerned.
"What if I snore while I sleep? What if you don't like how I've been acting as a mother or wife? What if-"
Loid started to laugh.
"Yor. I'm not gonna divorce you if you snore, that's silly. And you are a great mother to Anya. And you are a great wife. So don't feel like you need to stress yourself over things like those. You are great." Loid said with a smile on his face.
Yor smiled back.
"Thanks Loid."
"Of course Yor. You're welcome. Let's go to bed now."

Yor was finally able to go fall asleep. Without the stress of potentially snoring or thoughts that she wasn't normal enough to be a good mother or wife. She was happy she had married Loid. He was a kind man. She was happy that she's able to be Anya's mother. And happy to be a part of the Forger Family. She hoped that this fake family would be able to stay together. And she was excited for another day of camping with this family.

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