A Taste of Medicine - Fiona G...

By reinhartlove

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SEQUEL THE ILLUSION OF PLEASURE IS OUT This last year, Fiona had struggled more than she had ever before. Alc... More



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By reinhartlove

TW emotional/verbal abuse
August 4, 2018
It had been a week since they hooked up, and they haven't really stopped since. Any opportunity they have alone, they're doing it. Fiona got a warning from her boss on Wednesday because she got caught with Adams fucking in the bathroom on break. They truly are two horny teenagers that are in constant need of fucking. Fiona had slept over at Evelyn's for the first time, and woke up to being stared out like a damn hawk.

"Hi" Fiona says with her eyes still glued shut, know Adams was staring at her.

She watched as Fiona had opened her eyes, and look up at Adams. "Morning. You look so beautiful when you're asleep" Evelyn tells Fiona, as her hand had found it's way down her body. Someone's in the mood.

Fiona had grabbed Adams hand, still making eye contact with her, shoving them down her panties. Wet. "Good morning" She smiles sweetly at her, but was quickly followed by a pleasurable gasp.

Evelyn knew how to play innocent when we she playing dirty, like right now. Like circling Fiona's clit agonizingly slow, but just right amount of sweet torcher. "Hi" She whispers, picking up the pace just a little. Dear god.

Leaning down to kiss Fiona, Adams subtly plunged her pointer and middle finger into Fiona. The noise that came out of her was embarrassing, like a mouse shriek "Fuck me. Please" Gallagher pleaded, sounding embarrassingly desperate. Evelyn's favorite.

"Gladly" Evelyn whispers once again, and drew out her fingers to get a better taste.

They had sat in comfortable silence after the matter, soaking in each other. Summer was coming to end, meaning Liam would be starting somewhere new. Also, that the ex and her daughter were coming home. It all felt so rushed and nerve racking. When she was with Sean, Will so clearly didn't like her and Lily is nearly a teenager? Fucking hell.

"When does the monster and Lily come back from Paris?" Fiona asked, watching Evelyn become stiff. Shit. Wrong time?

Evelyn is dreading Jennifer, especially after their last fight, which was over how Lily got mad at her for snooping. "Monday. Do you want to meet them?" She asked Fiona, and saw her face completely puzzle. Too soon?

Met your kid? Don't you think it might be a little soon? Of course Fiona wanted to meet Lily, but it was still wary. "Are you sure?" Fiona asked, because she didn't think she would meet her for at least a few months.

She grabbed a hold of Fiona's right hand, rubbing her thumb against it. "Of course. You're big part of my life now, I want them to know about you" Evelyn says, sounding like she's confessing her love for Fiona. Well. Wait. Is she asking me to be her girlfriend?

Fiona started to gain some conscious, and realizing what was happening. "Evelyn" She says, sitting up with the sheets covering her bare chest. She felt like a lovesick teenager.

"I really, really like you, Fiona" Evelyn says, feeling her heart race as if it was going to fall out of her ass. Was this about to ruin something good?

"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" Fiona asked her, hoping that she would reply with the answer she wanted. Yes.

Why does she like she's about to have a panic attack? "Yes" Adams says, and felt all of Fiona's weight on her in seconds.

Gallagher had wrapped her arms around her neck and just looked at Evelyn. "I would love to be your girlfriend" Fiona smiled and leaned down to capture her girlfriends lips with hers. This is when Fiona knew what had missing from her life, Evelyn Adams.

The smile that was plastered across Adams face, was enough to give Fiona a small rush. "Perfect" Adams whispers, leaning up and grabbing Fiona by the back of the head for a kiss. Both of them laughed into the kiss, when they had fallen backwards.

August 6, 2018
Monday. Fiona had barely slept a wink last night, due to the matter that she's meeting Adams daughter and psycho ex tonight. It's a huge thing, but it wasn't her daughter that made her worry. The ex was. Fiona looked her up last night and felt nauseous. She was this curvaceous, redhead and clearly came from some money. Fiona was a ghetto chick born on the south-side of Chicago. Why did Evelyn think that this would be a good idea?

She looked over at Adams, who was fast asleep and had no worries about tonight. It  was 5:30 in the morning, the birds had just starting chirping. Why am I so stressed out? Having that thought on her mind, she had slowly tried falling back asleep. That was nice, until she'd woken to the assumed argument between Adams and her ex wife. Her phone read 7:48. Only two more hours? Jesus, Evelyn must be really pissed. Being as nosey as she is, Fiona threw on some of Evelyn's clothes and walked out the room quietly. Thankfully she had a glass railing, so she could hear what was happening.

