Masquerade [BANG CHAN FF]

By Anna_Hiwatari

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Rich or poor, young or old, it doesn't matter. All you need for the big Friday night masquerade is... a mask... More

1. New teacher
3. Last normal weekend
4. First day at the new job
5. Excursion
6. Kind Prince
7. Bedtime stories
8. Young noblemen
9. Dance lesson
10. Caught in a lie
11. Afternoon tea
12. Apology
13. Black magical cat
14. Autumn festival
15. Under the mistletoe

2. First night out

650 39 109
By Anna_Hiwatari

Two small lamps delivered warm light to the room from the small white vanity where a variety of cosmetics were laid out. A young woman sat in front of the mirror, looking at her friend through her reflection, and she stared back at her, mouth agape as she stopped combing her long and wavy brown hair.

"What?" Alissa whispered, not blinking.

Madeline sighed, "As I said--"

"I heard what you said!" Alissa huffed and came in front of Madeline who sat still in her chair, "I mean... I want to congratulate you on getting the job but... I also don't..." the blonde bit her lip.

"What? Why? I thought you'd be happy..." Madeline frowned, now curious as to why was her friend shocked at first but was worried now.

Alissa sat on the small stool by the vanity, let out a quiet sigh, and then looked up at her friend again, "When you told me that you applied for that job and will go to the interview, I secretly hoped you won't pass... I didn't want to scare you but..." Alissa paused, biting her lips and looking up at her friend, "Do you know that the royals search for a new tutor every couple of months?" Alissa asked and Madeline shook her head slightly, "And do you know the reason why? It's because those people who come to teach, both men and women, can't handle those siblings!" Alissa raised her voice but calmed down fast, continuing her story, "The twins are a handful of trouble - they're either late or don't show up for the class at all. When they do attend the class, the tutor doesn't even teach - it's constant shouting and bickering among themselves and competition between the children as to who can tease the teacher more. They only settle down when their father and mother come to check on them. And don't even think that complaining to the king or queen about their children's behavior would help you. Many tried that approach and were instantly kicked out of the castle, losing their job on the spot," Alissa talked, noticing how frightened Madeline's expression became, "And then we have Prince Christopher..." Alissa sighed and stood up from the stool, walking around the room with a frown on her face.

"What? What about him?" Madeline asked carefully but loud enough for Alissa to stop and turn to her, frowning big. Alissa marched and grabbed her friend by the shoulders, almost shaking her wildly.

"I lived in this town long enough to witness his crude and despicable behavior towards women, which he has no problem of displaying. Yet..." Alissa let go of Madeline's shoulders and started walking around the room again, "Girls swarm around him like flies. Let me tell you - he once tried flirting with me too!" Alissa chuckled but became serious fast, "Yeah, I was taken by his sweet words and flirtatious nature but seeing him being like that with every girl in the room made me almost throw up. So, if he approaches you tonight, don't be stupid and believe his compliments and gentle touch."

"He will be there?" Madeline asked, the thought of the rude prince upsetting her stomach.

"Of course! Prince Christopher never misses the Friday masquerade," Alissa came behind Madeline, taking her long and soft brunette hair in her hands again and carefully moving the brush through it, "Though, he's not attending on his own free will," Alissa shrugged and Madeline got curious. They locked eyes in the mirror again. "He's bored most of the time, sitting in his chair on the pedestal while the others dance. Masquerade is the king's idea for the royals and other nobles to mingle with the common world and His Royal Highness apparently doesn't like it - he's basically forced to go. However, he likes it because of variety of girls he gets to choose one from..."

"What if he recognizes me?" Madeline asked, staring at Alissa through the mirror, getting nervous jitters roaming through her body. "I don't want to go... now that you told me all of that.."

The blonde woman smiled and patted Madeline's shoulders, "You will go and you won't be alone - I'm here. Also... leave the disguise to me."

‿︵‿︵‿୨ ୧‿︵‿︵‿

Night came upon the capital and every Friday night was special - people of different statuses walked down the main street and toward the large building, all of them dressed elegantly and all wearing beautiful masks over their eyes.

