Normal Girl |Book 1| Piperazzi

By RissRojas

13 3 0

Amazon Summons was forced to move to L.A, but she was nowhere near ware about what was gonna come her way. Dr... More

Chapter 1: L.A
Chapter 3: Gavin

Chapter 2: Goatfam

1 1 0
By RissRojas

As soon as we got inside Jenna and Piper ran up to me. "Amazon, you look amazing' i smiled, "You look better" i hugegd them then we left to hair and makeup again, when i got their i say Hayden getting his hair and makeup too, but it's kinda weird guys have to get their makeup done. I went and sat down

next to Hayden because it was an empty seat. "Your the weird girl from yesterday right?" I laughed. "Yes i am, annd your Hayden right?" He nodded. "How was your. First day" I looked at him. "It went really good" My charater Delilah plays Tk's and

Birdie's younger sister, so i would of been in Mani if i came sooner. "Glad". Then the lady came in to do my hair. "See ya on set Amazon" i waved good bye as he left. She did my hair and makeup then after i went outside to the main room. I sat down next to Jenna and Piper. I sat in betwen them and laid on Jenna.

We started talking then Coco and Aide came up. "Amazon hey" i smiled at them"hey" "So do you wanna hang out after today with my suqad" i thought about it for a moment, "sure" she smiled. "Great see you later" Aiden finally spoke then they left.

"Hey do you guys wanna do a tik tok" me and Jenna agreed then we got it ready and did the tik tok. While we were doing it my phone buzzed. After finishing the tik tok we posted it.

(Just piture or add me in it )​​​

***End Of The Day***

At the end of the day i said goodbye to Jenna and Piper then left with Coco and Aiden. Once we got into the car i noticed that the messege from eirlier was from Gavin, he said hi, i responded with,

Official_AmazonSummons: I go to Goat House😁

After sending that to him Coco, Aiden, and i did some car tik toks then posted them. My phone buzzed again and i opened it to see.After a good ride we arrived at The Goat house. We got out and wnent inside. "Wow this place is amazing." They laughed as wej

went inside. We walked tot he kitchen where evryone wa at. "Guys this is Amazon, Amazont his is the crew. "Sarah" she ponted

at the girl with long blond hair. "Niccolet" the girl with short dark brown hair. ''Ryker' guy with mop-ish light brown hair. "Jacob" guy with red/light brown curly hair. "Lexi" girl with blond/light brown hair cuddiling wit Jacob.

"Delijah" colored guy (no rcism at all) "Paesha Poe" girl with orange/red hair. "Krischelle Delgado" gIrl with dark brown curly hair. "Ruby Lightfoot" with blond- ish brown-is hair. "Solowflo" guy with banie waring all green and yellow. "And last but not leaste Gavin" the guy with brown hair, blond tips, pink hat, and heart earings.

I looked over at Gavin, do you beleave in love at first sight? Well good it's not real. "Oh my gosh i love your outfit" i smiled at Sarah and accepted her complament. "Aww thank you i love your too" she smiled then i went and sat down in between Coco and Sarah. As we were talking Niccolet suggested we do a video. We all agreed on doing a video so we decided 24 hours in the trampoline.We went outside and started the video, "Hey guys wassup it's ya boy Gavin and today we have a very extreme video for you. "My feet hurt" Coco complained and pretended to pout, i gave in and bent down a little for her to get on my back, "yay''. She got on my back and i basically carried her through the hole intro.

We went to the store and as soona s we go their Brian split us up into two's. "Alright Gavin and Amazon" me and Gavin went together waiting for everyone else to get their partners so we could go. Finally everyone got their partners. "Alright what do we need" i shrugged my shulders in responce. "Water jug" "just don't drink it all at once" he laughed, "right" We went and grabbe a gaderade water jug then moved on. After we got the rest of our stuff we went to go check out. Once we got back to the Goat House we begun to do the video. (Im gonna skip to the end of the video because nothing good happens) Me and Gavin ended up wining. I was s exited it took so long and i was so hot after 'If you guys enjoyed this video don't forget to like and subscribe'' and then just like that the video was over. Coco jumped on my abck again, for some random reason that gurl loves piggy back rides. We went inside to hang out in the AC.

