(On Hiatus) Cyborg's Little T...

By MelonManic

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Read if this seems appealing or just don't the writing also gets better throughout the chapters DESCRIPTION ... More

WAKE UP (ch 1)
the entrance exam (ch 2)
First day of... school? (ch 3)
Battle training (ch 4)
Class... Rep? (ch 5)
Unforseen Simulated Disaster (Ch6)
One V One's (ch 8)
Awakening (ch 9)
The Festivals End (ch 10)
Hero Names? (ch 11)
Internships (ch 12)
Reaveled... (ch 13)
Shut Up! (ch 15)
shit, I apologize
IM BACK (just an update)

The Normalness returning (ch 14)

173 3 2
By MelonManic

The reason behind the picture and why this chapter took so long chapter
(The pic at the top is one of the reasons this update took so long if you want to see the finished product find my Instagram, its got the same name as what usually sign my works with it just has a melon guy as profile pic the actual finished pic will be add the day after this chapter releases. It has been added)

Y/n's pov

*Back at the hospital after their near deaths*

Izuku: L/n are you sure your ok

Y/n: huh, yeah man, don't worry about it *eye twitches*

Izuku: o-ok

Roki: L/n do you know what happened to Ultron

Y/n: I haven't heard that name in years

Roki: I just- nevermind that, do know what happened to him

Y/n: donno maybe I beat with pure willpower or something, oo maybe I'll become a green lantern, with a power ring or-

Roki: pure willpower? Alright I suppose that works so long as he's actually gone-


Roki: at least your back to normal

Group chat


🔥Roki❄️ And Edgelord🖤 are online

were in the same room L/n

greeyttings copmrade


dark shadow?

nno it's fuuymmifcdygdjncthvv

you mean fuyumi, wait...

You're not with my sister right?

whhart huow

that would explain the bumpy text, if he's clapping her cheeks

Watch it L/n, we don't if he actually with my sister

but still

I apologize for typos it would appear you've caught me at a bad time

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

L/n stop

alright, alright...
So whats your excuse for taking roki's sister


I assure you, I'm not with todoroki's sister

what's with the typos?

we were chasing hawks, we seem to have taken a brief break so I cant talk long


so why did you have to get everyone's attention for the group chat

oh yeah, I can proudly announce that Ultron is gone

Edgelord🖤 is offline


Maybe his time is up


clearly not

🔥Roki❄️ Is offline


You are offline

*few days after the "the incident" and first day back*

Ejiro, hanto and Y/n: *in unison* pfhahahha, holy crap, what the heck bakugo

Katsuki: quit laughing! my hairs gotten use to this and I can't get it back the right way, do you not hear me I'll kill the three of you


Hanto: I'd like to see you try pretty boy

Katsuki: WHAT DID YOU CALL ME *hair explodes to normal*

Ejiro: *dying*

Y/n: Hey, there it goes

*Some other class nonsense later (I can't be bothered to put all the dialogue in)*

Denki: now, if you want to talk about the ones who really changed, it was those four

Hanto: oh, yeah the hero killer

Ejiro: glad you guys made it back alive, seriously

Y/n: well-

Momo: I worried about you, too

Y/n:... Roki-

Roki: s h u t

Sato: you were lucky endeavor showed up to save you guys

Tori: so cool, just what I'd expect from the number two hero

Y/n:... Hehe, oh yeah he definitely saved our *sses

Roki: yeah, that's right he saved us

Y/n: I could've handled that bastard if I was in my right mind

Roki: *Death glare*

Y/n: and if endeavor hadn't stepped in

Ojiro: did you guys hear the news about the hero killer?


Roki: *slams his foot on Y/n's

Y/n: OW F*CK

Roki: you were saying

Ojiro: Everyones saying he was somehow connected to the league of villains,

Y/n:... (Wait, didn't...)


Ultron: this has gone on long enough

Roki: huh

Izuku: eh

Tenya: wha-

Ultron: *shoots stain with plasma gun causing a broke rib to Pierce one of his lungs* (your welcome... Shigaraki)

*flashback end*-~-~-~-~-~

Mashirao: can you Imagine how frightening it would've been if that creep had been there when they attacked the USJ?

Y/n: (I should ask about this shigaraki guy, he sounds important, and why was Ultron helping him)

Denki: he's scary yeah, but did you see him in that weird video, it's all over the internet

Mashirao: I didn't even know there was a video of him

Denki: yeah, stains a pretty evil villain, but, like, super tenacious, he's almost kinda cool, dontcha guys think?

