Pokémon; Journey Through Kanto

By pokepal14

45.9K 826 154

Yuki, a new Trainer from Pallet Town, aims to become a word famous Pokémon Master and Coordinator who travels... More

The Journey Begins
Route 1
Viridian City
Viridian Forest
Pewter City
Cerulean Cape
Cerulean City
Pokémon Tech School
4th of July
Happy Independence Bahamas!!
The Lighthouse
Vermillion City
S.S Anne
Beauty and the Beach
Tentacool and Tenatcruel
Maiden's Peak
Saffron City
Lavender Town
Happy Halloween!!
Celadon City
Drowzee and Hypno
Breeder's Lane
P1 Grand Prix
Gringy City
Merry Christmas!!!
Happy New Year!!! 2024
Fuchsia City
Pokémon Ranch
Valentine's Day!!
Pokémon Preserve
The Safari Zone
The Bridge Bike Gang
Stone Town; The Eevee Brothers
Dark City
Question 2
Kanto Pokémon Fossils
Author's Note
The Mystery Egg Hatches

Mt Moon

1.6K 28 1
By pokepal14



Our heroes were on their way to Cerulean City with Raiden sleeping on Yuki's backpack.

"According to the PokéNav Plus, we're heading to Mt. Moon," Yuki informed.

"People say that a meteor crashed into the mountain," Brock explained.

"Is that so?" Yuki said.

"The meteor is called the Moon Stone," Brock said.

"Moon Stone? Isn't that an evolution stone?" Yuki asked.

"Yes," Brock nodded.

"AHHHH!" A scream was heard in the distance.

"What the?" Brock exclaimed.

"It sounds like someone is in trouble," Yuki said as the scream woke up Raiden, "We better check it out."

They ran towards the source of the scream and saw a man being attacked by a bunch of blue eyeless bat Pokémon.

Yuki scanned the Pokémon

Zubat, the Bat Pokémon. Being in the sun isn't healthy for Zubat, so it spends the day sleeping in caves. Since it doesn't have eyes, it uses ultrasonic waves to detect its surroundings.

"Raiden use Thunder Shock," Yuki said.

Raiden fired a shock of yellow electricity at the Zubat which hit and made the Zubat leave in a real hurry.

"Are you okay, sir?" Brock asked as he helped the unknown man up.

"Oh yes, I'm quite alright," the man said. "Thank you for saving my life."

"You're welcome. I'm Yuki and this is my partner, Raiden," Yuki said.

"Pika," Raiden waved.

"And I'm Brock," Brock said.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Seymour, a Scientist and a Researcher," Seymour introduced himself.

"Why were the Zubat attacking you?" Yuki asked.

"Come with me," Seymour said as he led them into the cave and pointed to the cave walls. "These lights are the reason why. Someone has strung these lights throughout the whole cave. But the Pokémon in the cave need the dark. These lights are making them confused and aggressive."

"So that's why the Zubat attacked you," Brock said.

"Yes, and look over there. The Paras are planting their mushrooms everywhere and drying up the Sandshrew," Seymour informed as Yuki pulled out her Pokédex

Sandshrew, the Mouse Pokémon. Disliking water, it lived in deep burrows in dry areas. It can roll itself into a ball.

Paras, the Mushroom Pokémon. When Paras eats, it's mostly just feeding the mushrooms on its back. These mushrooms, known as tochukaso, can be picked, dried and ground into powder for use in medicine.

One Sandshrew was panting like crazy.

Yuki ran towards Sandshrew and petted its head, "Are you okay?"

Sandshrew nodded.

Yuki took a bowl and filled it with water, "Drink up, little fella."

Sandshrew immediately began drinking the water.

"You're a nice girl," Seymour smiled.

"That's Yuki for you," Brock said.

Yuki petted Sandshrew on the head again, "Feeling better?"

"Sandshrew!" Sandshrew nodded.

"Anyway," Seymour continued, "that's why I'm here on patrol to protect the mountain from troublemakers who invading these caves."

"Is it because of the Moon Stone?" Brock asked.