"Why can't you stay out of peoples areas? Like, the constant butting in everyone's business is so tiring, Jennifer" Fiona had overhear Adams. Fiona didn't know a lot, but it didn't mean she knew some things. Jennifer had zero boundaries, and it was annoying.

Jennifer chuckled darkly. "Oh! I'm sorry. I'm not allowed to know what's going in our daughter's life?" She snaps back at her, and Fiona knew it was going to get messy.

Fiona watched as Evelyn pinched her nose bridge, sighing heavily. "Yes, of course, but not by invading her privacy. She's told you so many times to stop reading her diaries. Did you not listen to Doctor Monroe? Of course you didn't" She scoffed a chuckle. They have a family therapist? Rich people.

She watched as Jennifer walked over to the bar chart, and pour herself a glass. "Look. I don't need some shrink telling me how to raise my child, ok?" Jennifer tells Adams, throwing the glass of liquor back.

"Fine" Evelyn sighs, and Jennifer had made direct eye contact with Fiona, who was bad at hiding. She showed her a sickly smirk, it made Fiona nervous. Good job idiot.

Jennifer, who stared at her for another beat, before getting more liquor. "So. Where's your little girlfriend?" She asks, smirking to herself. Evelyn continued to pick at her nails.

"She's Upstairs sleeping" She answered, unaware that Fiona was wide awake and listening to everything.

Turning on her heels, Jennifer walked over to Adams and handed her a glass of liquor. "Does she know?" She asked Evelyn, who froze at the asked question. Know what?

Fiona watched Adams sigh into her glass, before throwing it back. "Know what, Jennifer?" She sighed her response, setting her glass onto the table.

Jennifer looked up before answering, but to her surprise, Fiona was gone. Still wanted to have a little fun. "Come on. About the fuck room, and your little side business. Oh, yes, Mistress!" She says, exaggerating her fake moan. Evelyn's face became flushed with panic, and peered upstairs to make that sure Fiona wasn't awake.

"That is enough!" Evelyn said in a hushed manner, giving Jennifer a dark look. Fiona, who's still been listening, felt a heavy pit in her stomach. What the fuck?

Jennifer gasped playfully, that was follow by a laugh. "Gonna take that as a no, then?" She says, in a near whining manner. No, I don't know what either of you are saying.

"I've had enough of you coming between my relationships. I sure as hell won't be letting you get between me and her, ok?" Evelyn belted, to only get a dark chuckle from Jennifer. Fiona smiled for a second at Adams being over protective her.

She heard Jennifer sigh, knowing she wasn't done yet. This isn't any of Fiona's business, but it kinda was. "Fine. Maybe this one will stick around knowing how sick and fucked up you are" Jennifer barked back 10 times harder, and it was heartless and cold.

Adams gasped at what came out of her mouth, hence the slap. Fiona felt a tear fall down her face. Oh my god. "Get out" She heard Evelyn say, with the tone of a near meltdown. She wanted to run downstairs.

With that reaction, Jennifer was going to bite back even worse. It was going to be gut wrenching. "Oh. Did I upset you, honey? You know, someone like her is just after the money. Maybe you're paying her to sleep with you. Because that's what you do, isn't it? Find someone who is gullible enough to like and fall for you, because sure as shit, no one in reality will. You're just so fucking broken, pathetic and just so sad, Evelyn" Jennifer told off Evelyn, and you could hear a pin drop. Fiona felt like she had just been punched right in the stomach. What kind of person thinks and say that to someone? It's disgusting. She could hear Evelyn crying, and it so heartbreaking. It all made sense why she didn't want to see her.

"Fuck you" Evelyn sobbed out, wrapping her arms around herself. This sure as hell wasn't new to Adams, but to Fiona, it was.

Jennifer just laughed in her face. What a bitch. "Couldn't pay enough me enough to. I'm gonna grab something from upstairs, but it was nice seeing you, honey" She says, and that was Fiona's cue to go back to Adams room. She waited until the front door had shut to check on her girlfriend.

Fiona saw her looking out the window, still crying but it was silent. "Evelyn, are you okay?" She asked her, and watched Adams whipped around quickly. Oh.

