yandere imagines


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requests always open!! More

GFN: yuri x nanno
AOUAD: cheongsan
KP: vegas
AOUAD: yandere fem reader x suhyeok
VINCENZO: jang hanseo
AOUAD: gwinam
AOUAD: suhyeok
F4: thyme
ENHA: sunoo
SH: yandere reader x hyunsoo
A3: yuki
TBZ: sunwoo
hi guys
SKZ: felix
TUA: allison
TE: first hcs
GFN: nanno

SFH: moonjo

1.6K 26 7


this will be updated everyday at 12PM pst (as long as my power doesn't go out or something 😭)

you always thought your boyfriend was a bit…stranger than most people

he was more possessive than any partner you’ve ever had

you always thought it was weird how once he knew of your new friends, they suddenly disappeared off the face of the earth

his cooking was also weird, he always insisted on cooking this meat for you, stating how good it is for you, it wasn’t all that if you were being honest

he never really let you visit his residence, he said the people there were weird, and he was worried you would be uncomfortable

you told him “if they’re that bad, why don’t you live with me?” he said he would love to, but a woman he knew from his childhood owned the place, so he’d feel bad if he stopped living there

that didn’t stop him from sleeping over at your place, even if you woke up in the middle of the night and he was nowhere to be found, he was always busy with work after all

you never suspected him of cheating, he was charismatic but awkward with most girls who’d flirt with him

but one day, you decided to visit him, you made him a special gift and wanted to surprise him at his room

you knew where he lived, so it was easy to find him, when you reached eden a elderly women greeted you

“hello! are you here to rent a room? you’re a pretty young person, what brings you here?”

“oh i’m not here for that! im here to visit my boyfriend, moonjo?” the lady made a hm sound

“you must be y/n! i've heard about you, quite a lot, he’s out right now, but his room is 304, you can wait in there if you want” she gave you a extra key

you walked towards his room and went inside, managing to not run into anybody on the way, you didn't want to encounter the weird people he said lived here

you went in his room and saw it was completely empty, you felt weirded out by this, why didn’t he have anything? not even a chair or table

you decided you’d just outside instead, when you walked out you bumped into someone

“ah! im so sorry!” a young man’s voice said “i wasn’t looking, im sorry”
“its okay! i wasn’t either” the boy looked at you “do you live here?” you shook your head “i was just visiting my boyfriend, but he’s not here right now”

“moonjo?” you nodded “huh, i really didn’t think he’d date anyone, he seems kind of…not to offend you, but he’s a little strange” he whispered

instead of being bothered you giggled “he’s a little awkward and weird at first, but once you get to know him and he grows more comfortable he’s a good person, im y/n, whats your name?”

“jongwoo, i was about to leave for some drinks, do you want to come? moonjo normally doesn’t come back for awhile” you nodded, you didn’t know how long it’d take for moonjo to come back, and you didn’t wanna wait outside with how hot it was, and inside because of the creeps

you ended up going to a small cafe near the residence, you drank y/f/d and ate a bit, jongwoo told you stories of him and his girlfriend and his old friends back in university

in return you told him stories from your childhood, and of moonjo

it had been at least three hours of just talking with jongwoo, when someone walked into the cafe, he walked over to your table and stared at you

“oh! moonjo, you’re back!” you said “i was waiting for you!” you could sense jongwoo had gotten uncomfortable by this

“i had errands to run” he said simply “i didn’t know you two were friends”

“oh! we met earlier, he offered to get me some food while waiting for you” he hummed

“i should go” jongwoo said, feeling suddenly awkward “i told jieun i’d meet her later” he quickly got up and left, waving at you before walking out the door

“he’s pretty cool” you said, grabbing your bag and looking through it for the gift you made him, moonjo was quiet and you were worried, maybe this’ll cheer him up

before you could finish what you were doing he grabbed your arm, lifting you from your chair “come with me” was all he said

you were confused but went along with him anyway, he stayed quiet throughout it all, when you arrived to his residence, he took you up to the women’s floor, no one lived there because of a fire, he told you once

as soon as you walked in you could smell something horrible, you weren't sure what the smell was exactly, but it made your hold your nose

“its so gross up here! whats going on?”

