By Doodles_the_fander

1.1K 235 178

this book is gonna be a vessle for all the random, fun ideas i get which relate in 1 way or another to my tss... More

Our characters!!
The art I've made so far!!
Logan Character Sheet
Virgil Character Sheet
Remus character sheet
Roman character sheet
Janus character sheet
Remy character sheet
Emile character sheet
Patton Character Sheet
Analogical meeting
Analogical being aspec lol
we like to give our kiddos pain, dont we?
Twins bickering
Logan angst
did I spend my entire afternoon drawing this and now my eyes are tired... yes.
Some more Remy (wholesome this time)
I'm a sucker for borderline romantic analogical but actually platonic so-
RSWR and the supers AU
Finally some lore (moceit meeting)
Demus Meeting
Demus meeting part 2
What are your thoughts on murder then?
Traces of a dream coming by to say goodnight.
Hello there, little one. Let me help you out
Some Little Patton (and babysiter Logan)

Not Logan being gay and cutting his hair during breakdown lol

56 8 8
By Doodles_the_fander

if you read my oneshot book, you probably have already read this. Its just a canon part of the AU so... enjoy!

TW: angst (duh), Logan having a breakdown, frustation, anger, impulsively cutting your hair, etc

Time placing in the timeline: before the group meets, but that same year (only Logan and Virgil interaction, they're childhood friends (sorta (its complicated)))

Logan stood in his room, music sheet sitting in front of him even tho it wasn't really necessary, as he had it memorized already. Violin rested bellow his chin, the man tried his best to play the new melody he wished to learn. Unfortunately, due to the tiredness that slowed down his hands and made his eyes itch, he kept making mistakes.

He gripped the instrument with more strength, as if the tightness of the hold would somehow improve the quality of the music, which it did very much not do. The stiffness of his muscles only worsened the soft sounds that should be coming out of the wooden instrument, going off pitch more than once. Every time this happened, Logan flinched ever so slightly.

A groan of frustration escaped his lips as the man pushed some hair off his face. He didn't understand how he was doing this so wrong... Logan had the music sheet memorized, so why did he still get some parts wrong? He knew the movements that his hands were supposed to follow, so why did he keep messing up? He was able to play many other things with ease, so why was he stuck? Thanks to the nature of his power, Logan should be able to perform with minimum mistakes, yet here he was, seconds away from throwing the violin away in a fit of anger. He knew he could play better than this. None of this was helping his mood, which was stained already by how the day had generally gone and sleep deprivation, having been awake since before 3am.

More strands of hair fell down to his face, staining his vision. The more Logan attempted to push it back, the more fell forwards. His hair wasn't incredibly long, just reaching his shoulders, but it was the longest it had ever been. It was curly by nature, giving it volume and a fluffy texture, which prompted Virgil to mess with it more often than not. Right now, it was held back by a messy bun that did a terrible job at keeping it off his face... but to be fair, a twirled-around pencil wasn't the best method to secure hair.

It didn't take long for the bun to completely undo itself, the sound of the pen scattering to the floor resonating louder than it should've. The hair, now free form the simple knot, fell down, putting itself in front of Logan's face and blocking his eyes.

With a cry of exasperation, Logan dropped the violin on his bed, not caring about the safety of the instrument at that moment, before starting to pull on his hair, failing to keep it away from his face.

He was done.

Why had he even decided to let it grow so long in the first place? In what universe had he thought that allowing it to reach such bothersome length would be a good idea? In this universe, it seemed. In reality, Logan knew why he had it long... he liked it. Ever since he was small, he always liked the idea of having long hair he could braid, decorate with pins, pull back in a ponytail and have an opportunity to play with it. He loved how it looked and was proud that he had managed for it to get this long. It made him feel empowered when he felt female.

But today?

Today Logan didn't have any of that in mind. All he thought of while gripping his hair was of how much of an inconvenience it had become and how he had to fix this problem.