"Sadly yes," Seymour answered, "Since the meteor is millions of years old and is said to have special powers, they want to take it for themselves."

"That's horrible," Yuki frowns.

"Pika Pika," Raiden pointed at a light pink Pokémon skipping by.

"That's a Clefairy," Brock said.

"Aw, how cute," Yuki cooed as she pulled out a Pokédex

Clefairy, the Fairy Pokémon. On nights with a full moon, Clefairy gathers from all over and dances. Bathing in moonlight makes them float.

"It's carrying a Moon Stone," Brock observed.

 "You're right," Seymour agreed, "I know if we follow Clefairy it might lead us to the Meteorite."

The gang thought that was a great idea and they followed Clefairy. Sandshrew followed too; it didn't want to leave Yuki.

While Seymour and the gang were following Clefairy, they noticed more and more bright lights.

"Dear Aercus, these lights must be all over Mt. Moon," Yuki said. "Whoever is doing this is causing a lot of trouble."

"Did I hear the word trouble?" A female voice asked. 

"If you want trouble, we'll give it to you," A male voice said.

"Prepare for trouble," Jessie said.

"And make it double," James continued.

"To protect the world of devastation,"

"To unite all people within our nation,"

"To denounce the evils of truth and love,"

"To extend our reach to the stars above,"



"Team Rocket blasting off at the speed of light,"

"Surrender now or prepare to fight,"

"Meowth that's right," Meowth said, landing in front of Jessie and James.

Clefairy and Sandshrew hid behind Yuki in fright.

Brock just stared at them.

"*Yawn* Did we really need to hear that?" Yuki asked, bored.

Raiden, Seymour and Brock laughed.

"Grr... How dare you mock our grand introduction?!" Jessie yelled.

"Whatever," Yuki smirked, making them angrier.

"Are you the ones who put up these lights?" Seymour demanded, "You're hurting the Pokémon that lives here!"

"Oh, we're so sorry," Jessie said, sarcastically, "But we're only after the Moon Stone."

"And we need the lights to find the Moon Stone," James said.

"Leave the Moon Stone alone!" Yuki shouted at them.

"If you want a rock, take one of these and get lost!" Brock shouted.

"Get lost? How rude!" Jessie fumed, "You twerps need to be taught some manners."

Jessie and James both release Ekans and Koffing from their Pokéballs.

"Here we go again," Yuki said as sent out her butterfly Pokémon, "Hesper, I choose you!"

"Go Zubat!" Brock sent out his bat Pokémon.

"When did you catch a Zubat?" Yuki asked.

"I caught one before we entered the cave," Brock answered.

Yuki nodded and turned to Raiden, "Raiden, lead Seymour, Clefairy and Sandshrew out of here while Brock and I deal with Team Rocket."

"Pika. (You got it.)" Raiden saluted and left with Seymour, Clefairy and Sandshrew.

"Koffing use Smog!" James ordered.

"Koffing!" Koffing releases thick green smoke from its mouth.

"Hesper use Gust," Yuki countered.

Hesper's wings glow light blue, blew a gust of wind from them and blew the Smog away.

"Now Supersonic!" Hesper released light blue circles from his mouth at Ekans, confusing it.

"You too Zubat, use Supersonic!" Zubat did the same as Hesper, sending light blue circles at Koffing making it confused too.

The two Poison Types ended up attacking themselves.

"What are you two doing?!" Jessie growled.

"You're supposed to be attacking them! Not yourselves!" James yelled.

"That won't work. Hesper finish them with Whirlwind!" Yuki smirked.

"Freee," Hesper flapped his wings creating a strong gust of wind at Team Rocket, blowing them away.

"TEAM ROCKET'S BLASTING OFF AGAIN!" Jessie and James shouted.

"Sweet! Great job, Hesper," Yuki complimented her Pokémon.

"Free," Hesper nodded as he landed on Yuki's shoulder.

"You too, Zubat," Brock complimented his Pokémon.

Zubat landed on Brock's shoulder, nuzzling him as a thank-you.