“im showing you something” he tightened the grip on your arm as you made it to the room farthest from the entrance

“go in” he said calmly “its a surprise, for you” you was hesitant, but he was your boyfriend, you should be able to trust him completely

when you opened the door and went in front of him, the smell became worse, you coughed and walked in more, but stopped when you stepped on something and it made a cracking noise

you looked down and gasped, it was a arm, you looked to where the arm was attached to, and surely enough, it was a very badly beaten person, but even with the bruises on their face, you recognized them as the girl that disappeared from your job

she was the reason you never got higher ranks in your job, she was prissy and a bitch to everyone, you never understood how anyone liked her or how she kept her job, and one day she vanished

after she didn’t show up for weeks your boss let you have her position, you didn’t worry for her because your job was now peaceful

before you could turn around something was stuck in your neck

moonjo injected a sleeping drug into your system, you tried to fight it but he held you in his arms until you finally closed your eyes

when you woke up again, you felt fuzzy, your head was lulling away, you tried to move but found yourself unable to, your arms and legs had been tied together by tape

you could hear clicking from in front of you, when your vision finally cleared you saw your boyfriend, standing on a chair in front of you, calmly reading a book

“hmpf?” you tried to speak, but realized there was even tape on your mouth

“hm?” he hummed “don’t worry babe, i’ll get rid of that soon”

“hmmf!” you tried to shout

“shh” he held his finger to his lips “you’re distracting me”

you noticed there was a lamp by his side, and you tried looking around and saw your coworkers body again, tears filled your eyes, even if you didn’t like her, she didn’t deserve a death like that

“you didn’t seriously believe she went missing all on her own?” he laughed “you’re sad? you weren't before, if i recall correctly, you were happy back then”

you struggled to move, you wanted to speak and he took the message, he leaned over and ripped the tape off your mouth harshly

“what is wrong with you?!” you shouted “she didn’t deserve that!”

“do you remember when i made you that dinner once you got the promotion?” you looked at him angrily “what does that have to do with anything?!”

“you told me how good the meat once, and you asked me where i got it from, i told you it was the same one i always made for you, but i cooked it the way you liked it”

“what do you mean?” you knew what he was implying, but you didn’t want to believe it

“i think you know” you felt like you wanted to throw up, you had…ate your coworker? you always thought he just had a weird taste in animal meat, but the whole time you were eating human meat? you didn’t even wanna know who else you had ate

“you’re disgusting” you whimpered “what is wrong with you?”

“you’re the disgusting one, how can you smile at another man like that?”

you glared at him “what is that even supposed to mean?!” you were done trying to understand him, jealousy was not a excuse to murder people and fucking eat them

“do you know hos much it hurts to see you look at someone else? to see you smile at someone else? it makes me feel sick” he slammed his book closed, making you flinch, he went closer to you, placing his hand on your chin, lifting your head up to stare into your eyes

“you should only smile at me, thats how it’ll be from now on, you’ll only see me, everyday for the rest of our lives” he caressed your face “isn’t that wonderful?”

you started crying, he used to be so sweet, but it was just an act, to lure you into his trap, would he kill you too?

he coo’d at you “don’t cry, babe, this is a good thing, only me and you forever”

over the course of the next few days, he would come in and out, he’d lift the tape from over your mouth and feed you, he would everything for you, you stopped fighting back, even if you wanted to, you couldn’t anyway

but he didn’t realize you were close to escaping, while he was gone you managed to rip through the tape caging your hands on the chair, it was tight and it hurt like hell, but it got weaker each time

you lost track of how many days it had been, and you finally freed yourself from the restraints, you made quick hold to grab your shoelaces and tied them around the tape on your feet, snapping it in half easily

you wobbled out of the room, and down the stairs, you panted, it was so bright outside you almost made it out when you felt a grip on your wrist, you froze in place

“where do you think you’re going?”

you turned to look at him, he was angry, angier than you’ve ever seen him, he dragged you back up the stairs, even though you thrashed around, you tried your hardest, but it was not good enough, if anything it pissed him off more

he threw you to the ground once he made to the girl’s floor, you tried to crawl away but he held you in place by their legs

“you should really stop trying to run, i’ll always find you, you know? me and you, we have a connection that no one else will ever understand” he said in the sickeningly sweet tone you were used to

it used to make you smile, but right now it makes you want to commit murder

“we don't have a connection, the only thing i see is a sick and obsessed man” he sighed “why do you have to make this so hard?” he pulled out a syringe, you tried to get up and run again but he grabbed you

he stuck into your neck again

“you and i will be together forever, everybody knows it, you can’t run from me, and i will make sure of it”

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