Women, dressed in their elegant ball gowns, held hands with their male partners who wore just as elegant suits. There were people of all ages entering the ballroom with an orchestra already playing in the background. The legal age for attending the masquerade was 21, making Madeline eligible for the party.

Two friends walked together down the concrete road, dressed in elegant gowns, masks over their eyes, and hair done in distinguish style of the era, with Alissa giving Madeline some last-minute advice.

"Since this is your first time attending the masquerade, try to dance with as many people as possible. The more people you mingle with, the better it'll be," Alissa spoke, lifting the skirt of her ball gown in order not to trip on the long fabric.

It was already past 8 o'clock, the masquerade party had begun an hour ago but many people were still entering the venue. Madeline was never a social butterfly and the thought of needing to be in a crowded place and meet new people created a tight double knot in her stomach.

"Why must I do that?" Madeline asked her friend after bowing to two guards who opened the ballroom doors for them.

The question was never answered as the immediate noise of music and chatter splashed Madeline. She looked at the people in front of her, all dancing in the same, well-known, waltz rhythm, and gulped. A slight feeling of nostalgia pinched her heart, the sight of dancing people making Madeline remember how she, also, danced in a bright and large ballroom during her college years. Then a dark memory hit her head and she closed her eyes, as the anxious feeling of standing alone in the middle of the dark room, with the limelight shining on her sad figure, overtook her being. Her trust in men was broken that night...

"Hey, there's the prince," Alissa whispered close to Madeline's ear and the young brunette opened her eyes, pushing away her sad memories to look in the direction Alissa was talking about. And surely, on the high pedestal, dressed in an all-white suit and wearing a black mask over his eyes, sat the blond prince.

Christopher was leaning on the back of the tall velvet chair with a carved wooden frame, watching the people who danced on the marble floor in front of him. Madeline noticed that some people were sitting on both sides of the prince.

On his right sat a young woman, her sand-colored hair put up in a stylish hairstyle, and her tight corset gown, decorated with gemstones, showed her noble status. The woman was talking to another young woman who sat beside her. They were friends since all they did was whisper to one another, gossiping about the people in front of them.

On the prince's left side was another blond young man, also dressed in pure white clothes but wearing a white mask on his face. This man talked to two girls sitting next to him and would occasionally say something to the prince. Madeline noticed that no one besides the two young blond men wore white.

"Who is the girl sitting next to the prince?" Madeline whispered to Alissa as they made their way through the crowd by the wall.

"Oh, that's Lady Gwendolyn, Duke Armstrong's daughter," Alissa answered, taking two champagne glasses from the silver tray that the masked server offered them. She gave one tall glass to Madeline, leaning close to tell her more about the lady in a jeweled dress.

"There's a rumor circulating the town that Lady Gwendolyn is engaged to Prince Christopher but the castle hasn't confirmed that yet so it's only a rumor, I don't believe it is true. Plus, she's so stuck up, I don't like her - she looks down on the commoners and takes any opportunity to insult anyone who's not of noble status... She's now probably gossiping with her friend over there about the dresses common women are wearing tonight." Alissa clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes, taking the first sip of a bubbly drink in her hand.

Madeline looked up at the lady, remembering how annoyed Princess Hannah was today when she mentioned Lady Gwendolyn as the prince's ball partner. Watching the young woman now, Madeline got a clue that what Alissa said was surely true as neither the lady nor the prince acted like they were in love - she was talking to her friend while the prince was sitting silently, watching the dancing people.

"And who are the other blond man and those girls?" Madeline asked her friend again.

"Oh, that's the prince's closest friend - Sir Lee Felix. His family owns a lot of land. The Duchy of Lee family is very prosperous. And those girls are his sisters - the one closest to him is his older sister, Rachel, and the other is his younger sister, Olivia," Alissa explained, occasionally taking small sips of champagne.

"Then, why doesn't the prince get engaged with one of those sisters instead of letting the rumor about him and Lady Gwendolyn spread?" Madeline asked again, making Alissa chuckle at her question.