I went over to the couch and trew Coco on the couch. "Hey you weren't done" i laughed then sat down next to Coco, Niccolet, and Sarah and it was already 10;pm so we spent the whole day filming the video. It was really fun tho.Ihave tomorrow off from the set tho so i can just chill and relax at home or with some friends. As we were talking i got a message from Blair. Omg he sighned me, omg im so happy right now.

***The Next Day***

I was siting on my bed and uploading my first youtube video hen i got a messege from Gavin asking to hang out😁 I said yes and were supposed to be at stabucks in an hour. So i quickly got up and got ready.




Hair (i died my hair full black last night)




Phone Case

After getting ready i ran downstairs to eat breakfast. I made myself a grilled cheese because i don't like breakfast foods. I got myself some coffee and sat down at the table. When i was almost done with my food July came in and looked at it, ''really Amazon, a grilled cheese'' i nodded and let my stupidity come out. One i was done eating and cleaning my dishes I asked my mom to drop me off at the mall. Once i got to the mall i almost immeditaly saw Gavin. He was wearing his pink sweater and. ''Hey'' he smiled, ''hey''

⚠️Warning Full Cringe⚠️

We went to Starbucks and got some kiwi star fruit's because we don't like coffee. After odering we went to sophora. We both took our turns looking at lipglosses. When i was looking i found one that i'm pretty sure Solowflo would like. "Hay Gavin do you think Solowflo would like this?', he walked up to me to get a betetr view. ''Probibly'' i shrugged and put it in the cart. "I'll messege Solo and let him know we have something for him." I nodded then continued looking for more makeup. I decided to buy the Jefery Star pallet because i've been wanting it for a while. Once we were done at the mall we went to The Goat house where Solo was. The car ride was a little quiet but comfortable quiet. "Amazon''he called to me whil recording me on snapchat. I tunred my head and did the peace sighn then we both laughed. I leaned in as we rewatched the video.

Finnally we got to The Goat House. We both got out and went inside. "It seems like every time i see you your hairs a new color" Niccolet says coming up to me, i laughed then hugge her along with the rest of th girls. "Wheres Solo?" Gavin asked. "Upstairs" we both went upstairs to where her was. As soon as we got their i threw the bag at him. He looked down at it. "What is this" "just open it" he shock his head."no i don't trust either of you guys" He put the bag on the other side of him. "It's makeup" he just looked up at me for a moment then looked back and forth at both of us, then he slightly peaked it open. I couldn't help it anymore i cacke up because the way he was doing it. He finally opened it to see what we said, MAKEUP. He looked up and smiled at us, "oh thanks guys" i rolled my eyes then went downstair leaving Solow and Gavin.

I sat down next to Coco, Sarah, and Niccolett. We were doing tik toks when Zoe came and sat on my lap getting all comfortable. We just laughed. Ryker came and sat down at the only empty seat In the living room. "I think she likes you" i just smiled and laughed. "I think so too" Then Ellie got up and laid in between me and Ryker. Me and Ryker just started talking about random stuff when i got a messege from Piper asking if i could come over. I said yes but i needed to make one stop real quick, i was gonna go see Txunami, Enzo, and Elliana at The Vibe Crew. "Hey guys im dip" "AWW"I laughed then hugged everyoe goodbye. Then i went into the kitche to tell Gavin bye. "Bye Gavin." "Bye" and then i left.

⚠️Warning Cringe Over⚠️

***At Vibe Crew***

"Amazon" Txunamy ran up to me and jumped on me. "Good to see you to" I walked over to the couch where Walker was sitting and i dropped her on the couch. ''Amazon" Elliana, Txunamy and Coronnie came up to me. Once Enzo came up to me we did our secret hand shake. By this time everyone was in the room. ''Guys this is Amazon, Amazon plays Delilah in Chicken Girls, Amazon this is our squad''. "Do you have a boyfriend?"the girl next to me blurted out like i did, i just laughed. "Ava" "what she's pretty somyou would think she has a boyfriend.l i just continued to smile. "Thanks but i dont have a boyfriend." "So how long can you be here.'' I looked at her for a moent. ''Not that long, i was supposed to go to Piper's house right no' she noded.'' OkAY well then bye' 'i hugged them bye, ''see you guys tomorrow on set'' then i left.