Logan grabbed the hair that was directly falling on his face. He didn't even try to comb it or make it wet, which was what Virgil typically did when they cut its own or Logan's hair. He didn't have time for any of that. He just grabbed a fistful and started cutting it, using a pair of scissors last used by Virgil to do some random craft. Their quality wasn't the best, they hadn't been designed to cut hair, so the result was irregular and choppy. This didn't stop the man. If anything, it encouraged him, cutting off whatever strand that felt minimally wrong. Even tho the original plan had simply been cutting some bangs short enough that would stop his hair form interfering with his vision, this purpose was soon lost.

The serious and collected façade he typically wore melted away in no time as Logan started grabbing entire fistfuls of hair and cutting the off. He was simply... angry now, and he has nothing better to take his unresolved feelings off other than himself and his hair.

The reason for these emotions hadn't only been the issue with the violin, that had just been the straw that broke the camels back. His issues stemmed from the exams he had done or received during the past weeks. Even tho his grades could be considered reasonably good, they simply weren't enough. If he wanted to work for Nasa once he finished his studies, he had to be a model student and get the best grades possible.

Unfortunately, this felt almost impossible to achieve right now. Logan didn't study- he didn't need to. His power allowed him to memorize and understand the contents of any written book (along other things), so it took him no time to learn the subject. Unfortunately, this wasn't the only thing one needed to ace exams.

Logan struggled with his dyslexia, often committing spelling mistakes or confusing numbers when writing answers down which penalized him. These mistakes escaped his attention, considering that adhd was another condition he had, along with autism. All these together made Logan's academic live a living hell, specially when he couldn't sleep before important tests or the students from outside the exam room were being so loud that it was impossible to hear one's own thoughts.

The stress from his failed expectations and sleep deprivation was led Logan to be standing in front of his bathroom mirror, surrounded by his hair. Some of it had fallen on the sink, while most of it was spread down on the floor. Lonesome strands rested on his shirt or sleeves, some finding their way before the fabric and itched his skin.

Finally, Logan looked at himself in the mirror. Really looked. Until now, he had only been glancing at his scissor-armed hand and the strands of hair he cut off, but never truly at himself as a whole. When he now did, slaughter now finished, tears started to form in the corners of his eyes.

Upon him was a mess. One with crooked glasses, one with dark circles under their eyes, one which had a wrinkly button-down shirt, one with a pair of scissors in one hand, the other gripping on the sink, one with crying grey eyes. One with horribly short hair.

Logan stared at the lost image of himself. Did he really look like that now? Was his hair really like that? So short? Had he actually cut it so badly, no symmetry anywhere to be found, locks still curling around in some places, others centimeters away from being bald, his proud mane now standing bellow his feet?

The scissors fell to the floor, making a terribly louder, much more metallic sound than the pencil had done either minutes or hours ago. Now with both hands, he gripped the sink, standing still on his spot and glaring at himself as his body slightly shook.


It was late when Virgil got back that night. It wasn't unusual for Virgil to stay away for long periods of time during nighttime, spending his hours to practice with his powers, not minding about sleeping in as he usually had late classes.

Instead of finding the lights off, as it was usual, they were still shinning. Virgil looked around the small place, deciding that Logan must be in the bathroom, all other rooms empty. After knocking and not receiving an answer, he came in.

Logan hadn't moved from the spot he stood in for God knows how long. He was gripping the sink, slightly trembling, and Virgil could see from the mirror that his face was tinted red, tears flowing down his wet face. His head was a mess... It was obvious he couldn't reach his back correctly when cutting all the hair off, showing how irregular it looked. The rests of it were dispersed around the floor. After Virgil helped Logan calmed down, they helped get the hair regular again. It would take a long time before it grew back to how it had been before.  

i hope y'all liked this!

in terms of the oneshots/plot revelant drabbles, i will put them in the book in terms of timeline. So even if this is the first one i've written, perhaps in the future i'll write one that comes sooner in the timeline so it'll be positioned before this one

sorry if its confusing but for newer readers it'll probs be easier to catch on with the storyline

peace, love and granola

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