Adams didn't want Fiona to see her like this, so she quickly wiped her tears. "What? Yeah. Yeah, I'm totally fine" She responds, but seeing Fiona's face made her emotional. Her lip started to quiver and Fiona rushed towards her, knowing she needs a hug.

She watched Adams face, know she was as was about breakdown and rushed over to her. As soon as they made contact, Evelyn started crying. What a fucking bitch. Fiona wanted to murder Jennifer. Who speaks to someone like that? "I'm so sorry" Fiona whispers, pulling Evelyn closer to her. They had stayed like that for awhile, until Adams calmed down. Fiona wiped her tears away and Adams had kissed her.

"You see why I didn't want to see her" Adams chuckled, and played it off like her heart wasn't just ripped apart. Fiona didn't want to push, so she pulled a tight smile.

She grabbed Adams by the waist, and pulled her closer to her. "I'm so sorry, Eve" Fiona apologized sympathetically, and then she felt soft lips of her forehead. It was like a sign of a silent thank you.

Adams didn't want to talk about this any  longer, considering that it'll just happen again tonight. "No, no. You're fine. How'd you sleep?" She asks her girlfriend, wanting to change the subject.

"Ok. I missed you" Fiona says and smiled sweetly at Evelyn. Cute.

The original plan was that Jennifer was going to talk to Adams after dinner, but no. "Didn't realize she'd be over this early" She says, as if she has to still apologize for her bad behavior.

"That's understandable. So, what should I wear tonight? What's the attire?" Fiona asks, as she sat down on the couch. This is how they are suppose feel?

Evelyn watched as her girlfriend felt the material of the couch. How are you so cute? "Just wear whatever you want, you'll look beautiful in anything" Adams informed her, tapping the side of her foot playfully. It was a small dinner, jeans and shirt would pass.

Fiona was a grown ass woman, yet when Evelyn flirts with her, she still manages to make her feel like a teenager. "Oh, my god. You're such a flirt" Fiona gasped at how she is unsubtle with compliments. Adams just huffed a laugh, and sat next to her.

Moving closer to Fiona, she brushed some of her hair behind her left ear. Watching how Fiona's face turned a light blush, brought a smile to Adams face. "Yeah, but you love it" She says, leaning on her arm and still looking at Fiona.

Rolling her eyes at Adams remark, she felt a small pinch on her arm. Ouch! "Whatever. What's for breakfast?" Fiona asks, rubbing her arm where she had been pinched.

"You" Evelyn answered with a sly smirk, moving her hand up Fiona's thigh. Fuck.

She just rolled her eyes again, and groaned whilst pinching her nose bridge. "Oh, my god!" Fiona just laughed at her, but she also had the same thing in mind. Such a flirt! 

"By the way, I love the new nickname" Evelyn says, as she grabbed Fiona's hand to take her upstairs and play with.

For the rest of the day, they had spent their time in bed, talking and cuddled up with each other. Since Fiona had the day off, she had an excuse to do absolutely nothing. That was short lived when the two heard basically screaming, that was coming from the driveway. But dinner wasn't until 7:30 and it was only 4:47? Jesus. Why can't she just have some peace and quiet with her Fucking Jennifer. Evelyn had came out from under the covers, sweaty with post sex hair. They both just looked at each other and had been thinking the same thing. That Jennifer.
Fiona watched as Adams leaned over and grabbed the shirt she's been wearing, then threw it back on. It was clear that she was still shaken up the this morning's mishap.

Fiona peppered kisses against her shoulder, getting a hum in response. "Hey. Are you gonna be okay?" Fiona asked softly and pressed more kisses onto her shoulder.

No, she wasn't going to be fine, but Adams didn't want her to worry anymore. "I'll be fine, sweetheart. Why don't you get dressed and go pick up Liam?" She says, Fiona knew not to push anymore and obeyed. Ok.

When she had got to the apartment, she was greeted to Zoey, who was lounging on her couch. They caught with each and talked about what had happened between Eve and Jennifer. She agreed that the ex is psycho and thought the 'Fuck Room' was weird.
Liam had just thrown on jeans and a shirt just as Fiona did. Dinner was going to fine, nothing bad is going it happen, right? Right. When she got back to Eve's place, she was waiting at the front door. Cute. Fiona could tell Eve was waiting for her to return. She pulled her in with a chaste kiss and a hug. Something must've happened.

