White Rose on the Death Card

By anonymous_AT

6.3K 167 10

Warning: 5k words per chap Cale found himself in between laughing and crying in anger after gaining conscious... More


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1.9K 115 5
By anonymous_AT

At the stroke of 5, the tranquility within the house was shattered as the bustling sounds of servants filled the air, diligently carrying out their tasks and making preparations for their employers. Meanwhile, Cale Henituse remained sprawled on his bed, fixating his vacant stare on the ceiling and occasionally blinking to prevent his eyes from becoming dry.

It's ridiculous

He couldn't escape the repeated echo of the word "ridiculous" in his mind as he struggled to comprehend the reality of his difficult predicament.

Why me?

The question that continually arose in Cale's mind.

Certainly, he may be the sole remaining human survivor, but is it truly what he desires?

Never wished for it

Was he glad to regress?

Never felt a single positive energy over this

Does he want this chance?

Never and will ever

Is he mentally healthy to survive?

..... logically speaking, this is full of bull-

What does he want?

Eternal Rest

As this situation and the logic behind it has already been labeled as "ridiculous", Cale didn't bother to come up with explanations to support whatever otherworldly phenomena is taking place.

He, currently, is too tired to think and too numb to even give a single energy to take action. Even the simple act of breathing has become challenging, with his chest burdened by an unprecedented weight.

Cale has now gained a profound understanding of the essence of laziness, whether it is characterized by a lack of motivation to move or the incapacity of the mind to command the body into action. In either case, he finds himself fatigued and immobilized.

Yet, as soon as the clock struck 6, Cale's heightened senses, honed over nearly three decades of living amidst battle, involuntarily surged into action.

Footsteps couldn't be heard, but the familiar presence helped Cale identify who entered his room.

It was his Butler, ever since he was merely a child, Ron.

Rejection instantly filled his small body. He didn't want to meet him.

He doesn't want to see him!

And that smell of lemon and iron coming from his Butler brings him a strong urge to jump off his bed and take off, away from the said man.

Ron slowly crept towards the oversized bed, where he could only see the head of his Master as his whole body is covered by the blanket.

Ron was surprised to see his Master or he'd rather call, Young Master awake this early in the morning

Cale's body stiffened as he detected the faint sound of Ron's breathing, so subtle that he had to concentrate to perceive it.

Ron felt a bit of sympathy for this Puppy Young Master of his.

He must've had a nightmare.

For he could understand as it was only yesterday when the Countess, Cale's Mother, was found dead in the vicinity of Harris Village.

(A/N: I changed things a bit, originally Cale was supposed to be 8 when Jour died but here, he's currently 10)

"Greetings Young Master, it's time to wake up as the County will hold the funeral for the Countess by Eight. Please have your morning milk while this servant, Ron, prepare your bath"

Don't! Just leave, leave this instant! I don't want to see you, to smell your scent, to hear your voice and to feel your presence.

Ron bowed before turning and proceeded to do as he said. Preparing his Young Master's bath.

Don't come back....please....just don't.

Ron came back some time later and found the milk untouched and his Young Master still blankly staring at the ceiling.

"Young Master, the Count will be saddened by your absence" with these words, the immovable Cale finally stirred and groggily sat up. He did his best not to stiffen up and run away.

Cale reached out for the glass of milk, his stiffening finger reaching out, finishing it in one gulp, flipping the sheet of him, sliding off the bed and walked towards the bathroom. He did his best to move as fast as he can, and as far from Ron as possible.

You're still a kid and you know nothing. Don't run and suck it up.

Cale mumbled inside his head, repeating it like a mantra. Reminding his self to act normal every second that pass.

But I long forgotten how I act normally as a kid.

Ron watched these movements and observed that it was done rather odd. His Young Master was out of focus and done these movements by pure sub consciousness and it looked a bit stiff, Robotically rather if he knows what that even means.

Ron helped his Young Master bath as he didn't moved an inch after settling himself in the bathtub. It must have impacted his Young Master greatly, the news of the Countess Death.

Ron dressed Cale in a formal black funeral attire and helped him move to look for the count.

Ron and Cale reached the graveyard made solely for his Mother, his Father was waiting for him while other relatives and close family friends are standing behind his Father.

