My Brother's Best Friend [PAU...

By sportslover21

61.8K 799 13

Charles visits Arthur at one of his F3 races. While in the paddock he notices a beautiful girl. He can't help... More

1- Charles
2- Charles
3- Text message
4- Text message
5- Text message
6- Charles
7- Alyssa
8- Charles
9- Alyssa
10- Text message
11- Alyssa
13- Charles
14- Alyssa
15- Charles
16- Alyssa
17- Charles
18- Charles
19- Charles
20- Charles
21- Charles
22- Arthur
23- Charles
24- Charles
25- Lyss
26- Charles
27- Charles

12- Charles

1.8K 24 0
By sportslover21

I was happy Alyssa felt comfortable enough telling me about Wes. I know we're moving at a fast pace and that I need to be more cautious of how I am around Alyssa since Wes will be around, but I want to ask Alyssa to be my girlfriend. However, I don't have any ideas on how to ask her. I decided to text Arthur asking him if I could come over to his apartment before I went to my place since I lived about 10 minutes from Arthur. Once I got a response letting me know it was okay for me to come over I made my way there. I typed in the access code and knocked on Arthur's apartment door. "Hey Arth, I have a serious question." He looked at me with an expression I can't read "what's up Charles." I took a deep breath then said, "I want to ask Alyssa to be my girlfriend, but I don't know any cute ideas on how to ask her. I figured you can help." He nodded at me, "I'll send you some picture inspirations that I've seen her look at on her pinterest board don't worry I got you. I have a serious question for you though Charles. Are you sure you're ready to get in a relationship with her and please consider it carefully because once you do that means Wes will start to become attached to you and if you can't handle the responsibility of caring for a little boy then I don't want you to be in a relationship with Alyssa because in the end they're both going to get hurt and I'm going to have to pick up the pieces of both their broken hearts." I was shocked by his rant but I also understood where Arthur is coming from because once I get into this relationship I will also have a little boy's heart in my hands. "Yes Arthur I'm sure." He looked relieved at my answer and left the conversation alone. I decided to head out since it was late. Once I made it home I received the texts from Arthur with the date ideas and I found the perfect one. Now I needed to set up a day for this and have Arthur help me. Once I had the idea set I texted Arthur back.

*Text message with Arthur*

Charles: Hey Arthur, I need your help. I have an idea for how to set up the boat so I can ask Alyssa to be my girlfriend

Arthur: What's the idea?

Charles: So one of the pictures was a candle lit dinner overlooking a beautiful city. I figured I'd take the boat out and we can have a romantic dinner on the water where we're able to see Monaco. I also think I want Wes to be able to join us so when I do this it won't be too late. I was thinking of doing it Wednesday

Arthur: That's honestly such a cute idea she'll love it. I also think it's a good idea to include Wes so he knows that he will be included in this and will be able to have a relationship with you as well

Charles: Thank you arthur. So you want to help me?

Arthur: Of course

*text message with Alyssa*

Charles: Hey alyssa I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date with me on Wednesday. I was also wondering if you could bring Wes as well

Alyssa: Of course I'll go on a date with you on Wednesday. Are you sure you're okay with Wes joining us

Charles: Yeah I'm sure

Alyssa: Okay. Is the date fancy or casual

Charles: Wear whatever makes you comfortable. We're not going anywhere fancy, but we're not going on a hike or anything like that

Alyssa: Sounds good. I'll see you Wednesday

Charles: Awesome. I'll pick you up at 5

*skip set up and to Wednesday*   

(set up the boat. Pretend this is on charles' boat)

Arthur had helped me set up for the date in the morning. By the time we finished setting everything up it was almost time for me to pick up Alyssa and Wes. I quickly adjusted my outfit and went to my car. I drove to her place and rang her apartment doorbell. She answered the bell and spoke through the loudspeaker letting me know that she would let me in. Once she did and I made it to her door I knocked on her door. She opened the door and as soon as she did I was speechless. Although she wasn't dressed up and dressed comfortably she was breathtaking. I was interrupted out of my thoughts by an adorable little boy hugging my legs. I led them to the car and had them set into the car. Once they were both settled in I started the car to head back to the boat. After a 30 minute car ride we made it back to the boat. I opened the door again for both Wes and Alyssa. I held Alyssa's hand and Alyssa held Wes' hand. Once we made it to the boat I heard Alyssa gasp, "Charles this is perfect thank you. I've never had anyone put this much effort into something for me." I leant down, kissed her cheek and whispered "of course Lyss you deserve to be treated like this all of the time." After I pulled away from Lyss I felt Wes gently tug on my pants. He held his arms up for me to pick him up. I bent down to Wes' level and picked him up and led Alyssa to the bench and day bed area on the boat. I sat down with Wes still in my arms and Lyss followed my actions. Once Lyss was situated I turned Wes towards me. "Wes I know that I have just started dating your mom, but I hope that you'll let me be in your life and I want you to know that you can always come to me. I also promise I won't hurt your mom."

After I asked Lyss to be my girlfriend, we sat and ate. It was getting late and after Wes ate a little bit of food he fell asleep in my arms. Lyss and I moved back to the day bed where I had blankets and pillows out and we laid down. I also brought my laptop so we could watch movies together. Lyss decided on watching Thor Ragnarok on Disney Plus. We cuddled as we watched the movie. I saw that she was starting to drift off to sleep. I decided it was time to head out. I gently shook Lyss up so we could walk to the car and I carried Wes. As we were heading back to the car I texted Arthur to let him know and ask him if he would be able to start cleaning up for me. I drove us back to my place. "Lyss it's late so I brought you back to my place so we won't wake Wes up. If you're not comfortable with sharing a room you can sleep in the guest bedroom or if you want you can sleep in my room and I'll sleep in the guest bedroom." She looked to be deep in thought. After a while she responded saying that she will sleep in the guest room with Wes.  

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