"Hi" Evelyn murmured against Fiona's neck, feeling her hot breath against her neck, sending shivers down her spine.

They pulled away, and Evelyn kissed her against. Something definitely had happened while I was gone. "Hi. Did you miss me?" Fiona smiled sweetly, rubbing Adams arm for comfort.

Fiona watched as it was Adams turn to be flustered. "Was it that obvious? Hey, Liam" She says and waved at him. Evelyn made a joke once that Liam was a grown man, trapped in a kids body. It was kinda true.

"Hello" He says formal as usual, Fiona bumped her head onto Eve's shoulder.

Adams couldn't help but to salute him like a general. Fiona groaned an 'Oh, god'. "So formal, gentleman" Eve says and Fiona smacked her chest.

Fiona had briefly met Lily, but left her and Liam alone after she talked about going to Paris. Evelyn had just gotten done with dinner set everything out on the outdoor patio, and Fiona knew that something was going to go down. Fuck.
It had been an awkward 20 minutes of small talk, that was beside Liam and Lily. Fiona keep feeling Jennifer's eyes on her and knew she was going to get a headache instantly.

Jennifer had dramatically cleared her throat, causing Eve to roll her eyes at her. "Fiona, right?" She asked, as if she didn't already know her name.

Evelyn dove into her hands with a sigh. "Yes" Fiona responded, and pulled a tight smile. There was another beat.

"I don't think you mention your last name" She says, leaning back in her chair. What is she going on about?

"Gallagher" She tells her, and half regrets it because Jennifer is going to look her and her family up.

She barked out a laugh, and Eve had kicked her in the shin for it. "That's
...a very unique name. You're not, like a psychopath or anything?" Jennifer says, and trying to stop herself from laughing. At least it's not basic.

What kind of question is that? No, I'm not you, is what she wanted to say but didn't. "Jennifer!" Eve scolded out, and gave Fiona an apologetic look.

She just laughs to herself, and is clearly amused with her childish act. "What? I mean, do we remember Alice? It happened awhile ago but, she was just borderline psychotic. How on earth did she land you? Oh! Oh, that's right, it's because it was a pre-paid deal. Afterwards, she tried to-" Jennifer was spitting out, and when she saw how broken Adams face was, she snapped. She grabbed their glass of water, and just threw at Jennifer's face. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

Everyone at the table went silent. No one, let alone Fiona, expected her to do that. "I'm so sorry" She apologizes, expecting her to return the favor, but doesn't. Eve never wanted to fuck her more than she does right now.

"Can I please be excuse?" Lily asked, and Fiona completely forgetting she was there. Fuck! Eve murmured a yes and Liam had followed behind.

"Well, that was very nice" Jennifer says, finishing wiping the water off of her face, makeup staining the napkin.

Fiona just huffed a laugh to herself. "Neither are you" She murmured to herself, but Jennifer caught it.

Eve pulled a smirk at hearing her girlfriend bark back. "Excuse me?" She asked, tone laced with bicker.

"You are a grown ass woman, who still thinks their still in high school, that can terrorize people. You are 38, you peaked over 20 years ago, get the fuck over it. It sickens me the way you speak to Eve, for fuck sakes. I've dealt with a lot of woman who are exactly like you. Guess what? You don't scare me. Maybe if you weren't so fucking small minded, you'd see that in reality, you're the sad and miserable cunt" Fiona says, with a chilling tone, that intimidated both Eve and Jennifer. The monster was beyond shocked, but was also impressed.

Jennifer just crossed her arms, with a smirk. "Wow. I like this one. I'm really drunk, can your driver drop me off?" She says, getting up and stumbling off with Eve. When they walked away, Fiona breathed out and did not expect herself to say that. Fuck.

Eve says, walking over to the table with her hands in her pocket, and a smirk. "Hi" She says shyly to her girlfriend

Fiona got up and leaned against the table. She was half expecting to get the upper hand from Eve. "Are you mad at me?" Fiona asked nervously, but got a small laugh in return. She felt Eve's hands grip at her waist. Oh.

Eve pulled Fiona closer to her, wanting to rip her clothes and do her on the table. "God, no. That was really fucking hot" She said and kissed with so much passion. Oh, Fuck me.

Fiona's face was flushed when Eve had pulled away. "Really?" She asked above a whisper, feeling more aroused.