Cale walked straight to his Father and didn't bother to spare any other insignificant people a glance.

Ron was not the only one he didn't want to see, his whole family is a part of them too.

He could feel himself unconsciously rejecting being in their presence.

He stood beside his Father but his Father, Deruth, didn't even notice the presence of his own son beside him as he cried, that is until he felt a hand patting his back.

This comforting action made Deruth glance to his side and saw his son staring blankly at his own Mother's casket.

Cale frowned behind the bangs that hides the upper half of his face.

Forcing his hand to be flexible and touch his Father.

Even the slightest touch makes him shiver.

The sight of his Father's hand clutching on it's pants reminded him of the hand that was detached from his father's body.

The bloody scene forced him to shut his eyes.

Everything went in a blur, the next thing Cale saw was him hugging his crying Father, whispering words of comfort.

Cale took deep breathes, afraid that he might hyperventilate. Him hugging the warm body of his father brings him back to the time when he's hugging the cold and unmoving body of his own Father.

The following days went as Cale expected it to go, his own Father avoided him like a plague and buried his self in a pile of works and locked his self in his room.

It was good for him too.

Cale felt the same suffocating atmosphere, it was making him breathe harder than normal. But the numbness rooted in his soul made him ignore the former feelings.

One night, Cale couldn't sleep, he never did ever since he woke up in this young body.

Those wretched memories still hunts his consciousness til in this lifetime.

He went to the family's wine cellar and expertly opened the door with only wires.

As he stood in the middle of the cellar, sorrounded by shelves that held bottles of wine, Cale thought for a second.

Can I even drink now? I'm still a child.

His eyes landed on one of the wine bottle.

It's only wine, it won't be able to kill me.

He raised his hand and forced it to reach out, grabbing the bottle with force, Cale stored as much wine as he could in his storage bag while also making sure that no one will notice that some of the bottle of wines are missing.

After leaving the cellar, Cale went back to his room.

It was dark and silent, just like when he left.

Nothing was out of place, he could still vividly remember how he spent time with his mother here. And he was happy those moments were not many, he's afraid it might hunt him to his sleep.

After dying twice, living for 2 lifetimes, he learned that these happy memories could be poisonous. and this poison in incurable.

He sat by the sofa, popped the bottle open and didn't even bother to look for a wine glass. Cale drank directly from the mouth of the bottle.

Cale could feel his blood boiling from the first gulp but what he wanted was not for the wine to make his blood boil but to knock him out completely.

Immediately emptying a whole bottle of wine, Cale could finally feel it affecting both his body and consciousness.

Ah, it's working. Having a young body that has yet to drink a sip of alcohol is great.

Cale forced his consciousness to stay awake and cleaned every trace of his drinking session with magic before cleaning his body again then laid in bed.

And just like that, Cale would drink a bottle of wine every night so he could sleep properly but of course, relief is a fleeting emotion.

Cale soon became immune to to a bottle of wine, it could only make his face redded now but it's no longer helpful with his sleep, he'd have to drink 2 bottles of wine to knock himself to sleep. And as time passed, the amount of bottles of wine he consumes every night also increased.

From 2 bottles of wine every night, it turned to 10.

Cale stared at the emptied bottles of wine the next morning.

If it were back to earth where he lived in Korea, he'll be dead from overdose.

But as he already knew, normal logic never worked here. For some reasons, this world's logic is on a whole new level.

And he only realized this when he lived as Kim Rook Soo.

Cale knew that he would die if he continued this so he decided to tire his body and mind as much as he could.

This is how Cale's everyday life resembled that of a King.

After waking up, he will do simple stretches and exercises to warm his body up before practicing his swordsmanship in the field and other skills secretly.

The former might be a light exercise but the latter is heavy in all aspects.

After that he would take half of his Father's Paper loads and take care of it for the rest of the morning, in the afternoon he would half his time for classes and reading books in the library.

And at night, he would continue training his body until he drop before dinner, which he mostly skip from. If he was not tired enough he'd drink 2 to 3 bottles of wine to knock him out.

Out of the three meals he usually have every day, he only eat on lunch, but he'll make sure Ron and Beacrox won't know.