"No way," Alissa waved her hand in reply, laughing. "The prince grew up with those people - he considers Felix his brother just like how he sees those girls as his sisters. They are all close friends." Alissa chuckled again, the alcohol from the champagne already making her relaxed and giggly.

Madeline, on the other hand, didn't take even a smallest sip of the drink - she hated alcohol; just the smell of it would make her gag. She held the champagne glass far away from her face.

"But, don't worry," Alissa leaned to her friend again, "Lady Gwen isn't going to sit in that chair forever. The prince has a different girl sitting there every week or two..." Alissa paused, her words shocking Madeline who stared at the gossiping lady, "And Lady Gwen is aware that she's only with the prince for a quick sex."

"What?!" Madeline shouted and jumped away from Alissa, her screeching voice louder than the music, making everyone in the room turn to look at her... including the bored prince.

From his high seat, the masked prince could easily track all the stares that were directed at the young woman dressed in a light-beige ball gown with a matching mask on her face. Just like everyone around her, he too watched the flustered young woman apologizing and stuttering. Christopher frowned at the foolish unknown female but didn't miss the embarrassed blush spreading across her face, as well as a young man approaching the foolish girl, extending his hand, and asking her for a dance.

The prince watched as the brown-haired girl lifted her skirt and bowed, taking the male's hand a bit hesitantly. Her friend, dressed in a yellow ball gown, which matched her hair color, encouraged the girl so the "foolish one" carefully stepped into the dance area, positioning her arms all so elegantly on her partner. Christopher noticed her perfect stance, the way she curved her body so that it perfectly laid in the male's arms as if he was her mold and she was his clay.

They began dancing and the prince's body tensed. He was immediately pulled in by the gracious and smooth movements of their bodies, especially hers. The girl looked as if she was gliding on the surface of the water, as if she was flying in the crowded room, making her way in between other dancing pairs, her loose brown waves gently following behind her, matching the rhythm of the dance. But... It also seemed as if the girl was leading the dance so the prince's eyes were glued on her, following her every step. Her male partner seemed non-existent - she radiated such grace that the prince held his breath and didn't dare to blink, in order not to miss anything.

The five-minute song ended for what it seemed in a second and the pairs separated, thanking and bowing to each other. Christopher was still staring at the brunette woman, releasing a breath he wasn't aware of holding.

A sudden tug on his right sleeve pulled him back to reality and away from the young woman in the dance area.

"Your Highness..." a squeaky voice made him roll his eyes but he put on the sweetest smile and turned to Gwendolyn who continued talking in her fake babied voice, "Would you like to dance with me now?" Lady Gwendolyn pleaded, pouting her lower lip like a child and fluttering her eyelashes. Her way of seducing made Christopher's stomach turn but he held his nausea well.

Prince Christopher took her hand that gripped his sleeve and gently kissed the top of it, "I am sorry, my lady, but not tonight," his eyes met her watery ones but Gwen fake-sniffled, pulling herself together after just as fake disappointed sigh.

She then leaned close to Christopher's ear with new intention, "Is our... appointment... still valid for tonight?" she smiled, coming back to look into the prince's dark eyes which made her shiver with excitement.

"Of course, darling," he answered, kissing her hand again, "Wait for me in Han's inn at midnight and I'll be there."

The prince's words made the young duchess giggle. She stood up from her seat and, along with her friend, stepped down the pedestal, mixed with the crowd, and exited the venue.

Prince Christopher stood up from his chair when he lost sight of Lady Gwendolyn. He began fixing his suit, his eyes searching for the elegant brown-haired dancer. The prince's sudden change in behavior made his friend look up at him, stopping the chat he had with his sisters.

"Chris...?" Felix asked, watching his smiling friend from his seat.

The prince looked down at his seated friend and just continued smiling. The younger male recognized that smile and didn't need to ask anything else. He only replied with a nod.

Felix watched as Christopher walked down and made his way through the crowd. He found his new prey, Felix thought and sighed, already feeling sorry for the unknown female. She'll be swept by Christopher's charm and have her heart broken by the end of his game.

But Madeline was already warned about the flirty prince and she tried to get to know as many people as possible in order to avoid him yet...