"Hey, where's Meowth? I didn't see Meowth with them," Yuki said, looking around for the cat Pokémon.

"Neither did I," Brock realized too, "He must've gone after Clefairy!"

"We better find the others now," Yuki said.

The two took off in the same direction as the others went off, hoping that they'll be alright.


Meanwhile, Raiden and Seymour were chasing Clefairy who was jumping like crazy.

"Clefairy, please slow down!" Seymour panted. 

Just then Meowth popped in front of Clefairy.

"Found you," Meowth smirked, "Now be a nice fairy and hand over the Moon Stone."

"Clefairy," Clefairy quivered in fear.

"Leave that Clefairy alone!" Seymour shouted.

"Not a chance," Meowth said as he took out his claws, "Face my Scratch attack."

"CHUUUU!" Raiden fired a bolt of yellow electricity at Meowth, blasting him off.

Yuki and Brock caught up to the others.

"Hey, is everyone alright?" Yuki asked.

"Pikapi," Raiden leaped into her arms. "Pika Chu Pikachu. (We're fine. I sent Meowth flying.)"

Sandshrew and Clefairy were happy to see Yuki and they ran over to her.

"Glad to see you're alright too," Yuki smiled, petting their heads.

Seymour was amazed that Clefairy seemed to like Yuki, normally they don't take people so well.

"How about we take a break?" Brock suggested.

Everyone nodded.


When sunset came, they were all taking a break. Yuki released all her Pokémon.

Brock and Seymour were amazed and shocked by some of her Pokémon.

"Hey Snow, how come you have more than 6 Pokémon on you?" Brock asked.

"Professor Oak gave me permission to carry 9 Pokémon because I was assisting him in the lab when I was 8," Yuki explained, shocking Brock and Seymour.

"That's impressive you know how to make your own Pokémon food," Brock commented.

"Thanks, I've learned everything from my mom, but I'm creative on my own Pokémon food," Yuki smiled as she handed her Pokémon food to all her Pokémon who were enjoying it very much, including Sandshrew and Clefairy.

Sandshrew and Clefairy were talking to each other. Sandshrew decided that he'll go with Yuki. Clefairy stared at Sandshrew and liked the idea; Clefairy decided to go with Yuki too.

Just then, Clefairy got up, "Clefairy." (Follow me.)"

"Clefairy wants us to follow her," Yuki translated as she returned her Pokémon except Raiden and Adeen who jumped on her shoulders.

Brock and Seymour nodded and they all followed Clefairy.


Clefairy led them to a crater of the cave.

Sunset had become nighttime and a full moon was out, in the middle of the crater was a giant rock.

"It's the Moon Stone," Seymour said in awe.

"It's so beautiful," Yuki enchanted.

Clefairy places its Moon Stone with the other small Moon Stones. Suddenly the big and small Moon Stones began to glow and numerous Claefairy came out, then they started dancing around the Moon Stone.

"Sandshrew Shrew Shrew Sandshrew," Sandshrew explained.

"Sandshrew says that the Clefairy prays to the Moon Stone in order for some of them to evolve," Yuki translated as she took out her MP3 Player to record the event.

"What a wonderful sight. I've always wanted to see this," Seymour said.

Just then an explosion came from underground.

"What just happened?" Brock shouted.

"Hahahahahahaha!" Laughter was heard.

"Oh no, not again," Yuki groaned.

"Chu. (Why.)" Raiden sighs.

"Thank you for leading us to the Moon Stone," Jessie chuckled, "Now we'll take it for ourselves."

"You can't do that!" Seymour shouted.

"Oh no? Just watch," James smirked.

More explosions set off and when the smoke cleared, the Moon Stone was gone.

"Oh no," Seymour said in sadness. Then he became determined, "We have to get the Moon Stone back."

"Maybe that big hole will lead us to them," Brock suggested and sent out his Onix, "Let's go, Onix!"

"Groooar!" Onix roared.

"Onix, follow the hole tunnel that Team Rocket has left behind and stop them!" Brock said.

Onix doves underground and followed the criminals.