He'd rather die than having their piercing eyes on him every second.

And for some odd reason, quite proud of it, Cale managed to avoid Ron as much as he could without making the old man suspect.

He also made sure to ask Hans, the soon-to-be Deputy Butler if his Father already ate, since he always receive a yes, he soon stopped asking but will still ask from time to time as an act of thoughtfulness.

And just like that, nearly a whole year passed when the unexpected (expected) news came to him.

Although he could handle their presence by now, he still felt uncomfortable and the subconscious rejection against them proves how much he's getting worse as time goes by.

His Father summoned him to his office, probably to introduce the new Countess and Basen.

As he entered the Office, the same scene appeared before him.

Deruth and Violan drinking tea while Basen was reading a book, but their attention focused on him when he entered the room, he felt terrible.

It was as if he destroyed a family bonding where he isn't included.

"Father, greetings. You've called me?"

Cale's gaze swept over Basen's figure and it made him smile inside, Basen looked like a child of Countess Violan and Father.

Deruth coughed before he slowly placed his hand above Violan's, this action didn't escaped Cale's keen eyes and much to his relief, it no longer affected him.

It still does, but lying to myself for comfort wouldn't hurt.

"Cale, greet the new Countess. From now on, Violan will be your new Mother so call her Mother, and this is Basen, her son. He is now a Henituse like you and is now your Brother.

Violan and I just held a private wedding this morning, I wanted to have you there but we decided for it to be only us. Even Basen wasn't there.

Cale, from now on they are your new family" more like your new family, Cale wanted to reply but he, too, knew that Violan and Basen are kind hearted people and they are not to blame.

And to think you didn't bother to ask for my permission and just went by your will and only bothered to inform me later on-

Cale lowered his head and greeted them properly.

"Greetings Mother, Brother" ah, it feels so empty suddenly. Cale felt like shit.

I feel emptier compared to before I entered the room. I should really start avoiding these people.

The moment he stood straight once again, he saw Deruth's happy face together with Violan's and Basen's delighted expressions.

They too greeted him.

At least he's happy.

Cale managed to force out a smile before he turned to his Father.

"Father, Mother, Brother, if you'll excuse me, I still have classes to attend" he bowed one last time and left the room feeling terribly suffocated.

My cravings to disappear just got worse than intended.

Cale found himself at the doorsteps of Kitchen 2, he entered the kitchen absentmindedly but soon froze when his eyes met Beacrox's.

Ah, I forgot Beacrox is always in the Kitchen except in midnights.

Cale chuckled inside as he proceeded to enter the kitchen.


Cale's voice came out vulnerable. For the first time to what feels like forever, Cale wanted comfort.

The moment Beacrox heard the way the redhead called him, he froze.

It felt like it's been a long time since he last heard the red head call him that, although it's only been a year.

Beacrox once again met Cale's teary eyes and found it to be filled with mix emotions.

But what he noticed the most is the despair and sadness swirling like madness in those reddish-brown eyes.


Like a broken record, Cale called out to him again and again while standing there like a lost and abandoned puppy.

It was as if Cale was asking for an oasis in the middle of a dessert, somewhere far far away from his comfortable home.

Cale never broke eye contact with Beacrox, afraid that if he did, he'll wake up and found out that everything that transpired was nothing but his lucid dream.

Beacrox felt something blocking his airways as he found his body moving by itself, engulfing the redhead within his arms.

He felt the red head's body weakened as his broken cries echoed through the kitchen and probably even to the hallways outside.

The cries just got louder and louder, and each second Beacrox hear those cries, blades came and stab his heart. One by one.

As he continuously listened to the broken cries coming from the red head, he didn't notice how it slowly was breaking his heart as he was too focused comforting the little one.

Beacrox knew himself too well, and he knew that he knows nothing about comforting someone.

Yet he find himself whispering words of comfort like "it's okay", "I'm here", "Everything will be fine", "Hyung's here" or "You can cry it all out" to the redhead.

He regrets it. No, he despised himself even more.

Despite knowing that the redhead is slowly breaking inside, he and his Father both did nothing. As they both see him only as a duty.

Now, hugging the crying redhead tightly in his arms, Beacrox finally accepted the fact that he long recognize the redhead not only as a duty but also as a cute yet troublesome little brother.

