The Art Club

By KalynNguyen12

179 1 11

No shipping!!! Alyssa is one of those people you call "the quiet one." She didn't have any friends nor anythi... More

Meeting a Member 🌾
🎨 Introduced πŸ’«
The Art Club πŸŽ‹πŸ’«
πŸ©Έβ€’ Secrets out β€’ 🩸
The Afterath πŸ“š
πŸŽ‹Girl Fight πŸ’«
πŸƒ The Broken Promise 🌱
🌿 Change 🌾
πŸŽ‹ Anxiety πŸƒ
πŸ–€ LoveSick πŸƒ
πŸ’« Silence πŸƒ
🌻 Sunshine β˜€οΈ
πŸŒ±β˜€οΈ Smile 🌻🌿
⚠️ Shut down ⚠️
✨ Secret Message answer and....🌿

πŸ“š Club Activities 🎨

12 0 1
By KalynNguyen12

The Next Day at 3:45 p.m
(Everyone has arrived)

  "Alyssa!! Hello?" Sketches echoed.
Alyssa then flinched. She turned to Sketches and saw everyone staring at her with a worried look.
"Oh..sorry!" Alyssa apologized. Sketches sighed and said it was fine—continuing on where she left off.

How could Alyssa pay attention?! Not after what had happened yesterday!!...with Hybrid..

"Now that's my little secret, huh?"

Just thinking about it made Alyssa's spine shiver, but Alyssa knew she had to pay attention to what Sketches was saying—this is the first time Alyssa experienced club activities. But the look Hybrid gave..

"I don't know if this place is safe.."

"What do you mean?"

Alyssa jumped a little bit but calmed herself down to not make a scene. After she collected herself, she turned to Kiyochi, the one who made the comment, and saw her worried and very confused face. She then turned to everyone and saw their expressions. Rockabiee—on her right—was utterly confused but had a worried experience in her eyes, Sketches was in front of the whole thing looked very confused.

Last but not least, Hybrid. He looked worried..but not confused. Alyssa thought she was losing her mind, but she didn't think so. He had a worried expression yes, but it didn't look like it. Instead, it looked like he had a mischievous grin. He's eyes looked dull like he hadn't gotten enough sleep. He was surrounded by a dark aura, just like last time..

"It's nothing, Kiyochi.." Alyssa sighed and shook her head.
"Erm..alright.." Kiyochi hesitantly nodded. Everyone then continued to the explaining the activity.

"So!" , Kiyochi began, "This homework will be to draw your name, but to add in some adjustments that speak to you!" Kiyochi cheerfully cheered.
"Hmm, no" , Sketches interrupted, "How about we draw our name, right? Then we can ask the members in this club to see what color reflects ourselves. Finally, we can use the colors that reflects us to decorate our name and draw some other objects that represent ourselves?" Sketches explained gently.

"That sounds fun! It can also be very productive and time consuming though.." Hybrid whined.
"That's the point in homework, Hybrid." Sketches sighed.
"That's a great idea.." Rockabiee said approvingly.
"Hmph! Alyssa!!!! Whose idea do you like more!" Kiyochi hissed.

Alyssa was just sitting there in confusion. She's been looking at the 4 of them fight for about 6 minutes now. "I- I don't long as we get the job done, you know?" Alyssa shrugged.
Everyone stood there looking at Alyssa. Hybrid smiled and said,
"Alright then, thanks for your feedback, Alyssa." Hybrid smiled faintly.

Alyssa got shivers but brushed it off not wanting to get on his nerves.
"I- that didn't answer my question!!" Kiyochi raged. The other members laughed and giggled. Alyssa stop laughing faintly then realized she never tried Art.

"Uhm, what if I don't know how to do art?" Alyssa asked innocently fiddling with her fingers. Everyone stopped laughing and looked at Alyssa.

"There's no such thing as saying 'you don't know how to do art'. Art is something you can do to take your time off of personal things." Hybrid laughed it off but made a faint smile. Everyone saw it. Alyssa was confused so she looked to the other members, and it looked like they knew what's going on. Alyssa hesitantly shrugged it off.

"Well, I'd say Art is something you express your feelings..or a way to calm yourself down. When I doodle or draw, I let everything take over from my body. I usually draw in an empty room with no distractions. When I'm bored and I want to ease my boredom, I play music and follow the rhythm. Once I've finished the drawing, I look at the drawing and I here it speak to me on how I created it." Rockabiee immediately covered her mouth with her hand, ears turning red.

"I-uhm..that's explanation was corny I know.." Rockabiee sighed, scratching her arm.