Alissa nudged Madeline and they both stopped talking to two men who previously came to them and just stared at the approaching prince. And just like everyone whom he passed by, Alissa and Madeline bowed to the prince as well.

"Your Highness..." young women greeted him.

Straightening up, Madeline's hazel eyes were captivated by the prince's dark ones. The brown shade of his pupils was so dark, almost fading into black, that it made Madeline freeze in front of him. He wasn't as frightening as he was at the interview that afternoon but his glare still made her tense up.

His focus was all on Madeline, "Your beautiful face is unfamiliar to me," the prince spoke with a smile, placing his hand over his chest, "If I ever met you before, I surely wouldn't forget you. Your lovely face would be engraved into my mind forever, just like your elegant dancing a few minutes ago... But I can swear I haven't met you before Miss...?"

He was asking for her name and Madeline had to think fast - she definitely couldn't tell him her real name! She also wondered if the fake drawn mole, a beauty mark on her right cheek, fooled the prince into not recognizing her.

"Liliana, Your Highness."

Combining her favorite flower and the name of her literature teacher, she blurted out a fake name and bowed to him again. Madeline noticed the prince's face softening as a bigger smile formed on his lips.

"Miss Liliana... It's a pleasure to meet you," Prince Christopher took her hand and planted a soft kiss on top of it, the soft and warm touch giving her stomach a tingle. Yet, she couldn't let herself get captivated by him - she promised her friend not to. Plus, she was his siblings' new teacher so she couldn't afford to be recognized if she wanted the job.

"Likewise..." Madeline uttered, taken aback by the prince's gesture. She bent her knees, lowering and saluting the prince who still held her hand.

That early afternoon, in the castle's large study room, he seemed serious and frightening. The man before her now was the complete opposite, a gentle prince charming. His touch was gentle, his stance relaxed, and his voice melodic. He was definitely using his charm, Madeline thought, feeling the warmth from the prince's fingers on her hand.

"Your Highness," Alissa's voice broke the moment and Prince Christopher looked at the blonde, releasing Madeline's hand, "Liliana is my cousin from Bredburg," she lied but her made-up story didn't help Madeline. "She's visiting and I wanted to show her our popular masquerade party. That's why you never saw her before..." Alissa's nervous laugh worsened the situation.

Prince Christopher chuckled and looked back at Madeline, "Bredburg, huh?" his smile was still present but Madeline could see that his eyes weren't smiling. She gulped, hoping that Alissa's story would not blow her cover. "That small town in the south? I didn't know they had a dancing school, being an agricultural town... If you said Yilton, Atheson, or maybe even Glemburn, I would've believed you. There is just no way that you learned to dance like that in your hometown," Christopher scoffed and Madeline panicked. Out of all the big cities in the Kingdom, Alissa had to pick the small agricultural one...

"Your Highness..." Madeline started, looking up at the prince directly into his eyes, and Christopher slightly raised his chin, waiting for her explanation. "If I may... I was born and raised in Bredburg. I don't hide the fact that my parents are farmers but I'm also proud to tell you that I studied ballroom dance in Atheson under a scholarship."

Madeline didn't have a choice - she had to play along with the story that Alissa has made in the hope that the prince believed in it.

Prince Christopher chuckled and nodded, "Then you surely must know my dear friend Hyunjin, as he too studied dancing in Atheson's prestige academy."

Madeline gulped again. Who didn't know or at least heard of Hwang Hyunjin? He was a young noble, a "prince of the stage", who specialized in all sorts of dances, a tall young man who would take everyone's breath away by just sheer appearance.

"I did hear about him, yes, but I never had a chance to meet him in person as he was all too popular and busy... I am a nobody compared to Sir Hyunjin..." Madeline pushed a weak smile and the prince took a step forward.

"There's only one way to prove that..." Christopher extended his left hand, a soft smile never leaving his lips.

"Miss Liliana... May I have this dance, please?"


To be continued...

A/N: Oooh, it's starting~

Towns mentioned are all made-up (using a random generator lol)

Reference photos...

All gowns the girls wear at the ball are from the first half 19th century fashion (Victorian Era):



And these are the Christopher and Felix we're going with in this story:

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