And that little brother he recognized is now breaking down in his arms, crying quietly as he already lost his voice from crying out loud early on.

He could feel it, the sadness, the despair, the depression and even the emotions he couldn't recognize.

He could feel it and it was slowly affecting him.

Reminding him of unwanted memories.

Memories he buried deep with in his head.

The memories of his Mother being dragged to her death by masked guys in black resurfaced to his head.

It hurts, the helplessness, the sadness, the pain of not being able to save your loved one.

He knew it all and it hurts.

The vulnerability

But unlike the redhead in his arms, he have his Father to comfort him just like his Father have him.

But the redhead has no one.

Not now when his own Father just got his own family and is still neglecting the red head.

It didn't take long for the redhead to lose his consciousness.

Beacrox couldn't help but sigh to relieve some of his worries.

Propping himself up and carried the redhead in bridal style.

Beacrox prepared himself to leave the kitchen.

However before he could even leave, the door creaked open and came, his Father, Ron with his usual benign smile.

Though that smile on his face didn't stay long as it soon dropped when Ron eyed the unconscious redhead in his son's arms.

If he, Beacrox, too wasn't worried for the redhead in his arms, he would have chuckled in amusement at his father's uncalled change of expression.

Ron was just waiting for his Young Master to attend his classes like usual, but half an hour passed and his Young Master is nowhere to be seen.

Ron left to look for Cale and he heard from the maids that Cale came to Kitchen 2 looking agitated.

He thought the Young Master was just hungry or craving for some food.

He didn't expect to see the redhead unconscious in his son's arms.

Ron stared at the unconscious redhead and his son for a couple of seconds before asking.

"What happened?"

"He vented some pent up emotions" Beacrox didn't hesitate to answer, albeit ambiguously, and with that, Ron finally understood the whole ordeal.

"I see. Let me take care of him, you can change your clothes" Ron took Cale from Beacrox arms and carefully settled the redhead in a comfortable position before eyeing his son's tears soaked clothes.

Ron turned his heels and left the kitchen.


It was already dark when Cale woke up and found himself in his bed.

The memories of his whole shenanigans came rushing to him.

He felt both embarrassed, he wish to bury himself 6 feet under, and annoyed to the fact that he cried and broke down in Beacrox's arms.

Of all people....it just have to be him...ughhhh.

Cale buried his face in his palms from too much embarrassment before sighing in resignation and helped(forced) his body up.

The embarrassing feeling didn't stay, no emotions did.

All emotions that he felt will always be fleeting.

Leaving soon after.

It must've been an effect of the numbness in his heart.

Cale's thoughts starts rushing miles away from the play he pulled earlier.

Preparation is what he need.

From the novel that took place in this world that he once read as Kim Rook Soo, Cale knew the locations of different ancient powers and ways to get them.

He already started developing his skills, so his estimation is about 50 percent sure to be able to survive on his own.

But he still hasn't reached swordsmaster level, and only if he reached that level will he have a hundred percentage survival rate.

Cale decided to start moving, however, just as he stood in his feet, he felt pain at the back of his head and he fell unconscious.

What woke him up is the danger lurking around him. He didn't sense any ill intent but the danger is still evident.

He soon recognize the place he gained consciousness as nothing but a dark room.

He first thought it was the God of Death's domain coz he's been there for 3 times already but he soon found something different.

Compared to the cold, dark and uncomfortable domain of the God of Death. This domain is rather comfortable, it's warm, although still dark but at least, he could feel comfort.


Cale didn't flinch at the voice, as he already met the God of Death and already have the courage to even curse him at his face.

"Who are you?"

-I am glad you could find the difference between me and Death. I am Dark and as my name is, I am the God of Darkness. I am hoping you too knew the difference between Darkness and Death

The solemn but gentle voice once again entered Cale's ears. Cale looked down and realized he couldn't see whatever form he is in now.

"I do. There's a big difference, unlike Death, you could say Darkness has 10x less limitations to what it could do" Cale answered in a matter of fact tone.

And he's not lying, unlike death that rules over people's lifespan, darkness rules over people's mind, emotions and the surrounding or environment itself.