"It's okay I don't know how to draw! But I usually do it for fun or when I'm bored! Like Biee said, I play some music in the background! I'm not the brightest when it comes to drawing, but it's quite fun!" Kiyochi giggled before continuing on. "I usually draw what makes me happy or what makes me satisfied once it's complete! I usually draw my friends or something happy! For instance, I drew you!" , Kiyochi exclaimed pointing to Alyssa, "I drew you because you're my new friend! I wanted to draw you to remember that your my friend!!"

Kiyochi skipped to Alyssa so that they could make brief eye contact. She stared into Alyssa's soul which confirmed Alyssa's thoughts into thinking Kiyochi was full on crazy or weird.

"But there's no such think as saying you don't know anything about art or how to draw. Just by drawing a simple circle means that you drew something! Minus the details and shading of course! If you draw a stick figure, you drew something!" Kiyochi continued on with that and giving more examples to where everyone was getting the messages loud and clear.

Right as Kiyochi was about to say something, Sketches put a hand over her mouth to refrain her from speaking.
"I think she gets the message, Kiyochi." Sketches said in a light stern voice. She then removed her hand off of Kiyochi's mouth enabling Kiyochi to talk again. Kiyochi's mouth curled up into a 'oh' face which led everyone to chuckle at the sudden expression.

Sketches then turned to face Alyssa and spoke, "Do you at least understand the point to which we're trying to tell you?" Hinting at Alyssa saying: say yes or else Kiyochi's is gonna keep rambling on and on..
Alyssa understood Sketches' wish and nodded which made Sketches to let out a relieved sigh. Kiyochi saw Alyssa's answer to Sketches' question and smiled brightly.

"That's good!" Kiyochi replied. With the remaining of the 5 minutes, the room was filled with jokes and laughter. Sometimes when Alyssa was thinking about something, the club members would snap her out of her trance, distracting her from what she was thinking about. They did it by asking her a question or mentioning her into a topic. Mostly Kiyochi though.

Alyssa now knew why people we're friends with Kiyochi. She's kind, good-hearted, friendly, and hilarious. She can be dumb let alone stupid, but that's what makes her fun to hang out with.

Rockabiee was the total opposite of Kiyochi. She was aware of her surroundings ,but was always fun to hangout with. She's chaotic and a bit weird—but that doesn't change the fact that she's kind hearted herself. She laughs whenever she wants to. She smiles uncontrollably and is very gorgeous. Her vocabulary is more expanded then Kiyochi, but it's probably because of what she's reading. She mentioned it herself too.

Looking at Hybrid, he's kind and smiles a lot. To be honest, Alyssa didn't really see him hanging out with anyone except for the people here. She normally just sees him drawling his fictional things smiling but not usually his bright smile. If he's not doing that then, he usually sleeps. It worries her a bit but remembering what he said yesterday..

"Now that's my little secret, huh?"

Alyssa didn't want to think about it anymore. Maybe she ask the members tomorrow..but overall, he's a good friend who's kind and funny.

Last but not least, Sketches. She's the complete opposite of all of them combined. She's usually quiet without people coming up to her to start a conversation. An example is Kiyochi, Rockabiee, and Hybrid. They come up to her whenever they have a chance. Before Alyssa met them, she always sees them together at lunch—never expecting her to join in. Though Alyssa thinks Sketches is weird when you keep her going. She's not that weird though.

Alyssa sees the Art Club as a little happy family. Kiyochi is the youngest and is very outgoing. Likes to smile a lot and always comments when she wants to. She likes to make others smile and also likes playing "the villain."

There was this one time where someone was sad and Kiyochi wanted to make them feel better;although , she also wanted to play the villain too. So she instead combined them saying: "I'm sending happy vibes to your can not do anything to stop it." The poor weary student was so terrified she transferred to another school. She is supported by her big brother, Hybrid. He manages to match her energy and loud voice. Like partners in crime.

Alyssa came up with that reasoning because Kiyochi always gets into trouble. She always has yellow scissors saying she likes to do arts in crafts. To make this short, she swings her scissors around..Hybrid totally agreeing to what Kiyochi doing is fine while the others disagree. Kiyochi and Hybrid so chaotic things with each other. They laugh, play pranks, do tricks, sneak food with each other, everything.

Next in line is Rockabiee, the big sister. She goes with them as a substitute for Sketches absence;however, she follows along to their plan having fun as well. Rockabiee said that one time they almost went to jail for almost committing arson. So Rockabiee did her job and hired a lawyer and brought them out. Though, when she wants to be chaotic she can wants to be, because she knows they're in good hands.

Since they have have Sketches, the mom of the group. She makes sure everyone is okay and does not get in trouble. Scolding them, warning them, you name it! There are some times Sketches is unhinged and agrees to every bad thing they do. She only lets them do something if they are doing something good in exchange.

Alyssa laughed picturing what would happen if they lived together. Of course, snapped out of her thoughts by Kiyochi asking her a stupid but funny question.

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