Once i got in Piper's house she ran up to me. ''Amazon i need to ask you something''. I followed Piper into the room. ''Amazon do you like hanging out with us'' i nodded then looke at Jenna who was next to her. ''Would you be willing to spend a lot more time with us'' I looked back and forth at both of them. ''What's going on'' i nodded my head. ''Yes'' and then the room went quiet. ''W want you to be apart of the Piperazzi squad,' ' my eyes got all big and i laned forward and sat straight in my chair. ''So will you join''. I looked at her in shock and confusion until i finally anwsered. ''Yes'', Jenna and Pioper smile, ''great your officcially part of the squad''

***Next Day***

So today i have to go on set today, but im okay with it becauselove being on set today, i love everyone and everyone is amazing. I don't go in til later so after im done getting ready im gonna go visit my friends in the vibe crew.









Phone case

After getting ready i walked to the vibe house because it's not that far from me. Once i got their all i heard was "AMAZON!!!" Then Ava ran at me and jumped on me. "Oh i missed you too" then i went to the couch and dropped her on the couch. After dropping her i went to Elliana's room. "Elliana". Walked in and saw all the girls in their. "Hey Amazon" she got up and hugged me. "Hey Indi" she got up and hugged me too. I sat down next to Txunami. "I'm just gonna take your outfit" I just laughed. "Hah good luck". "I'll be right back" i got up and walked to the living room where Walker happens to be sitting on his phone. I get along with the boys pretty good but not with Walker. I sat down next to him. "Hey Walker" he put his phone down and smiled at me. "Hey Amazon, hey did you join a squad yet"

"yea, I'm in Pipers squad" his facial expressions changed. "Why" she shock his head. "Nothing". He went quiet for a moment, "you probely don't know this but i used to be in Pipers squad before you came," "What happened" "Lev and i both liked her, and she liked both of us, but she chose Lev, i mean i'm over her and stuff but i just don't really wanna talk to her" I nodded my head. "Oh i'm sorry" He smiled. "It's cool, i'm glad your here" We started talking about random stuff, Walker is amazing, he's funny, he's weird, he's sweet, he's super cute, oh no.😦

***On Set***

So today is the day where i guess all three of the squads are coming today and are gonna come on set today and watch us act witch is gonna be very weird, Walker, Gavin, and i all in the same place at once. Once i got their i walked in with my bff Jenna because we drove here together. We walked in and went our separate ways. I went to go find Hayden. When i finally found him he was talking to Indiana. "Hey stranger" he turned around and saw me. "Hey, your not gonna bump into me again are you?" I laughed. "Hah no" 'So how was your day yesterday" i thought about it for a moment. "It was good, and the weirdest part was I have so many friends" and as i was saying that Hayley came and gave me a hug from the back. I turned to face Hayley. "Hey Hayley" and i gave her a hug, then i turned back around to see Hayden. "Touce" was all he said as he walked away.

I turned back to face Hayley, "good job" and then we gave each other a high five. Me and Hayley went over to the hair and makeup and we both took a seat next to Mads. We sat down and watched as they did her makeup. "It's looks amazing"she smiled, "I know right, these people are really good with makeup". I smiled then stop talking because the lady came to do my makeup. Once she was done me and Hayley both said goodbye to Mads then we went to hang out with Indiana and Brooke. We all stood by they wall talking and laughing. "Hey Jenna" i said as Jenna begun to walk to us, "hey guys" she walked up to me and as usual i have to look up to her. "You know what I'm done with this, today i'm gonna be the bigger person, i got up and jumped on Indiana making myself taller, then i looked down at Jenna.

''Hah'' i said pointing down at her. She just laughed, ''hey, do not laugh''. She pointed to the squads. ''Let's go hang out with the squads'' i begun to shake my head, ''no'' but she just said the opposite 'Yes, you have to eventually might as well do it now'' i just rolled my eyes and got off of Indiana and we began to walk to the squads. Once we got their i hugged Simone from her from her back, she put her hands on my arms and hugged me. ''Hey guys'' i smiled as me and Jenna came around to face Simone. We sat down next to Simone and Hayley joined us, she came and sat down next to us. ''Scene 1, Delilah, Harmony, Kate and Brittany,'' i got up and walked over to the stage.

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