-I am glad if your thoughts are so. Child, answer my question and my powers shall be yours. Where do you think darkness exist?

"....what do you mean by your powers shall be mine? Wait, are you turning me into your saint?

If you are then I am telling you, because of that Son of a Bitch God of Death I no longer trust gods. Much less someone I never heard of"

Cale frowned in displeasure at the thought of being a Saint.

He doesn't want to be some holy man.

Fuck, he couldn't even bring himself to imagine himself wearing some holy fucking robes!

-you can rest assured, Child. I am not turning you into my saint because there is no need to.

If you could go through the memories of the world tree, you'll find not a single saint of Darkness.

That is because a saint is useless to me.

Faith of the humans is useless to me.

I am in no need of their prayers and belief

Cale sighed in relief but the frown never left his face. He got trust issues with gods because of that God of Death.

"I see, so what's in it for you? This must be some fair deal for sure coz I don't wanna be scammed. If you're letting me use your power, there must be something you want of fair price"

In Cale's opinion, all gods are son of a bitch.

-you are smart, my child. I give you that. But unlike Death, I find no interest in, from your words, scamming someone. Much less a human. The only reason why Death is scamming humans with his unfair trade is because unlike me he rose to Godhood

Okay, maybe not all gods.

"Rose to godhood? You mean Death isn't a born god and you are?" Cale raised a brow at the new information, this one isn't told in any history books, holy books or grimoire.

He only knew this from novels that came from pure theories.

-yes I am, child. Inevitable elements like Darkness and Light that couldn't be avoided have born Gods to represent them.

Unlike Death, where all Gods could simply avoid.

Darkness and Light is something even gods couldn't avoid.

Even me, the God of Darkness still have a tinge of Light inside me.

Unlike Born Gods, the Gods that rose to Godhood has limitations.

On the contrary, us, Born Gods, has no limitations.

Especially to our powers.

Even the world's consciousness couldn't go against us if we, Born Gods, decided to do something the World's consciousness wouldn't like.

If a God who rose to Godhood do the same, they will be punished or even worse, have their Godhead removed.

This is the difference between the Born Gods and the Gods who rose to Godhood.

Cale felt a sense of pleasure at the God of Death's misfortune.

"....so, what's in it for you? What do you want me to do?"

Cale scrutinized the God of Darkness which was nowhere near his sight.

-my children, protect them. Even if you cannot save and protect all of them. You can save and protect as much as you can.

Children? Children of Darkness? There's such a thing?

"Is there really a need for 'me' to do it? Just as you said earlier, you could interfere with the world as much as you want right?" Now Cale is confused, is this God scheming something? coz I tell you I lived decades scamming people.

-yes, but once I interfere there will be an imbalance in the world that might cause it to break.

If I interfere all other Gods must also interfere at the same time to keep the balance

..I guess even born gods are not omnipotent

"I see. Okay, I agree. We shouldn't decline opportunities these days. I can use as much as I want with no backlash right? And can you specify these children you're talking about?" It's better to be clear than promise things that couldn't be done.

-yes, you can use it as much as you want. My children are the beings born with Dark Attributes, like the Dark Elves. But child, you still have to answer my question to be able to receive my powers

Yeah, that's good to hear. Definitely good to hear.

"Ah right, what's the question again?" I may or may not be listening as I was primarily thinking you're another scam.

-Where do you think darkness exist?



-Good luck, my child. This time, I hope you are to succeed. Use my powers up to your greatest desires.

I will surely do. Expect more actually. I will be looting every enemies' treasures and even some temples when I feel like it. Especially the temple of that motherf****r, God of Death.


Cale woke up gasping for breath with his whole body soaked in sweat and something sticky and black.

What the fuck is this? It smells bad. So bad.

Cale frowned in displeasure and rang the bell calling whichever servant is available.

Two maids entered and he have them change his whole bed and prepare his bath.

Cale took a bath 3 times to make sure he won't smell.

Cale found a couple of additional memories in his head as he change his clothes.

These memories contains all different ways you could use the Power of Darkness and Cale must say, things could never be much more convenient with this.

Things like cloning, disguise, and teleporting is now nothing to him. He could do it and could even go as far as he want as long as there is darkness.