Izuku: kaminari

Denki: uh- oh- dude!

Tenya: no it's ok, it is cool he's quit-

Y/n: when really think about, if He had decided to be a hero he'd be a force to be reckoned with

Izuku: oh, yeah

Y/n: I wonder if he'd be willing to teach me some sword skills

Roki: he was just trying to kill you a few days ago

Y/n: yeah but now that he out of his murderous rampage he'd be more willing

Tenya: still desipe his motives, killing cannot be condoned to keep-

Y/n: Wait, wait, but what if he was being push to murder, like he didn't want to but had to

Tenya: the fact of the matter is he still did, although is he was forced...

Y/n:... Huh (ultron, you didn't do anything stupid right? Well I don't even know why I try, your not even here, stupid*ss b*tch)

Tenya: I promise, I will strive to be perfect hero-

Y/n: not f*cking possible

Tenya: wh-what do you mean

Y/n: the perfect hero doesn't exist, won't exist and if it will exist it'll be me, not your "ReCklESslY cHaRGe INto bATtLE kNOwInG I cAN't BEaT mY OpPOnEnT bUT IS tO bLInDEd bY rEVeNge To LET IT GO *SS" but good luck on your quest *thumbs up*

Tenya: it's time for class to begin-

Y/n: wait how the fu-

Tenya: everyone, please take your seats.

Fumi: he's back

Kyoko: this is your fault for talking about weird stuff

Denki: sorry, I'm gonna keep my mouth shut

Y/n: I think maybe the yelling was a bit much

Roki: you think?

*Time skip brought to you by daredevil smashing she-hulk... wait*

All might: I AM HERE

Y/n: *mumbles* then f*cking go away

All might: hope your ready to get to return to our lessons, today it's hero basic training Feels like I haven't seen you in a while, welcome back, now then, listen carefully for what's in store, were going to be conducting a little race

Y/n: (easy, im easley the fastest in this class, none of them can touch me, this gonna be so easy, especially with the stuff I learned from genos hehe)

All might: take everything you've learned from your internships and apply it to this rescue training

Tenya: *raises hand* if it's rescue training shouldn't we be at the USJ instead

Y/n: you idiot, you think thats the only place to learn rescue training

Tenya: raise your hand don't just blurt out-

All might: the USJ specializes in disasters, as I said earlier, this Is a race, so prepare, your about to step into field gamma, inside, is an area full of factories that form an intricate labyrinth, so good luck finding your way around, you'll be competing in groups of five, each person starts from a different location on the outskirts of the model city, I'll send a distress signal, and you do what you you must to rescue me, whoever find me first wins, (in other words whoever gets to all might first wins) but try to keep the property damage to a bare minimum please

Katsuki: why are you pointing at me

All might: all right first group, get to your places

First group - Izuku, Mashirao, tenya, hanto, and ashido

Second group - Shoto, Rikido, Toru, ejiro, and Y/n

Third and fourth groups - I couldn't be bothered

All might: all right group two, BEGIN

Instantly roki creates a giant ice wall with him at the top of it, he then drops and land on more ice, skating on top of the labyrinth, Rikido, Toru, and ejiro are moving at a slower pace since there quirks don't help their speed much but one man was doing nothing but talking to himself at this time

Y/n: what should I eat for dinner, I had pizza last night

Denki: what's he doing

Momo: why isn't he doing anything

Kyoko: you think he has plan

Momo: it's not likely based off his class performance

Mashirao: well he gotta have something why else would he just stand there

Izuku: huh

Y/n: roki? Huh hes getting pretty close huh, guess I should get started *scans labyrinth* nice and easy path, now I shall parkour through using multiple boosters, hehe like I said im the fastest and i always will be

*Boosters activating*

*hovering off of the ground*

*And incredible speeds*

(Hehe, lets pretend that's not genos... And that I found a gif for this)

Y/n: hehe, Y/n's coming

In a matter of seconds Y/n had caught up to roki and slowed down to his speed

Y/n: hello roki

Roki: how di-

And then he was gone, he landed on a pipe then jumped back off of it lunging him on to another forward similar to how katsuki and izuku maneuver but Y/n stays airborne for longer periods of time and stays within the labyrinth

Izuku: woah


All might: congratulations young L/n you have won the race

Y/n: oh, it was nothing

Roki: *lands* how did you get here so fast

Y/n: huh, of I resumed my internship like, a day or two after the stain thing, and then genos show me a few ways to increase my speed

Roki: like?