Eve pulled her in for another kiss. "Yes. You're coming with me" Eve says and picked Fiona up by and flung Fiona over her shoulders. Oh, god.

August 10, 2018
It was a quarter to 6, when Eve called Fiona to ask for a rain check. Oh. They haven't seen each since Monday, and Adams was going to make it up tonight. Once again, she had to cancel. Fiona is trying to act like it's not a big deal, but she feels weird without Eve being with her. Which is the present. She's standing at the front door, wearing a tight black dress, paired with red lipstick. It's been days since they've had a normal talk and it sucker. Fiona just tossed off her heels, before going in her room and took an hour worth of makeup. She's crying. Fiona never cries about anyone, it's weird and over this?

Then it dawned on Fiona that she's falling in love with Eve. Oh. Oh. Love? It's only been a few months and she already feel like this? It made sense now. The tears had stopped and was replaced with a small smile. Love.

Thirty minutes had passed, when Zoey had just let herself into Fiona's apartment. She instantly froze, mainly she knew that Fiona would be out tonight. It was because her ex slash complicated boyfriend had another chick over. Fiona just looked at Zoey with a raised brow, confused what she was doing.

Zoey stood there with a small lump in her throat. Fuck. "Hi. Sorry. I-I thought you're going out" She tried to explain her, but it was clear that it was all bullshit.

"I was, but Eve canceled. What are you doing in my apartment at 6:30pm?" Fiona asked her, confused why she knew that she was going to be out tonight.

Zoey sighed, and set all of her things on the kitchen counter. "Travis has a booty call over, and I knew you were gonna be out" She explains, not wanting to be yelled.

Fiona could tell be her face that she didn't want any lectures, so she let's it go. "Oh, Zoey" She sighs and gets up to hug her.

Wanting to move over from the humiliation, she shook her head with a laugh. "Wait. Isn't this the fourth time that she has canceled your guy's date?" Zoey asked her, and watched her smile drop. Suddenly she isn't lovesick anymore, she's upset.

Fiona doesn't understand why she's been distant, and it's not because of work. "Yes" She says upsettingly, pulling a tight smile.

Zoey pulled a puzzled look, hence the brows. "Is everything okay with you two?" She asked her, but Fiona didn't know how to answer that. They aren't fighting, but it feels like as if they should be.

"She's just busy at her job" Fiona says, and tried to shrug it off but Zoey had a better idea in mind.

"Ok. Here's what you're gonna do" Zoey says and grabbed a hold of her arms.

Fiona didn't know if what was going to come out of her mouth would be good, or bad. "I'm scared" She groans, screwing her eyes shut as if she's hurt.

"Go throw on something sexy and reapply that red lipstick, order some some take out and go surprise your girlfriend" She tells Fiona, who felt herself exhale, and not realizing she was holding it in.

Oh. "Now why didn't I think of that?" Fiona sighed, realizing she could be having dinner with Eve right now. Dumbass.

"Be lucky you have me" Zoey says, and shot her wink and helped her get ready.

Once Fiona had threw that black dress on again, she grabbed her purse and left. It still felt like something still wasn't right, a pit hit her stomach. She brushed it off as nerves and dialed the Chinese restaurant they've been to an embarrassing amount. With the weird feeling, Fiona picked up the order and headed to Eve's office. It was a really nice building, definitely her girlfriend's. She had walked in the building, happy but still felt like something was off. When she had got up to her floor, she became confused.

There was some kind of faint noise from down the hall. What the fuck? Fiona sat the takeout bag, and quietly walked yo go find out what the noise was. When she looked around the corner, her heart got ripped out of her chest. It was Eve and some blonde chick Fiona didn't know. They were kissing, no, they were fucking on her desk. Fiona felt tears spill from her eyes immediately. What?

"What the fuck?" Fiona whispered to herself, and felt the answer ring over and over again. It clicked for her. This is why she's been canceling on me. She's seeing someone else. Oh. She doesn't love me?

Fiona couldn't watch them anymore, it was making her sick. She rushed out of there, tears pouring out faster than she's running. As she was leaving, Jennifer was walking to her building. The last person she needs is Jennifer telling her so. But Browns face had concern written all over it, it was weird. Just as she was about to speak up,
Fiona rushed past her and driven off.

How could she do this? I though she felt the same . Was I just another toy? Why did she ask me to be her girlfriend? I can't believe I thought I'm falling in love with her. But I don't hate her. She drove home, with mascara stains all over her under eyes. A pounding headache had followed right behind her. I'm tired.