Even if there is only a bit of shadows.

There are other convenient things he could do.

Like shape-shifting, Cale could say that he is now a being of Darkness.

Chuckling at the newly acquired power, Cale felt nothing but joy.

But as the other emotions he felt, it was fleeting and soon disappeared.

But that didn't stop him from having ideas over his powers.

He could even steal money from afar just by sucking it from the shadows, what's more great than that?

Treasures expect my visit~

Cale smiled widely before sitting down and writing all ancient powers he needed to achieve.

Even with the Power of Darkness, he still needs to collect this ancient power before that son of another bitch White Star get them before him.

We can't have that bastard turning much more powerful that he is now could we?

Cale went out of his room and to his office. As the only, or maybe not the only since Basen is already here, Heir, he has his own office to work in.

Cale entered the room and lit every candle and lamp.

Cale glanced at the newly stacked up documents in his table, before pulling every drawer in the table looking for clean empty papers to write into.

Instead of finding clean blank papers, he found a blank leather notebook.

Cale thought it could do and brought the book atop his table with the pen and ink.

Cale wrote down everything he should do for the following years.

He should start creating a mess somewhere far from Rain City to avoid suspicion.

Eastern Continent, Ron's and Beacrox's homeland. That should also be where most of the Secret bases of Arm is located. And probably even the Dragon Egg, who was soon restrained and tortured by Venion Stan.

He's currently 10 years old so he's a hundred percent sure he wouldn't be getting any permission to leave any time soon.

Looks like I can only sneak out.

Closing the book, Cale, for the first time, used the Power of Darkness to turn his hair brown.

After all, he's the only red head known in this Kingdom.

Cale started to feel the shadows swirling beneath his feet, it soon enveloped his whole body before he disappeared and reappeared in an unusually noisy marketplace.

Despite it being past 12 midnight, the market street is as bustling as it is in the morning.

Cale raised his head, and the twinkling stars and smiling moon greeted him.

The sky is beautiful tonight too.

Cale once again was enveloped by darkness, disappeared and reappeared in the middle of the Forest of Darkness.

He could feel different creatures around him, but not one is human.

Ah no, there's a human not far from here.

But he's not interested with that human.


....human? Perhaps......Choi Han?

"....no sh!t"

Cale ignored the mutated monsters hiding around because he is sure that he is recognized as one of them.

He still wonders why.

-that is because the moment you accepted my power, you became a no racer, child

Cale momentarily paused at that.

"My dear God, you're still here" Cale huffed in indignation. Was he watching me this whole time? What a creep.

-I am always watching you child for you became my child the moment you accepted my power

Cale started to feel ominous.

"Child? You mean like a became a half-god or lesser God or something?"

-yes, a no racer is also known as a divine being, from the moment you accepted my power you became one with Darkness

"That's a good thing right?" Cale chuckled nervously. He doesn't want to be prayed upon, that would be much worse than being a Saint.

-don't worry, Child. Although I did say you're a no racer which is also called a Divine being, you have no Divine power inside you. Only darkness. So Saints, Dragons and Elves will find no connection between you and me

"Good, that's good" Cale sighed in relief. Nothing is better than average.

Cale suddenly thought of something.

"Hey, God. Is there a Child of Darkness in this Forest? Coz I mean, it's not the Forest of Darkness for nothing right?" Cale chuckled a bit finding humor in his own words.

-there are, the Shadow Fox Tribe up north and the Black Wolf Tribe west. There's also a swamp that is filled with Dead Mana of a dragon, you might want to get it, lest it reaches the enemies' hands and there's also an ancient power in the dragon corpse in it

Cale processed the words and felt a bit sense of hurriedness.

Cale immediately bought his feet to where the poisonous swamp he knew is located.

The moment he saw the sight of the swamp, that darkness reminded him of his findings earlier.

Wait, let's not get out of track, that punk Choi Han is here.

"God of Darkness, you know Choi Han right?"

-yes, it's the unfortunate Single-lifer

".... I don't know what the fuck is a single-lifer but from the unfortunate, I could say we're talking about the same guy. Ah fuck, yeah that guy is here right?" Please say no

-yes, he's here. And having a hard time for a long long time. You could say that Sealed God even got into this child's head.