"Let's follow too!" Brock shouted and everyone followed, with Sandshrew and the Clefairy behind them.


Team Rocket were sliding down the hill on a sled, with the Moon Stone tied to it.

They easily believed that their plan worked when suddenly Onix came out of the ground in front of them and stopped them.

"Hold it right there, Team Rocket!" Yuki shouted. "You're not taking the Moon Stone anywhere!"

Team Rocket was angry and was about to call their Pokémon when the Clefairy turned up. They were not happy with Team Rocket. They all lifted their arms and waved them back and forth, chanting.

"They're using Metronome, it's a move that randomly selects a move at full power," Seymour explained.

The Metronome became a Hyper Beam and it sent Team Rocket flying into the night sky. After Team Rocket blasted off, particles of the Moon Stone came down. Some of them land on the Clefairy, causing them to evolve.

"Clefable~" "Clefable~"

Yuki pulled out her Pokédex

Clefable, the Fairy Pokémon and the evolved form of Clefairy. Its hearing is so acute it can hear a pin drop over half a mile away. It lives on quiet mountains.

"Beautiful," Yuki smiled.

The Clefairy and the Clefable were all celebrating happily, and everyone got to stay and join them.

All in All, it was a fun night for everyone to enjoy.


~ Next Morning ~

Yuki and Brock were packed and ready to go. They stood outside the cave to say goodbye to Seymour, the Clefairy, and the Clefable.

"After last night, I feel like there's more I need to know," Seymour said.

Yuki sent the video to her parents and Prof. Oak who thanked Yuki greatly for the information.

"Clefable," one of the Clefable gave Yuki and Brock a Moon Stone.

"Thank you," the two trainers thanked.

Then Sandshrew and Clefairy came up to Yuki.

"Is something wrong?" Yuki asked as they nuzzled her legs.

"Pika Chu. (They want to come with us.)" Raiden said.

"Is that true?" Yuki asked.

"Fairy/Sandshrew," they nodded.

Yuki took out two Pokéballs and tapped them on Sandshrew and Clefable.


Two successful captures.

Yuki checked their information


Type: Ground

Gender: Male

Ability: Sand Veil

Hidden Ability: Sand Rush

Known Moves: Scratch, Defense Curl, Sand Attack, Poison Sting, Rollout, Rapid Spin, Fury Cutter, Swift, Sand Tomb and Magnitude

Egg Moves: Counter and Rock Climb which has yet to be unlocked


Type: Fairy

Gender: Female

Ability: Magic Guard

Hidden Ability: Friend Guard

Known Moves: Disarming Voice, Encore, Pound, Sing, Double Slap, Defense Curl, Metronome, Sweet Kiss, Magical Leaf, Wake Up Slap, Heal Pulse

Egg Moves: Misty Terrain which has yet to be unlocked.

They were both teleported away. And with that, they bid farewell to Seymour, the Clefairy and the Clefable, and continued their journey to Cerulean City.


Yuki and Brock were walking along the path when they came across a sign.

It read:

Cerulean City

Brock noticed something written on the sign, "Hey, there's something written on the sign."

'Gary was here! Yuri is a loser!'

"Pika Chu. (I'm shocking him.)" Raiden said, annoyed by the comment. 

"Gary Oak..." Brock said, then snapped his fingers. "A boy named Gary Oak came to my gym. He had to try three times before he got my gym badge even though he had the Type advantage."

"That sounds like him," Yuki frowned. "Let's keep moving."

Yuki and Brock walked along the path to Cerulean City where Yuki's next badge was.


Yuki's Pokémon:

Pikachu (Raiden) (M)

Shiny Charmander (Adeen) (F)

Pidgeotto (Skye) (F)

Shiny Magikarp (Triton) (M)

Meowth (Meowzie) (F)

Happiny (Galen) (F)

Butterfree (Hesper) (M)

Shiny Beedrill (Vespa) (F)

Nuliuna (Aruna) (F)

Sandshrew (Tarrin) (M)

Clefairy (Stella) (F)

Brock's Pokémon:

Onix (M)

Geodude (M)

Zubat (M)

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