When Fiona had walked in, panic shot down Zoey's body. "Hey. What's wrong?" Zoey asked her frantically, getting up to see her.

Fiona just laughed, but it was like a pre breakdown laugh. She's upset. "I went to her office, like you told me. Um, when I got there, I saw her fucking some random blonde chick" She says, trying not to act like she's heartbroken, but Zoey's worried face made her breakdown.

"Oh, my god. Fiona. I'm so sorry, honey" She says and pulled her closer. Fiona just cried and cried. She was fucking broken.

August 11, 2018
7:45. It was next morning, and Fiona barely slept through the night. Everytime she had closed her eyes, she saw Adam fucking that chick. The moans, the kissing, everything. It felt like bile in the back of her throat. Adams hasn't talked to her since she canceled the dinner. It's surprising that Jennifer didn't tell her that she saw Fiona leaving her office. I mean, it's Jennifer, come on. That was until she had heard a knock at her door, and she became ridden with panic. Fiona sighed to herself and got up to answer the door, but Liam had beat her. It was Evelyn. Fuck.

"Hi" Evelyn said above a whispered, and it was made clear. Both of them just knew.

Fiona tried to act like she wasn't upset, but seeing her face brought back the memories. She felt a tear begin to face, and Adams caught it. "Liam. Uh, could you go over to Zoey's?" She asked him, wiping the tear away quickly. Even he could tell she's hurt.
Once he's gone, Adams stepped forward to her and slowly cried. Fuck.

Adams knew she had just fucked everything up by sleeping with someone, but there was a deeper meaning. "Fiona" Eve says, and reached out for her hand, but got a sharp slap across the face. A choked sob followed behind. Seeing how hurt Fiona was painful.

Fiona told her to stop acting like a baby, and grow up. It was somehow different with Evelyn, she felt broken. "How could you?" She choked out a broken sob, Evelyn had tears filling in her eyes now. It was awful.

Evelyn knew she wasn't going to get Fiona back without a proper explanation. She ruined the one good thing in her like over someone pointless. "Oh. Please don't cry, sweetheart" Adams says, sounding just as desperate, realizing she's crying.

Fiona swatted her hands away the was going to wipe away her tears. "Don't call me that and don't touch me" She hissed out, and walked into her room because she was going to work.

Adams had just followed behind her like a dog. She watched as Fiona threw off her clothes, grabbing her work uniform. "I'm sorry. I am so fucking sorry" Evelyn began to plead, but Fiona didn't want to hear it.

"Who is she?" She asks, looking her dead in the eyes. Oh. Adams didn't know how to tell her the truth without ruining things more.

"An ex that I was with before I met you" She says, half lying out her perfect ass. Fiona remembered what Jennifer said about her side business and felt worse. Was I not enough for her that she had to fuck an old client?

Fiona zipped up her shorts, feeling Eve's eyes glued on her. "Why did you do it?" She asked her, looking up seeing her glassed over eyes. This is fucking heartbreaking.

Adams knew why, but at the same time, she didn't know. She's self-sabotages herself more than she can count. "I don't know, but she doesn't mean-" Eve starts but was cut off by Fiona's wet laugh. Bullshit.

"Anything to you? Right" Fiona says, and watched Adams dip below her. Of course.

"Fiona" Evelyn knew how upset Fiona was, but it was hard to explain the situation.

"Why'd you ask me to be your girlfriend? Because you wouldn't have slept with someone else, let alone an ex, if you did like me" Fiona asked, sounding desperate for the right answer. Adams had just stared at her, not being to explain herself. Oh.

Evelyn can't explain things, it's hurting the both of them, you could feel. "I'm sorry" She says because she doesn't know what else to tell Fiona without reveling something that's irreversible. 

That was Adams last chance to come clean, but stood there like an idiot. Eve was no different from the rest, and in the end she was correct. Everyone leaves. "Right" Fiona responded with a tight pulled smile. She felt Eve wrap around her wrist. Don't touch me and quickly snatched her hand away.

It felt like a punch to Adams stomach. She just wanted to touch her, kiss her, tell her the truth and pray she doesn't run away. "Fiona. I'm sorry" Evelyn says one last time before Fiona walked past her, and out of her apartment. Why do I fuck everything up?

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