Sealed what? Yeah, I totally didn't get wha-no wait, sealed god, puzzle city, white star- ah fuck!

"Should I help? Or leave his future up to fate?"

-.....up to you¯\_(ツ)_/¯

...this useless piece of-

-I can hear your thoughts

"Fuck off, pervert"

-pervert!? Me!? Am not! And you're not even my type!

".... you're gay?"

-...... I'm not! Gods have no sexuality

"You literally panicked!" 

-why are you even arguing with me!? Just take care of that korean boy who'll beat you up in the future!

Ughh! He won, damn him. I'll have my revenge, just you wait-

Cale knew that arguing with a god like some childish brat is way beyond his age but for some reason he couldn't help it, and that irritates him even more. Must be his brain adapting to his body and age, oh how he wish to actually stop whatever development is taking place inside that little organ hiding in his skull - for it definitely isn't helping.

-that gaze of yours is sending me ominous signs, get rid of it

Fuck off

"Yeah yeah whatever, since it's here, I might as well help. But how? I don't wanna show myself"

-cloning is a thing boi

This damned- haah!! -- wanna compliment him but he'll surely tease me about it so no

Cale finally sighed in resignation and decided to shift the topic.

"God, how will I even gain the trust of your children? Wait, do they even need my help? I mean, will the White star even.....no that's a ridiculous question, of course that asshat would touch them. If it can't be a friend then it's can only be a foe must be his(WS) only saying for his people" Cale asked questions to the God of Darkness that soon turned into a monologue.

-do not worry my child, I already sent them a message and they will feel familiarity with you

"Ah yes, that's good to hear" Cale was brought back to reality by the voice of the God.

Cale started to concentrate and gathered as much darkness as he could in between his palms.

As he gathered a ball of darkness 5 times the size of an adult's head, he started to mold it into an adult's body.

And then...

Cale snapped his fingers and the mass of darkness in a shape of an adult body gained an appearance of an adult Cale with glasses that looked a bit of the calm and intellectual type of person. His long hair complimented his intellectual appearance.

It was wearing a simple navy long sleeved top and black pants added with a pair of black leather shoes.

He would look good in that glasses with a mage cloak.

Cale pictured a dark red mage cloak before creating it out of thin air

"Wear it" he ordered as the adult in front wore it wordlessly.

"Perfect" Cale felt proud of his creation before his expression morphed into that full of seriousness.

"Take care of that punk"

The adult red head wordlessly nodded as a magic circle appeared beneath him and the teleportation spell was casted silently.

"Ah, and your name will be Cain" Cale spoke before the other red head could fully disappear.

Now that Choi Han is bound to be taken care of, Cale set his eyes to the sight before him.

Everything is black.

The plants, the swamp, the soil. It's black.

Cale took out big bottles with the blessing of the God of Darkness so it could store dead mana without being destroyed.

Cale successfully emptied the swamp and the bones of the dragon came to sight.

Cale stared at the darken bones of a dragon. Cale felt his face twitching when he heard a voice.

-do you know what it means to dominate?

An ancient power? And 3 of that? In one place? What the actual fuck? This gotta be fake

"I do" Cale answered in a daze as he is still processing the unbelievable fact that the rare ancient powers is found on one place, and there's three of them.

-dominating is to take away everything, even the enemy's breath. Do you know what the easiest way to take your enemy's breath is?

Are you fucking telling me that that damnable White Star obtained this?

"....Fear" is the answer

-dominate your enemies that they won't be able to breathe merely by your presence

Cale felt the ancient power entering his soul, and it wasn't only one that entered but two more. The Dragon Slaying Sword and the White Crown is inside him too. As to how he knew, thanks to the God talking in his head.

-... Congratulations child, you got the Trio Ancient Powers the Former White Star created with his life

"Am I supposed to be a Dragon Slayer now?" Cale felt nervous.

One, he likes dragons, they're majestic and everything nice.

Two, he's not comfortable with killing them.

-it depends, but I wouldn't recommend it, you'll anger lots of creatures

Cale scowled at the words of the God. He shouted in his mind in anger.

I wasn't even planning to be one! Okay?!

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