Y/n: alright I just copied his new shoulder boosters, and practiced with him, it works surprisingly well with this terrain, otherwise I would've just used my cap-pack

*Time skip brought by the horrible moon knight finale*

Here I am wondering why Im feel nervous while on my way to the development studio I wonder...

Y/n: (this is stupid, this is stupid, I should jus-)


Y/n: *jumps* WTF

Mei: oop, sorry uhhhh... what was your name again?

Y/n:... You what

Mei:... I forgot your name, but I swear we've met before what was it...

Y/n:... Deez

Mei: oh right, so Mr deez-

Y/n: Deez nuts HA


Y/n: *laughing*

Then mei vanishes, and comes out with a gun with an awkward looking spiral on it and a fin on top

(Image for your weak imagination https://www.artstation.com/artwork/qAa4 ze Link)

Y/n: ooo, what's that

Mei: let's see

Y/n: wait wha- AAAHHHH F*CK

Mei pulled the trigger and electricity trailed the spiral part of the gun then shot of the tip and into my thigh


Mei: oh it works

Y/n: wait, you didn't know if it was gonna work, what kind maniac-


Y/n: w-wait my name's, Y/n- Y/N HELP

Mei: *evil laugh*

Y/n: *gulp* I'm in dange- OW WTF

Mei: I thought it might have short circuit

Y/n: now I want that gun

Mei: if you copy this you'll explode

Y/n: i- wait did you just say... explode

Mei: yup, I upgraded most my baby's so you can only copy the ones I want, oh I haven't tested this baby


Mei: *sigh* there not made to be copied, so the second you form one it'll explode, and you'll explode, do you want to explode

Y/n:... Well... What can I have

Mei: oh I finished this baby a little while ago

Y/n: cool, what'd you finish

Mei: your gonna love this, behold

(I really wanted to use megaminds but couldn't find a good pic so I had to find a different one, just desaturate them so it's different) https://progameguides.com/fortnite-cosmetic/hulk-smashers/ here link it not mine obviously)

Y/n: wow, now I must have it

Mei: well you can't it's actually for someone else, it should still work pretty well for you especially for your fina- ahem i- I mean... I've be rambling I'll just-

Y/n:... What about finals

Mei: what about what about finals

Y/n: you know what we're doing for finals don't you

Mei: NO what idiot told you that

Y/n: i- wait- does that mean...

Mei: anyway, I hope you enjoy that baby, is there any other requests you have tho

Y/n: oh yeah, I was thinking something like metal sonics chest laser that doubles as a booster that makes him go as fast as sonic, although I don't think it would fit in my hero costume with modifications

Mei: who's metal sonic?

Y/n: I don't know Google it, wait you guys have Google here in Japan right?

Mei: there are search engines

Y/n: but do you have Google, all other search engines are useless to Google

Mei: it's not that great

Y/n: ah here we go, this is metal sonic

He then shows mei a picture of metal sonic the hedgehog on his phone

(Dis da picture if you have a lac of imagination or you've been stuck in the basement for the past millennial https://sonic.fandom.com/wiki/Metal_Sonic and of course a link)

Mei:... We-

Y/n: this part in the middle was what I was talking about, it be cool to have it but I don't think it would work without there being holes in my hero costume, altho I managed to copy shadows shoes so that's something

Mei:... What if... We minimized it and put it in your hand, or turned it in to a glove

Y/n: oh yeah that could work

Mei: GREAT, I'll get right to work

Y/n: (now's your chance bro, pull her away from her work and take her on date that'd make deku jealous) g-great I'll leave you to it (you f*cking dumb*ss) f*ck

Mei: what was that



Y/n:... I'mma go now

Mei:... Ok

Y/n: *scans gauntlets quickly* I'll take that gun too *scans gun* hehe

Mei *smirks*

*Sometime later at home*

Y/n: *forms electric gun* who's the smart on now


Y/n: heh guess she was bluffing, now how does this thing work


Y/n: why do I feel a sense of deja vu-


Y/n: AH FU-


Suddenly a big explosion had happened from inside his apartment and now theirs a hole in said apartment, should've just taken the gauntlets idiot

Y/n: f*ck you mei

*The development studio*

Mei: hehe

Alright I got out another chapter I want to get this out yesterday but forgot, so I managed get here today because I remembered, also realized this a shorter chapter than usual so... There. Now I'm sure there's something out there for you to read or more likely to read, so go do that

ALSO THAT PIC AT THE VERY TOP IS MINE SO DON'T STEEL IT I'm to lazy to sign it, it just appear signed in the future tho, magic

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